JUDE: Book 2 The Justice Brothers Series (30 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: JUDE: Book 2 The Justice Brothers Series
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“What the hell?!”

“I was about to call you. Seems that Skylar has a visitor. A command performance no less.”

“Dammit, Jared, what are you talking about?”

“Look, Jude, Hailey called me. Sky left without saying good-bye. Left a note saying that she needed to go to the Justice Mansion. Seems Sky’s father flew into town in the middle of the night. He must not have known where she lived because he landed over at the mansion. Guess he assumed that the Judge would understand and support his mission.”

Jude’s chest tightened. “What mission would that be, bro?”

“According to the Judge, Professor Morton J. Hughes himself came to retrieve his wayward daughter and bring her back to sanity and civilization. To quote the indomitable professor, that is Boston, and safely in the constraints of the only man who understands how vulnerable and ‘unstable’ his daughter is—her father.”

At Jude’s warning growl, Jared added, “He had the audacity to tell the Judge that Skylar had shamed them both with her ‘outrageous’ press conference. That she’d made a public spectacle of herself, and worse, of him.”

“She’s there now, at the mansion?”

“Yeah bro, and the Judge said to get your ass over there post haste. Seems that Hughes all but has his chartered plane revving up on the runway. And buddy, apparently he doesn’t plan to take no for an answer.”

Jude was incredulous. “He honestly thinks Sky will go back with him?” Jude didn’t wait for his brother’s answer. “It’s obvious he doesn’t know his daughter
me.” Jude added with a dismissive grunt, “Apparently, Professor Hughes has been sheltered too long in the hallowed halls of academia. In addition to not having a clue who his daughter is, he doesn’t know how the real world operates. Particularly in Justice Land.”

Following Gregory’s instructions, Jude strode through the garden toward the gazebo. The early morning sun sparkled on the dew-covered flowers and shrubs. Jude had always loved this time of day in the verdant, multi-hued refuge. The chirping birds and buzz of morning insects greeting the flowering plants triggered memories of the peaceful hours he’d spent in this sanctuary. Jude didn’t have long to ruminate on the quiet moments of his childhood. Gazing toward the group in the gazebo, it was clear that his present and his future were calling out to him and their message was urgent.

Morton Hughes looked like Jude assumed he would, only more so. He was gray in every sense of the word. His hair
sharply creased trousers, and tweed jacket over a nondescript shirt were all indistinguishable shades of gray. Even his complexion had a sallow, grayish tint. It was confirmation that to the erudite man sunlight was a foreign concept and one to be avoided. His only resemblance to his daughter was in the set of his jaw and upward tilt of his chin when he saw Jude approaching. On Skylar it was an impertinent gesture, and spoke to a fieriness that had his cock jerking to attention. On her father, it was cold, imperious, intended to cow the person on whom he bestowed it.

Jude focused on Skylar. She looked pale, tired. She also looked resigned, as if she had acknowledged her father’s authoritative presence and was determining how she would deal with it. At that moment she saw him, and her face visibly brightened. From across the garden he saw her eyes flash with relief. The rosy flush staining her cheeks shot a surge of excitement to his groin. The palpable connection between them from yards apart confirmed that Sky’s father was a non-issue. Rather, the insipid tyrant was merely a temporary annoyance. One that Jude needed to dispense with so that he could take his woman in his arms and never let her go.

Hughes rose to his feet as Jude strode toward him. Jude was pleased that the slight man only came to his shoulder, although he admitted that the guy could have intimidated a platoon of raw recruits with his apparent disdain.

Jude nodded to his grandfather, whose eyes, like Skylar’s, were shining with relief.

Ignoring Sky for the moment, he put out his hand, not allowing the stern man to avoid it.

“Good morning. Professor Hughes, I presume?”

Hughes scowled, withdrawing his hand as quickly as he could and shoving it in his pocket. Jude had the feeling that the prick had to force himself not to take out a linen handkerchief and wipe off the stain of Jude’s grip.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. My name is Jude Justice.”

Hughes grimaced and muttered, “Yes, I saw you at the press conference yesterday with my daughter.”

Jude turned to his grandfather and shot him a hearty grin. “Good morning, Judge. Looks like we’re in for another sensational morning in the Northwoods.”

“That we are, Jude, that we are.”

Shifting his attention to Skylar, Jude smiled at her and held out his hands. As if they were magnetic, Sky rose from the settee and rushed toward him.

Jude caught her in his arms. Feeling the tremor shaking her slender body, he pulled her next to him and bent down to brush his lips against her rosy cheek. Having made his claim, he reinforced it. Tipping her chin up, he gazed into her eyes, gratified to see the relief flooding her astonishing purple-rimmed orbs.

“Good morning, Skylar. I trust you slept well last night. Having solved one the most hideous crimes I’ve ever been involved in, you deserved a night of rest and more.”

Holding Skylar tightly against his side, Jude focused on her father, whose rigid expression could have been carved in granite. “I’m presuming that after seeing your daughter’s spectacular news conference, you’re here to congratulate her. You must be very proud, Professor Hughes.”

Hughes glared at him and bit out his words as though he were chipping stones with his teeth. “No, Detective
Proud is the last thing I am. If anything, I am mortified for my daughter and myself.”

Turning his cold gaze on Sky, he sneered. “While I’m confident that your associate
couldn’t possibly relate, you have to admit, my dear, that no matter what gibberish these law enforcement types have spewed into your receptive ears, your public exhibition has virtually ensured that it will take you years to recover your professional reputation—if you ever do.”

Pulling her closer, Jude locked his gaze on her father. He was impressed that even though he outweighed the man by fifty pounds and had at least eight inches on him, the daunting man was eyeing him contemptuously, as though Jude was a piece of dog shit a careless owner hadn’t scooped up. Jude decided it was time to reorder the prick’s skewed perception of reality.

Jude allowed a smile to curve his lips but not reach his eyes. “That’s where you are sadly mistaken, Professor. Yesterday, Skylar made it into the annals of her profession as one of the most brilliant, young criminologists the field has known. A remarkable feat for someone as young as she is. Indeed, it’s truly astounding.”

Hughes snorted derisively. “Her
? Surely you jest. Playing cops and robbers with overgrown bullies who think that their brawn compares in any way to the work of people with brains cannot in any way be considered a profession.”

Jude considered him thoughtfully. “I disagree. Given that my father, grandfather, and all three of my brothers and I are military veterans and all of us chose to work in law enforcement, we know that it takes more than brawn to survive in this challenging profession. Your daughter proves that. It takes brains, humility, the ability to withstand extraordinary hardships, and most of all, it takes courage. Our willingness to work and die in this arena makes it possible for men like you to live your lives as you choose.”

Keeping Skylar firmly tucked against his side, Jude didn’t allow her father’s dismissive snort to deter him. “Don’t misunderstand, sir. You play an important role. Your research has made it possible for major advances in the study of mathematics that affect every element of our society. The world honors you for that. But, my friend, you have paid a significant price for your renown.”

He glanced down at Skylar, then focused on the clearly irate man glaring at him. “My family and I have had the great privilege of coming to know your daughter, who, like you, is brilliant. But unlike you, she is also kind, generous, and loving. And she is not careless. You, sir, are astonishingly careless. You are so consumed with the magnitude of who you think you are and what you’ve achieved that you’ve driven away the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever known. But then, Professor, that’s apparently what you do to the women who love you but can’t hope to shine bright enough to inhabit your cosmic galaxy.”

Professor Hughes visibly startled. His infuriated expression contorted with a mix of anger and shock. Jude doubted that anyone had ever dared to confront the imposing autocrat before.

Jude narrowed his gaze, then nodded. “You know, Professor Hughes, I think I understand what’s shoved that elephant-sized stick up your ass. Tell me, sir, when did you have
first international press conference? At the age of twenty-four? Unlikely. Even if you did, I doubt you were surrounded by people who loved and honored you. No, sir, my sense is that unlike Skylar’s, all your achievements have been lonely ones.”

Regarding the fulminating man who looked more like a strutting Banty rooster than the fearsome antagonist he clearly thought he was, Jude studied him thoughtfully. “One more thing, sir. Of all of us, you are the bully. The bully who tried in every way to diminish your extraordinary daughter. Who tried to ensure that she knew how inferior she was compared to her superior father, and that she would always be with you, an adoring, albeit lesser light, to your brilliance. How it must have shocked you when Skylar left that narrow, subservient path you chose for her and decided to carve out her own life. As her associate,
who also happens to be the man who is ass over elbows in love with her, I will be thankful to the day I die that she was strong and courageous enough to escape the prison you built for her.”

Jude chuckled as he lifted Skylar’s chin and gazed into her eyes. He rubbed at the tear on her cheek with his thumb. “I will confess that your daughter surprised me as much as I’m sure she has surprised you. Under that academic straightjacket in which you attempted to imprison her is a passionate, feisty woman. A woman who doesn’t always listen. Who does what
she pleases, when
she pleases. Who thinks she can take care of herself, no matter what the danger. I can imagine how that would annoy an arrogant, domineering man like yourself.

“But I gotta tell you, Professor, I can do you one better. I am also arrogant, and frankly glad that I’m as overgrown and brawny as I am. Three times in the last two days this impertinent young woman has done the exact opposite of what I ordered her to do. Now if I were smart, I’d conclude that no one can tame this fiery woman.” He chuckled and added, “But I’m going to have a hell of a good time trying.”

Jude grasped Sky under her arms and unceremoniously tossed her over his shoulder, her ass in the air, her head and arms hanging down his back. At her surprised shriek, he patted her bottom with one hand and clasped her thighs tightly against his chest with the other. Ignoring her outraged demands that he put her down, he grinned at her father.

“I’ve been threatening to do this for several days. High time I make good on my threat.” He drawled as he stroked Skylar’s curvy bottom, “This is exactly where I’ve been telling her this glorious ass of hers belongs, as close to my hands as possible.”

Jude glanced at his grandfather whose rosy-cheeked face was wreathed in smiles. “Judge, I’m taking this naughty girl to my yacht where I plan to teach her the wild ways of living and loving in Justice Land. Although from my previous encounters with her, the student is likely to be doing most of the teaching. We’ll be unreachable for at least two or more days. But given how provoking—make that how
this little squirt can be, assume it will take me as least a lifetime to get her under control.”

Laughing at Skylar who was pounding on his back and threatening him with bodily harm, Jude smacked her butt and tightened his grip on her thrashing legs. “Now, now, Skylar. Be a good girl and say good-bye to the Judge and your father.”

He glanced over at her wide-eyed father who was gaping at him, clearly horrified at the spectacle. “I would say it’s been nice to meet you, Professor Hughes, but the Judge taught me that honesty is more honorable than diplomacy. That said, if you would like to visit your daughter again, have the courtesy to give us both advance warning. You are always welcome, sir. But on Skylar’s and my terms.”

Jude shot a peremptory nod at the incensed man who was sputtering incoherently and saluted the Judge as he strode toward the gate. “Good day, gentlemen. I’ve got me a woman to tame. Given how feisty she is, I have my work cut out for me and best get started.”

Chapter 34

you, Jude? How could you do that to me? You embarrassed me in front of the Judge and my father. You treated me like a naughty child who needed to be punished. You marched into the garden and hauled me off like…like a…”

With effort Jude kept his tone civil, careful not to betray the pent up fury ravaging his mind, and more importantly, his adrenaline-stoked body.

“Like a what, Sky? Like a man who came to get his woman? The same woman that has flagrantly disobeyed not one, not two, but three direct orders from—”

Skylar interrupted him, her eyes flashing. Placing her hands on her hips, she raised her chin and glared at him. “That’s a good question, Jude. From whom did those orders come? My Commander? The Lead Detective of the Universe? My boss—or at least the man who
he is my boss? Or the self-declared arrogant asshole who thinks he’s in charge of my life?”

Jude pursed his lips thoughtfully as if considering her litany, then shrugged. “Choose your poison, Squirt. Given the options, they all work.” He eyed her from across the boat’s transom and added with an ironic shrug, “Although given what I have planned for you in the next couple of days, ‘Commander’ has a nice ring to it.”

Sky jerked back and held up her hands when Jude began to close the distance between them. “Stop, Jude. Now. Don’t come near me. I…I’m angry. I know you think just because you saved my life and stood up to the most tyrannical man who ever inhabited the earth, that I’m okay with being carted off over your shoulder with my ass in the air…”

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