Jayded (27 page)

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Authors: Shevaun Delucia

Tags: #erotic, #Romantic

BOOK: Jayded
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I feel my face begin to heat.


s most definitely for later,

I inform.

I just can

t get enough of this guy. I

m hooked, and it

s barely been two weeks. Before I can say another word, my phone rings. I rummage through my purse, which is hanging from the back of the chair. I immediately relax; it

s my brother, Luke. I answer it.


Hey, sis. I just thought you should know that Dad will be in town this weekend. He wants to have dinner with us. Can you make the drive down here?

he asks.

I can

t believe I

m even hearing this come out of his mouth.

Are you kidding me, Luke? I have work to do. I won

t be able to head down there until next weekend.

I hear silence for a moment.

I know your feelings on the matter, and I don

t blame you one bit, but don

t you think it

s time to hear him out?

No, I really don

t. I have no need to go back to the past. I

ve moved on from it. Just tell him I

m busy, okay?

I know it

s asking a lot of him. He hates having to be in the middle of this all the time, but I never asked him to be in the middle.

He sighs.

Okay, sis. I

ll do that, but just so you know, keeping this all bottled inside isn

t healthy. Maybe it

s time you go talk to someone about all this,

he suggests.

I crinkle my forehead and shake my head at this nonsense he is talking. Kyle starts to chuckle.

Luke, that

s not happening. Listen, I have to go. I

m in the middle of dinner,

I tell him, trying to escape before he says any more.

He sighs again.

Okay, I love you.

I love you, too,

I tell him. I end the call.

I look up at Kyle, and he looks concerned. Damn Luke.

Are you good?

I shake it off and throw on a fake smile.

Yeah, he wanted to know if I would be in town this weekend. I guess my father is passing through.

I cut a piece of the chicken and direct it into my mouth. My eyes close shut in extreme pleasure. I moan as I chew in pure bliss. He is amazing in the kitchen. My stomach couldn

t be happier. I open my eyes, and he is giving me a hungered look. I think I just woke up the beast.


I giggle, playing innocent.

He shakes his head.

I don

t think I

m ever going to get sick of that,

he says with a smile.


s the last time you saw your father?

It takes me a moment to think.

I don

t know. Maybe ten years?

His brows lift in shock.

Holy shit, Max. That

s a
long time. Why did you initially stop talking to him?

I watch him twirl his fork in the spaghetti with his spoon.

He was having an affair for years. My mom knew it, but she was too comfortable spending my father

s money to even confront him. He would be off gallivanting for days. Never even took a moment to see if his kids were okay. Eventually, he ended up leaving my mother for this other woman. When he left, he didn

t even look back. Then years later, he decided he wanted to be part of my life,

I disclose.

Kyle looks angered but sad.


m so sorry he did that to you. You have every right to not speak with him. A man that does that to his family is not a man; he

s a coward.

I take a much-needed sip of my wine. A tear slides down my cheek, but before Kyle sees it, I brush it away. You would think that after all these years, the pain would just fade away. But it doesn

t. Every time my dad pops into our lives, the wound is reopened like it was yesterday. The only way I know how to heal is to avoid him at all costs. It may not heal pretty, but it will eventually close up the wound until the next time.

Thank you for that,

I sincerely tell him.

So how

s that chicken?

I finish taking another sip of wine.

Did you make the sauce yourself?

He pretends to brush his shoulder off.

Yup. It

s my mom

s recipe, but I like to alter it a little and add my own ingredients to it.

Well, I think you should bottle it up and sell it,

I advise him before taking another bite.

So tell me something

how did your parents meet?

Unlike me, he smiles at the thought of their story.

They met in college. They hung out with the same crowd for a couple of years, but it wasn

t until their senior year that my dad got up the courage to ask her out. Of course, if you ask my father, he

ll have a completely different version of the story,

he says with a laugh.


ve been together ever since. My father began this business years later when Junior was a baby, and my mom

s helped run it ever since. They

ve had their ups and downs like I mentioned before, but who doesn

t? I think you have to go through down times to appreciate the great times, you know?

I adore his positive outlook on life. I just wish I had an ounce of it to hold on to. Who the hell wants to feel negative their whole life? At first, I thought maybe Cody was my little bit of positive, but I realized quickly that he wasn

t it for me. Maybe he was


in the beginning, but as time went on, it took too much effort to make it work. I know relationships can be hard, but I personally believe if someone

s meant for someone else, it just clicks and you ride out the waves together, not separately.

Yes, I totally agree. You know, you

re pretty wise for your age,

I compliment him.

He doesn

t look appreciative.

Can I ask you something?

I nod my head.

Sure, anything.

Does our age difference bother you any?

I take a moment to think before I answer. I want it to be said in just the right way.

As of right now, no. It

s just you and I involved in some casual sex. There are moments where I think maybe I

ve taken advantage of you, considering I

m much older, but I also know you

re not a boy. You

re very much a man,

I playfully joke, trying to ease the tension as he

s listening extra carefully.


m really not sure how I would feel if your parents or people from work knew. I haven

t thought of it that deeply. What about you?

I don

t care who knows. I don

t care what anyone else thinks, either. Just so we

re clear, our age difference isn

t even a thought in my mind. You seem a little bothered by it, though,

he points out.

I smile at his boldness.


s just because I

m the one who

s older here. Now, if this was something serious, like talking marriage and kids, I might have a bigger issue with it. But since we

re just having fun, it

s not really an issue,

I say.

Do you want marriage and kids?

he questions seriously.

I take a sip of my wine before responding.

No, I don

t think I do. How about you?


ve usually been the

hell no

type of guy, but I think if the right woman comes around, I would be willing to change that. It
to be the right woman though,

he says with a laugh.

He pushes his plate away. I didn

t even leave a drop of food on mine. I get up to clear the table. He watches me do my thing. He has a glaze over his eyes that I can

t explain. It

s either sexual hunger or he likes this domestic side of me. Believe me, I don

t do this very often. I just figured I would clean up since he cooked.




I enjoy watching her. She moves around the kitchen like a ballerina. This is definitely something I could get used to. Her story saddens me deeply though. That is a lot to take on at such a young age. To turn out as well as she has says something about her character. She

s not weak. She doesn

t use her past as an excuse or crutch, and I admire that about her.


ve always been attracted to the easy woman, the woman that makes herself readily available. But then I get bored and go on to the next. I knew Max would be a challenge, and I was up for the chase. But what I didn

t expect was how much I would enjoy being in her presence and how every time I look at her, I get hard like she was my first. She just does it for me. I don

t know why or how. But how am I supposed to let go when she

s done with me?

This question just lingers in my head as she pours the rest of the wine into our glasses. I get up and walk over to the couch to stretch out after the meal. I am stuffed. She looks through my CD selection near the TV. She picks one out to place into the CD player and turns to me as the room fills with Sade


No Ordinary Love.

Sade, huh? Isn

t this before your time?

she questions with a smirk.

She comes to sit next to me.

I grew up on that. My mother loves her stuff. It just kind of grew on me. I love playing it after work when I watch the sunset with a nice glass of wine. Sound weird?

She shakes her head and snickers.

Yeah, coming from you it does. I would have never pictured that. Now, I can picture you trying to seduce a girl while doing that, but the girls you bring back wouldn

t know who the hell Sade is,

I say with a laugh. The more I learn about him, the more I like. It

s like he

s an old soul in a new body.

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