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Authors: Colette Auclair

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Speaking of Brooke,
Beth also didn't show for the rest of that year or the beginning of the next—unless you counted her baby bump.


have a multitude
of people to thank because I am one lucky writer.

Thank you to the team at Simon & Schuster/Pocket Star for all their help and expertise. Melissa Gramstad, Marla Daniels, Ela Schwartz, the cover art department, and everyone else who has helped this book become a reality. And a gigantic thanks to Abby Zidle, for her patience, humor, and kindness as she Sherpa'd me through the treacherous second novel, broken jaw and all.

Thanks to Emily Sylvan Kim, for her expert agenting and especially for the timely pep talks.

I've had a couple broken bones, but I needed help with Finn's injury. Thank you to Nicole Gearing for sharing her (unfortunate) firsthand experience with broken bones. And to Reed Ayers, for sharing both his firsthand and professional experience with broken legs.

A long-distance thank-you to Helen Julianov, for sharing her Willow Tree Equestrian mobile boutique with my poster and postcards.

A whinny of thanks to Hilary Collins and Reed (again) for taking care of the real-life Brooke and making sure she had enough treats when her owner was writing and didn't make it to the barn.

My boundless gratitude to authors Tracy Brogan, Terri Osburn, Susan Boyer, Heather Ashby, Talia Quinn, and all the rest of the fabulous Firebirds for your ever-present support, shoulders to cry on, and ready wit. And to Joanne Kennedy for the encouraging emails precisely when I needed them.

Thank you to my readers. Writing a book for yourself is all well and good, but to have others read it—that's the dream. I wouldn't be here without you.

And finally, an eternal thank-you, Tom Auclair, for weeding the garden and walking the dog when I had to write. And for everything else.

About the Author

Colette Auclair has been a copywriter for more than twenty years. She's ridden and shown horses since she was ten and owns a lovely twenty-year-old Thoroughbred mare. She is curently working on the next novel in the Aspen Valley series.




Also by Colette Auclair


A sexy, stirring romance about taking a leap into love.

When Amanda Vogel accepts a summer job teaching the daughters of Grady Brunswick—the biggest action star in Hollywood—how to ride, she has to make a difficult choice: capturing Olympic gold or the man who's captured her heart. Hollywood—how to ride, she has to make a difficult choice: capturing Olympic gold or the man who's captured her heart.



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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Colette Auclair

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

First Pocket Star Books ebook edition August 2014

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Interior design by Leydiana Rodríguez-Ovalles

Cover design by Janet Perr

ISBN 978-1-4767-4581-7

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