Julie Garwood - [3 Book Box Set] (63 page)

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Authors: Gentle Warrior:Honor's Splendour:Lion's Lady

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Duncan’s bellow could be heard all the way up in the tower.

Gilard’s eyes widened. He’d never heard Duncan yell like that. Edmond strolled into the hallway just in time to watch Duncan leave.

“What’s got him so riled?” Gilard asked.

“Not what, Gilard, but who,” Edmond remarked.

“I don’t understand.”

Edmond smiled and then whacked his brother on the shoulder. “Neither does Duncan, but I wager he will soon enough.”

Chapter Thirteen

“The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. …”


Madelyne worked on her tapestry. Her mind wasn’t on the task, however, she kept repeating Duncan’s remarks. What had he meant when he told her she wasn’t going to be his captive much longer?

She knew she’d have to confront him soon. She’d been acting like such a coward and was honest enough to admit the truth. She was frightened of hearing his answers.

The door suddenly flew open. Adela rushed into the room. Duncan’s little sister was terribly distressed. She looked close to weeping.

Madelyne jumped to her feet. “Who has upset you so?” she demanded to know, already jumping to the conclusion that Duncan was responsible.

Adela burst into tears. Madelyne hurried to close the door. She put her arm around Adela then and led her over to one of the chairs. “Sit down and calm yourself. Why, it
can’t possibly be as terrible as you’re carrying on,” she soothed her.

Madelyne prayed she was right. “Tell me what has caused such tears and I’ll make it right again.”

Adela nodded, but once she looked up at Madelyne, she started crying again. Madelyne sat down on the stool facing Adela and patiently waited.

“Your brother has sent men to fetch you, Madelyne. Duncan allowed the messenger inside. That’s why you’ve been ordered back to your room. Duncan didn’t want the soldier to see you.”

“Why? Everyone knows I’m captive here. Louddon—”

“You misunderstand,” Adela interrupted. “Edmond told Gilard he thought Duncan didn’t want the messenger to see that you’re being treated well.” She paused to dab at the corners of her eyes with the cuff of her gown. “You do think you’ve been treated well, don’t you, Madelyne?”

“Good God, is that why you’re crying?” Madelyne asked. “Of course I’ve been treated well. Just look around you, Adela,” she added with a little smile. “Doesn’t my room look comfortable enough?”

“I shouldn’t have listened to what the messenger was telling Duncan, but I did. Gilard and Edmond were there and they heard every word too. Duncan didn’t make them leave. And no one noticed me, Madelyne. I’m certain of it.”

“Was the messenger from the king or from my brother?” Madelyne asked. She was so frightened inside now, yet knew she’d have to hide her fear from Adela. Aye, the sister depended on Madelyne’s strength, and she couldn’t fail her now.

“I don’t know who the message came from. I didn’t hear the beginning of what he was saying.”

“Tell me what you did hear,” Madelyne suggested.

“You’re to be taken to the king’s court immediately. The messenger said that even though you’ve been … soiled …” Adela’s voice cracked then and she paused to compose herself. Madelyne bit on her lower lip until it numbed. She fought the urge to grab Adela by her shoulders and shake the rest of the story out of her.

“You’re to be married as soon as you reach London.”

“I see,” Madelyne whispered. “We knew it was coming,
Adela. We knew Louddon would do something. Did you catch the name of the man I’m to wed?”

Adela nodded. “Morcar.”

The sister covered her face with her hands, weeping uncontrollably now. Madelyne didn’t have to hide her expression now. She thought she was going to be sick. “What about Duncan, Adela?” she managed to ask. “What did he say to this messenger? Was he in agreement?”

“He didn’t say a word. The soldier recited his message and then returned to the others waiting outside the walls.”

“How many soldiers did Louddon send?”

“I don’t know,” Adela whispered. “Edmond and Gilard were shouting at each other once the soldier had left. Duncan didn’t say anything. He just stood there in front of the fire with his hands clasped behind his back.”

“He separates himself,” Madelyne said.

“I don’t understand.”

“Your brother must assume two positions in his household, Adela. He is lord and he is brother. I can imagine what Edmond and Gilard were arguing about. Edmond would want me given over to Louddon as soon as possible, while Gilard would argue in favor of a battle to keep me here.”

Adela was shaking her head before Madelyne finished her suppositions. “Nay, Edmond doesn’t want you handed over to Louddon’s men,” she said.

“Edmond championed my cause?”

“He did,” Adela said. “And he suggested that I be sent to my sister, Catherine, for a brief visit. He’s worried that all of this will be too much for me. I don’t want to go anywhere. Catherine’s so much older than I am, and her husband is most unusual….”

Madelyne stood up and slowly walked over to the window. She opened the shutters and stared out into the wilderness. She knew she needed to gain control of the seething anger building inside her. “Did you know, Adela, that a Spartan child was taken from his mother at a very early age and sent to live with the soldiers? The little boys were taught to steal. It was considered cunning to be a good thief.”

“Madelyne, what are you talking about? How can you tell me stories now?”

Madelyne turned around, letting Adela see the tears
streaming down her cheeks. Adela had never seen Madelyne cry before.

“I find comfort in the old stories, Adela. They’re familiar to me. Once I’ve calmed my mind, I’ll be able to think clearly. Then I can decide what’s to be done.”

Adela, stunned into submission by the pain she saw in her friend’s eyes, quickly nodded.

Madelyne turned back to look out the window. She stared at the lower crest. And who will feed my wolf when I’m gone, she asked herself. Odd, but the picture of Duncan came into her mind. She confused him with her wolf, realized then that he needed as much taking care of as her wild beast. Probably more.

It didn’t make sense to her, this need to straighten out Duncan’s bleak life until she was satisfied with it.

“My uncle and I would sit before the fire every evening. I learned to play the psaltery. Uncle would join in with his viele some evenings when he wasn’t too tired. It was a most peaceful time, Adela.”

“Weren’t there any young people there, Madelyne? Every time you tell a story, you speak of such old, frail people.”

“Uncle Berton lived at the Grinsteade holding. Baron Morton was very old. And then Fathers Robert and Samuel came to stay with us as well. They all got along but I was the only one who’d play chess with Baron Morton. He cheated something fierce. Uncle said it wasn’t a sin, just cantankerous, ornery behavior because he was so old.”

Madelyne didn’t speak again for a long while. Adela stared into the fire while Madelyne stared out into the night.

It wasn’t working this time. Madelyne’s bid to gain control wasn’t going to happen. She could feel her composure cracking. Fury was building inside her.

“We must find someone to protect you,” Adela whispered.

“If I am forced to return to Louddon, all my plans will be ruined. I was going to go to Scotland. Edwythe would have welcomed me into her home.”

“Madelyne, Scotland is where—” Adela was about to explain that Catherine lived in Scotland and was married to a cousin of Scotland’s king.

She wasn’t given a chance to explain. “Why in God’s name am I worrying about my plans being ruined? Louddon
will kill me or give me to Morcar. Then Morcar will kill me.” Madelyne let out a harsh laugh, sending a shiver down Adela’s legs. “I still can’t believe Louddon is bothering with me. When he chased after Duncan after his fortress was destroyed, I thought he wanted to kill only Duncan. Yet now he has sent men for me.” Madelyne paused, shaking her head. “I don’t understand any of this.”

Before Adela could offer comfort, Madelyne suddenly turned and started for the door. “Madelyne. You must stay here. Duncan hasn’t given you permission—”

“I must find a protector, Adela, isn’t that the way of it?” she shouted over her shoulder. “Well, Duncan’s fit enough for the task.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Your brother is going to send Louddon’s men away. And I am going to instruct him on the matter now.”

Before Adela could caution Madelyne, her friend was out the door and running down the steps. Adela hurried after her. “Madelyne, you think to instruct my brother?” Her voice squeaked with worry.

“I do,” Madelyne shouted.

Adela had to sit down on the step. She was stunned by the change in Madelyne. Her dear friend had lost her mind. Adela watched Madelyne continue down the circular stairs, her hair flying out behind her. Only when Madelyne had disappeared down the next level did Adela realize she should try to help her. No matter how frightening the prospect, she was determined to face Duncan by Madelyne’s side. Why, she might even be able to speak up to him.

Madelyne reached the entrance to the hall and paused to gain a breath. Edmond and Gilard were seated across from each other at the dining table. Duncan was standing with his back to the entrance, directly in front of the blazing fire.

Edmond was just finishing his comments to his brothers. Madelyne only heard the last of what he was saying. “Then it’s agreed that Duncan will take her—”

Madelyne immediately jumped to the conclusion that everyone thought it a good idea to give her over to Louddon’s men.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Her bellow got an immediate reaction. Duncan slowly
turned around and looked at her. She watched him a long moment and then turned her attention to his brothers. Gilard had the audacity to smile, as if he found her outburst amusing, while Edmond, true to his contrary nature, scowled.

Duncan didn’t show any reaction. Madelyne picked up her skirts. She slowly walked over to stand directly in front of him. “You captured me, Duncan. That was your decision,” she announced. “Now I’ve a decision to tell you. I’m staying caught. Do I make myself clear on that issue?”

His eyes showed his surprise. Aye, he’d heard every word. And why wouldn’t he? she asked herself. She’d fairly roared her decision right into his face.

When he just continued to stare at her, Madelyne thought he might be trying to frighten her. Well, it wasn’t going to work this time. “You’re stuck with me, Duncan.”

Damn, her voice shook.

Edmond stood up, upsetting his chair. The sound turned Madelyne’s attention. She slowly walked over to the table, her hands on her hips. “You can rid yourself of that frown, Edmond, or I promise God I’ll smack it right off your face.”

Gilard watched Madelyne. He’d never seen her this angry. Did she actually think Duncan would send her back to Louddon? The realization made Gilard smile. Poor Madelyne. She obviously didn’t know Duncan very well. She wasn’t aware of her own importance either, he concluded. She’d worked herself into a fine state. Such a gentle little thing, yet hadn’t he just seen her challenge Duncan? If he hadn’t seen it, he wouldn’t have believed it possible. God help him, he started to laugh.

Madelyne heard him. She rounded to glare at him. “You find this amusing, Gilard?”

He made the mistake of nodding. He looked up at Madelyne just in time to see her hurl one of the jugs of ale at his head. Gilard dodged the jug, and when Madelyne picked up another, Edmond reached over her head and took it from her grasp. The two were standing side by side on the edge of the platform. Madelyne gave Edmond a hard shove with her hip. The middle brother promptly lost his balance and fell backward.

He landed on his backside. Edmond might have been able to stop the fall if the stool hadn’t gotten caught up in his
feet. Madelyne watched his puny efforts before turning back to Gilard. “Don’t you ever laugh at me again,” she demanded.

“Madelyne, come here,” Duncan ordered. He was leaning against the mantel, looking bored enough to fall asleep.

She obeyed without question and was almost across the room before she realized what she was doing. She stopped then, shaking her head. “I’m no longer taking orders from you, Duncan. You’ve no hold over me. I’m only a pawn to you. Kill me if you wish. I would prefer it to being sent back to Louddon.”

Her fingernails were digging into her palms. She couldn’t keep her hands from shaking.

He never took his gaze off her. “Edmond, Gilard, leave us now.” His command was softly given, yet there was an unmistakable edge of steel in his tone. “And take your sister with you.”

Adela had been hiding behind the wall next to the entrance. When she heard Duncan’s order, she rushed into the room. “I would like to stay here, Duncan, in the event Madelyne needs me.”

“You’ll go with your brothers,” Duncan stated. His voice had gone cold now, effectively stopping further argument.

Gilard took hold of Adela’s arm. “If you want me to stay, Madelyne—”

“Don’t contradict your brother’s order,” Madelyne interrupted. She hadn’t meant to shout the command.

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