Jon Black's Woman

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #sex, #native american, #contemporary, #sex toys, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #tattoo, #bondage, #ds, #western, #ranch, #oral sex, #toys, #montana, #domsub, #teepee, #tilly greene

BOOK: Jon Black's Woman
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Jon Black’s Woman


Tilly Greene

Jon Black was part Native
American, but that didn’t define him. Being a retired Marine and
cowboy who managed his friend’s ranch didn’t either, but they all
had a part in making him into a man. Tall, strong and handsome, he
was the dream catch for single women and some married ones across a
few counties. The dominance he displayed in the bedroom was
exciting, hot and pulled even more ladies into his bed, but only
one woman struck him silent and ripped his need to the

An English rose by way of
Japan comes to Montana and is everything he wants in his life. Has
he finally met his match, his mate for life or is she too much for
him to handle?

Copyright 2013 by Tilly

Edited by Kat

Cover design by Robin Ludwig
Design Inc.

Smashwords Edition

This book is licensed for
your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved, including the
right to reproduce this book, or portion thereof, in any form. This
ebook may not be resold or uploaded for distribution to

This is a work of fiction.
Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales
are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and
incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any
resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead,
is entirely coincidental.

Note from Author: Jon
Black’s Woman, a contemporary western erotic romance + tattoo,
bondage and toys, is 25k words and this is its first

Gardiner, Montana

“Fucking hell! At least kiss the
woman, otherwise the next time I see your hard-on I’m going to chop
it off.” Ted Wilson teased Jon presumably for Jon’s power of

Jon Black shrugged as he continued
brushing down his horse. There was no question he wanted Molly—to
touch her, love her, tie her up, and take her gently and hard. He
had these feelings since first seeing her in the diner, the day she
arrived in Gardiner. She stole his breath and left him staring at
her and listening to every word she uttered.

The more time they spent together,
the more he wanted from and with the beautiful English beauty. He
had planned to stay as close to her as he could and never leave.
Actually, nothing else came to mind and that became Jon’s only

“The time has to be right. I’m not
going to rush her into something she’s not ready for, or worse,
scare her off.” Jon shared how he intended to progress and hoped
his boss and friend backed him up. Ted and he were old buddies from
childhood through the Marines. Nothing but the truth, be it nice or
ugly, passed between them. He’d known about the other man’s
difficulties with sex and fears that Ted might hurt a woman. Back
then, he’d gone on a few fuck sessions with him as support.
Unfortunately, Jon’s dad had gotten ill and he had to leave to be
with the man in what turned out to be his final days. The best he
could do was to tell Ted’s brother Matt and, as expected, he’d
stepped in to help.

“You’re not going to scare her away.
Your dick is big, but not porn guy big.” The man laughed and Jon
had to join him. Matt and Ted were good at keeping things from
getting too heavy or dark.

“Fine, what do you think I should
do?” Jon walked around his horse and put the brush down. Picking up
another, he went to work on the mane.

“Tie her up and fuck her! Make those
pretty pink cheeks turn red when you pound her pussy from behind
while holding onto her nice tits. Yes, I’ve noticed those nice,
fleshy mounds bouncing beneath her shirt as she races to the car
for one of your trips or rides. Shit, she’s fabulous when she’s on
a horse. Take her, Jon, and fucking laugh as she screams with
orgasm after orgasm.”

Jon rested his forehead against the
neck of the horse and laughed.

“Seriously, dude. All of it and my
big dick would send her screaming for the hills.”

“Fine. Don’t merely hold her hand
and take long walks in the moonlight. Kiss her. Wrap your arms
around her sweet body and kiss her until she can’t breathe, then
walk away. Molly is already attracted to you. It’s obvious to
anyone with eyes. After taking a kiss, she’ll be panting for more
and chase you.” Ted stood up and, without smiling or smirking,
looked at him while giving his advice.

“Leave her there?” He wanted to
connect with the woman, not leave her alone.

“Yes! Pour everything you’ve got
into the kiss. Maybe hold her close as you cop a feel of her ass
and let her know you’re hard. Get into the moment, but you have to
leave and not look back. She needs to know you want her badly, but
will wait for her to come to you.”

“Oh, yah, makes sense.” Damn, Jon
had to give the man his due. He was waiting for Molly to come to
him. There was something holding her back and he wanted more from
her than basic or dirty sex. The respect he had for her demanded he
stand back and wait, only maybe he needed to give her a

“You don’t have a problem, Jon. What
you need to do is remind her of the explosion going off in your
pants and probably hers when you two met. I’ve never seen you
struck speechless by a woman and its fucking stuck.”

“You’re full of something tonight,
what’s got you so fucking happy?” Ted wasn’t normally such a jovial
guy, but there was something lighter about his attitude. He was
basically happy and that was good to see. They were friends but
also Marine buds, which meant Ted knew firsthand the ugliness he’d
seen and worked hard to move beyond.

“The guy is here installing the air
unit we had made for the office in the barn. We are one step closer
to this project being finished. Once everything is done, Saki will
finally be all ours and that makes me shit-kicking

“Congratulations!” He was genuinely
pleased his friends had found the woman who fit with their
lifestyle. There was a time when he got off on threesomes, but not
anymore. No way would he ever share Molly with anyone. Even if she
asked, the answer would be no fucking way!

“Hey, are we doing dinner tonight?”
Matt called as he walked into the barn.

“Sure, I’ll bring the veggies ready
to grill,” Jon offered as he got back to combing his horse’s mane.
All he’d need to do was visit his garden and see what was ready for
picking. He figured there were a couple of different squashes and
zucchinis looking ripe last time he was out there.

“We have a big chicken we can
barbeque and a head of lettuce. You have tomatoes and maybe some
corn? I like cold corn on my salad.” Matt had obviously checked
what they had before coming out to ask if they were all getting
together for dinner.

“I can round up an ear or two,” Jon
said as he started to work on the tail in earnest.

“Good, dinner is set. Let’s say
seven to give the ladies time to clean up after working in the
office. Have there been any noises coming from back there? Any
motors running or someone coming out to say it’s done?” There was a
note of hope in his voice, making Jon smile upon hearing. He
understood the timeline they were locked into and knew the guy
wanted it to go faster.

“Nothing. It’s silent. You want to
go in and make sure the ladies are still alive?”

“The engineer guy wasn’t a serial
killer. Where is your mind at?” Looking at his brother, Matt
appeared confused at what Ted said. Jon knew the dark spaces the
guys’ minds could travel to and shrugged it off.

“I know, but maybe they need some
help or something. Shit, man, you’re the cleanest, go in there and
make sure things are getting done. I want this project finished!”
Gone was the fun guy who’d offered advice, and in his place was a
surly guy.

“Damn, if I wasn’t there and it
hadn’t happened in front of my own two eyes, I wouldn’t know you
had a taste of pussy today. You even had your cock drained. Who the
fuck is this angry asshole and what have you done with my brother?”
Matt headed to toward the office, but not before calling out a
suggestion. “Stroke the snake, dude, and leave the bad mood

Jon looked at the older brother and
wondered what wild hair suddenly tickled his brain.

The thought of asking what happened
to his attitude was lost the moment Molly came out of the office,
followed by Matt and Sakura. His eyes were immediately drawn to the
blonde, and he could see nothing else. The minute she walked into
his view, his cock went harder than a rock and all words froze in
his throat.

It normally happened when she was
near. Maybe he went silent because he wanted to do nothing but
absorb all he could of her. Jon said nothing, but cracked a smile
when she came to his side and took in everything about her while
she quietly spoke to him.

“Finally, we’re making progress,”
she started and his eyes traced her from head to foot.

Thick strands of almost white silk
hair usually danced over her shoulders and beyond, but today it was
pulled back in a ponytail. She had the blue of Caribbean seas for
eyes and—yes, like Ted had mentioned—he couldn’t stop looking at
her chest.

Beautiful mounds with hard-tipped
nipples poked against her t-shirt, and he licked his lips. He
wanted them in his mouth. Whenever he caught a peek of the hard
tips, he liked to think she was as turned on by him as he was by
her. The erection he sported stiffened further. Somehow he had to
stop its push to orgasm without any help from even his

The easiest diversion was listening
to every word she uttered with great care. He tried to hear it all,
but also wondered if he should take Ted’s advice.

Should he kiss her like it would
lead to something hot and sweaty?

* * * * *

fits beautifully. We turned the
cooling unit on with the air circulator and it took seconds for the
change to be noticed. It works incredibly well. And the noise
coming in and out is non-existent. You wouldn’t know we were in the
middle of a barn.”

Molly found it odd how, whenever she
was with Jon, he was quiet—almost silent. They’d had conversations,
but in general he simply watched her. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just

“I think we’re back on schedule, if
not ahead.”

His hum and nod ensured she knew he
listened to her, but still nothing, no words. Was he quiet because
of his friends hanging around? She didn’t think so. None of it made
any sense, although she was most likely the reason he stopped
talking, except he talked when it was only the two of

Maybe one day she’d find an answer,
but in the meantime it remained a conundrum for her to keep mulling

“The next step is ramping up the
tagging. It will take a while to complete, although the timing
couldn’t be better with them starting calving season. We’ve had a
few newborns come through and the kinks have been worked out as we
find them. I think we’re ready for the influx of data.”

Feeling naughty, she wondered what
he’d do if she threw out a question? Maybe she should make a wicked
request for him to passionately thrust his cock in and out of her
ready body—pussy or mouth, his choice.

Would he turn beet red and his mouth
drop open in shock, or would he unzip his pants and make a

Despite the silence, she bet the
latter. A man didn’t possess such raw sexuality by not being
comfortable with his body. Seconds away from slipping into the
mutual stare sessions they’d had before, Molly could only smile
when he finally spoke.

“We’re all eating up at the house
tonight. We’ve planned barbecued chicken, grilled vegetables with
squeezed lemon, and salad. Sound good?” His voice rumbled low,
working its way straight down to settle in the place between her
legs. She desperately wanted his attention there. She wanted him,
and it had been ages since desire had played a part in her

There was nothing like it. He spoke
and her desire ramped up until her cheeks turned red and her mouth
opened with need.

“Yes, sounds good,” she whispered.
Molly worked hard to say a few words and not fall to her knees
instead. The man did wicked things to her and she wanted to take it
to the next level.

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