Jacquie D'Alessandro - [Regency Historical 04] (23 page)

BOOK: Jacquie D'Alessandro - [Regency Historical 04]
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“You have my word I’ll protect you. In every way.”

“Thank you. I also would not wish to…” She hesitated, knowing that a pregnancy would be disastrous for her, but still for one insane instant, unable to banish the image of herself carrying Colin’s child.

“Become pregnant?” he said softly.


“I will take precautions to prevent it.”

“And our liaison, it will end when you’ve chosen a
wife,” she said firmly. “I could not carry on such a relationship with another woman’s intended husband.”

“Nor would I shame my wife with an adulterous affair.” He brushed a stray curl from her cheek. “But until then, you’re mine.”

A feminine thrill ran through her at the quiet possessiveness in his tone. “Yes,” she agreed. “And you’re mine.”

“And I’m yours.”

Her heart stuttered at his consent, at the mere notion of this man being hers in any way, for any length of time. It was an opportunity she’d dreamed of, but had never dared hope for. And she intended to cherish every minute they spent together.

“Are those your only requests, Alexandra?”

Dear God, the way he said her name sent shivers of delight through her. “Just one more,” she whispered. “I want you to put out this fire you’ve started inside me.”

He rested his forehead against hers. “I want that same thing. But this is neither the time nor the place. And if I kiss you again…” He lifted his head and his gaze drifted down to her mouth.

Her lips involuntarily parted. “If you kiss me again…?”

“As you have a detrimental effect on my control, I fear this interlude will end with me taking you against the wall.”

Oh, my
. “You make it sound as if that’s bad.”

“Not bad. But inconvenient when one is without a bed with a lady who deserves one. At least the first time she’s made love to.” He leaned down and brushed his lips lightly over hers. “Allow me to try to make the first time perfect for you.”

“It feels quite perfect right now. Except for my pulse, which is gravely misbehaving.”

He flashed a quick, grim smile. “Good. I’d hate to
think that it’s only mine which is doing so.” He released her, then clasped her hand. “Come with me.” He led her around to the side of the town house to the servants’ entrance. He extracted a thin piece of metal from his pocket, then leaned over the lock. In less than a minute, the door swung noiselessly open.

“You are
good at that,” she whispered, the former thief in her experiencing both admiration and an undeniable twinge of envy.

“I believe I once told you, I’m good at many things. This town house is nearly identical to mine. Just follow this corridor until you reach the stairs. Go to the next floor, then turn right and continue down the corridor and you’ll reach your room.”

Disappointment flooded her. “Alone?”


“But what about…us?”

“My sweet Alexandra, as I said, this is neither the time nor place. ‘Us’ will happen very soon. I promise. Now tell me, how did you exit the house?”

“Through the French windows by the terrace.”

“I’ll see to it that they are relocked.” He leaned down, and she raised her face, but instead of giving her the kiss she craved, he merely dropped a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. “Be off with you. After I close the door, lock it from the inside. And I’ll see you again very soon.”

Bemused, confused, irritated, and frustrated as well, she stomped across the threshold.

“A bit of quiet would serve us both well,” came his amused voice from the darkness. She turned, intending to incinerate him with her best glare, and discovered he’d already closed the door.

She stared at the wood panel, completely nonplussed. She hadn’t thought she’d ever offer herself to a man, and now that she had, what happens? She’s sent to her
room alone. Perhaps he hadn’t wanted to take her against the wall, but blast it, that’s the way it was done all the time in the rookery. Maybe he didn’t want her quite as much as he claimed.

“Aggravating man,” she muttered through clenched teeth. She carefully made her way through the dark, silent house, following his directions toward her bedchamber, her frustration growing with each step. Her body felt hot and impatient, the feminine folds between her thighs swollen and heavy. And now nothing save long sleepless hours faced her until she saw him again. Damnation, she’d go mad before then.

When she reached the stairs, she climbed, then turned right and continued down the corridor. So engrossed was she in her irritation, it wasn’t until she reached the end of the passageway that she realized she must have passed her room. Frowning, she turned and as her gaze swept the dim area, she realized that this corridor didn’t look in the least familiar. That half-moon table with the bouquet of flowers hadn’t been there, nor had the ornate oval mirror hanging on the opposite wall.

Botheration. Not only was the man a plague on one’s peace of mind, he possessed no sense of direction whatsoever.

Clenching her jaw, she carefully retraced her steps. Once she reached the stairs, she made her way toward the foyer so as to reorient herself. Once she arrived in the marble-tiled entryway, and reassured of her direction, she made her way to her bedchamber. By the time she arrived, she was well and thoroughly vexed. She opened the door, closing it quietly behind her, barely resisting the urge to slam it. She’d steamed halfway across the room when she halted as if she’d walked into a glass wall. And stared.

At Colin. Who’d removed his jacket and waistcoat and stood next to her bed, his shoulders nonchalantly
propped against the thickly carved bedpost, arms crossed casually over his chest, his eyes glittering with an unmistakable heat that ignited every cell in her body.

,” he said softly, “is what I’d call a much better time and place.”

Colin allowed himself a bit of smug satisfaction
at her flabbergasted expression and wished she were normally so easy to read.

“How did you get in here?” she asked, eyeing him as if she weren’t quite convinced he was real.

“Through the French windows by the terrace you’d left unlocked.” He pushed off the bedpost and slowly made his way toward her, halting when only two feet separated them. The urge to drag her into his arms and simply devour her nearly overpowered him. This clawing hunger she inspired truly baffled him. He’d known lust before, but
…this wild, reckless, primitive need to press her against the nearest wall or bend her over the closest chair and simply take his pleasure was completely unfamiliar. She somehow stripped him of the gentlemanly mien that had always defined every aspect of his life. She made him feel uncharacteristically out of control. In a way no other woman ever had. And without her doing
. Bloody hell, he hadn’t even touched her yet. And could wait no longer to do so.

Forcing a calmness he was far from feeling, he
reached out and loosely entwined his fingers with hers, not in the least surprised when heat pumped through him at the casual contact.

“Leaving windows unlocked is most unwise,” he murmured, lightly circling his thumbs over her palms. “Very bad men lurk about in the dark.”

She appeared to recover herself. “Yourself included?”

“I may be bad, but only in a very good way.”

He lifted her hands and brushed a kiss across the backs of her callused fingers. “Actually, I’m glad the windows were unlocked as that helped shave a minute or two off my entry time—which I appreciated, as I wanted to arrive before you.”

Understanding dawned in her eyes. “Which is also why you gave me incorrect directions to my room.”

“Guilty as charged. I wanted to arrange a small surprise, and as I’ve told you, I’m accustomed to getting what I want.” He stepped closer, until a mere breath separated their bodies, and very much liked the way her eyes darkened.

“That does challenge one to deny you,” she said softly.

“Perhaps, but it shouldn’t—not when we want the same thing.”

He lowered his head and lightly grazed her earlobe with his teeth.

“I believe you’re trying to weaken my knees,” she said, her words coming out in a pleasure-soaked sigh.

“Is it working?”

“Remarkably well.”

“Excellent.” He nuzzled the soft skin behind her ear. When his head filled with the delicate, delicious sweet scent of oranges, he groaned and couldn’t help but wonder who was weakening whose knees.

“You mentioned something about arranging a small surprise?” she asked. “What is it?”

“Impatient, are you?”

She leaned back and gazed up at him. “Yes,” she said in a voice he could only describe as smoky. “Right now I’m very impatient, and normally I’m not. Quite frankly this uncharacteristic state is all your fault, and I want to know what you’re going to do about it. Right now.”

Releasing her hands, he reached between them to untie the sash on her robe. After parting the thin cotton, he slid the garment down her arms. The material pooled at her feet with a gentle

“I intend,” he said, keeping his gaze on hers while he slowly began to undo the long row of buttons fastening the front of her gown, “to make you even more impatient.”

“I’m not certain that is possible.”

“Oh, it’s possible.” He slid the last tiny button through its hole, leaving her still covered but unfastened to the waist. Slipping a single fingertip inside the opening he’d created, he lightly touched the shallow hollow of her throat.

“I want you impatient,” he whispered, leisurely dragging his fingertip downward, over her incredibly soft skin, between her breasts, then lower, to lightly circle her navel. “And hot.”

Her eyes drooped halfway closed, and she swayed slightly on her feet. “But I’m already both those things. I feel as if I’m going to burst into flames.”

“Good. But it’s not enough. I want more. More impatient. Hotter.”

Unable to deny himself from seeing her for another second, he slipped his hands inside her gown and slowly spread the material, revealing her inch by inch to his avid gaze as he lowered the garment down her arms. Seconds later it joined her robe at her feet.

She stood in the midst of her nightclothes like a gorgeous, night-blooming flower, her pale skin bathed in
both the silvery moonlight coming in from the window and the golden glow from the fire’s last embers. His gaze tracked slowly down her form, and he had to fist his hands to keep from snatching her against him like a green, randy lad.

High, full breasts, topped with pebbled rosy nipples beckoned his hands and lips. The indent of her waist gave way to the sinuous curve of her hips. His gaze lingered over the triangle of dark curls gracing the apex of her thighs before continuing down her shapely legs to her slim ankles.

“At the risk of being redundant,” he said, his voice a soft rasp, “you are exquisite.” Reaching out, he untied the ribbon securing her braid, then sifted his fingers through the silky twines of hair. Glossy strands separated and spilled over his hands, and a delicate citrus scent wafted from the soft tresses. He brought a handful of curls to his face, breathed deeply, and groaned. “God. You smell so incredibly delicious.”

“Thank you.”

Noting the slight quaver in her voice, he asked, “Are you nervous?”

She hesitated, then nodded. “A bit, yes.”

“So am I.”

Surprise flashed in her eyes. “Why? Surely you have experience in these matters.”

“Yes. But you do not, and I’ve never made love to a virgin before. It’s rather daunting, especially as you make me want to do things…in ways that would make me forget I must go slowly.”

She settled her hands against his chest, and he knew she felt his hard, rapid heartbeat. “It’s true I’m a virgin, but I’m not a shy, delicate lady made of spun glass who has lived a sheltered life, Colin. I am fully aware of what will happen between us. And I want it all.”

He slowly wrapped a handful of her fragrant hair
around his fist. “How do you know what will happen between us?”

“I’ve…seen things.”

“What sort of things?”

“Men taking their pleasure from women. Women on their knees servicing men.”

An image of her, on her knees, her plump lips wrapped around his erection, flashed through his mind. Hot blood rushed to his groin, and he swelled against the already strangling confines of his breeches.

Lifting her chin a fraction, she said, “I’ve always wondered what all the fuss was about as the proceedings seemed rather furtive and, well, rushed. I’ve managed to suppress my curiosity, but with you, I no longer can. The sensations you make me feel…they must be explored.”

He untwined his hand, watching her silky curtain of hair unfurl to her waist. “I’ve no intention of rushing the…proceedings, Alexandra. And I certainly encourage you to explore. In any way you wish.”

“An invitation not easily taken advantage of, I’m afraid.” She shot him a very pointed head-to-toe look. “At least for me as you are not the one standing about with all your…
dangling in the air.”

He swallowed the bark of laughter that rose in his throat at her disgruntled tone and managed to merely smile. “Would it make you feel more comfortable if my…
dangled in the air as well?”

“I certainly think it would be more fair. After all, I want you to be as impatient as I am.”

If she had any idea how impatient he already was, how close his control teetered on the edge—without even yet touching her or being touched by her—she’d be more than “a bit” nervous.

“I can assure you there’s no worry on that score. However”—he spread his arms—“feel free to have at it.”

Interest and uncertainty flared in her eyes. “I’m not sure exactly where to begin.”

“My cravat would probably be a good place.”

Her gaze fell to his neckcloth. Stepping from her pile of nightclothes, she reached out and set to work on untying the complicated knot. Standing in front of him, wearing nothing save a frown of concentration, she stole his breath. He tried not to touch her, and succeeded—for precisely three seconds. Then, unable to stop himself, he settled his hands on the curve of her waist.

His eyes slid briefly closed as the realization hit him with stunning force—that he was
touching her skin. That this night she would be his, this woman who’d haunted his dreams for so long. He opened his eyes and watched her, his fingers lightly kneading her supple waist, then trailing slowly up and down her smooth back.

“You’re not helping my concentration by doing that,” she said, her gaze flicking up to his.

“Oh.” He slid his palms upward and cupped her breasts. “Is that better?”

Alex gasped at the bolt of pleasure his touch incited, and her busy fingers stilled, then clenched against his shirt. She dipped her chin and watched him tease her nipples between his long fingers until her eyes drifted closed.

“Better?” he asked.

Questions? He expected her to answer questions? “I…I’m not certain. Perhaps you’d best do that again.”

His soft chuckle blew warmth against her skin, and it took her only a single heartbeat to realize that his hands were magic. They skimmed over her breasts, igniting a trail of fire. Then he leaned down and traced the outer curve of her breast with his tongue.

She gasped, a soft sound that melted into a long moan when he circled his tongue around her nipple,
then drew the aroused peak into the wet warmth of his mouth while his fingers continued their magical tugging tease on her other nipple.

Her head dropped limply back, and she arched forward, greedily wanting more. Each drugging pull of his lips curled heat deep inside her. The folds between her legs grew damp and heavy, and she rubbed her thighs together, but the movement brought no relief. Nor did Colin, who switched his attention to her other breast, while his hands skimmed downward to caress her buttocks.

She gripped his shoulders, drowning in sensation, flushed with the conflicting desires to sink further into this abyss of pleasure and to emerge to yank off his clothing. Never in her life had she felt so
. So aware of herself and her body. And so eager to learn and experience more.

“Delicious,” he murmured against her breast. “So damn delicious.”

Before she could catch her breath, he bent to drag his mouth down the center of her torso, kissing, licking her skin, circling her navel, then delving his tongue inside. Shivers of delight raced through her, and a growl of pleasure vibrated in her throat.

“Look at me,” he commanded in a rough whisper.

With an effort, she dragged her head up and opened her eyes. He knelt before her, his lips a mere whisper from her abdomen. His eyes looked dark and burned with a desire so deeply potent her breath caught.

“Spread your legs for me, Alexandra.”

Wordlessly, heart pounding, she obeyed him.

“You say you saw women on their knees before men. Did you ever see a man pleasure a woman that way?”

She shook her head, losing her ability to speak when he slipped a hand between her thighs and lightly stroked—a slow, maddening rhythm over sensitive
nerve endings that felt…so…good. She’d touched herself there, in the dark, on nights when her body had cried out for…something. But while her own touch was pleasurable, it had never made her feel like

His other hand meandered lazily up and down the backs of her thighs, around her buttocks, tracing the line between them, drawing a gasp from her.

“I want to see you,” he said, his voice like rough velvet. “All of you.” His fingers slipped away, and a groan of protest rose in her throat. But before she could voice it, in one smooth motion, he stood, scooped her into his arms, and strode to the bed. With his gaze intent on hers, he set her on the edge of the mattress, urging her legs wide apart with his hands. He then sank to his knees between her splayed thighs and hooked her calves over his shoulders. The smoldering desire in his eyes burned away her shyness, melted her modesty, leaving only curiosity and aching need. Propped on her elbows, she watched his gaze drop to her exposed flesh and he groaned.

“Beautiful,” he said, his fingers spreading her wider, then teasing her with light, perfect strokes. “So wet. So silky and hot.”

He slipped his hands beneath her to cup her buttocks, then lifted her and leaned forward. She gasped at the first stunning touch of his mouth against her swollen flesh. The shocking sensation of his tongue caressing her, the sight of his dark head between her widespread thighs was the most erotic, arousing sight she’d ever seen. With a long moan of pleasure, she sank back onto the mattress and gripped the counterpane, wallowing in the sensations licking fire through her veins.

Nothing existed except him. His lips and tongue and fingers were relentless, arousing her beyond the impatience he’d wanted. Shamelessly she arched her back, straining toward his mouth, her every muscle trembling.
Pleasure coursed through her, building, coiling low in her belly, tightening, gathering, pushing her closer to something that remained just out of reach. Until he did something…something magical with his mouth that concentrated on a spot so exquisitely sensitive she gasped.

Fisting her hands on the counterpane, she arched her back and spread her legs wider. For several breathless seconds it felt as if she stood on a precipice, then she soared over the cliff. Spasms of pleasure gushed through her, pulsing, until, all too quickly, the intense shudders tapered off into tingling ripples, leaving her limp and languid.

She felt him shift, and dragged her eyes open, watching him press a trail of soft kisses up her torso. After a final kiss to the side of her neck, he settled his lower body against hers and propped his weight on his forearms to look down at her. Their gazes met, and she stilled at the fire burning in his eyes.

“Alexandra,” he whispered.

He uttered that single word with such heated reverence, her breath stalled. Lifting a limp arm, she rested her palm against his cheek. “Colin.”

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