JAX (The Beckett Boys, Book Two) (16 page)

BOOK: JAX (The Beckett Boys, Book Two)
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I nearly choked on my beer. “What?”

The bartender grinned impishly. “He chooses a different girl every week to suck him off before games. You know, to get the nerves out before he plays. He’s the star quarterback, so he can’t just change the tradition.”

“And girls…want to do this?” I asked.

want to do this. But so far he’s only let girls. Pity. I’m damn good at sucking cock,” the bartender said, pouting. “Piper’s never been chosen, but she’s sworn for years that once he’s got her lips on his dick, the whole new-girl-every-week thing will be done for. She wants to be the girl on his arm, not just the one on her knees.”

“Well. Um. Good luck to her,” I said, unsure what else I was supposed to say. I threw back the beer and, to my relief, the bartender handed me another one. I dared to glance back toward the couch; Jacob Everett’s eyes were elsewhere, now, specifically on a pretty black girl with legs for days. A moment later he was chatting with an ice blonde pixie queen.

It was actually amazing, now that Jacob’s looks weren’t totally disarming me, to watch the way girls zipped in and out of his circle. One would instantly replace another, so that it looked almost like a conveyer belt of girls being funneled toward him. Other football players—without Jacob Everett’s charisma (or, to be fair, his smile)—chatted with girls as they arrived or departed, clearly content to be members of the court even if they couldn’t be royalty in their own right.

“So. What’s your name, honey?” the bartender asked.

“Sasha. I’m the New Lily,” I said.

“Oh!” the bartender said, looking alarmed.

“What?” I asked, going still.

“New Lily!” Piper’s voice broke into the conversation. She was clearly a little tipsy, as she linked her arm through mine. “You can’t just hang out at the bar all night,” she told me. Come on!”

I shrugged at the bartender, who had a cautious look on his face now— but there was no time for me to ask what that was all about, because Piper was dragging me to the other room, toward Jacob Everett’s couch.

Jacob Everett was something of a lightening rod; all energy and light and power shooting toward him. Piper pulled me along behind her; Kiersten was nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t until Piper had wrestled me over to the edge of the couch that I realized we’d taken the place of the girls I’d been watching adore and admire Jacob Everett just a few moments before.
And so the scholar becomes the subject
, I thought, wanting to roll my eyes at myself for becoming one of the many conveyor belt girls.

“Having a good time?” Piper asked, very deliberately keeping me one space behind her on the conveyor belt.

“Yeah, yeah. The bartender is really nice,” I said.

“Never say that again,” Piper said, her voice carrying just enough edge to be serious. “How do I look?”

“Gorgeous— but your lipstick is smudged,” I said, actually impressed that it wasn’t
smudged given how hard she’d been kissing Adams.

“Dammit,” Piper hissed, and rustled through her purse to reapply. As she did so, the conveyor belt moved a bit. A cute redhead moved along, and suddenly, Piper was sitting beside Jacob on the couch, sparkling, shining. She looked tiny next to Jacob Everett, who immediately wrapped an arm around her and tugged her close. It wasn’t so much romantic as it was possessive, and seeing him do this dimmed the glow around Jacob— at least, as far as I was concerned.

“Hey, Piper, baby,” Jacob said, leaning against her a little. “So you finally made your way back here to see me.”

“You’ve got a line, Jacob,” Piper said teasingly. She kissed him on the lips, lightly, and while Jacob allowed it, he didn’t deepen the kiss either. Piper leaned in even closer and played with the edges of her hair.

“I got the third game in the lottery,” Piper said, sipping on her drink.

“Oh yeah? Florida. Should be a good game. For us, anyway,” Jacob said.

“Yep. So. I’ll be there. If you need anything,” Piper finished, letting the final words roll around in her mouth a bit. The eyes of the nearby girls flashed dark for a moment, and even if I hadn’t learned what Piper was implying, there’d have been no denying the jealous wave that rippled through the room.

My feet were starting to hurt in Kiersten’s shoes; I lowered myself down to the arm of the couch, trying to stay as far from Jacob’s orbit as possible without totally abandoning Piper. Jacob and Piper continued to chat for a moment, just long enough that I relaxed a bit, even started looking for an in in the conversation two nearby girls were having (it wasn’t easy— they were talking about local bars, which I knew absolutely nothing about).

“So, tell me something, Piper,” Jacob said, turning his head so that his voice— it was a solid, strong voice— hit me full on. I startled when I turned and was struck again by Jacob’s gray-blue eyes on me, so much closer this time, and so much more disarming when paired with his voice. He lifted an eyebrow at me. “Tell me about this new girl.”

Chapter 3

hat’s the New Lily
. Her name’s Sasha,” Piper said with more than a hint of dismissiveness in her voice.

“I already know her name. But why is she a mime?” Jacob asked without pulling his gaze away.

? Why is he saying I’m a mime?

I meant to move, or speak, or hell, even
look away
, but suddenly I couldn’t do any of the above. All I could focus on were his eyes, and all I could think of, was what the bartender had said earlier: That Jacob Everett had a nine-inch cock.

Heat started to rise up my neck, and I knew without having a mirror that I was turning dark red. This seemed to please Jacob; a smile teased at the edge of his mouth.

“She’s new. She’s a freshman, actually,” Piper said, speaking quickly, like this conversation was a nuisance.

“A freshman!” Jacob said, looking surprised— but the wry smile was still there. “You don’t look like the other freshman, Mime.”

“Sasha,” I finally managed to say, though the word came out more whispered than I intended.

Jacob’s smile widened, though didn’t get any less….what was it, exactly? Dazzling? Clever? Surveying? There was something about the way he was staring that told me he knew
how paralyzing his eyes were, and was enjoying watching me squirm. I swallowed and realized that heat was spreading from my chest down to my hips; when Jacob leaned a little closer, all but edging Piper out of the conversation, I pressed my lips together and felt the first wave of wetness in my panties.

“Sasha the mime, “ Jacob said, his voice seductive somehow. He was wearing some sort of cologne, or deodorant, or something, and it was dizzying. “Where are you from, Sasha?”

“The middle of nowhere,” Piper said quickly, and leaned back, hard enough to push Jacob back into his central spot and nearly knocking me off the couch entirely. I had to stand up to avoid just sliding off the arm.

Piper continued speaking without so much as looking at me. “I thought she might have a good time meeting some of the freshmen players, so I brought her along. She doesn’t know
about football.”

“Really! Interesting,” Jacob said, finally looking back at Piper.

Piper’s spine seemed to straighten under his gaze. “Yeah, I had to explain the ticket lottery to her, even. She’ll figure it out. I think she and Barrett would be adorable together,” Piper said.

“Oh, they would!” someone— one of the nearby girls— said quickly, and stepped closer to me. “Seriously. He’s a linebacker, muscles for days and
sweet. I can go introduce you if you want.”

“You should! Really, I think he’s in the front,” another girl said, and before I totally knew what was happening, I was being led away. I looked back over my shoulder, meaning to spot Piper’s face, but instead I once again found Jacob’s eyes— it was so easy to find his eyes, his and mine clicking together like puzzle pieces. My lips parted— I wanted to say something, but what? It wasn’t like I could call out his name. I’d barely even spoken to him, and besides, Piper was now wiggling her way into his lap. But his eyes were boring into me, and then, to my delight— and surprise— his gaze was running down my body. Even while being pulled away, I inhaled at the feel of his eyes on me, at the realization they were lingering on my breasts, on my hips, on my legs…

“This is Barrett!” the girl— who the hell was this girl?— said, spinning me around and nearly throwing me into the arms of a kind-faced and slightly pudgy football player.

“Hi, Barrett— I’ll be right back,” I said, relieved to find that without Jacob’s eyes on me, I’d regained the power of speech. I smiled at him, then hurried toward the porch.

Air, I needed air, and now.

Football House’s porch was still packed with people, but I wound my way to the backside, behind the kegs and away from the heat of the other partygoers. I put my hands on the railing and took a deep breath. What was wrong with me? It was just some guy— some arrogant guy who had a parade of women ready to suck his cock, one of whom was apparently my suite mate.

But I’d never had someone look at me like that— like they not only wanted, but
to undress me. Me—a country girl, clubhouse waitress, nineteen-year-old-freshman, virgin. He hadn’t looked at Piper like that, had he?

No. He had, I cautioned myself. Surely he had— I figured he must have one of those gazes that made you
like the only girl in his world, even though that’s not true.

Still, I remembered what he’d said:
I already know her name

One of those freshman had said someone had been asking about me. Could it possibly have been Jacob Everett? Had he spotted me that early in the night, and sent someone to learn more about me?

It didn’t seem believable, not with the parade of women that were circulating by him constantly.

I took a few deep breaths, then backed up and sat in one of the lawn chairs that lined the deck. It was hard to see the stars here— too much ambient light in the big city. So very, very different than Tifton, where the stars stretched on for ages and the only noise you heard after eleven o’clock was the trill of cicadas. Here, I could still hear the rumble of car engines and sirens, even though tucked away on the backside of the house I could see neither.

I enjoyed the cool night air for a few moments that quickly became nearly a half hour. I finally felt like myself again, and was about to turn around when someone caught my eye in the tiny yard down below the deck. Two people— the tall, leggy black girl from earlier, tugging along another form, this one tall and strong looking, even in partial shadow.

It was Jacob Everett, I realized, and I hated the fact that a wave of hurt rocketed through me. The girl was pulling him into one of the yard’s benches, and though I wanted to look away immediately, I kept my eyes on them just long enough to see the girl dramatically bend over the bench, her sundress flipping up as she did so. Jacob put a hand on her ass, then spanked it just hard enough that the popping sound reached the deck. The girl giggled in response; Jacob slid one hand down her ass, to the darkened space between her legs, and used his other hand to fumble with his belt—

I spun around, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment. I had to get out of here, now— after all, Jacob Everett was about to have another one of his apparently famous hookups, and why would anyone want to see that? I repeated this to myself more than once, trying to quell the unwelcome disappointment that was welling up in me. When I couldn’t, I took off at a jog, around the side of the deck, back to the party, which was louder, hotter, and drunker than I left it. I looked around for Piper or Kiersten— I wanted to go back to the suite,
. I didn’t see them anywhere, but the bartender was still a friendly face in the crowd. I hurried up to him.

“Hey— are Piper and Kiersten around? I need to tell them I’m leaving,” I said hurriedly.

The bartender looked surprised. “Oh. Um. Kiersten is probably in someone’s pants, or in the very least in someone’s apartment, by now, and Piper left a few minutes ago.”

“They both left?”

He nodded, giving me a pitying look. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just…I just need some sleep,” I said, shaking my head. I smiled at the bartender and backed away. They’d left me.

Some first day of college.

Chapter 4

my way back to the dorms quickly enough, though on the way I managed to rack up a not insignificant amount of frustration that my roommates had left me to walk alone, in the dark, tipsy. My feet were sore from Kiersten’s shoes and, by the time I climbed the steps to our suite, I was fairly certain I had sizable blisters on my toes. I refused to limp from them, though, when I pushed open the door and stepped inside.

“Hello? Kiersten? Piper?” I called out, forcing my voice to sound bored, rather than upset.

“You’re back early,” someone— Piper, I realized, who was on the couch— said flatly.

“I wish I’d known you left,” I said.

Piper gave a tired shrug but ignored my comment.

“Would you like me to wash this dress?” I asked, trying to hide my disappointment at being abandoned at the party. After all, this was day one and I couldn’t very well be feuding with my roommate within the first twenty-four hours of meeting her.

“That dress has to be dry cleaned.” She looked me over. “Let me take it so it doesn’t get ruined. Also, you should probably go get some of your own stuff to wear out. This fit you okay, but I think it made you look a little hip-y,” Piper said, rising.

After a second of confusion, I realized she was asking for the dress back. Normally, I’d have hurried back to my room then handed it over, but some combination of alcohol, being left, and the strange hurt feeling I had when watching Jacob bend that girl over a garden bench made me feel reckless. I dropped my purse, then twisted to unclasp the dress. It dropped to my feet and, with a quick smile, I stepped out of the puddle, then snatched it up to hand it to Piper.

“Thanks for letting me wear it,” I said. I felt myself cooling— literally and figuratively. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe they didn’t understand how many “being safe in college” type brochures I had read. Maybe this was all a big misunderstanding. I took a breath and slowed my anger down.

Piper smiled, lips tense. “Glad you had such a successful evening.”

“It was fun,” I said. “I really did have a nice time. Why’d you leave without me, though?”

Piper shrugged. “You looked like you had things under control.”

“Yeah, but still. Can you just tell me next time? Please?” I asked, trying to let kindness shine through my words.

Piper looked annoyed, then tossed the dress into the door of her open bedroom. “I’ll try to keep that in mind. Calm down, New Lily.”

I licked my lips, then nodded and walked down to my bedroom. It was still unpacked, though I’d had time before the party to make my bed up. I knew I should wash my face, but I needed a moment alone. I hit the lights and, still in my bra and panties, curled up onto my bed in the darkness.

Calm down, New Lily
. Piper said it in a way that baited me, begged me to demand I be called by my actual name. It hadn’t worked, though— one, because I could tell it was bait, and two, because I couldn’t stop thinking about the face of the one person who not only knew my name, but perhaps had even sought it out.

Jacob Everett.

I took a deep breath at the thought of him— of gray blue eyes and dark hair and the way his muscles looked against the fabric of his shirt. I was from south Georgia, so I’d seen plenty of boys who considered themselves football gods…but Jacob Everett was the only one I’d ever seen that managed to pull me into his orbit so quickly and completely. I didn’t even care about football, after all, but there was something about him…was it the way the other people at the party so clearly worshipped him? Was it the fact that he’d looked at
, asked about
when someone as confident and sexy as Piper was sitting beside him?

I smashed my face against my pillow, and reminded myself that despite all that, Jacob had been out in the yard doing god-only-knew-what with the pretty black girl. I bit my lip and wondered what it was like to be that girl, to so happily bend over and invite Jacob to take her right there, under the night sky.

I found myself clenching the muscles between my legs at the thought, wondering what it would be like to let Jacob into my most private areas. The smallest of moans emerged from my lips as, for a moment, I allowed myself to think of his hands sliding between my legs, pushing them apart.

Don’t be stupid
, I scolded myself, forcing my eyes open. I wouldn’t even know what to do if Jacob wanted me— I certainly wouldn’t have had the nerve to hike my dress up and bend over, no matter how well I could imagine myself doing exactly that.

But what does it hurt to imagine it?
I thought, and blushed at my own brashness. Jacob Everett had asked after me, but it wasn’t like it would ever become anything— so why not have a little fun with the memory while it was fresh? I reached for my phone and Googled Jacob’s name. A million photos popped up immediately— Jacob in football gear, at press conferences, signing autographs. I scrolled along them until I found a candid photo of him walking off the football field, I assumed after a workout— it looked to be late afternoon, and sunlight was bouncing off the sweat-slicked muscles of his abs, so defined I wanted to run my fingers along them. There was a girl beside him, a pretty petite thing in a sports bra, and it looked like she was laughing at something he’d just said. I carefully resized the photo so that Jacob alone was in the frame.

I rolled over onto my back and bent my knees up, then slid my hand down my stomach and into my panties. I held the phone up so I could see the photo as my fingers slid along the wetness— the significant wetness— of my slit. My own touch made me jump; I so rarely did this, but suddenly, I wanted the release of an orgasm. No— wanted the release of an orgasm at Jacob’s hands.

The fact that I was a virgin, that I had no idea if my fantasies were realistic or not, that
was the one rubbing my fingers against my clit, none of that mattered suddenly. I stared at the picture of Jacob and imagined what it would be like if he were here, looking at me the way he had at the party. Looking at me
. What if I’d stayed longer, fought past Piper and the other girls’ efforts to get me out of his immediate proximity? Would he have lead
into the garden?

I took a long, eager breath, and surrendered to the fantasy.

He would have grinned at me, that cocky, arrogant grin that sparkled all the same. He’d have shrugged Piper and the other girls off, and walked toward me intently, gray blue eyes never falling from mine, then taken me by the wrist. He wouldn’t say anything, not really, but he’d have pulled me gently along behind him, strong and sure and confident in all the ways I wasn’t. We’d have gone out one of the back doors, into the yard together, into the cool night air. Jacob would have turned around then and pulled me against him, then lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He’d kiss me, hard and powerful, and I’d be able to feel his cock prodding at me through the fabric of his pants. He’d slide his hands underneath my ass, fingertips brushing against my pussy, and his eyes would sparkle like they had at the party— knowing I was in his arms, making me want him, making me groan from wanting him to slide his fingers closer, closer, until they groped at my clit…it would turn him on, and seeing him get so hot would make me feel wild and reckless and desperate.

In my bedroom, I licked my lips and began to rub at my clit harder, feeling the rush of blood and desire. I kept thinking of Jacob, of what he’d do to me— or what I wanted him to do to me, at least.

He’d have set me down gently, that careful, measured way that only someone wickedly strong could handle. He’d have let his hands slide up my body, pulling my dress along with it, and I’d have been left standing in my bra and panties and heels before him, open to his judgment. He’d smile— the sparkling one from the party— then tell me to take off my bra and panties. Not ask—
— and being told would be so freeing, so simple, that I’d comply immediately. When I was undressed, night air licking at my nipples and ass, he’d place his hands on my shoulders and turn me around. I imagined his hand on the small of my back, his other hand gripping my shoulder as he bent me over. I rubbed myself faster as I imagined how it would feel, the heat of him positioning himself behind me, the ache of my pussy wanting to be filled, then the rush of feeling him enter me. Nine inches, nine inches of cock, sliding into my body; the idea made me ripple with pleasure, with want, with curiosity. What would it feel like to not only be fucked, but to be fucked by someone that large? I imagined his hips kissing against me as he pushed all the way into me, then withdrawing, slow at first, then faster, harder. His cock would throb inside me until I felt like I might break into a thousand pieces from the heat of him.

I was nearly there, and I whimpered into the darkness of my bedroom, knowing I was a moment away from orgasm.

It’s my fantasy— it’ll happen my way

Jacob would have reached around me easily, so large in comparison to my tiny frame, pressing against my clit as he continued to pound into me, and I’d hear him groan behind me. Quietly, almost impossible to hear— he wouldn’t want me to know how close he was, but I’d be able to feel it in the way his cock was growing ever-harder inside me. I felt the rush— in real life and in my fantasy— of my orgasm finally swelling, and I groaned as I started to cum, a rush of heat and tingling sweeping through my body.

I cried out, something I’d never done before, but it was all so much, so overwhelming, and I could feel him in me, feel him possessing me in the most intimate of ways. His name— I cried out his name and despite the want to close my eyes and regain control, I stared hard at the photo on my phone as the orgasm tore me to pieces.

When it was through, I felt dissolved— a puddle of sweat and wetness and exhilaration. I finally lowered my phone, staring at the ceiling, and the less pleasant parts of the evenings felt worlds away. Nothing would ever come of this, of course, but I couldn’t help but feel appreciative toward Jacob Everett— one look at a party, and in the end I’d had one of the greatest orgasms of my life.

, I thought as I closed my eyes and sighed.
I wish I knew what it’d actually be like to have him fuck me.

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