James and Dolley Madison (66 page)

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Authors: Bruce Chadwick

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. Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, p. 325.

. Dolley Madison to Anna Cutts, July 1819–1822, in DMDE; Dolley Madison to Margaret Smith, in Smith,
First Forty Years of Washington Society
, p. 380; Dolley Madison to Mary Cutts, May 28, 1835, in DMDE.

. Dolley Madison to Anna Thornton, September 1, 1808, in DMDE; Dolley Madison to Lucy Cutts, August 29, 1807, in DMDE.

. Adams Diary, October 24, 1837 entry, in Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, pp. 348–49.

. Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, p. 351.

. Gerson,
Velvet Glove
, pp. 240–41.

. Philip Hone to a friend, in Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, p. 352.

. Ketcham,
Madisons at Montpelier
, p. 179.

. Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, p. 387.

. Dolley Madison to Betsy Coles, February 21, 1838, in DMDE.

. Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, pp. 361–63.

. Dolley Madison to Anthony Morris, September 3, 1838, in DMDE.

. Dolley Madison to Anthony Morris, August 20, 1839, in ibid.

National Intelligencer
, January 2, 1839;
New York Express
, January 2, 1839.

. William Kemble Sr. to William Kemble Jr., January 26, 1839, in DMDE.

. William Preston to Dolley Madison, July 4, 1839, in ibid.

. Richard Rush to Dolley Madison, December 22, 1837, in ibid.

. Anthony,
Dolley Madison
, p. 393.

. Ibid.

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