Jingle Bear: BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romance (North Pole Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Jingle Bear: BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romance (North Pole Book 1)
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Chapter Seven


Santa left and Chloe stared up at the lodge. The building itself was huge, but the doors were at least nine feet high, very wide, and heavy. She pushed one open and stepped inside.

She heard talking at the other end of the building, so she followed the sound, looking for Quinn. She passed several stall-like rooms with doors, some open and some closed, and the place reminded her of a barn, but more upscale.

As she neared a group of men standing at the back of the building, the talking became louder until she realized her grumpy bear had returned. Quinn stood with his back to her in front of a group of about ten men, barking out orders.

One by one, each of the men stared at her until Quinn realized he no longer held anyone’s attention.

“What is the—” he turned, but stopped mid-sentence when he saw her.

He looked at her in the same murderous way he’d looked at Rick, but she knew it stemmed from pain and not anger. She wasn’t afraid.

“What are you doing here?” he barked.

“I came to see you,” she said.

“Well, now that you’ve seen me, you can go,” he turned back toward his men. “As I was saying,” he started, but they all remained focused on her.

It seemed they were going to stick around for the show, which didn’t bother her as much as it would have in the past. She only cared about getting her bear back, and if she had to do it in front of his team, then she would.

“Quinn,” she called to him, but he snubbed her.

“Ignore her,” he said to the group. “She’ll run away in a minute.”

“I love you, and I’m not going anywhere,” she said, louder than before.

He sighed, placed his hands on his hips, and hung his head. She pushed on.

“I did run away,” she said to the group, and then focused on his broad muscled back. “I did, but in fairness you sprung two big, unbelievable things on me all at once. I should have trusted you, but it was easier to believe you were pushing me away instead of pulling me closer. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

The men stared at him, waiting for his next move, but he stayed still and stared at the floor. She couldn’t force him to forgive her, but she wasn’t leaving until she said everything she’d came to say.

It’s now or never.

“You said that you’d never be able to deny me anything, and because you overwhelmed me with two big announcements, I’d like three things from you.”

“Three?” he turned around to face her. “Why three?”

He still hadn’t smiled, but at least he looked at her now.

“I want an extra because I’m pretty and you love me,” she smiled.

A week ago she would have never been so bold, but with Quinn, his love and acceptance boosted her confidence. She knew she needed to flirt a little to knock that frown off of his face, and she knew in her heart he wouldn’t deny her.

“You’re not pretty,” he said. Every one of his men stepped forward, as if to defend her, but their protection wasn’t needed. Quinn wouldn’t purposely hurt her.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, his voice softer than before. “What are the three things?”

“Well,” she took a step toward him. “First, I want you.” She took another step. “Second, I want what’s in this bag, and third,” she stopped less than a foot away from him, “I’d like to take a ride down that big hill out there on my very own polar bear.”

The men behind him either gasped or laughed, and a few took a step back, as if waiting for him to retaliate. One man had to cover his mouth to keep the noise from escaping, but Quinn kept his attention solely on her.

“Do you see what you’ve done? Didn’t I say your polar bear story would come back to haunt me?” he smiled for the first time since she entered the building.

“You did,” she said and twisted her lips, trying to contain her laughter.

He took the bag from her hand, retrieved the ring, and closed the distance between them.

“It’s yours,” he said as he slid it over her finger, “as am I.”

He brushed his lips across hers twice before pulling away and whispering in her ear.

“After you ride my bear, I’m taking you home so you can ride me in another way.”

Her cheeks heated as his words sent a shiver down her spine, straight to her core. It had been nearly a day since she touched him and she wanted to pull him into one of the stalls and show him how much she wanted him.

Instead, Quinn introduced her to his team, and then sent them all to the party.

After a tour of the village, he kept his word and took her sledding, polar bear style. Many of his friends and coworkers couldn’t hide their surprise when Quinn shifted at the top of the mountain. She had to use a latter to climb on his back and she held on to his thick fur coat as they slid down the icy slope.

They landed in a wall of powder, and he shifted back to his human form and kissed her with the whole village watching. They slid down the slope four more times, laughing and kissing at the end, until she could no longer deny her desperate need to touch him.

“You want to go again?” he asked as he helped her crawl out of the powder.

“No,” she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Not right now. Will you take me home now? To your home?”

“Our home,” he said, “and I thought you’d never ask.”




Quinn ignored the stares from the passersby, and led Chloe to his home.

When they reached his door, he leaned down, scooped her up and carried her across the threshold. Instead of ordering him to put her down, she squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. He set her down inside the door and let her look around.

“You can change anything you want. Almost everything in here is hand-me-downs from other bears. We can replace everything if you’d like.” 

“Okay, where’s the bedroom?”

He led her down the hall toward his room, and let her enter first.

“Oh my god. Look at the size of this bed,” she said and bounced on the edge of the mattress. “The bed stays. We can figure out the rest later.”

She stood up and started removing her clothes. He watched her with rapt attention until she stood in front of him completely naked. Her ring caught the light and made a prism on the wall behind her. She grabbed the edge of his sweater and started pushing it up his abs, but then hesitated.

“Are you…did you change your mind?” she whispered.

“Never,” he kissed her. “I just like seeing you wearing nothing but my ring. Are you sure you want to marry me, be my mate and live here with me?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” she said and continued removing his sweater. She dropped it on the floor and started undoing his pants. She pulled them and his boxers down at the same time, revealing is hard cock.

He’d been dying to fuck her again since she’d walked into his building. She wrapped her hands around his dick and slid them up and down as if to test his readiness. She leaned down and swiped her tongue across the tip and then swirled it around the head. When she closed her lips around his girth, he moaned at the contact.

“Chloe, I…,” he moaned again. She fondled his balls with one hand and took more of him into her mouth. “Oh, that feels so good.”

She moved up and down his cock, swirling her tongue around the head and licking his slit at the top, then sucked him deeper each time she went down. He felt his balls tighten and took a step back. He wanted to come deep inside her pussy, and that wouldn’t happen if she kept going.

She stuck out her lower lip in a mock pout and he laughed and crawled on the bed.

“You can suck me dry next time, but I need to feel you come around me. Come here.”

She followed him on the bed and positioned herself over his cock.

She sank down slowly, torturing him with every inch. He didn’t dare move for fear of hurting her, but he didn’t need to worry. Her essence coated him as she raised herself up on her knees and sank back down.

“I need to tell you something about the mating,” he said.

“What is it?” she stopped half-way down.

He smacked her ass. “Don’t stop.”

She continued to move up and down, squeezing his dick with each decent. The base of his spine tingled and his dick started to throb. His control was slipping. Desire, need and dominance threatened to take over and pound into her deliciously wet pussy and claim her as his own.

“I need to bite you, with my fangs extended, as I come without protection. It’s the only way to create the bond.”

He expected her to refute his claims, but she placed both palms on his chest and moved faster and more erratic. He knew she would explode any minute. It was hard to think as he watched her take exactly what she wanted from him. Her breasts bounced wildly and her hair seemed to fly around her head untamed.

He would come any second, but he needed her response first.

“Chloe, I need your answer,” he said.

“Yes,” she wailed as her orgasm started. “Yes, I want to mate with you.”

He lifted her off his dick and set her on the bed next to him.

“On your hands and knees,” he said and kneeled behind her before she could complain. He smacked her ass again and pushed her shoulders down into the mattress.

He shoved his cock into her wet pussy and pounded into her as if his life depended on it.

His fangs extended and he bent over and sank them into her neck. The sensation triggered her orgasm and the feel of his fangs in his mate while she milked his cock caused him to explode.

He’d never come so hard, or so long, and the continued pounding caused Chloe to come again.

He slowly retracted his fangs and licked his bite.

He pulled out and Chloe collapsed face down on the bed. He lay beside her and lifted a lock of hair, searching for her face.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m better than okay,” she laughed. “That was the best Christmas gift ever.”

He pulled her into his arms and she rested her head on his shoulder. A few minutes later, her breath deepened and he knew she’d fallen asleep.

They’d have to go and pick up her stuff from the cabin and her home soon. He smiled when he thought about all those ornaments back at the cabin, and he couldn’t help but wonder how she’d decorate next year with a full house to cover in red and green.

He had a feeling she’d have him stringing lights outside, while wearing a crocheted, reindeer, jingle bell sweater for everyone to see.

For the first time in ten years, he welcomed the thought.


The End

From the Author


Thank you for purchasing this book. Your support allows me to continue doing a job I love every day. If you liked this story, please consider leaving a review so more people can find and enjoy my books.



Ruby Shae

About the Author


I write sizzling, sexy, shifter romance. Until I find my own tall, muscle bound, alpha shifter…I’ll keep writing about them. Visit my website to learn more about my books (and me!)



Also by Ruby Shae


Bear Mountain

(Stand-Alone Romance Novellas)


Lone Bear (Book 1)

Brother Bear (Book 2)

Double Bear (Book 3)

Idle Bear (Book 4)

Lost Bear (Book 5)


North Pole

(Stand-Alone Holiday Romance Novellas)


Jingle Bear (Book 1)

Silent Bear (Book 2)


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