Jakarta's Trust (Castle Phantasie Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Jakarta's Trust (Castle Phantasie Book 1)
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“I love it when you do that.” He stroked her hair, as he thrust into her mouth.

She didn’t verbally respond. Instead, she obeyed the parameters he had set and replied by drawing his cock as deeply into her mouth as she could and sucking forcefully. He stiffened at the sensation, and she expected him to find release any second.

“Not yet,” he said with a grunt. It was impossible to tell if he was talking to himself or her.

She wasn’t surprised when he withdrew his cock from her mouth, but she felt a flutter of disappointment.

That abated when he came around behind her and removed the plug. She waited for him to take its place or surge into her pussy, but he didn’t. Instead, he gripped her shoulders and straightened her gently.

“Turn around, Jak.”

She turned, finding his commands easy to obey. She didn’t know what tonight was supposed to prove.

She felt no different about the future than she had when they started this game. She only hoped it would satisfy him for a while. She didn’t want to lose Teague, despite her reluctance to commit to him.

He kissed her on the cheek. “You’ve been incredible so far. I want you to know I appreciate how much trust it took to bind yourself with those handcuffs. I know it must be frightening to not know what’s coming next, so wearing the blindfold is a big step.”

She relaxed against his chest, sensing he had finished playing games. Now, maybe he would just take her to bed and make love to her properly, allowing her to touch and please him in return.

But he wasn’t done yet. “What I’m asking of you now is the real test, Jak. You have to trust me. Consider everything else a warm-up.”


Her stomach churned, and she wanted to ask what he meant. She held back, not knowing if the rules were still the same. The chance to ask him anything disappeared when he left her. She turned her head when she heard the glass doors sliding open, followed by a chill wind sweeping into the suite. She shivered. “Teague?”

“No questions,” he reminded.

She bit down the urge to speak and strained to hear what he was doing, hoping to get an idea of what to expect. She heard him move to the fireplace, but that was the only sound she identified.

When he came back to her, he didn’t give her a chance to ask questions. She gasped when he lifted her into his arms. Teague was only a few inches taller than she, but he apparently had no trouble carrying her.

The cold increased when an icy wind blew up her robe. Her teeth chattered as they stepped outside.

What was he doing?

He started to lower her, and she braced her feet, ready to stand. Instead, her buttocks collided with the fur from in front of the fireplace—and it was barely supported on the rail. She couldn’t help breaking the rules. “Teague, what’s happening?”

“Trust me, Jak.”

Her balance felt precarious, in spite of his arms locked around her. She knew she was perched on the rail of the balcony, high in the air. If he dropped her, she would fall to her death. She whimpered with fear and tried to fight the handcuffs. They were stronger than they had appeared, and she wasn’t able to break them. “Let me down.”

He sounded sad. “I will, if you’re sure that’s what you want. Just say the word, and it all ends.”

She started to confirm she wanted to stop, but the safe word he had established wouldn’t pass her lips. She trembled with a combination of cold and fear, but still couldn’t say ‘fantasy’. She had every right to end this ridiculous game now, before one of them got hurt, but she couldn’t do it.

From somewhere, she summoned a surge of strength, pursed her lips, and leaned against him. He remained stiff for a moment, but then relaxed against her, shifting her balance again. She clawed for support, but her cuffed hands found nothing. One of his arms remained around her back, as the other slipped between her thighs. She never could have imagined she could get aroused under the circumstances, but her pussy responded to his caress by supplying more moisture.

“You’re doing great.” He circled her clit between his thumb and finger. He applied more pressure, and his pinkie flirted with the opening of her pussy.

She fought back the urge to thrust against his finger, knowing she could fall if she did. The temperature was in the lower-twenties, and her nipples ached with the cold, but she burned inside. Part of her still had the urge to demand he stop, but the other part surrendered to his passionate ministrations. She tried to block all thoughts of her precarious position from her mind and concentrate on his hand working its magic. Soon, an orgasm built, and his encouraging, “Come for me, Jak,” was all she needed.

Her body shook under the onslaught for several seconds, and she couldn’t seem to draw in a deep breath. He continued to stroke lightly as convulsions swept through her. The orgasm took the edge off her desire, but wasn’t fulfilling enough to satisfy her. Her heart raced, and it was several minutes before she regained any awareness of her surroundings.

Slowly, she realized his arm was no longer around her back, and she was perched on the rail just by her own balance and his hand between her thighs. She stiffened and felt herself inching backward. She reached for him, breaking the silence rule once again. “I’m falling.”

“I know.” He sounded calm. “The question is, do you think I’ll let you fall?”

Her brain raced. She tried leaning forward, hoping to drop onto the balcony if she slipped, but he wouldn’t let her. His hands prevented her from moving toward him.

Her only options were to stay erect or lean backward. Fear stirred in her, and she couldn’t help remembering the times Darien had hurt her, threatened her, and pushed her beyond her limits. Until tonight, she never could have pictured Teague having the same sadistic tendencies. It didn’t fit with his personality. So, how could he do this? Was he getting off on her fear? Did he want her to fall?

It was almost as if he read her mind. Considering how well he knew her, he probably didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know her thoughts. “Do you think I’ll reach out and save you before it’s too late, or do you think I’m like your ex-husband? Will I watch you suffer for my own enjoyment? Tell me what kind of man you think I am, Jak? Do you trust me?” He asked the last question with intensity, as if everything depended on her answer—which it did.

His point couldn’t have been clearer. As she perched on the rail, feeling gravity struggling to assert itself on her, with only his hand between her thighs keeping her steady, she understood what he was trying to tell her.

She had automatically assumed he was doing this for his own sick pleasure, had even compared him to her ex-husband, who had been the most sadistic bastard to ever live, and it had been second nature to do so. She 
 trust him enough, not as she should.

She whimpered, but not with fear. It was pure mental distress. After two years of knowing him, of seeing what kind of man he was, she hadn’t been able to move past the lessons she had learned at the hands of her ex-husband during a three-year period of hell. Everything about Teague proclaimed he was a decent, trustworthy man, but she couldn’t see that. All the times she had told him she trusted him, she had been lying. She couldn’t trust anyone but herself.

She was going to lose him if she didn’t change that. She had to trust in Teague and their future, or she would be alone forever. If she couldn’t have faith in him, she would never trust anyone.

Knowing she had to trust him and doing it were two different things. It took every particle of courage she had to relax her body. With her hands bound, she had no hope of grabbing onto anything if he didn’t catch her. She took a deep breath and leaned backward, feeling herself slipping from the rail, along with the rug.

She was surprisingly unafraid. She didn’t think for one minute he would let her fall, and her trust in Teague proved well placed when his arms wrapped around her, arresting her descent. He lifted her from the rail, holding her close. She was surprised to hear him sob, and one of his tears splashed on her cheek when she lifted her head.

This time, she knew the game was truly over, and she didn’t hesitate to speak. “I love you.” The words sounded completely natural, and they felt liberating to utter.

“I’m sorry.” His voice shook slightly, and his arms tightened around her. “I shouldn’t have forced you into that, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

She pushed her bound hands up between them to slip off her blindfold. She blinked at the light filtering onto the balcony from their room. It was a sharp contrast to the clear night skies of Lasënbourg, dotted with millions of stars. “You wouldn’t have let me fall.” She spoke with conviction, knowing it was true, because he had proved it. But if she hadn’t trusted him enough to let herself fall, he never would have had the chance.

Awkwardly, she cupped his face with her cuffed hands. “I trust you, Teague. I trust you with my life.”

The wind increased, and she shivered in reaction. “Are we done outside?”

“Yes.” He put his arm around her waist. “We aren’t done inside yet.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her inside. Teague put her on her feet long enough to close the balcony door, and then he lifted and carried her to the bed.

“I’m cold.”

He smiled down at her, and his eyes were smoky-blue. “You won’t be for long.”

He laid her in the center, propping her head on a pillow. Jakarta buried her fingers into his chest hair, forcing him to come down with her. Teague took a second to undo the safety release catch on the handcuffs, and her hands were free to roam over his body as she pleased.

“I can’t wait for you any longer. It was just as much torture for me as it was for you tonight.” He pushed strands of hair off her face before leaning forward to kiss her.

She opened her mouth and thrust her tongue inside his, as she parted her thighs and locked her legs around his.

Teague barely had time to sheath his cock with a condom he must have left on the bed earlier. He tossed the wrapper over his shoulder without looking to see where it landed.

She broke the kiss long enough to voice her demands. “I need you now,” she said, writhing impatiently.

His hand moved between their bodies, and he parted her lips. His cock hovered at her entrance, and they both moved simultaneously, with her arching her hips as he sank his cock into her. She’d had one orgasm, but it hadn’t been enough to satisfy her, not after everything he had done to stimulate her. She arched against him frantically, but his thrusts were equally fervid.

One again, their mouths met and dueled, with their tongues matching the actions of their lower bodies. Jakarta moaned when Teague sought out her clit with his fingers, pinching it lightly. She tightened her thighs around him, urging him deeper.

Spasms started in her womb, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. When she felt Teague’s cock stiffen inside her, followed by tremors as he came, she let go of her resistance and let the orgasm sweep over her. Just having him inside her, with her, made the climax much more intense and gratifying. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and milked his cock with her convulsions of satisfaction.

Their orgasms seemed to go on forever, although only a few minutes could have passed. Eventually, Teague relaxed against her, careful to brace his weight so he didn’t crush her. His tongue swirled around her ear before he spoke. “That was incredible.”

“Yes.” She snuggled closer, letting the delicious warmth spread through her. She was so relaxed that her eyes were drifting closed.

“Jakarta?” He sounded hesitant.

She forced up her eyelids to meet his gaze. He looked troubled. “Hmm?”

“What does this mean for us? Do we have a future?”

She smiled. Before answering, she brought a hand up to push damp strands of honey-brown hair off his sweaty forehead. How could they have gotten so hot after being out in the cold? She almost giggled at the answer. Easy, they had been together, and that was instant combustion. “Oh, yes, you’re stuck with me. I have to warn you, if I’m like the other women in my family, I’ll probably get fat and wrinkly when I get older.”

He grinned, and his relief at her commitment was obvious. “That’s okay. My granddad went bald by forty, and you’ve seen Dad’s paunch.”

She clicked her tongue. “I guess we’d better take each other. In a few years, no one else will want us.”

His eyes grew somber. “I’ll always want you.” His expression cleared. “We’re doing it tonight.”

She lifted a brow. “I thought we just did.”

He chuckled. “No…well, I’m sure we’ll do that again too. I meant we’re getting married tonight.”

She shook her head. “How?”

“There’s a chapel in Castle Phantasie.” A tinge of color flushed his cheeks. “I, um, made a midnight reservation, so we could get married on Christmas Eve.”

Before that night, she would have been angry at his presumption, but she couldn’t muster the energy to care. She wanted to marry him, so why wait? They could always have a real wedding when they returned home. Their families would understand. “I do.”

He frowned. “What?”

Jakarta laughed. “Just practicing for later.”



SERENA’S SENTENCE and REGAN’S RECOVERY will be released soon.
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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

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