Jagger (Blood Brothers) (4 page)

BOOK: Jagger (Blood Brothers)
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Jagger squeezed her clit with his fingers as he continued to lick her pussy and ass. She started to shake. She screamed as she climaxed. Jagger lapped up every drop of her essence. It was like the sweetest ambrosia. He was rewarded with a second orgasm from Camryn as her body shook and she cried out his name. Only after she released the death grip on his hair did he slow down. If he went any further, he would end up fucking her and he had to get out of here while he still had some control.

Reluctantly, he pulled away from her. Jagger stood and pulled Camryn to her feet and held her against him in a tight embrace. “I don’t want to leave you but I have to go now. I want to make love to you, but now is not the right time. Just know when you allowed me into your home, I hadn’t intended for things to go so far.”

Camryn was silent for a moment, but suddenly, she pushed him away. Because he wasn’t expecting her to, Jagger stumbled backward, nearly losing his footing. “What did you do to me?” Gone was the mewling kitten that had enjoyed the pleasure he’d provided. In its place was a Fury.

“I sampled your delectable pussy. Did I not say you’d enjoy it?”

She glared at him. “You know what I mean. What did you do to me? You must have cast some kind of spell on me to make me respond to you the way I did.”

For a second Jagger thought she might be joking, but the expression on her face was quite serious. It was apparent she had gone back to her state of denial. “I didn’t do anything besides make you feel good. Very good. In fact, it was you who was gripping me so tight to that beautiful cunt that I couldn’t pull away even if I wanted to, at least not without losing a chunk of hair.”

“You’re lying.”

“The only person who’s lying here is you, to yourself. Believe it or not I would never use my powers to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to do. And truth be told, I couldn’t if I wanted to. I still have quite a bit of training to do before I’m at a skill level to pull off the power of manipulation or I have to live at least a couple hundred more years before I can glamour people.”

“Bullshit. What was that thing you did to my neighbor?”

“As I already told you, it was a mere distraction spell. It temporarily makes one forget. I can’t make someone do something they don’t want to. Your neighbor was easily susceptible to that particular spell because she really didn’t want to get involved in the first place. She was simply asking if you needed help to be polite.”

“And how the hell would you know?”

“I’m good at reading people. Like now, for instance, you’re so certain I have tricked my way into your bed, when you should be asking yourself why you’re fighting this attraction so hard. You enjoyed what happened as much as I did and hopefully, you will eventually accept it. There’s so much I wanted to tell you, but I see you’re not ready for it.”

“Whatever it is you have to say, I don’t want to hear it. I want you to go and this time, I mean it.” She folded her arms over her chest, covering her breasts.

The wall she’d erected was firmly back in place and there was no getting past it while she was still in deep denial. It was disappointing that he couldn’t share what was going on with her, but this trip wasn’t a total bust. He discovered that she wasn’t as immune to him as she’d let on earlier.

“Fine. I’ll leave but whether you’d like it to be or not, this isn’t over.” Jagger strode out the room not looking back, in fear that the sight of her would make him lose control. As he left her apartment, with her panties still in his back pocket, he licked his lips, savoring the taste of her.

No. This was far from over.


Chapter Four

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Christine asked her mate as he paced the length of their bedroom floor. It still took some getting used to, calling it their bedroom when only a few short months ago her life was nearly cut short by an inoperable brain tumor. Now, she not only had a clean bill of health, but she was a vampire. Along with her newly attained immortality, she had a family, a new home, and the man of her dreams, who unfortunately was being a huge butthead at the moment.

Romeo shook his head. “No. Not in this instance. I want you to cease all contact with that woman. She’s dangerous and I don’t want her anywhere near you or our children.”

Ever since the adoption of their children became official, Romeo had suddenly become extremely overprotective. She knew he was just trying to do his best to protect them but he was being a bit boorish about it. “You’re not being fair, Romeo. I’ve known Nya long before I met you and she’s never harmed me. If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have known about my condition. I owe my life to her and for that you should at least tolerate her.”

“She’s on the wrong side of this battle. Listen to me, Christine I’m not trying to dictate who you should and shouldn’t be friends with but—”

“No buts. That’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re telling me I can’t be friends with someone who hasn’t been anything but good to me.”

“And you trust her around our children? Because I sure as hell don’t.”

“I know she wouldn’t harm them. She hasn’t yet.” Christine turned her back to hide her expression. She’d said too much.

“Christine… what aren’t you telling me?”


“Look at me.”

She slowly turned back to face him, hoping her expression was neutral.

“She’s been around the children, hasn’t she?”

“Yes! I didn’t think it was such a big deal. When you left for a couple days on Underground business a couple weeks ago, she showed up.”

Romeo grasped Christine by the shoulders. His dark blue eyes were nearly black in his anger. “How could you let that woman around my kids? Are you insane?”

Christine, however, refused to be intimidated. “They’re my children, too, and I, also, have the right to dictate who can and can’t have access to them. When I was at my lowest, she was there for me. She was my shoulder to cry on and my confidant. That hasn’t changed just because you think she’s evil. She isn’t. She’s my best friend. What’s changed between now and the last time you saw her? You two were almost cordial with one another.”

Romeo raked his fingers through his short blond locks. “Christine, I appreciate that she means something to you. I will forever be in her debt that she notified me of your condition. But as grateful as I am, it doesn’t erase the fact that she’s in league with a very powerful rogue, the same rogue who has tried to destroy our family for centuries.”

Christine was able to read between the lines and figured there was more to what he was not saying than what was actually being verbalized. “Why do I get the impression it’s you who are hiding something from me? Was it the trip? You found out something then, didn’t you?”

He released a heavy sigh and took a seat in the nearest chair. Christine walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. “What did you find out?”

“I wanted to keep this from you because I know how much she means to you, but do you remember when I told you about the big confrontation in Scotland?”

She nodded slowly. “Yes,
il Demonio

“With the help of
il Diavolo
, and standing with him was your friend, Nya. It made no sense to me that she’d be helping our enemy if she, too, wasn’t connected to him. I only called a temporary truce with her for your sake because of your illness. But as the two of us got settled and the adoption had gone through, it nagged me that she might pop up again as you say she does. I found it to be a hell of a coincidence that she would befriend you, you who happened to be my mate.”

“Hold up. You’re not suggesting she’s been using me to get to you because I knew her way before I knew you.”

“Yes, I know. And as it turns out, it was just a coincidence. Still, the time I was away wasn’t so much an Underground mission as a fact gathering trip. I needed to find out more about this mysterious femme.”

Christine was almost too frightened to ask but she did anyway. “Yes, and what did you find out exactly?”

Il Demonio
, the architect of just about every tragedy that befell the Grimaldi family also goes by the name Adonis. I got some info that suggested that he has a mate—by the name of Nya.”

Christine shook her head in disbelief. “That can’t be true. She would have mentioned him, said something to me at least.”

Romeo nodded. “Kind of makes you wonder what else she’s hiding. So you can understand why I don’t want this woman around you or the children, again. It might have been a coincidence of how you met and she very well may have been your friend but I can’t be certain she’s not getting secrets to take back to her lover.”

The thought of being used by someone she held in high regard hurt more than Christine could put into words but her heart told her that Romeo was wrong. She wrapped her arms around her husband’s shoulders and rested her head on top of his. “Romeo, you know I love you with everything in my being. I would literally cease to exist without you. You and the children are my life and I’m glad you want to protect us, but my gut is telling me there’s more to this than what some informant told you.”

Romeo shrugged her off and pulled her onto his lap. He gripped her face and pressed his lips against hers. Heat blazed through her body from the simple contact. Romeo excited her in ways no man ever could. She whimpered when he pulled away and gave her a thoughtful look. He casually brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. “One of the things I love about you is the way you want to see good in other people but I think you’re backing the wrong person in this fight.”

“Before you write her off, would you at least hear me out?”

He didn’t seem inclined to listen to her point of view but finally, with a sigh, he nodded. “Fine.”

“You don’t know her like I do. It’s true that Nya doesn’t share a lot about herself with me but I have been able to glean from little pieces here and there that her situation isn’t a happy one. If she’s with Adonis and you’ve been told she is, I’m sure it isn’t by choice.”

“If that’s possible, how is she able to come and go as she pleases?”

“I think he keeps watch over her.”

“All the more reason you shouldn’t be around her. If Adonis has his minions following her, it stands to reason he would indirectly have a way to get to you as well.”

“For the length of time I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her show much emotion, but I swear she had tears in her eyes when she saw the kids. She’s always had a bit of a sad look in her eyes but I swear I’d never seen her like that. In fact, she told me how beautiful they were and that she had to leave. No other explanation. Something’s happened to her. Maybe he’s abusive.”

“Nya strikes me as the type of woman who can take care of herself. Look, Christine, your heart is in the right place but you can’t save everyone. My duty as your mate is to protect you and our children and that’s what I have to do.”

Christine lowered her head, disappointed she hadn’t changed his stance. Romeo caught her chin between his fingers and raised it until their eyes met. “Baby, I know how much she means to you. If after the dust settles and we get Adonis out of the way and she’s all you say she is, then we’ll revisit this conversation. Okay?”


He placed a finger over her lips. “I can think of something more pleasurable we could be doing besides talking.” Romeo slipped his hand beneath her blouse and fondled her breasts.

Christine giggled. “You have a one track mind.” She moaned when he nuzzled her neck and eased his fingers inside her bra. Her core throbbed with need. She could probably live for a million years and never get tired of his touch.

“What are you guys doing?” Jaxson stood in the middle of the room shooting them an accusatory stare.

Even with her newly acquired, super-sensitive vampire hearing, she still hadn’t noticed her six-year-old enter the living room. Immediately, she yanked Romeo’s hand from under her shirt. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Romeo, however, seemed unaffected. He grinned at the little boy. “What can we do for you son? Shouldn’t you be sleeping? It’s well past your bedtime.”

“I wanted some water. What were you guys doing?”

“Mommy and I were about to make l—”

“Cookies!” Christine interrupted, still mortified at being caught. She shoved her elbow into Romeo’s ribcage.

“I’ve never seen anyone make cookies like that before. I think you two were about to do it.” Jaxson grinned, revealing two missing teeth.

Christine glared at her husband who shrugged before turning back to her son. “Where did you hear that term?”

“At school. Brandon Jones showed us a video on his cell phone during recess. He said the people were doing it.” He seemed quite proud of himself to know that. “Can I have a phone, too?”

“Absolutely not. There’s no reason a six year old should have a phone. And first thing in the morning, I’m going to your school and having a long talk with your principal about what’s happening at recess. Now, let’s go get you that water.” Christine slid off Romeo’s lap. Romeo, of course, was no help. He looked to be on the verge of laughter. Her son was precocious and would probably be more than a handful as he grew up. But she wouldn’t change her family for the world.



“If you ask me, I think it’s disgusting that your mother is having a baby at her age. She’s not exactly fit either. Imagine how much weight she’s probably packed on. That can’t be healthy.” Eugene Williams followed his scathing statement by downing his fourth glass of wine.

Camryn pulled her phone from the side of her purse and gave it a glance to check the time. Even though she’d only been here at the restaurant with her father for just under an hour, it felt like she’d been here a lot longer. She thought her father would be over his bitterness by now but it seemed he wasn’t ready to let things be. Ever since he’d learned his ex-wife was happy in her new marriage and having a baby, all he ever did was speak of her in a derogatory way. It had gotten so uncomfortable for Camryn, that she rarely called him anymore. The only reason she’d accepted his dinner invitation was to be polite. She was after all in town for the next couple weeks, for the impending birth of her new sibling.

“Daddy, she’s not the old lady you’re implying she is. Mom just turned forty-one and she’s in perfect health. In fact, I’ve never seen her look better. Besides, lots of women are having their first child well beyond that.” Camryn omitted the part where her mother was now a vampire who could probably have children for centuries to come, but that was another issue altogether.

“Well, she still ought to be ashamed of herself. I’m surprised things have lasted this long between her and that gigolo. I don’t trust that guy. He’s way too slick. And what the heck is it that he sees in your mother? It’s not like she has money or anything.”

Camryn was fast losing patience with all the barbs directed at her mother. “That ‘gigolo’ is her husband, and I doubt Marc is going to let her out of his grasp anytime soon. They love each other very much. And as far as money goes, he’s got plenty to support them.”

Eugene released a loud belch, drawing stares from the other diners closest to their table. Camryn recoiled in disgust. Her father was once someone who prided himself on his appearance and, normally appeared refined. He’d worn tailor-made suits and expensive Italian leather shoes. But, the man before her was unkempt and seemed to be a shadow of the man she once knew. His bloodshot eyes were ringed with red and it didn’t appear as if he’d had a proper hair cut in a couple of months. His shirt was stained and his jacket was wrinkled.

Camryn wished she’d driven straight to her mother’s house instead of agreeing to this dinner. She loved her father, but there were times like this when she didn’t like him very much. It didn’t help matters that she still hadn’t come to terms with all the years he’d treated her mother like dirt with his verbal abuse, cheating, and neglect. It had caused Camryn to resent her mother just as much for putting up with it.

Fortunately, with some insight and soul searching, Camryn had at last come to an understanding with her mother, and now they were closer than ever. Her sense of fair play, unfortunately, made it impossible for her to ignore her father even if he didn’t always make sound decisions. He’d left her mom for a younger woman, whom he’d then divorced within a month, stating that he’d never meant to marry her in the first place. He had told Camryn that his second ex-wife had coerced him even though he’d been quite willing to walk out on his family. Currently, he was dating a woman only a year older than Camryn’s twenty-two. Camryn had only met the woman once and she didn’t seem like a woman in love. If Camryn were a betting person, she’d put money on that relationship not lasting the remainder of the year.

Her father slouched in his chair. “You mark my words, young lady, when that creature she calls herself married to gets rid of her—and he will—I’m not taking her back.” His voice was as belligerent as his words.

Camryn knew that last part was a lie. She knew her father well. He’d expected Maggie to wait around for him to come back to her and be miserable while waiting so he could snap his fingers and graciously offer a reconciliation. He wasn’t fooling anyone. “Um, Daddy, Mom doesn’t want you back, and like I said, she and Marc are very happy together. They can’t keep their hands off of each other. Even though, it still freaks me out to see my mother making out all over the place with her man, they’re actually very cute together. And, Mom smiles all the time. I’ve never seen her happier. The baby is going to come any day now and that will only cement the tight bond they already have. Face it, Daddy, Mom has moved on and even if something were to happen to that relationship which I seriously doubt, she wouldn’t want you back either.”

She sighed. “Do you think we can change the subject now? You’ve been talking about Mom since we got here. Have you forgotten you were the one who walked away? Could it be that you didn’t think she’d move on with her life and find happiness?”

“She knew I’d come back to her eventually,” he said sulkily, reminding Camryn of a two year old instead of the middle-aged man he was.

“Did she? You told her you were engaged and then you served her with divorce papers. What was she supposed to think? Had I been her, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago. You weren’t the best husband and neither of you were happy. Why can’t you just be happy for her?”

“Why should I be? It sure didn’t take her long to hook up with that man she’s with. I bet she was cheating all along while playing the victim.”

“You’re projecting. The only one who had been unfaithful in the marriage was you.”

He shrugged seeming unrepentant. “It’s not like any red-blooded man could blame me. She’d let herself go. What did she expect me to do? Hopefully, that baby she had doesn’t take after her.”

That was it! Camryn had had enough of her father’s drunken comments. “Look, I didn’t really want to be here in the first place but I figured since you’re my Dad, maybe we could have a nice dinner together but all you’ve done is talk about Mom. Your obsession with her is kind of sad. It’s your fault for not realizing the treasure you had when you were together, so you have no room to complain. I need to leave. Do yourself a favor and call a cab home.”

His eyes narrowed to angry slits. “Don’t tell me what to do, young lady. Have you forgotten who writes the checks to your grad school?”

forgotten I only have two semesters left? And you’ve already sent a check for the next one, which has already cleared. I can easily work more hours at the student union to pay for the last one myself.”

“I was going to buy you a car when you graduated,” he muttered, obviously flustered when she didn’t fall in line after his none-too-subtle threat.

“Keep the car. I don’t need it. You’re always dangling the carrot, aren’t you? I’ve lost my taste for it. What I need is a father, and since you won’t be one to me, I’m going to say good night.”

“So you’re going to turn your back on me just like that faggot brother of yours?”

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