Jess the Lonely Puppy (6 page)

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Authors: Holly Webb

BOOK: Jess the Lonely Puppy
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When Jess sneaked into Chloe’s room that night, she could feel that something wasn’t right. Ever since Chloe had come home, she’d been so quiet. She’d petted Jess and played with her, but she hadn’t been quite the same.

Jess stood by Chloe’s bed and looked up hopefully.

“Hello, Jess!” Chloe smiled and patted the duvet. “Come on! Up!”

Jess bounced on to the bed and settled herself on Chloe’s tummy, staring into her face. “Oof, you’re heavy,” Chloe said. “It’s nice though. You’re like the best sort of teddy bear.” She sighed.

Jess put her head to one side and whined questioningly. What was wrong?

“I know you don’t really understand, but you’re a very good listener,” Chloe murmured, tickling her under the chin.

Jess wagged her tail sleepily and closed her eyes. She was still listening, but she was worn out after all that hard work at the class.

“I hadn’t really thought about it until we went to the hospital this evening,” Chloe said, gazing at the ceiling.
“Of course I’m still looking forward to Will coming home, but it’s going to be hard when he comes back, too.”

Jess flicked one ear thoughtfully as Chloe mentioned Will.

“I know Mum said you’re a family dog, but really you’ve always been mostly his. You’re not going to want to play with me, once you’ve got Will back…”

Chloe sighed and looked down at Jess again. “I’m not even sure we can keep going to dog training, Will was so upset…” Then she smiled, sadly. Jess was fast asleep, floppy as a rag doll, stretched out on her tummy.

“I’ll make the most of you while I can,” she whispered, stroking Jess lovingly.

Grandad was very firm with Chloe when she suggested giving up the
classes until Will could take Jess instead.

“No. Absolutely not, Chlo. That’s not fair on you or Jess. You saw how much she loved training, and she needs it too. She was getting into bad habits. It’s sad for Will, but he loves Jess, and he’ll understand. There’ll be plenty more classes that he can take her to. I’m going to see him this afternoon, so I’ll have a chat with him.”

Chloe hugged him with relief. She really didn’t want to give up the classes – that first one had been so much fun.

When she next went to see Will, he
glared at her as she came up to his bed, and she wondered if he was still cross.

“Grandad says I have to say sorry,” Will muttered grumpily. “He says I should be grateful to you for looking after Jess so well.” He sighed. “And I am. It’s only that I was really looking forward to the classes. But Jess needs training now. I know it’s not fair to make her wait.”

Chloe beamed at him. “You’ll be out of here soon, then you can take her. She’s really good,” she added.

It was true. They’d had quite a few classes now, as they were twice a week, and Jess was a star at every one. There was going to be a competition at the final training session, Mike had said, and Chloe really wanted Jess to do well.
They’d been practising loads in the garden. She didn’t mention training to Will again though; it didn’t seem very fair.

She just wished Will could have come to the special agility taster session, too. As she and Grandad watched Mike setting up the course, she knew he would have loved it.

Mike had brought his two adult Border collies to show everybody else what to do. “Aren’t they beautiful?” Chloe whispered to Jess. “You’re going to look like that, when you’re bigger.”

Jess wasn’t really listening. She was staring eagerly at Mike as he took one of the collies, Marlo, to the start of the course. It had been set up in a big field on a nearby farm.

Jess’s tail was twitching with excitement and her eyes sparkled as she watched Marlo set off, speeding round the course, leaping over the jumps, darting in and out of the weaving poles, and shooting through a long pop-up tunnel. He even jumped through a hoop, and then finished by running up a see-saw and tipping it down. Everyone clapped when he and Mike completed the course, and Marlo just shook his ears proudly, as if to say it was nothing.

Mike and another instructor then began to demonstrate how to use the different equipment. Chloe and Jess started with low jumps. Even though Jess was tiny compared to some of the other dogs, she flew over the jumps easily.

Mike watched her, laughing. “Chloe, promise me, when Jess is a year old and can go to proper agility classes, you’ll bring her along.”

“Oh, does she have to be a year?” Chloe asked disappointedly.

Mike nodded. “Some of the agility equipment isn’t suitable for pups because they’re still growing. Things like the weaving poles – those sticks Marlo was going in and out of – they
can hurt a young dog’s back.”

Chloe nodded. “I think she’d love to go to a proper class, once she’s old enough.”

“Agility is great for collies; they’re so bright and so energetic. And it uses up all that energy too. They can be a real handful when they’re bored.”

Chloe nodded. “Jess was being so naughty before we came to training,” she agreed. “She was a nightmare.”

“You should definitely bring her to agility. Did you know some agility teachers run ABC classes?” Mike asked her, grinning. “Anything But Collies. Because they’re so good at it, they leave all the other dogs standing!”

When they got back Mum dashed out to meet them and hugged Chloe delightedly. “Will’s coming home! Tomorrow! Isn’t that wonderful?”

Chloe hugged her back. She had missed Will so much. Although it did hurt a little bit to see Jess jumping up and down, wagging her whole back end, not just her tail, she was so excited. “You’re going to be so glad to see him, aren’t you?” Chloe said, giving her a stroke. “Will’s hardly going to recognize you, your fur’s so long now!”

After dinner, she spread herself out on the living-room floor and taped together six big sheets of drawing paper.

“There you are! What are you doing?” Dad asked, peering round the living room door.

“Making a ‘Welcome Home’ banner for Will. I thought I’d put it in the hallway. Can I tie it on to the banisters?”

“Course you can. That’s a really nice idea, Chlo. Do you need any help?”

Chloe shook her head. “Only with the tying. Thanks, Dad.”

The banner took ages, outlining the letters, then painting them in with lots of different colours. When she’d finished filling in ‘Welcome Home!’, Chloe decided to have a break and go and get some juice while it dried.

She came back with her drink and stood at the door to admire her work – which was now decorated with a pattern of blue and red paw prints.

“Jess!” Chloe said crossly. “You walked on it!”

Jess looked up at her guiltily, and gave her tail an apologetic wag. Chloe laughed. “Actually, I bet Will would like it better like this anyway.” She smiled to herself, imagining how furious she would have been if Jess had done something like that a few weeks ago. “You just want to welcome him back too, don’t you? We’d better
wash your paws though, before you track paint everywhere.”

Jess and Chloe sat on the window seat, staring out at the road, waiting for Will to come. Jess kept jumping down, running over to the front door, and then dashing back again. She was so excited her tail couldn’t stop wagging. Will! Chloe had said Will was coming home!

Chloe peered out of the window. “Yes! There’s the car, Jess. They’re here!”

Jess shot out into the hallway, barking excitedly and scrabbling at the door.

Chloe opened it, and they stood watching as Will struggled out of the car on his crutches.

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