Jude's Salvation: This Love Series (10 page)

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I need to brush my teeth,” she tells me as she jumps naked from the bed and races for the bathroom. I laugh, watching her perfectly round ass run to the bathroom and she shuts the door. I leave her to her morning ritual and prepare a few mugs of coffee from the sitting area of her suite.

I still can’t believe my Eden is here, she’s actually with me alive and well. She isn’t a hooker like her mother, she isn’t involved in drug trafficking, she’s actually close to becoming a lawyer. Her mother would be so proud of her. I wonder if her father is.

I almost drop my coffee mug on the counter when she strolls toward me, completely naked with those seductive, smokey eyes set on me. Her long wavy hair looks wild and sexy as hell. Her golden skin is almost glistening as she walks through the sun streaming in through the windows. This feels like a dream and I’d happily never wake if it meant I could stay here with her forever. I manage to place my mug on the table and wait for her to approach me. This is her game this morning. I am her man to do with as she wishes and I can tell by the way her hips sway that she is looking for some friction. I can tease, actually teasing is my specialty.



Closer to the end



Sitting down to dinner with Jude and my three best friends after a day of sightseeing through Paris, I feel incredibly lucky. Jude squeezes my hand and I kiss his cheek.

"Will you two be needing a separate table?" Mariana asks and I instantly feel torn.

"Sorry, I'll do my best to control myself," I wink at Jude and he winks back.

"Will you be joining us for the burlesque show after dinner?" Angie asks. I glance at him, hoping he'll say yes.

"I think I'll let that be a girls event but I will be outside when it's over to escort you back to the hotel," he tells me with a wink. I shake when I feel his fingertips slide across the lace of my thigh high stockings.

"Well, feel free to join us if you get bored," I tell him, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Don't worry about me, as I told you, this is my city. You enjoy your time with your friends. I feel bad enough for taking you away from them so much in London," he explains. I forget my friends and wrap my arms around him. Being without him yesterday was painful.

"It is only your company I desire," I whisper in his ear and he responds by gripping my thigh under the table. I would happily give up the evening and go back to the hotel with Jude if I knew it wouldn't upset my friends so much. Sophie has been looking forward to tonight so I can't refuse her this.

When dinner is over Jude walks with us to the show. The city streets are filled with people, some dressed for burlesque themselves others in formal attire. I glance down at my navy blue silk dress, my legs in nude stockings and my heels giving me three added inches. Beth taught me to walk in stilettos years ago but usually I choose tamer shoes. Sophie insisted we all had to dress the part for this show so I obliged but I can’t wait to take them off. They are a good height for kissing Jude though. He seems to like them as I’ve caught him looking at my feet with that devilish grin of his.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in with us?" I ask one more time, hoping he'll change his mind.

"I'll be out here in two hours waiting for you. Don't leave without me. Text me if you need me sooner," he whispers to me. I smile, his concern for me is unexpected. I like it though.

"I do need you, too much actually," I whisper back. He kisses me, his hands around my waist and I know he needs me too. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him one more time, reluctantly letting go and following my friends inside. I look back and see him watching me. I smile and he nods before turning away. A chill runs over me when I turn back to enter the club.

Once the door is closed and I'm following Sophie to our seats I feel eyes on me again. I shiver under the fear growing inside me. I should have demanded Jude stay with me. Angie pushes me through the crowd and we take our seats. Once the lights dim and the music starts I begin to relax somewhat. I get lost in the dance, the costumes and the girls. It is all so sensual, leaving me aching for Jude again.

Falling apart in front of him last night was not something I wanted to do. I’m surprised he hasn’t run far away from me yet. He actually seems even closer to me, like it brought us closer. His confirmation that we have met before brings us to another level. I should have demanded that he tell me where and when we met but a part of me doesn’t want to know yet. I saw the blood and the bruises on my body. He came and went freely while I was trapped but he wasn’t my captor. I haven’t had a vision of him yet but I have these feelings that rise from somewhere within me that I will recognize him when I see him.

Jude doesn’t want me to remember or he would have helped me more last night. I’m not angry with him, I know he doesn’t want to see me hurting and I can tell he has deep regrets about not getting me out of that prison. I don’t like seeing his pain either. I only wanted his body last night. I wanted him to make me forget everything. I needed to be lost in the sensations only he can give me. The mind blowing shakes and trembles he elicits from my body over and over again. He’s like a drug giving my mind a safe and all consuming place to go when reality becomes too much. I am addicted to him. He feels like my savior but I know ultimately he will weaken me, destroy me with a need only he can fill but eventually he’ll leave me and I’ll never recover from the loss. An unsettling shiver runs through me. Sophie places her hand on mine. She must have felt it. I look at her and smile. She nods then returns her attention to the stage.

At intermission I follow Angie to the bar and we each order a cosmopolitan. I take a sip of my drink as we step off to the side. I’m too busy people watching to realize I’m alone until it’s too late. I jump when I feel a strong hand grip my arm. I attempt to back away when it hits me that he’s the man from the restaurant last night.

"Let go of me or I'll make a scene," I warn him, trying to remain calm. He releases me but doesn't move from my side. I see Angie walking back towards our seats. Why isn't she waiting for me? Fear races through me but I hide it from this stranger.

"What do you want and why are you following me?” I ask in a very cold voice.

I am not the enemy Eden. I am here to give you a warning. Stay away from Jude Everett. You don't know him, not the real man, the one I’m sure he keeps hidden from you. You don’t know what he's done or what he is capable of. He will hurt you eventually," the man says, ice in his voice. I turn to look at him and instantly see the resemblance to Jude.

"You're related to him. Who are you?" I demand. He simply nods once then surprising me, he grins. It certainly isn’t comforting though.

"I'm surprised you don’t remember me Eden. I was there the morning your mother was shot. I had to drag my nephew away from you in order to save his life. I don’t want to have to drag him away from you again when Lex comes for you, which he will and soon. You are twenty one now right?” he asks and I shiver. I haven’t remembered very much about the woman bleeding in front of me. I still don’t know if she is my mother but I’m beginning to question everyone I thought I knew. Jude is going to have to tell me more. I need to know why he was there.

Jude is a violent man and he will kill for you, without regard for his own life. I need him alive and away from you. Go back to America and tell your daddy to find new security. I’m sure he can afford it," the man says before turning from me and disappearing into the crowd by the bar. I'm left stunned, he must have me confused with someone else. Maybe Jude is sleeping with someone even more messed up than me.

I quickly make my way back to my seat and glare at Angie. My heart is racing and I can feel my hands shaking from fear, frustration and confusion.

"Why did you leave me?" I demand. She actually has the nerve to look surprised by my anger.  

"I didn’t leave you, I thought you left me but when I got back here I realized you weren't, sorry Eden. You okay? Did something happen?" she asks and for the first time since I've known her I question her loyalty and our friendship. I haven’t decided if I'm just flustered from that guy’s threats or if my paranoia is returning. I decide not to confide in her for now, my trust issues rising to the surface. Right now I only trust Jude, I think. I watch the rest of the show in silence.

As soon as I walk through the club doors I catch sight of Jude waiting by the lamppost. His suit hanging perfectly on his broad shoulders. He has loosened his tie and undone a button around his collar. I wonder what he’s been up to the last few hours. I instantly feel safer in his sights. I race to him and wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face against his strong chest. My protector, my security, my Jude. I don’t doubt that he would kill for me like his uncle said but I won’t let him die for me.

"Goodnight Eden," Mariana shouts and I wave back but don't say anything. Sophie waves but Angie doesn’t look at me. I'm hurt and confused by her actions tonight. Has she betrayed me? Does she know what's going on?

"Come with me," Jude orders. I can tell by his voice that he knows something happened in the club. He glances back at my friends then leads me away. I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk along the river. The cool evening air recharges me. With Jude’s arm draped over my shoulder my tense muscles begin to relax. His uncle said he needed to keep him safe so I know he won't hurt me while I’m with him. I just hope he can protect me from whoever Lex is, but nothing that man said made any sense.

I had been so lost in thought that I hadn’t realized Jude had stopped walking. He was looking at me, trying to decipher what is wrong with me I’m sure. I don’t even know how to feel about everything. All I know is that I need Jude, his kisses and his rough yet sensual love. I crave it.

Standing under the blinking lights of the Eiffel tower, my stomach is filled with butterflies. His lips come down on mine in more than lust, it feels like love. If I was to die I would want it to be in this moment. I have never been more content in my life. His warm arms wrap around me and I lean into his strong embrace. He is my protector, my home and my safe place. I am not right without him. I don’t know how it happened or why it happened. It was too soon. I suppose those things don’t matter. I am in love with Jude and I would rather die than live without him. I watch the lights twinkle for a few more minutes than he takes my hand and we walk along the Thames. Watching other couples kiss and stroll, happily oblivious to the world. I had no idea there was a love like this possible for me. I’m frightened and excited, scared and exhilarated. There is no way I am going to leave him. That man in the club must be insane, maybe he’s just an over protective relative.

Thank you Jude, for joining me here in Paris and not running away last night. This is an evening I will remember forever,” I tell him sincerely. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me hungrily. I want him so bad I can feel my body clench and ache for his touch. I will have him soon, I tell myself to be patient. He looks into my eyes and all I see is the same feelings returned to me. He loves me. He wants to keep me safe. He wants to make love to me now.

Let me take you back to the hotel and show you how much I want to be here in Paris with you and nowhere else in the world right now,” he whispers and I feel my knees weaken.

I know I was making my friends uncomfortable at dinner earlier but since Jude arrived I haven’t been able to take my eyes or hands off him. He is my world right now. I have never had this before. The guys I dated in high school and college didn’t mean much to me. I put on a bit of a show when I discovered Tyler had cheated on me because he hurt my ego. He told me I was cold. He told me that I always seemed distant from him, that I was never really with him when he touched my body. I remember smacking him across the face before storming out of the restaurant. I was hurt because his words were the truth. I wasn’t with him, I never was. My emotions never came through, never bubbled to the surface. I couldn’t feel love, at least not until Jude. He has the power to break me.

We stop to watch the street performers on our way back to the hotel. I’m impressed with Jude’s generosity. He appreciates the music and the talent we witness. I watch as he drops money into the hats before we move on.

That was a generous donation,” I say after the last one, wrapping my arms around his firm biceps. I will admit the performance was spectacular. He even ended it with fireworks which seemed appropriate.

I appreciate the time and practice that went into that. I was entertained and so were you therefore I paid for it,” he said kissing my nose.

It feels like a dream, being here with Jude, stopping for a glass of wine at one of the floating restaurants along the boardwalk. We stop to watch the dancers that have gathered by the rivers edge to tango. For the first time in years I wasn’t thinking about my studies, exams, nightmares or pleasing my parents. All that mattered was tonight, under the stars and being in Jude’s arms.

"Let's dance," he orders, pulling me from my thoughts.

"You know how to tango?" I ask, disbelieving a man like him has taken dance lessons. He grins and takes my hand leading me to the crowd of dancers.

Follow my lead,”
he says just above my ear, his lips grazing over the top. I shiver as his strong hand slides down my body, resting on the small of my back. He presses me against him then takes my free hand in his, entwining our fingers. I run my other hand across his shoulder. The music starts and I attempt to move as he does. He seems so smooth and I feel like a robot.

"Jude, I don't know how to tango," I confess and his lips turn up into that delicious grin that I love so much.

Relax mon cheri, feel the music and my hand on your back. I’ll guide you,
I'll go slow, just follow my steps. Keep your hips close to mine and your hand on my waist," he tells me when the music begins again
. I instantly feel calmer pressed up against him.
I'm nervous but I want to tango in Paris with Jude so I focus on him. I watch his every move and his eyes stay focused on mine. His hand on my back slides a little lower and when he grinds against my hips I whimper, biting my bottom lip, my eyes close for a moment as I catch my breath.

Where did you learn to dance like this?” I ask, sounding too breathy.
The music and the movements are very sensual, all I can think about is getting him back to the hotel. Jude knows what he's doing and I am more than impressed. He is even more perfect in my eyes if that's possible.

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