Jaq With a Q (Kismet) (24 page)

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Authors: Jettie Woodruff

BOOK: Jaq With a Q (Kismet)
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“Mmmm, right there. Keep doing that.”

I had to keep doing that because her hand and her weight didn’t give me a choice. Even though I knew she was ready and I could have finished her in a moment, I didn’t want to. She may have been able to keep my head still, but I had full control of my tongue and what it did. As soon as her body stiffened and her moan started, I released her clit, licking her from back to front, over and over again.

“Oh, my God, Ollie. If you do that one more time I’m going to quit.”

I did it one more time, holding her hips in place to keep her from moving, and then let her come. Her hands slapped flat against the wall and her legs stiffened around my face, ecstasy releasing not only in her, but all around. From her, through me. My tongue stroked her a few times, letting her come down from her high before letting her crawl off and slide down my face.

“Stay right there, ride it.”

“I can’t.”

I didn’t really give her a choice. One hand flat on her stomach directed her over me and one hand guided my dick to her opening. “Stop saying that. Yes, you can. Just sit on it.”

Of course I had to help her, but once I shoved in and out of her a couple times, her hips began to move on their own. I did have to hold onto her wrists, though. It was either that or let her cover her face. I wanted to watch. There was a side of Jaq in this euphoric state, a side of me, something that only manifested when we came together like this. When we made love. I didn’t know why her, but without a doubt, I knew it was only her, it could only ever be her.

Wanting to be closer to her body, I rolled her to her back and kissed her, our eyes transferring something only she and I could share. “I love you.”

“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I wouldn’t be here if you’d hadn’t showed up. I really believe that.”

“So, that means you’re good? You’d rather keep living here with me than checking out early?”

Her yes was given a couple of different ways, a mixture of pleasure and content. I stilled inside her and released with her, my own gratification mixing with hers.

The next morning when I stepped out to the porch and the brand new summer day, I didn’t see an exploding building, I didn’t see the terrified look in Silas’s eyes, and I didn’t hear the screams. I saw Jaq, perched on the little ledge, her arms out to her sides, balancing herself and wearing my ring.

My arm automatically raised for her when she joined me with a cup of hot tea. “I can’t marry you,” she assured me, her finger held in the air. “Cleo ate my ring.”

I smiled and kissed her lips. “I’m going to buy you the prettiest ring you’ve ever seen, my little Kiss.”

“What if I don’t want it? I’m not really the diamond type, you know?”

I set her cup down on the banister and kissed the back of her head, my arms holding her securely to my body with a flat hand on her stomach. “How about a bellybutton ring? Do you have any idea how sexy you would look with a bellybutton ring?”

“Yeah, like I’m that type, too. Nobody would ever see it.”

“I would see it. You should do it.”

“Okay, and I’ll just lift my shirt when people ask to see my engagement ring.”

I laughed, my words touching her neck. “What people?”

“Shut up. Do you want to go say good morning to the swans and feed the fish?”

“No, you go ahead. I’m going to call Silas and think about mowing the yard. It seems like yesterday I was begging it to grow, now it won’t stop.”

“You, of all people, should know to be careful what you wish for.”


I watched Jaq walk away, a quick kiss to my cheek and then my lips. “I love you, Ollie.”

“I love you more. Say hi to your friends for me.”

“Go ahead, make fun of me. See if I care.”

I laughed at her, dialing my brother. “I’m so not making fun of you.”

“Liar. Come on, Cleo and Leo. He’s mean.”

Silas answered just before I was ready to hang up. “I was just getting ready to call you.”

“Well, it’s about time. I’ve left you three messages.”

“Yeah, I’m still in New York. Something strange is happening to me, Oliver. I don’t get it.”

My posture straightened, alarmed that he might be ill. Silas was the only family I had and I couldn’t help but be intently worried. “Are you sick?”

“Yeah, but not like that. It’s a girl. I don’t know what’s going on with me.”

I squatted to the first step, a smile on my face, not only for Jaq tossing little pellets into the lake for the baby swans and the fish, but for Silas, too. “You’re love sick?”

“Fuck, Oliver. It’s not funny. Somethings going on with me. I mean, this chick isn’t even my type and she’s got a story, but I don’t want to ask. You know? It’s going to make me sound like I’m into her or something.”

“But you just told me you were. Who is she?”

“Just some weird ass chick. She’s not even blonde.”

Although it was very true, I laughed anyway. “Yeah? They come in all shapes and colors.”

“Shut up, man. I’m being serious. I can’t stay away from her.”

“Wow. Silas is in love. Why do you say she’s weird?”

“She is. She’s like a flower child straight out of Woodstock.”

“I’m not sure what to say to you right now. If I didn’t know better, I would say you’re not my brother.”

“Right. Fuck, dude.”

“So go with it. See where it takes you.”

“Yeah, she’s sort of taken.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s married.”

“Yeah, man. I don’t like it. Leave from there now. Go home. Get the hell out of New York.”

“I can’t. I’m working here.”

“You’re calling me to tell me this so I will talk you off the ledge. I’m talking brother. Get the fuck away from the edge. Come back.”

“I keep thinking the same thing, Oliver, but then I think about you. As crazy as I think it is for you to be with someone like Jaq, I see something not of this space and time when you’re with her.”

My head jerked from surprise and I frowned at the statement. Even though the same philosophies were spoken to Silas our entire life, he never really associated himself with them. Silas did his own thing. “Wait. What did you say? Not of this time and space? Okay, who are you and what did you do with my brother?”

“That’s how it is with her, man. There is no time. It doesn’t exist. It’s all in the moment. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and I can’t work. I can’t do shit without her taking over my mind. I feel like I’m losing it and I can’t control it.”

I raised my eyebrows to the blue sky, looking to my own drug. Everything Silas spoke of, I knew all too well and I was glad that I did. Jaq came into my life from nowhere. None of it made sense, yet it all made sense. Jaq made me multi-dimensional, she made me a better person, and she made me forget the time thing Silas spoke of.

A deep breath and some little brotherly advice. “I should tell you to run far, far away, but I’m not going to. I know you don’t believe in this stuff, but if you did, I would tell you it only happens to kindred souls. I swear Jaq and I are connected somehow. I can’t explain it, but I feel it and so does she. If it’s real like that, then you’re not going to stop it no matter how much you try.”

“Fuck, Oliver. Fuck. I don’t have time for this shit. I don’t even like her.”

I laughed, knowing the exact attraction he was in the midst of fighting. He’d lose. I’d bet my life on it. He’d lose.

“What’s her name?”

“Grayce. With a Y. I’ve got to go; she’s walking toward me.”

“Keep me posted.”

“Yeah, I will.”

“Grayce with a Y” I said, my eyes going right to Jaq, full of more love than I had ever felt in my life. She wasn’t different to me, she just wasn’t. She was perfect, she was unique, and she was mine.

This should be where I say this is the end of our story, and we lived happily ever after, but that would be a lie. Silas has his own hot mess. And he thought Jaq was different. Ha. Stick around to hear more about Grayce with a Y and keep tabs on Jaq and me. Our story is definitely not over.






Three months after that happy ending…



I never knew I could be loved, not like this, not the way Ollie and I loved each other. There was something between us that just doesn’t happen in real life. He wasn’t like anyone I had ever met and unlike everyone else, he never tried to change me. Oliver loved me for me, just like I was.

Looking out to the lake, I shivered, feeling the cool morning air. The thought of fall and the nights growing longer would have caused an anxiety attack before Oliver. Now…I’d be stuck inside with him. I sort of liked the idea. A lot. I would, however, miss all the time we spent outdoors. Never would I have thought I would be sitting here with a man I adored, the best little house in the world, animals I couldn’t live without, and love. I was surrounded by love. Love that healed wounds I never thought would heal.

Watching Oliver paint the trim around the window, I felt a pang of sadness. My mom never got to experience this. No man ever loved her, no man ever made her feel safe, and no man ever made her laugh. Maybe if I had that dad growing up I would be normal, too, but I didn’t. Our baby would never have to worry about that. Oliver would be the best dad in the world. He’d love our little girl like he did me and he would never let her be sad.

“What’s wrong? You sick?”

My eyes shifted from Ollie to my hand covering my stomach as I realized where my mind had gone…again. “No, hungry. Are you about ready to take a break?”

“Almost. You can get the salad stuff out if you want. I’ll be like ten minutes.”

“Well, if you weren’t such a perfectionist, I could help and you’d be done faster.”

“It’s not about that. I just like doing it.”


Ollie’s playfulness always made me happy. Only he could insult me and make me smile. “You sort of suck at it. Just saying, Love.”

“I’m not talking to you anymore,” I called over my shoulder, smiling of course.

There wasn’t a doubt that I would always be different than other girls, but Oliver made that okay. He didn’t care about that and he never made me feel like I needed to be different. Except maybe sometimes when he thought I was just being difficult. Bad things happen to good people, but they also make them who they are. I sort of liked Jaq with a Q right now and I was in love with her life.

“You’re so stupid. Even if you do get pregnant, he’s not going to let you keep it. Take your medication.”

I looked up from flushing my medication down the drain to the voice, covering it with a more prominent thought. Oliver, our little girl and me, all holding hands while we walked through the flower garden, to the lake, and to the dock. We’d sit at the end and Oliver would hold our little one so her feet could touch the water, too.


I blinked away the notion and walked out to Ollie calling me from the porch.

“Answer my phone.”

“No, it’s Silas. I can’t.”

“Just hit speaker. I’ll talk to him.”

I answered Silas, hitting the little speaker button and held it closer for him.

“Hey, what’s up? You remember you have a brother,” Oliver said in a louder voice than he needed to.

Even I could hear the desperation in Silas’s tone. “Oliver, I need your help.”

Oliver stopped panting and turned toward the phone. “With what? What’s going on?”

“Before you render me crazy, you remember the same request.”

“Same request?”

“Yes, I need you to help me take Grayce.”

“Take her where?”

“Jesus, really? There. I want to bring her there. She needs to get away from everything here for a minute. She’s not thinking straight. Will you help me?”

Oliver climbed down the ladder, his eyes wide on me, and took his phone. “Help you do what, Silas?”

It didn’t even matter that he took it off speaker phone, I could still hear every word. “Kidnap her.”

“You’ve lost your mind. We’re not kidnapping Grayce. Jaq was different. She didn’t have anyone.”

“You owe me this, Oliver. Trust me. Just like I did you, trust me. I know this is right and I’m doing it, with or without you.”

“Fuck, Silas.”

“I helped you.”

There was only one problem with that in my mind. I didn’t care who Silas kidnapped if it was honestly for the right reasons, like Oliver and me. But…I didn’t want him to bring her here. This was our place, our lake, our house where I could talk, laugh, and make love to my soon to be husband anytime, anywhere. This was our happy life, and soon we’d have an addition to our little family. A little girl. I bet she’d even wear glasses just like her daddy. He would paint her room pink and white and read her stories while swinging on the porch swing.

I half listened to the rest of the conversation, my mind wondering once again, not even realizing the call had ended.

“Are you okay? What’s going on with you today? Did you hear me?”

“Huh? Yes, I heard. Silas wants you to help him kidnap Grayce, but I don’t want them here, Ollie. I don’t.”

“It won’t be for long. I promise. I have to, Jaq. Holy fuck! What did I just say? I can’t fucking do this. This isn’t the same. She’s got a life.”

I didn’t respond because he wasn’t expecting me to. He was freaking out. Way out.

“What if I get caught? I’ll end up in prison and you’ll be here all alone. Who would take care of you?”

That made me respond. “Don’t do it, Ollie. I’m scared.”

Oliver ran his fingers through his hair, but I didn’t hear what he said, not one word. I felt the wetness between my legs, and all else ended. I thought for sure I was pregnant this time. Four days late was the most I had ever gone. I was crushed…Again.

“Jaq? What is wrong with you?”

“Sorry, I got my period. I have to go.”

The End




Grayce with a Y

Coming July 26
, 2016




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