Jayded (3 page)

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Authors: Shevaun Delucia

Tags: #erotic, #Romantic

BOOK: Jayded
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Keep it cool, Max. Keep it cool. He

s just a kid, for Christ

s sake! What am I thinking, anyway? He may be a sexified stud muffin, but reality is, he
just a kid. What is he, twenty? Twenty-one? Let

s also not forget I am trying to merge my company with his parents

. Become partner, and fucking the young son of my new partners would probably be frowned upon.

I can

t help but put a little extra swing in my hips, and by the look on his face, I can tell he

s really enjoying it.

Where to?

I ask, allowing him to take lead. Actually,
him take the lead so I can violate that tight ass of his with my eyes. This may be wrong, but it feels so right.

He steps in front of me after closing his mother

s office door.

I thought maybe you might want some coffee before the tour?

he asks.

Yes! I am in dire need of some coffee. The bed in my hotel room is hard and uncomfortable. But it doesn

t matter how much the room costs or how nice the hotels are, I can never get comfortable in someone else

s bed. I used to tell that to my ex. We were engaged, and even then I wouldn

t sleep at his house, in his bed. When he made the decision to sell his house to move into mine until we bought one together, I panicked. The thought of my bed no longer being just mine scared the shit out of me, and I ran

all the way to New York.

Yes, please. That would be great.

I can see the eyeballs begin to follow and observe as we make our way through the company. The office has one large room with two smaller rooms attached on either side. Cubicles breaking up the rooms create maze-like pathways throughout. I quickly follow behind Kyle so I don

t get lost but keep a far enough distance for the occasional ass peek.

We enter the kitchen, and thankfully we

re alone. I

m intrigued by him and the way my body is reacting to him. Normally, I am in
control. I am always able to keep my emotions and body in check, but with him, I feel like a young high school girl. I

m completely out of my element. Even in high school, I was always in control.

Kyle grabs me a cup for my coffee and tells me where the sugar and creamer are. I can

t help but feel this wild energy surrounding us. It

s intense. Powerful. Instead of beating around the bush, I

m going to embrace it, clear the air a little so we can move on. I stop after fixing my coffee and turn to him.

Are you going to have any coffee?

What the

? Did that really just come out of my mouth? What the heck happened to confronting the giant elephant in the room head-on?

No, I

m good. Thanks, though. So tell me something about yourself. I mean, since we

re going to be spending most of the day together

why New York?

Kyle asks, getting right down to it, which is usually my thing.


re from South Carolina, right?

I take a sip of my coffee.

Yup, that I am. I just needed a change. This great opportunity kind of fell in my lap and, well, I couldn

t resist at least considering it. So here I am! I

ll be here for another week or two. Or at least until I

ve thoroughly gone over the proposal. If all works out, then my next step will be house hunting.

A girl enters the room just as he

s about to respond. She

s beautiful and young. I can feel the air thick with discomfort. Kyle

s body has gone rigid, and his hands are now clenched into fists. Interesting. The girl smiles at him, hoping to get his attention, but I can only see a cold gaze looking back at her. She walks past me and smiles, though the smile never reflects in her eyes. I can tell she is sizing me up as she looks me up and down.


s clear that she has a thing for him, and it

s definitely possible they might have had a thing together in the past. Obviously, whatever went down ended badly for her, and she never intended on being this distant from him.


s funny how women can tell all of this by just a simple smile. I feel a little bad for her. I can see the longing and lust as she looks at him, hoping he may look back at her the same. But he

s made it very clear, without using words, that it

s never going to happen. At least not at this moment.

Kyle, can I talk to you for a moment?

she asks, eyes almost begging. She looks back to me, hoping I might get the hint and leave.

Kyle rolls his eyes. Even when he does this childish act, he still looks adorable.

Actually, I don

t have time. I

m showing Max around. She will, hopefully soon, be added to our agent list.

I smile and hold my hand out to her.


s nice to meet you, um
I begin to say, and then quickly realize I haven

t yet heard her name.

She extends her hand out to shake mine.


s Elizabeth.

I nod.


I let go of her hand as she does mine.

Well, I

m sure we will be meeting again in the near future.

I watch as she looks back to Kyle in one last attempt at some sort of recognition from him, and then she exits.

I can

t help but quietly exhale. That was just a little too intense for my liking. I will need to remind myself to stay away from the young hunk of beautifulness before I get myself in trouble.

I take a sip of coffee while looking back toward Kyle, studying him for a moment.

So, that was interesting,

I say with a laugh, trying to release some of the tension.

He rubs his hand over his fuzzy head and chuckles uncomfortably.

Yeah, you could say that again. I apologize for that. She can be a little intense at times. She just never knows when to stop.

I lean my butt against the counter.

So, she a girlfriend, then?

God, why do I even care?

He stops fidgeting to look at me.

No. She

s definitely
a girlfriend. We hung out for a while, but she got too clingy,

he admits. I notice he is studying me carefully as I was doing to him a minute ago. Maybe he

s trying to decipher my reaction or figure me out.

I laugh.

Ahh, I see. So she wanted a relationship, and you just wanted a piece of ass,

I blurt out. I immediately cover my mouth, mortified.
Did that really just come out of my mouth?

He looks shocked but amused.


he teases.

Yeah, I guess you could say it that way. I

m a guy. What can I say?

he whispers while shrugging his shoulders. Of course he

s a guy. A fucking hot tamale that I can

t stop checking out.


m still mortified.

did not mean for that to come out that way. Please, forgive me!

I beg. He moves closer to me as if he

s drawn to me, moving without a thought until he is so close I can almost feel his breath. I stand here still as a statue, unable to breathe, and wonder what his next move might be. If I take a whiff of his sweet, mouthwatering aroma, it might just be the end of me. He smirks, pleased with the reaction he has arisen from me, and then reaches around me for a paper towel.

I let my breath out when he turns and shake my head with the realization that I am an actual moron. Did I really think he was drawn to me in this amount of time? I don

t know what I thought, but I do know that being that close to him makes me nervous in the most girlie sort of way.




The woman standing in front of me is a goddess. Is it wrong that I already want to sweep her in my arms and ravage her? I

m a hungry beast. I don

t know what it is about her that

s making me crazy. I

m as hard as a rock, and I

ve only been in her presence for ten minutes. Maybe it

s the red pumps. Maybe it

s those amazing blue eyes looking back at me. Can it be possible that she

s just as attracted to me as I am to her? No. No way.

to find out, so I close the gap between us in just three steps. I keep my eyes connected with hers as I feel out her energy. I know I

ve only just met her, but I feel this crazy, deep connection. Or is it lust? Whatever it is, it

s turning me on. The energy surrounding us has spiked to a loud, thick buzz, and I can

t help the twinges and tingles I

m feeling from down below.

She looks skeptical as I move in but that quickly turns to

hopeful, is it? Maybe just a tad hungry or lascivious? Damn, I want her! I want to lift her on top of that counter, slide her skirt up, and rip her panties off with my teeth. She probably tastes as amazing as she smells.

The closer I lean in, the more nervous she seems to get, but I still have my eyes set on hers. I

m almost afraid to keep looking. What if she

s on to me? What if she slaps me? I laugh inside at this thought because any touch from her would be a good touch. Oh man. This is going to be one long day!


hh. I am done being a tour guide for today. Bittersweet. Max has kept me on my toes the whole day. Every movement of her body hypnotizes me. Every whiff of her scent intoxicates me, and every small glance and sly seductive smile unglues me. If I am feeling this way after only eight hours with her, what will a week or months, for that matter, do to me? I just need to fuck her to get her out of my head. Once I do the deed, I can go back to my normal self. 

Of course, there may be one small problem with my solution

she may go into partnership with my parents. Damn! That may be a deal breaker right there! But, on the other hand, who has to know?

What the

I snap my head around after being welted in the back of the fucking head.

Dude! Not freaking cool man!

I gripe quietly.

Jeff has an ear-to-ear dickhead grin on his face. I can tell he

s ready to get his drink on, and it

s only Monday night.

Sorry, bro,

he chuckles.


m just glad it

five o

clock, man. This day has been

he says.

I finish clocking out and shut down my computer for the night.

I totally feel ya, my man,

I agree, standing up to stretch.

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