JUDE: Book 2 The Justice Brothers Series (19 page)

Read JUDE: Book 2 The Justice Brothers Series Online

Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: JUDE: Book 2 The Justice Brothers Series
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Ignoring her impotent thrashings, he rasped in her ear, “Is this is what you wanted, baby?” He smacked one pale cheek hard. Disregarding her enraged cry, he landed a firm swat on the other cheek. “You thought you could bail on me
In a fucking
message?” He smacked her again, “Tell me that we’ll talk in the morning?”

Raining a flurry of stinging swats on her ass, he reveled in her bright red cheeks glowing in the moonlight. He didn’t want to hurt her, nevertheless, he needed to show her how he felt, how angry he was. And, God help him—and her—how much he wanted her.

Much later he would marvel that somewhere in his benighted soul, he knew that taking her like this was the best thing he could have done. He’d spent most of the day planning his seduction. He would give her just enough alcohol to lessen her resistance, lower her inhibitions. Then gently, artfully, long before he deigned to enter her, he’d give her a series of orgasms demonstrating what an accomplished lover could do to her inexperienced body.

He’d play with her breasts, weighing the glorious globes in his large hands. He’d tweak her nipples drawing them out with his lips, suckle them with his aggressive tongue and finally drive her to orgasm with his teeth. He’d allow her precious minutes to come down from a climax she’d never known she could have, then he would move to her pussy.

With his expert fingers, he’d unerringly find her g-spot, that secret place in a woman that with his touch alone could drive the most uptight woman to a screaming orgasm. And then he’d work her clit. He’d tease it with his fingers, circle it with his tongue, and when she was begging for more, suck it into his mouth, wringing yet another climax from her receptive, love-starved body. He’d promised himself that everything he did would be about her, not about him. Her needs, not his. He’d teach her what sex with a consummate lover could and should be. Christ, he knew if Skylar wasn’t a virgin, she was dammed close to one. It was a dead-on certainty; she’d never been fucked. Maybe screwed by an inept one pump chump or two, but made love to? Not a chance.

Now, under the starlit sky shoving her against the fucking ground with her flaming ass shining in the moonlight, Jude forgot about his plan to teach her the intricacies of expert sex. Long gone were the lengthy, drawn out seduction scenes he’d planned. Instead he uttered a hasty oath promising the devil that if he was making a mistake, his soul would belong to the dark angel for eternity. That base covered, he gave in to a desire stronger, more powerful than he’d ever felt.

Dragging his t-shirt over his head, Jude tossed it to the ground. Flipping her over, he rested Sky’s head on the makeshift pillow. Having expected fear, and for sure anger, he looked deep into her eyes and was stunned to see passion. Passion as unhinged, as powerful as his own. Kneeling over her, straddling her hips between his strong thighs, he wrenched her halter over her head. With a practiced flick of his fingers he unsnapped the closure on her bra. Choking on the surge of lust that flooded his throat at the sight of her firm round breasts arching in the cool air, he couldn’t stifle a deep raspy groan. It took more strength than he’d known he had not to suck her dark pink nipples into his hungry mouth.

Knowing that if he suckled her he would never stop, he reached between her legs, seeking permission from her inexperienced body. Whether or not it was what her luscious pussy intended to give when it wept against his probing fingers, it was all the encouragement he needed. He knew he had to enter her, and enter her soon. Silently begging her to understand, he kicked off his boots, then rocked back on his ass and shucked off his jeans. There wasn’t any use trying to hide his engorged cock. As if it had been released from an iron cage his fucking prick sprang forward, jutting out in front of him like a raging thoroughbred charging the starting gate.

Afterwards, Jude convinced himself that
she’d cried out,
she’d looked as scared as she should have,
she’d told him to stop, that he would have stopped. But goddamn her, she didn’t. Instead of crying out in fear, she wailed, a deep keening cry. Arching her hips up into the air, she begged him to come into her. Unable and unwilling to ignore her siren call, he pressed her knees against her chest and eased the weeping end of his cock against her swollen folds. Inching into her, he was stunned at how tight she was. Knowing he could never do what his prick was screaming for him to do, he pulled back. To his shock she buried her fingernails in the bare skin of his ass cheeks and cried out.

“No, no! Don’t stop, Jude. Please don’t stop!”

And goddamn him for the marauding asshole that he was, he didn’t. He’d tell himself later that given the level of both of their passions, he’d been as gentle as he could be, but it was a fucking lie. When he inched past the tight opening to her cunt and eased into her glove-tight channel, he bit his lip to keep from crying out. It felt so goddamned good. Unable to stop himself, he began thrusting in and out, harder, deeper. Her eager cries egged him on, stealing what little restraint he had.

To his amazement, her cries were as intense as his. Feeling the heat rolling off her body and hearing the rising pitch of her lusty wails, he felt her orgasm explode in a shower of body shaking tremors. Not able to hold back a second longer, Jude rose up on his knees. Pressing her feet against his shoulders, he lifted her hips ensuring that every centimeter of her weeping cunt was open to him. With a ferocious roar, he drove in to the hilt and gave into the most powerful orgasm he’d ever felt in his life.

Chapter 21

Long after they’d come down to earth enough to do anything more than laugh and cry in each other’s arms, Jude rose to his feet and pulled on his jeans and boots. Lifting her up off the hard ground, he stood her in front of him. Grabbing his t-shirt, he pulled it over her head and laughed when it hung to her knees. Ignoring her surprised yelp, he bent her head first over his arm and pulled up the t-shirt baring her ass to the moonlight.

Stroking her bottom he chuckled. “Remember, baby, I warned you that when I took you I would spank you so hard that you wouldn’t be able to get anything over your bright red ass except your crazy three-sizes-too-big cargo pants. Looks like my five-sizes-too-big t-shirt will have to do the job. And by the way, Ms. Hughes, may I tell you that you have the most delectably rosy ass I’ve ever seen. Clearly it needs to be spanked often and well.”

Ignoring her heated protest, he snatched the scraps of her torn clothing from the ground, then scooped her up in his arms and held her tight against his chest. He didn’t try to hide the emotion swamping him.

“Jesus, Skylar, my legs are shaking so hard, I’m not sure I can make it to the car.” Tucking her into the front seat like the precious cargo that she was, he drove out of the reservoir to the country road leading to his cabin. Hopping out of the driver’s seat he rounded the car, reached inside and lifted her out.

“I…I can walk, Jude.”

He chuckled. “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, Squirt. I can barely walk and I’m a big powerful man, and you are a squi—an amazing woman who’s taking my breath away.” He carried her inside and set her down in the entrance of what looked like a hunting or fishing lodge.

“Where are we, Jude?”

“My cabin, sweetheart. Make that my sanctuary.” He picked her up and strode toward the bedroom.

Her heart pounded wildly when she saw the king-sized four-poster bed.

Jude must have seen her reaction, because he chuckled and stroked her cheek. “Don’t worry, baby. Yeah, I fully intend to have you tonight in that big bed, but first, how about a hot shower? Get some of the grass stains off your backside.”

Walking into the fully equipped bathroom that included a dressing room alcove and a garden tub, Jude ambled over to the shower. Seeing the various ledges and powerful showerheads strategically placed on the interior walls, it didn’t take much imagination to picture the erotic outings that had taken place in the water-based playground. Immediately feeling overwhelmed, Skylar was surprised when Jude set her on the floor and tipped up her chin.

A knowing expression crossed his face as he reached out and pinched her cheek. “Uh-uh, baby, turn off that overactive brain of yours and know that tonight is all about you and me. Period.” He reached inside the massive shower and turned on two of the showerheads. Pointing to the array of bottles and tubes, he said, “Use what you need darlin’. One request. Don’t wash between your legs. I can’t get enough of that sexy smell of yours!”

He chuckled at her surprised gasp. “Since you were a naughty girl and didn’t bring an overnight bag like I told you to, looks like you’ll be wearing one of my t-shirts to work in the morning.”

“I…I did bring a bag, Jude. But I forgot it. I left it in Jared’s car.”

“Hmm, a Freudian slip, sweetheart? Did you know even then that you were going to bail on me?” When she ducked her head, looking away, he pulled her into his arms. “Don’t worry, Squirt. My meddlesome brother saved your ass. Luckily for you he put your bag on my desk about the same time I got your text message. At least I knew you started the day with good intentions.”

Dragging his t-shirt over her head, he stepped back and stared at her, a look of wonder stealing across his face. “Jesus, Sky. I’m never going to be able to look at your naked body without wanting to spank your beautiful ass, knowing how you held out on me.”

He turned her and nudged her into the shower. As he closed the door, he landed a sharp crack on her butt, laughing at her surprised yelp. “There’s more where that came from, sweetheart. Just keep being the brat that you obviously are and you’ll find out.”

Reveling in the steaming hot shower, Sky fought the waves of sensation that flooded her body. All it took to send a storm of fiery sparks racing to her core was remembering Jude chasing her across the grassy field, throwing her onto the ground and then spanking her bare bottom. But what had her leaning her head against the wall panting for air was the memory of him on top of her, spreading her legs and thrusting his enormous cock inside of her. She’d had two lovers before. But good God, comparing them to Jude was like comparing a pitiful summer shower to a fierce thunderstorm replete with rolling bursts of thunder and violent streaks of lightening. Even now her legs shook and her stomach pitched at the memory. Almost as scary was her reaction to him. Had she really cried out? Begged him to come into her, deeper, harder? And had she truly screamed when she rode the storm to the top of her very first orgasm? Sighing, she admitted that she had done all of those things and prayed to God that she would have the courage to do them again. Knowing that Jude was in the other room waiting for her should have scared the life out of her. Instead, she was filled with anticipation.

Hesitating in the doorway to the great room, Sky saw that Jude had built a fire in the fireplace. The only other lights were the flickering candles on the low table in front of the sofa. The classic tones of Jackson Brown added to the sensual atmosphere.

Jude jumped up from the sofa and was at her side in seconds. To her surprise, she saw a beautiful tray of food on the table along with a bottle of wine and two long-stemmed wine glasses.

Seeing her surprised look, Jude explained, “I don’t know about you, Squirt, but I could chew my arm off, I’m so hungry.” He led her to the sofa and eased her down. Sitting beside her he reached for the bottle of wine next to the luscious looking food.

He grinned at her. “Given your tendency to choke on Scotch, I decided to trade in the Glenmorangie for a good bottle of Pinot Noir. I hope you like wine, Sky.”

Recognizing the Rochioli South River label, Skylar smiled to herself, knowing it would be hard not to like a wine from one of the more famous California wineries.

“Thank you, Jude. It…this looks lovely. Did you do all of this for me?”

He snorted. “Who the hell do you think it was for, Sky? I’ll admit it, baby. I planned to seduce you tonight. Ply you with expensive wine and beautiful food.” His expression hardened. “That was the plan until I got your fucking text.”

He was quiet for a long moment, then reached for her chin forcing her to look at him. “I gotta tell you, Sky, I was so goddamned angry when I read your message that I lost it. And Holy Christ, when I learned that you had gone running, in the goddamned reservoir no less, it was all I could do to keep from calling out the militia.”

He stared at her, a slight smile stealing across his face. “Amazing how I was able to channel all of that anger when you literally presented your gorgeous ass to me to spank it.”

Sky jumped back. “I did
do that, Jude.”

“Oh yeah you did, honey. And, baby, if you’d put a hunk of raw meat in front of a famished tiger, you couldn’t have gotten a more powerful response than you got by pressing that hot little ass of yours up against my raging cock.”

Blushing at the memory and fighting the storm of sensations ricocheting across her overwrought nerves, Skylar leaned into him hiding her face against his chest. She was grateful when he tightened his hold then tipped up her chin and held her gaze.

“But damn you, Sky, that wasn’t what I planned to do. I really did plan to seduce you with wine and food. And, arrogant asshole that I am, I also planned to show you what it’s like to be seduced by an accomplished lover. But that didn’t happen, baby. Instead I gave into the sexiest goddamn woman I’ve ever known. Christ, Skylar, I’m torn between apologizing to you for fucking the hell out of you or wanting to get down on my hands and knees and begging you to do it again.”

“After we eat, can we?”

“Can we what, Squirt?”

“Can we do it again?”

“How about we do it
we eat? C’mere, Sprite. I think I remember telling you that if you disobeyed me I’d sit you on my lap and feed you.”

“But…how did I disobey you?”

Jude chuckled as he lifted her up onto his lap. “Hmm. Let me count the ways. But first, darlin’, I want you to take a sip of this wine.”

She took an obedient sip, relishing the rich taste on her tongue and smiled up at Jude.

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