Read Jake, Devils on Horseback, Book 2 Online

Authors: Beth Williamson

Tags: #romance;historical;western;red hot;erotic;cowboys

Jake, Devils on Horseback, Book 2 (12 page)

BOOK: Jake, Devils on Horseback, Book 2
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The scowls grew deeper.

“I don’t see you handing us any pay, little girl.” Zeke stepped toward her. “Don’t think for a second you can demand anything from us.”

Truth was, he scared her a bit with his cold, flat stare. She had no idea what Allison saw in him. Jake looked angry as well, but she wasn’t the least bit frightened of him, at least not physically.

“Gabby, we were hired for a number of reasons. You are not the only person in Tanger who needs our help.” Jake touched his friend’s arm. “I think you’ve made it clear how you feel about us, but like it or not, we’re here until the job is finished.”

Gabby reeled back from the venom in his voice. “It doesn’t matter what Phineas says, without the townspeople behind you, this job is finished.” Her heart smacked painfully against her ribs, reminding her that she’d invested much more than time with Jake. He already owned part of her and was throwing it back in her face, just as she’d done to him.

“We’ve already got the townspeople behind us,” Jake scoffed. “Hell, half of them want to marry Gideon, Zeke and Lee. What makes you think what you say means a damn thing?” He leaned in close, his blue eyes blazing. “No woman dictates to the Devils, especially you.”

Gabby slapped him so hard, she felt the ring in her own ears. A red mark precisely the shape of her hand blossomed on his freckled cheek. To his credit, he didn’t say another word. Instead he walked away, followed by a fuming Zeke. She could see the fury in that one’s eyes and it sent a shiver down her spine.

Sometimes Gabby didn’t think before she spoke or acted, her passion ran strong and deep for so many things, including Jake Sheridan. Whatever they’d had between them had just been trampled into the dust by their angry words. Pain radiated through her, leaving her short of breath. As her throat closed up, she turned toward home, wondering if the doctor had a cure for stupidity.

She walked slowly, waving hello when needed, but she was very far away. Back to that magical night by the water when she and Jake had shared the most perfect moment in her life.

* * * * *

“Tell me what just happened, Jake.” Zeke caught up to Jake, wheezing as if he’d run a mile.

“Sorry, Zeke, I forgot you’re still recovering.” As he slowed his pace, Jake’s stomach cramped up so hard, he thought he might be sick. Confronting Gabby like that in front of Zeke had turned him inside out. Feelings, thoughts and everything in between whirled through him so fast he could hardly see straight. He didn’t answer Zeke, instead he walked straight toward the river to dunk his head in the cold water.

Zeke seemed to understand there was something going on besides an angry woman, and he kept quiet as they walked. By the time they got close to the river, tears stung his eyes for the failure he’d become.

God, why did he have to be who he was? Why couldn’t he have been a Blackwood for real, not just an illegitimate cousin tolerated by the mighty family and ignored by the man he thought was his father? He dropped to his knees on the riverbank and grabbed scoopfuls of water, trying to wash away the shame, the hurt and the anger.

He knew Zeke was beside him, silently waiting for the storm to pass. They’d been close as brothers all their lives, always looking out for each other, which was sort of odd considering Zeke had a brother already. Zeke was the storm cloud to Jake’s blue sky, they complemented each other. Jake often wondered if Lee resented the closeness between his brother and the redheaded ne’er-do-well.

Zeke touched his arm, not the comforting gesture of Gideon, but with the steadfastness of a true friend.

“You ’bout done?”

Jake slurped a mouthful of water, easing the tightness in his throat. “Yeah, I’m done.”

He sat back on the grass, his knees up, wondering just how he’d gotten so lost.

“You fall for her?” Zeke was a man of few words, and generally, they were well aimed.

Jake rubbed his eyes. “Yep, I did. Don’t know how it happened, I just did.”

“Sorta like Nate and Elisa. Those two were like tomcats fighting, then suddenly they were humping like bunnies.” Zeke shook his head. “Love surely ain’t for weaklings. I hope like hell it leaves me alone.”

“I think it’s too late for that. I saw the way you looked at the preacher’s daughter.” Jake glanced at his friend.

Zeke stiffened. “I ain’t in love, for Pete’s sake. She’s pretty and sweet is all. It’s been a long time since a lady paid me attention.”

Jake snorted. “That’s a fat lie. You are just as handsome as Nate and you know it. You might not be a charmer, but all you’ve got to do is stand there and women follow you. There were at least a dozen women in town following you around like bitches in heat.”

“I surely didn’t ask for it.” Zeke frowned. “When I was hurt, I had this dream that Allison, well, she… Never mind. I wish life wasn’t so damn upside down anymore.”

“Good wish.” Jake sighed. “I’m not sure what it is about Gabby, but I’m obsessed, Zeke. There isn’t another word for it. I think about her constantly. And one night”—he swallowed hard—“one night, she was mine.”

Zeke sucked in a breath. “Did you break her in?”

“Jesus Christ, Zeke. Shut your mouth.” Jake punched his friend’s arm. “Besides the fact it’s none of your business, Gabby is a lady.”

“She’s a pushy lady,” Zeke groused. “With a big mouth.”

“True. I think it’s the Italian side of her.” Jake closed his eyes and tried to find his way back. “I think she made it obvious she wants nothing to do with me again. I feel so damn lost.”

Zeke’s solid presence reminded Jake that he still had his friends, no matter what.

“The best thing to get over a woman is to work. I’d be happy to watch you do it.” He stood with a grunt and cocked one eyebrow. “Ready?”

With Zeke’s help, Jake rose on his shaky legs. “Not really, but let’s get to it so we can get out of this town.”

“Amen to that.”

As he and Zeke walked back into town, Jake couldn’t help but feel the eyes of the unseen watcher on him again. The next order of business after snooping in the mayor’s house was finding out just who the woman was who’d been watching him, and what she was up to.

Chapter Seven

“You be careful.” Gideon’s warning wasn’t needed but Jake knew he’d say it anyway. It was his way.

“Yes, Cap’n.” Jake saluted with a snap.

“Smart aleck.” A playful swat landed on Jake’s arm.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be on watch.” Zeke took everything he did seriously. Jake was glad of that considering how many times his friend had saved him from himself, and sometimes, even a hangman’s noose. “Be back here by dawn in two days.” Zeke looked at both Gideon and his brother, Lee.

“Do I need to salute you now?” Lee grinned.

“Only if you want trouble.” Zeke gestured to the mid-afternoon sun. “Y’all had better get moving.”

“If you’re not back in three days, we’re coming after you.” Jake and the Devils had split up before for many missions, but this one felt different. It wasn’t wartime anymore, yet they were still fighting battles. Tanger had pulled them back into the muddy trap they’d just gotten out of.

“I expect I won’t need to be rescued.” Gideon winked. “But thanks.”

As the four of them stared at each other, Jake again felt an unbreakable bond between them. He gave Gid and Lee brief hugs, then walked away before he embarrassed himself. He heard Zeke talking to them quietly, then he fell into step beside Jake.

“Want to work on your mill wheel today?” Zeke offered. “We’ve got at least four hours of good light left.”

Jake wrestled with what he should do with what he wanted to do. Truth was, he didn’t want to finish the damn wheel at all, but then he thought about poor Mr. Rinaldi and Jake’s selfish thoughts seemed petty. The man needed help, and Jake would be no kind of man if he didn’t give it.

The thought of running into Gabby after their last confrontation put a knot in his stomach the size of a watermelon. Jake looked forward to the day when he could leave Tanger behind and start over again.

As they approached the mill, his step faltered at the sight of Gabby and Allison. Zeke sucked in a breath.

“You want to head someplace else?”

“No, we’ll just say our howdys and get to work.” Jake was determined to ignore his feelings for Gabby. He had to finish what he started on the mill—the town counted on the Rinaldis for flour and more.

Allison straightened up and darted behind Gabby. She peeked out from behind the taller woman and when she spotted Zeke, her eyes shuttered. Stepping forward, she smiled and gave a little wave. Jake actually felt pain in his chest at the welcome emanating from Allison.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen.” Allison’s gaze never left Zeke.

“Ladies.” Zeke tipped his hat. “Jake here is gonna finish up the wheel this afternoon while I watch.”

Gabby nodded jerkily. “Appreciate your help.” She took Allison by the arm. “We’ll be out of your way in a minute.”

Allison glanced at Gabby with a frown. “We won’t be in the way. Why, I’ll bet we can even help, can’t we?”

Zeke was apparently unable to resist the woman. A grin split his face. “Absolutely. You can hand up the nails and wood.”

Jake resisted the urge to run like hell and leave Zeke to finish the job Jake had started. He didn’t say anything though, instead, he walked past the women and toward the back of the mill. The sound of the rushing water soothed his agitation a bit, but he still felt as tense as a piece of wood. The stacks of fresh lumber sat waiting for them to begin.

After Jake stopped the wheel, he removed the boards and replaced them one by one while Zeke sat and handed him nails. Allison stood below them, smiling and making cow-eyes at Zeke while Gabby spent her time snapping at them. After an hour, Jake’s patience reached its limit.

. Jesus, what is this, a circus tent?” He climbed down from the wheel and came nose to nose with the woman currently making him loco. “If the two of you are going to distract us we’re never going to finish. Can’t you go someplace else?” Jake growled, surprising himself with the vehemence of his reaction.

Gabby’s eyes widened. “I am not trying to distract you. I’m making sure the job is done right.” She flapped her hand in the air. “Allison came by for a visit for the first time in six months. I am not about to tell her to go home.”

Allison seemed to shrink right in front of Jake. Her bright smile faded into a pinched expression he remembered from the first time they met. Jake felt about two inches high at that moment. Zeke stepped up beside him.

“Some reason why you turned into an ass?” He scowled and gestured to the women. “And decided to scare the hell out of them? Pardon my language.” Zeke inclined his head to Gabby and Allison.

“I want to get this job finished.” Jake’s chest constricted painfully and a shadow of panic slid down his back. “I need to get it finished.”

Gabby took hold of his arm and yanked him toward the mill, leaving Zeke and Allison to stare after them. By the time they got inside the mill, Jake was leading Gabby, marching her inside. His emotions thundered through him like a storm, leaving him angry and confused.

They whirled to face each other in the silent mill. Jake’s nostrils flared as Gabby’s scent assaulted him. Arousal mixed with his fury and before he knew it, she was in his arms and his lips were on hers. Sweet delicious heat slid through him as the memory of her passion washed over him.

As their bodies melted into one, her softness cradled his hardness. His cock lengthened and pressed into her belly, eager to be one with her again. Tingles of pure pleasure seemed to leap between them. Gabby mewled as she clutched at his hair, the sound going straight to his throbbing erection.

Jake cupped her ass, pulling her up until she wrapped her legs around him. Her muscles gripped him, pushing her moist heat against him. He tried to keep hold of his self-control but it was slipping fast. Zeke and Allison were just outside, anyone could walk in at any time.

Somehow he didn’t care about any of that. All he cared about was the woman in his arms. Gabby was still wearing her trousers, an impediment to touching her, to making her his again. Their mouths fused, tongues dancing and sliding against each other, mimicking what Jake’s body cried out for, to be joined with her.

Her nails scraped down his back, then she yanked his shirt from his trousers. Long fingers closed around his hardened staff and his eyes crossed from the pleasure. She pulled at him, her thumb stroking the head of his cock. He savored the cool feel of her hands on his heated skin for barely a minute before he knew he’d embarrass himself if she didn’t stop.


With a growl, he set her on her feet and made quick work of her trousers, then without a thought as to who heard what, he pushed her up against the wall and settled her against him. He paused at the entrance of her moist pussy and met her gaze. Strong, dark eyes full of passion met him.

“Now.” Her only word to him.

Jake wasn’t one to ignore a lady’s demand. He thrust home, impaling her in one stroke. A gasp gusted past his ear as her firm muscles tightened around him. Heaven, pure heaven on Earth. He clenched his teeth and held her there for a moment, wondering how the hell he’d gotten through life before he met Gabby.

When he began to thrust, he forgot about everything but her. He forced himself to use slow, sure strokes, filling her, enclosing him in all that was good. She found his mouth, and their tongues dueled even as their lower bodies moved as one.

Slick, moist sounds joined the short breaths and kittenish mewls from Gabby. Jake tried to keep his moans trapped in his throat, but she was so hot, so tight, several burst forth despite his efforts. He bit her breast through her shirt, and she pulled it open so fast, he thought he heard a button ping somewhere behind them.

The creamy breasts with pouting dark pink nipples enticed him more than any banquet. He kissed each one in turn, then laved and nibbled at them, as her sweet muscles continued to clasp his cock. It was as if she was designed to pleasure them both no matter what he did. Gabby was the perfect match for him.

She bit his earlobe and whispered, “Oh God, Jake, I’m so close.”

Good thing too because his balls had tightened to the point of pain and he knew an orgasm was close. He captured her mouth, and as their tongues entwined, he fucked her hard and fast, slamming her into the wall. Her legs closed around his hips, pulling him deeper, farther into her sweet heat.

As his release rolled through him, stars exploded behind his eyes and he sucked in a breath, inhaling hers into his body even as his essence spilled into her. Their mouths fused again, swallowing the cries of pleasure as they rose from the depths of their hearts.

After a minute, he let her back down to her feet and withdrew, as his body screamed for more. He hungered for her even as he recovered from a powerful orgasm. Without saying another word, they dressed.

Gabby started to walk outside and he grabbed her arm. Her expression was guarded, but she stopped. Jake cupped her head and kissed her deep and hard.

“We’ll continue this later.”

She shook her head and left the mill, leaving him with his heart in his hands.

* * * * *

When they walked back outside, Gabby was sure Zeke and Allison would know what she and Jake had just done. Their lips had to be swollen, hair mussed and clothes not quite perfect. Gabby’s body buzzed and throbbed with the force of their passion. Their first night by the water didn’t have the desperate hunger like that. She wasn’t sure what happened or how it happened.

She’d pulled him into the mill to tell him goodbye, to ask him to leave her alone, and somehow they’d ended up having the most incredible experience of her life. Her self-preservation instincts had failed her and she found herself even more deeply involved with Jake. He’d crawled into her heart and her mind, becoming a part of who she was.

Gabby shook with the force of her obsession. How had it happened? She’d only known him a short time and yet from the moment they’d met, it felt like they’d known each other for much longer. Forever maybe.

Jake’s gaze skittered away from hers as he climbed back up the wheel. Zeke looked at her with a question on his face.

“We’ve come to an agreement. Please help Jake finish the repairs.” Her voice sounded high and tight, unnaturally so. She forced herself to smile at Allison while all she could think of was the taste of Jake’s mouth. Gabby’s head was too full of what she felt and thought about Jake.

Zeke grunted in Jake’s direction and continued to spear her with a hostile look. Gabby shook from head to foot as she stood with her friend fifteen feet away. Allison chatted and peppered her with questions about the “heroes” of Tanger. Gabby wondered what she’d think if she knew one of the heroes just took her against the wall of the mill, and she let him. No, she willingly participated.

Jake had to leave, he
to. Gabby didn’t know what she’d do if he stayed. Just the thought made her stomach twist into a knot.

The afternoon passed by as slowly as a snail. The late summer sun beat down on them with relentless heat. Perspiration snaked down between Gabby’s breasts and itched like mad. She wanted to undo the buttons on her shirt, but knew it was out of the question. When Jake and Zeke took their shirts off, her mind told her to look away, but she didn’t listen.

It was a feast of flesh, a banquet of masculine beauty that made Gabby’s breath catch. She wasn’t the only one either—Allison grabbed Gabby’s arm in a tight grip.

“My heavens,” the blonde whispered. “They look like two fallen angels up there, shining down.”

Gabby shook her head at her friend’s observation. “They look like two sweaty men to me.”

“Oh, no, they’re much more than that.” Allison’s voice had deepened into nearly worshipful.

Gabby had to put a few feet between them before she started acting like her lovesick friend. Although she tried not to stare, Gabby couldn’t seem to stop herself from looking up. When Jake turned around to climb up higher, she saw his back and the slow arousal she’d been fighting dissipated. His beautiful freckled skin was marred by so many scars, she didn’t think they could be counted. Some were silvery, dating them to many years ago. Others were pink, newly healed within the past year or so. They resembled the marks on a horse made by a quirt, but much more numerous.

Jake had been beaten, tortured by someone. She had a feeling it had happened during the war. When they’d been together a few nights ago, it had been dark enough that she didn’t see what the bright sunlight revealed.

How could a human being endure so much pain and still be so full of life? Gabby didn’t know if she could be as strong as he obviously was. She’d have lost her mind as her father had done. Against her will, a new respect for the redheaded gunslinger bloomed in her heart. She wanted to stop thinking about him, not think about him more than she already was.

“Men without their shirts are like candy before breakfast.” Allison let out a breathy sigh. “He’s wonderfully handsome, don’t you think?”

Gabby’s gaze never left the muscular, lean back marked by freckles and pain. “Yes, he is.”

After working on the mill all afternoon, Jake cleaned up in the river and tried to forget the amazing ten minutes he’d spent with Gabby in the shadowy interior of the mill. Much as he’d like to deny it, he was falling for her hard. He needed to do something to ground himself, to bring the earth back under his feet. It was the perfect night to pay a visit to the mayor, perhaps it would remind him of just who he was.

The streets were deserted after dark, making Jake’s midnight walk to the mayor’s that much easier, not that anyone would’ve seen him anyway. He was a thief, after all, one with well-honed skills. He knew his late-night watcher wasn’t around because he would have sensed her.

Zeke stayed twenty yards behind Jake, keeping an eye on what happened around them. Normally, Jake wouldn’t need another set of eyes, but this was different, everything was different. The undercurrents in Tanger were deep enough that the Devils still didn’t know what was going on. Too many mysteries needed to be solved and they needed each man’s talents to do so.

A thrill raced through his body, a familiar sensation that made him homesick, even if he’d never had much of a home. Sneaking around had always been his skill, that and romancing women. It came second nature to him, the ability to be quieter than death, stealthier than a panther. He skirted the main street and stayed behind the buildings, keeping company with the night creatures. A light came on in Marchison’s store and Jake ducked behind a stack of crates.

BOOK: Jake, Devils on Horseback, Book 2
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