Just F*ck Me! (11 page)

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Authors: Eve Kingsley

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Psychology & Counseling, #Applied Psychology, #Sexuality, #Medical Books, #Psychology, #Self-Help, #Relationships, #Interpersonal Relations, #Love & Romance, #Marriage, #Counseling & Psychology

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Her legs up over his shoulders; him kneeling up a little and thrusting in hard. This is also a good position for spanking while in the Missionary position.


  • Pushing her legs to their widest position, again with the man kneeling. “Balls-deep” is the phrase you’re looking for here.


  • Forcing her to bend her legs to her chest, so her knees are by her ears, and putting his weight on her. Done correctly, he might be able to have both hands free to grab her hips for rhythm control, or for some spanking.


  • Pinning her hands down beside or above her head. By using both hands to do so, she is effectively pinned down; by using one hand, he can hold hers down while using his other hand to have his way with her while he’s inside her: grabbing a breast, tweaking a nipple, a finger or fingers or thumb in her mouth, tickling her clitoris, etc.


  • Lifting her toward him, and pulling her head back by her hair so he can nibble on her throat.


Doggie-style sex is great for the alpha male. He has much more control over her in this position.


  • He can grab a hold of her hips to dictate rhythm and movement. Also, he can be in control of how hard and deep he thrusts into her.


  • There can be lots of slapping and spanking in this position.


  • He can lean over and play with her breasts, or reach around to play with her clitoris.


  • He can cup his hand around her cheek, and force a finger into her mouth for sucking.


  • There can be a bit of ass play here, whether using fingering or applying pressure. (Just be mindful of where that finger goes next.)


While other positions can be pleasurable for you both, these are the only two where real domination can be asserted. However, this is about the bedroom only; why don’t we move on to the rest of the house, and see what we can find?


Gauge your own alpha male levels, and see if you can coordinate those times you’re feeling like the king of the world with getting it on with your honey. For example, are you feeling testosterone-y after a pickup basketball game with the guys or a hard workout? Let her experience your sweaty, manly self and your finely toned muscles.


Or, how about that morning wood? Put it to good use and ravish her! Now, that’s the way to start a day.


Depending on the level of comfort and your respective heights, there are many places in the home where some quick-and-dirty, rough sex can be had.


The keys to having successful alpha male sex in other areas of the home are spontaneity and roughness. When a man wants his woman, he doesn’t care where they are or what they are doing, he’s going to take her and have his way with her.


  • Bend her over the sofa armrest and “do” her from behind. The same goes for the kitchen counter and dining room table.


  • Home office? Swipe off the papers from the desk, and throw her on top of it.


  • Watching TV? How about she blows him during the commercial break, or he spreads her out on the coffee table.


  • Give her a good pounding while she’s sitting on the washing machine.


  • If she’s going up the stairs in front of you, wait until she is almost at the top, then lean her over so she’s on the landing, and kneel behind her.


  • Push her against a wall, pin her there and have sex standing up. Lift her up so she wraps her legs around you.


  • Is she having a nice, hot, steamy shower? Well, what are you waiting for? Get in there!


With this kind of inspiration in mind, you two might start to see your house in a whole new way. You’re really only limited by your imagination! Remember, make it quick and dirty.


And ladies, you can give your man a little nudge in this direction. Walk up those steps in a short skirt with no panties on. Lean over seductively to get the dishes out of the dishwasher. Hop up on the kitchen counter with your legs spread while you’re having a chat. He’ll get the message soon enough!


Anal Sex


Anal sex really is the final frontier for alpha male sex. However, it’s really not something you want to tackle for the first time while experimenting with sexual assertiveness. This is because it needs to be introduced slowly, not only in a gradual way into your sexual repertoire, but also physically slowly when you’re actually doing it.


There are some non-negotiable rules about anal:


  1. Use lubrication, and by that, I mean go into a store and buy real lube. Not spit, not olive oil, not massage oil. LUBE.


  1. Never go ass-to-mouth. No blowjobs after anal sex, no kissing after rimming, no eating her out after rimming her.


  1. Never go ass-to-vagina. Once you’re in, you’re in to win.


Any action near the anus should first be done with your fingers. Start by caressing lightly – like, butterfly-kisses-lightly – her ass cheeks and the crack of her ass. Keep moving back to fingering her vaginal area. Then, massage her ass using a bit more pressure, pushing with your palm a bit along her ass crack. While fingering her, move further and further back toward her anus, but don’t enter. Finally, work up to fingering the outside of her anus.


When it comes time to penetrating her anus with your finger, there are a few things to remember:


  1. Make sure she is physically relaxed and in a comfortable position before you try it.


  1. Have some lube nearby. You don’t want to be going in there dry.


  1. Make sure your nails are clipped short and smooth, with no hangnails or jagged edges.


  1. You can’t go back to fingering her vaginal area, so make sure she’s either already had an orgasm or that you’re willing to completely switch up your sexual position.


Gradually increase the pressure of your finger a bit at a time. Once finger penetration has been established, entering with two fingers should be done at the same time. Don’t get one in there and then try to squeeze the other one in; you run the risk of tearing sensitive skin.


While keeping an ever-steady rhythm, move your body lengthwise alongside hers, with yourself partly on top of her, and using your rhythmic movements, get both of your bodies into the rhythm of lovemaking.


When it’s penis time, you’ll want to do a little finger play at first, and get her comfortable. Let the tip of your penis push against her anus for several rounds of rhythmic movements, and slowly ease it in. Slow rhythm, slow penetration. It will take you a while to get fully inside her, and let yourself just kind of be in there a while before you start going for the gold.


And don’t forget, no matter how flaccid you become after orgasm, come out just as slowly as you went in. Don’t forget to check and make sure the condom came out with you.


The very act of anal sex is so dominant on the part of the male, that there really is no reason to cowboy it up while you’re back there. However, again, this is something that should be discussed between the two of you. If she winds up loving it and is totally into it, feel free to experiment with rough sex through the back door.


“Rough” Techniques


We’ve talked about several positions so far, and several different kinds of sex, including mutual masturbation and oral sex. Now, we’re going to delve a bit deeper into the techniques that can make these activities become all about the alpha male. We’ve gone over some of them before, but in this section I’ll explain them in a bit more detail, so it’s clear to both of you what is involved (although I’ll be speaking to the guys here).


Physical Assertion


Slapping and spanking are different from each other, believe it or not. Spanking is harder, for one, and is only done on her ass. Slapping is a bit lighter, and depending on the agreement you both come to, can be done on the ass, the outer thighs, and for the more advanced, and rarely, the face.


With any hitting like that, though, especially in sensitive areas, you want to gently rub first, then slap, then gently rub again. Otherwise, there can be an abusive connotation that you really don’t want lingering in the air. Also, it gives her warning that you’re about to do it, and afterward you’re doing for her what everyone’s natural reaction is to a physical action like that – gently rubbing the area to soothe it.


Hair pulling should not be done from the ends of the hair; that HURTS, and not in a good way. Instead, work your hand into her hair, as if you were going to cradle her head, and pull from the roots. This gives you greater control over her head movements, and will not hurt nearly as much.


Grabbing and clutching are excellent assertive actions to take, and they can help you communicate your passion and your level of excitement, too. As we’ve already learned, grabbing her hips or torso can help you control rhythm and movement. But sometimes, it’s just great to hang on for the ride!


You can also clutch her thighs, her upper arms, or any part of her that gives you the dominating position. How much force with which you do this, again, is entirely up to the both of you.


Pinching and tweaking her breasts, nipples or ass can be extremely titillating for her. There is a bit of the pleasure/pain principle involved here, and if your girl is into it, go for it.


Nibbling and biting can be a fun, primal way to show you’re the alpha male. Just be careful about breaking skin and leaving marks in obvious places!


Throwing her onto the bed is fun, dominant and oh-so-caveman. Just lift her up, extend your arms and let go. She’ll bounce around once or twice, and then it’s time for you to get on top, Baby!


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