Jodie's Song (9 page)

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Authors: Marianne Evans

Tags: #christian Fiction

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The following morning, Jodie played the waiting game in the surgical department of cardiology at Falls Memorial Hospital. She helped Tracee entertain the kids with card games and nearby building block sets, coloring books, and stories. Alex and Melissa were unusually reserved and didn't seem to want to focus on diversions. Jodie could relate. Her mind and heart were here, with her family, but a large part of her spirit also resided with Kevin and Vivian and the multitude of details they needed to attend.

Hours later, her father's cardiologist pushed through the doorway separating the waiting room from recovery. Spotting Jodie and Tracee, he approached at a brisk clip.

“Ladies, your father has been taken to recovery. Why don't you come with me so I can explain what happens next.”

Jodie and Tracee followed him to a conference room.

“How is he?” Jodie caught Tracee's eye as they posed the question in unison. All three of them claimed chairs around a small square table.

“He made it through surgery in a way that leaves me very pleased. His numbers are good. We'll watch to see how he recovers by keeping track of his progress through the night. I want to see a strong and stabilized heart rate as well as higher oxygen levels before he's released.” From there, he launched a program on his hand-held computer that detailed the specifics of the stent insertion procedure and described how the small metal tubes would function. “Once he's recovered, I believe his quality of life is going to be much better.”

What a relief. The consultation ended and Jodie blew out a breath of air, wishing with all her might that the news had been like this for the family of Andy Hart.

Tracee hugged her arms against her midsection. “There's nothing more we can do at this point except sit and stew.”

Jodie tipped her head back, praying for peace. God's hand needed to move with definition and power. She closed her eyes, attempting a prayer.

God, please help. Please be with us all…

Beyond that, she didn't even know what to offer in the way of petitions any longer.

Jodie, you are My daughter, I pattern your heart. I know your wishes—and My plans. Rest in Me with trust…and faith.

The words of love from the Holy Spirit swirled, attempting purchase, but her heart tumbled and squeezed. Meanwhile, Tracee sank into the empty chair nearby. That drew Jodie's attention to the here-and-now. “Jodie, after we see him in recovery, why don't you take the kids and go home? Get some rest. I can watch over Dad for a while, and I'll meet you at your apartment.”

Jodie would never be able to go home and sleep—not in a million years. “I'm not going to work tomorrow morning. I've got the day off. I'm going to be here for Dad and for you.”
And for Kevin, and Vivian
, she thought.

Thinking of them sparked an idea, a way that she might help ease their burdens, but Jodie kept that to herself for the moment. “But if you're sure you don't mind, I do have a few things I'd like to check on at home. The kids could come along and expend some energy outside, playing.”

“That sounds great. You need to get some rest, though.”

“So do you.”

They shared grins. This time there was no tension in their dueling reprimands. That fact soothed Jodie's soul tremendously. She could all but sense darkness losing traction to the light—a spiritual heaviness evaporating.

She twined her fingers through Tracee's and her lips curved into a smile. “I know, and I will, but I want to help Kevin and his family. They're carrying a heavy load, and I think I know what I can do to help. The kids just might like it, too.”

Jodie registered Tracee's speculative expression but promptly relegated it to the back of her mind, heaving an inner sigh.

This was nothing more than wanting to help a friend—the same way he had helped her. That's all there was to it.








Kevin's head pounded. His throat was clogged and dry. Gritty eyes refused to expel even one more tear of sorrow.

Andy. With his angels.

Although he embraced that image with conviction, the entire world felt vastly different to him now, hollow in that precious spot that only Andy Hart could ever fill. Just back from the funeral home, he had settled an exhausted Vivian into the Big House, the main residence she occupied with Andy at the head of the buildings that formed Heart's Haven. Now that she had dozed off, Kevin began a trek through the common area of the complex. He didn't want to go home. He didn't want to be alone. He fingered the cell phone he held in his hand, riddled by indecision. He wanted to call Jodie. He wanted to hear her voice. He wanted to touch her and hold her.

What had happened in her world during the past several hours? Was she OK? Had her father made it through the surgery? So many things pushed at him at once he felt overwhelmed. During the past two days he had been unable to think of anything beyond Andy's passing. Now, a vibration of impatience prompted him to jiggle the phone. Expelling a hard breath, he entered the main courtyard of the Haven. His heart ached and searched.

He wanted…he wanted…

In that instant, his blurred gaze focused on the new gazebo where he had spent such wonderful moments with Jodie. His brows furrowed. Laughter floated through the air, coming from a pair of kids not far away who played with small plastic kites that danced in a steady, though stifling breeze. The youngsters ran and dodged, chasing across the open grass as the kite tails danced and twirled. Kevin's attention was riveted. His heart pounded when he recognized Tracee's children, Alex and Melissa.

Then, for the first time in days, Kevin experienced the impulse to smile. Just a few yards away, Jodie stood on the flower rimmed pathway. She sported gardening attire—jean shorts, a simple t-shirt and thin, cloth gloves. Her slim form was neatly framed by tree shadow and the two rose bushes on each side of the gazebo steps. Yellow roses…or were they butterscotch? His heart swelled. His eyes stung all over again.

Making use of a green lawn hose, ponytail dancing as she moved, she watered the blooms that lined the cobbled path, oblivious to his arrival. Kevin took in the rest of his surroundings. She had been busy—and had taken it upon herself to ‘dress the set' and complete a number of pre-ceremony details that would polish the wedding site. He took in her newest and final flower plantings; he watched her nourish the ground with a fresh dose of water. Nearby trees that framed in the soon to be established seating area around the gazebo were alive with hundreds of white fairy lights. She must have just strung those, because they weren't there last night, and a metal step ladder was now propped against the side of the gazebo as though ready to be returned to the tool shed.

Despite her own set of daunting obstacles, Jodie had made certain this spot would remain a perfect place for the wedding—a perfect place to begin a new life and a commitment to everlasting love.

Uncle Andy would have been so pleased and proud.

Choked up all over again, Kevin took an unsteady step toward her, but Jodie's back was now fully to him. She hummed in time to the song
Give me Jesus…
the version Vince Gill had performed at the Grand Ole Opry. Gill's eloquent interpretation played quietly from the portable stereo positioned nearby.

“You're an amazing woman, Jodie Cunningham.”

Jarred by his interruption, she spun and nearly sprayed his jean-clad legs with water. Once more, Kevin's mouth twitched toward a smile.

Life would move on. No matter what the sorrow he faced, joy would return.

For now, however, his heart ached, and all he knew for certain was that he wanted this spectacular woman to be his life-long forever love. He wanted and needed Jodie Cunningham in ways only God could have ordained.

She closed the valve of the spray nozzle, her eyes tracking him and taking in what he knew would be ruddy skin, red eyes, and heavy shoulders.


He closed the distance between them and pulled her in tight. Control dissolved in an instant…and he crumbled. “How can I even thank you?”

“You don't need to. At all. I've loved doing this for you…and Vivian…” Her voice hitched. Her arms tightened around his waist. “I'm going to miss him, too. What a wonderful man.”

Her embrace, the tenderness in her voice, began to fill the painful, empty hole in his spirit. For the longest time, they clung to one another, quietly consoling. Kevin willingly held fast to life as the cheerful calls of children at play, intoxicating flower fragrance, and sunlight bathed the world around him.




“I didn't want you to be focused on anything but Vivian, and taking care of Andy's funeral.” Jodie murmured the words. She nestled her head against his chest, eyes closed.

Kevin tucked as close to her as he could, considering. Nothing compared to the comforting hold of the woman he loved. Not the simple joy of clearing flower beds of winter debris, not planting seeds and not watching them push through the dirt and spring to life in colors so lush they were blinding, not even a gut-searing loss.

They sat on the stairs of the gazebo, golden light pouring down as late afternoon shadows crept across the deep green lawn. He leaned against one of the banisters, cradling Jodie like a treasure—because that's precisely what she was to him. He wanted to share his feelings, and he wanted to find the right words to express how amazed he was by the way God had painted on the canvas of his life lately.

Secure in her arms, however, words fled.

A restful interlude of peace and stillness passed, and Kevin's resolution became unstoppable. Bitterness had been experienced and cried over. It was time, he decided, to taste the sweet. After all, Andy Hart would have expected nothing less.

“Do you want to know what I love about you? I actually have a list, in case you're interested.”

Jodie chuckled lightly at his question, and ducked her head.

he thought.
Not this time. Lord, please, let there be no more avoidance. No more shying away from each other.
Kevin quirked a fingertip beneath her chin then lifted her face so he could see her eyes—and lose himself in their clear, sweet depths. “First of all, you create ripple waves of God-love. You're bold about professing your faith. You're smart. You know just how to reach into a person's heart and help them feel His presence.”

“Kevin—” She leaned away, physically rebuking the declaration.

Kevin would have none of it. Life was too short to play hide-and-seek. Especially with love. “Getting to know you has sealed the door of my heart to anyone else.”

Her eyes went wide, openly revealing her hope, her joy at the declaration. The reaction gave him just enough strength to press on. “I want you, Jodie. For good and for all. If you're not ready, I'll wait, and I'll give us the time we deserve. But I need something from you. I need your promise not to give up on the idea of being with me. Forever. We deserve the happiness God's given us despite the turmoil of our lives. No matter what life deals us—good or bad—we need to hang on to the goodness He sends. Anything less is a waste. And I don't want to give up a single second more.”

Lips trembling, eyes sparkling and full, Jodie stroked his chin with the back of her fingertips. “You're my tender coaxer. Do you realize that?” Kevin furrowed his brows, a bit confused. “You've given me the ability to open up because you accept me for what I am—and what I'm not. I've been so exhausted and bewildered I nearly stepped back. From everything. But you wouldn't let me. Like the flowers you plant and the grounds you cultivate, you've nurtured me to life. You've kept me from wilting and dying off inside.”

As though in punctuation, she ran her fingers over the tips of the vibrant blue bonnets that rippled in the breeze; next she stroked the silky petals of the snapdragons. The world around them smelled fresh and sweet…renewed.

“I want to admit something to you that I've felt in my heart from the first time we chatted over coffee and pie.”

“What's that?” Just a murmur. A sweet, soft murmur.

“Supporting and caring for our families isn't the only reason God led us here.” Her eyes went soft and seeking as he watched her absorb the underlying message. Kevin looked deep into her eyes, traveling the valleys and plains of the spirit he saw--and treasured. He slid his fingertips light as air against the curve of her jaw. “We were meant to find our way to each other, Jodie.”

“I know. And, I believe that now. That's why I'm here. Why I'll always be here—for you and for everything that comes next. As soon as I came to terms, it was like all these thick, heavy chains that held down my heart just fell away. This is my chance.
my chance, and I don't want to let it go. Not now, not ever.”

Like the answer to a prayer, Kevin could almost feel the rustle of angel wings in the breeze that swept gently around them; he could almost hear the gentle rumble of a great man's delighted, happy laughter. With a sigh, he embraced Jodie and claimed her lips, swaying to the beat of the wind and the call of love's unending tune.




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