Julia's Journey (A Coming Home Again Novel Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Julia's Journey (A Coming Home Again Novel Book 2)
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I look over at Julia and she seems unsure. I wink at her and
say. “I sure do Stan. That lady sitting beside you is my best friend.”

He pats Julia’s arm. “Good. You hold onto each other and
that friendship with all

“I plan on it,” I say. She nods her head in agreement.

“I need to ask you kids to do me a favor. It’s another
reason I came here to find you.”

“Anything,” Julia agrees.

“I need you to take

Julia looks shocked. “Are you sure about this?
was so special to Mrs. Betty.”

“I’m sure, sweetheart. I can’t tend to her like she needs.
is young. She needs a young couple to
take care of her. What do

He looks so hopeful, but I’m just not sure about this.
“Julia and I are just friends. We don’t live together and after this trip…” I
trail off when I see the hurt on her face and all I want to do is retract it.
“But hey.
and my girl will figure it out. It’ll be
an honor to do this for you.” She smiles at this but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
I don’t know where we’ll go after this trip, and I can’t make promises I’m not
sure I can keep.

We stick around long enough to gather all of
belongings and help Stan pack up so he can get back
on the road. He promised his family he would be home before dark and I sure do
hate to see the ole guy go. We exchange numbers with promises to keep in touch.
and Julia are now sitting in the RV, stunned still
by the unexpected day. It feels like we have been on a roller coaster of
emotions—happy to see Stan—sad to hear of Betty’s passing—shocked at being

It’s like Julia is reading my thoughts. She looks over at me
somberly and whispers, “What a day.”

is snuggled on her chest and she’s petting her. I reach
over and brush through the fluffy white fur too. “I know. It’s a lot to take

I ease my phone out after a while and I snap a picture of
the two girls. I send it to my parents and text –
I’m a dad
Both text back –





We’re back on the road today. We left out before the sun.
Greyson seems antsy to be on our way, but I’m going to
Georgia. And I’m already missing the mountains and hill country that I had gotten
so used to in the last few months. The world is now flat again. We are saying
hello to South Carolina today and this makes me uneasy. South Carolina is a
beautiful heart-shaped state rich in southern charm and culture. I just wish I
could appreciate my home state and have it not be marred by my past ghosts. I
haven’t been back in over a year now. I hope I can handle it better this time.

I sit here in the passenger seat, watching the trees flash
by as I pet
, who is perched in my lap. My
thoughts drift back to last night and I glance over at my unusually quiet
companion from the corner of my eye. He’s studying the road more intently than

Greyson surprised me last night when he pulled me into his
room and showed me the road trip map. He had added Bay Creek to the South
Carolina stops. He was so excited by it, but it only filled me with dread.

I had plopped down on the end of the bed from the weight of
it. “I don’t think I’m ready to go home again,” I whispered, and then I told
him about my dad passing away last year. That was the last time I had been back
to Bay Creek.

Greyson knew nothing about it, of course. How could he? He
fell to his knees in front of me and just held me for the longest time.

He looked up at me with such a remorseful expression. “I’m
so sorry, Julia. I suck.”

“Why?” I asked, while my fingers played through his thick

“I wasn’t there for you. I was too busy trying to hide my
sickness, and I didn’t think you might have needed me in that time.” He shook
his head in aggravation.

“Honey, you did what was best. Just don’t ever leave me out
like that again. Okay?”

He didn’t answer me. Instead he just pulled me back in his
arms and buried his face in the side of my neck. We held each other until an
odd tension began to build—maybe a longing. Greyson’s breaths grew heavier
along my neck, and it felt like he couldn’t get me close enough to him. It was
so forceful that it made me shiver all over. I could feel his heart pounding
against mine. Never have I wanted to kiss a man so bad in all my life. I tried
to pull his face towards mine, but he seemed to come to his senses at this and
pulled away. I know he was just as affected by the moment as I. The evidence
had shone clearly from his dilated pupils to his flushed face, but he wouldn’t
give in to it. I tried not to be hurt when he stood abruptly and fled out of
the RV like it was on fire, but a girl can only take so much rejection.

I sat there stunned until
wandered in and snapped me out of it. She and I hung out for close to an hour
before Greyson returned, acting like nothing had happened between us earlier.

I’m used to a man just taking from me what he wants. I don’t
understand why Greyson denies himself what he clearly desires. I don’t know
what to make of it. My feelings would definitely be crushed, if I didn’t see
how much effort he puts into denying himself.

We drive for another hour in silence. The closer to Bay
Creek we get the more fidgety I become, and my hands are starting to shake for
the first time in weeks. I hate these feelings of dread. I hate being scared. I
want a drink so bad right now, I can hardly stand it. I want to not think.

Greyson reaches over and grabs my shaky hand. “Do you mind
if we stop for the day?”

I look over at him in confusion, but then I understand that
he’s picked up on my behavior. I can’t get anything past him, and in this
moment I’m glad.

“Sure,” I answer.

He releases my hand and punches in a destination in the GPS.
I don’t bother to look where we are headed as long as it’s not Bay Creek. I sit
back and focus on calming down.

Later we pull up to this riverside park that Greyson somehow
maneuvered to, and we let
out to stretch her
little legs.

I glance at the huge RV and laugh. “This thing sticks out
like a sore thumb in this little town.”

Greyson laughs in agreement and places
in her carrier. We have the air on so I know she’ll be fine, but I hate to
leave her alone.

Greyson smirks over to me. “She’ll be
long enough for us to eat.”

“I know. It’s just… You go ahead. I think I’ll just stay
with her.”

He grabs my hand up and closes the RV door behind us.
This is a famous café and you are going to check it
out with me.”

He starts dragging me across the street to this cute
two-story brick
building with massive windows along the first floor’s front and sides.
Sprawling royal blue awnings, with a vibrant painted sunflower towards the left
and fun whimsical white letters spelling out Lulu’s Café across the remainder
space, shade the large windows. There are substantial
planter boxes brimming over with a vibrant rainbow of
flowers. People are sitting outside at tables, just chatting away and eating.
It seems everyone speaks to us as we pass by to enter the café –
howdy – hey
You’ve got to give it to the south when it comes to manners. They could teach
other regions a thing or two on the subject.

The quaint café is pretty busy. The only available seating
is at the counter, so Greyson and I perch on top of stools and wait patiently.
Greyson swipes us a menu and I’m really impressed by it. Oddly, all of the
choices are health conscious.

“This is your kind of menu,
Greyson comments.

I’m in love with it.”
I elbow him playfully in the side. “I dare you to order the oatmeal,
Stone.” He grins over at me. He eats oatmeal almost

“No worries. I have my sights set on an omelet.”

As we are looking over the options, a beautiful woman with
blonde crazy-curly hair walks up to the opposite side of the counter. She’s
wearing a ruffled hot-pink and lime-green apron that is embroidered with a
cursive L on the pocket. She is just too adorable for words.

“You must be Lulu,” I comment.

“No. I’m Leah. Lulu is my mom. What can I get

Mr. Friendly extends his hand and introduces us. “It’s nice
to meet you. I’m Greyson and this is Julia.”

Leah smiles at him, and then reaches for my hand after
Greyson releases her. I can’t help but smile back at her.

“How about you choose for us,” he offers.

She laughs at this. “You sound like another handsome man I

“Yes, please,” I pipe in. She pours us both a cup before
heading into the kitchen to prepare our mystery breakfast.

Greyson leans over to my ear as I’m about to take a sip of
my coffee. “Say

I come close to snickering in my coffee. “No.”

We are halfway through our cups of coffee when the sweet
lady brings over two plates filled with egg white omelets loaded with spinach
and generous-sized muffins. I pick my muffin up and give it a good sniff. She
looks at me curiously.

“I hate bananas,” I admit.

She laughs. “Well, you are in luck. Today I made apple

I already figured that out with the sniff test but say

Greyson thanks her for our food, and then grabs hold of my
hand as he always does and whispers a prayer. After this we dig in.

Leah has just topped off our cups of coffee when a tall,
ruggedly handsome man strolls right behind the counter, grabs her up in his
arms, and goes to town on her lips. Oh my…

“Knock that off, Crowley,” a customer shouts from somewhere
behind us.

He ignores the guy for a few beats longer. It’s like the two
of them are in their own world. He finally pulls back from Leah’s lips but
keeps holding her like she is the most precious thing.

“I can’t help it, Danny. This woman makes my mouth water,”
he finally answers back.

is swoon
worthy,” I comment and check the side of my mouth for drool.

This gets the handsome guy’s attention. He looks over at me,
and I swear I can see the ocean in his eyes. They are crinkled at the corners
from him smiling over at me. He gives Leah one more kiss before releasing her
and extends his hand to me.

“Good morning, ma’am.
Crowley Mason.”

I shake his hand and introduce myself. “Julia

You wouldn’t happen to be kin to the owners of The
Seafood House would you?”

That’s my family.” I smile at him.

“I have to eat there every time we head to the beach. That
lady, Miss May, sure knows how to cook up some seafood.”

I smile even bigger. “She sure does.”

Crowley turns his attention to Greyson and they introduce
themselves to one another, and I can already tell Greyson has made a new

“You folks own that home on wheels parked outside?” Crowley
asks as he helps himself to some coffee.

“Yep,” Greyson answers between bites.

“How many can you haul around in it?”

“Eight easily.”

Crowley looks over at Leah and says matter-of-fact, “We
’ one of ’
.” He looks
over at Greyson. “You mind if I check it out?”

“Sure, man,” Greyson answers.

Leah comes back from delivering a food order, and asks who
I’m assuming to be her husband—they both have wedding bands on, “What have you
done with my babies, Crow?”

It seems like a private conversation, so I pick at my muffin
and eavesdrop.

“Lulu popped in to see the young’uns and told me to get
lost. I think they are scheming about a certain wedding anniversary coming up
soon.” He winks at her as he swipes a muffin for himself. “I told her she has
one hour before I claim ‘
and Jessup are taking the crowd fishing. Lulu has already demanded Lydia is to
stay with her. I don’t understand why she won’t let me take my own young’un
fishing.” His handsome face pinches in mock-aggravation.

Leah laughs at this.
“Maybe because she is
only eight months old.”

He shrugs his shoulders as though it still doesn’t make
sense to him, and I think it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever witnessed. Those
children are some lucky little scoundrels.

He pulls Leah’s hand to his lips and places a kiss on her
palm, and I am so jealous. “I’m going to go get some work done. I’ll be across
the street if you need me.”

She says breathlessly, “Okay.” They act like lovesick
teenagers. It’s too adorable.

“Go ahead and check the RV out. It’s unlocked,” Greyson
calls over to Crowley, who is heading towards the front door. “Do you want the

Leah speaks up first. “Do not give that man the keys.” She
gives her husband a stern stare. “Look, but don’t touch.”

“Our baby is in there sleeping,” I warn. All eyes turn to us
at that.

Greyson laughs. “She’s talking about our little
,” he clarifies. “She’s in her
carrier. She’s fine. We’ve got the air on and everything,” he adds, I’m
guessing out of guilt for leaving her.

“Don’t get any wild hairs about a dog too, Crow,” Leah warns
with a smile.

“Yes, ma’am.”
Crowley laughs and is out the door in a flash.

We finish up breakfast and are enjoying another cup of
coffee while Greyson has a second muffin. A cute petite woman walks in with a
baby on her tiny hip and sits right beside me.

Leah eases back to the counter and smiles at the dark-haired
beauty. “I was wondering how long it would take before your prissy butt showed

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she sasses back.

Leah holds out her arms. “Give me that sweet baby, and I’ll leave
you alone.”

“Deal,” she says as she passes the baby over the counter.
The little baby looks a lot like her momma with dark hair and olive skin. She
then turns her attention to us.
“Good morning,
I’m Ana and this is my sweet girl, Isabella.”
She motions to the baby.

We start to introduce ourselves when the little firecracker
interrupts. “Sweetie, I know who the both of you are.
Rose and Greyson Stone.”

Leah stares at her, looking a bit confused. “Just how did
you know that?” she asks Ana.

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