Jack's Christmas Wish

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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ISBN 9781615088706

All rights reserved

Copyright 2011 Bonni Sansom

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Sizzler/Submission Bondage

A Renaissance E Books publication


How in the hell Lissa Monroe got roped into being Santa's sexy helper, she wouldn't know. She was freezing her exposed ass off. The short little green velvet skirt didn't cover much. And the fake snowflakes made her sneeze.

She was anything but sexy holding a tissue, blowing her nose every five minutes, but if Santa pinched her ass one more time, she would gift him a punch to the face. She'd already put up with enough crap from Rex, her ex-lover. He wouldn't let go and was causing trouble. But here she was standing in heels that were killing her feet striking a pose and for what? She knew the answer to that already; it was the extra money that's what.

She was one of the top sales associates, for christsakes. Just because she was the only associate that could fit into the outfit made her the lucky one for the job. Even though she did make extra dough for this, it didn't make her feel any better.
Maybe I could do without food and electricity

No, she needed the money. After having to help pay for her mother's heart surgery, she was flat broke. She was in debt up to her eyeballs, as a matter of fact. Even getting collection calls, so she would wear the mini skirt, hand Santa little candy canes and smile, while the fat bastard ogled her assets.

He glared at her and waggled his brows.

She rolled her eyes
. Dream on, Tubby Mcfatass.

“Lissa, could you hand me a candy cane for this young man?”

“Yes, Santa.” As she bent over to grab yet another candy cane from the bucket—the bucket the asshole could clearly reach—the fuzzy faced jerk rubbed her left butt cheek. That was it. She'd had it. She turned to him, anger boiling her blood. “I'm about to let you...” Her boss approached the Christmas display and she froze mid-sentence. She changed her tone to her sweetest voice. “Have another candy cane. Here you go, little boy.” She smiled at the brat and returned to her pretty pose beside Santa.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Right

She took a deep breath and continued her sexy duties.

“And what's your name little boy?

Santa asked a blonde headed blue eyed boy, whose father was abso-friggin'-lutely gorgeous. He could rub her ass all he wanted. She checked his ring finger and nothing. No ring, no indentation where a ring might have been. Maybe this was his nephew. The boy looked just like him though. He reminded her of one of those angelic cherubs you'd see in a church. He was nothing like the other brats of the day. He was special, something about him called to her that she couldn't quite explain.

“I'm Jack,” the little boy said with childish enthusiasm.

“Jack, what would you like for Christmas?” The boy wobbled on Santa's knee.

The little boy hung his head, a frown on his little face with drooping shoulders. He looked like a wilting flower. “I want a new mom.” He said in a hushed tone.

She almost didn't hear him. She glanced at the father, who now looked somber. Ohmigod, what if she had died? How terrible. Her heart was breaking for them, at the same time she wished she could be the woman he was interested in. Shame, yes shame, is what she should feel, but she didn't. Instead she felt an attraction. Not just to the father but to Jack too. She just couldn't explain it. It was a little disconcerting.

Fake Santa didn't seem to know what to do in this situation, so she handed the little boy a candy cane, and whispered, “Honey, I'm sure your dad loves you enough for two; I know I would.” She would too, she decided. Somehow she knew this in her very core. The little boy needed her. She wished she could be there for him and the father.

He took the candy and smiled up at her. “Will you be my new mom?”

That she wasn't expecting.
Crap! Now what? I can't very well say yes I'd love to, now can I? Yeesh!

“Uh no, honey, but I'm sure your dad will find someone.” She looked to the dad and he gave a timid smile.
Pick me. Please, pick me

She smiled back, searching those deep blue eyes for any hint of attraction, because she was feeling loads of it. She might not be his mommy, but she would certainly be girlfriend material. The mommy thing would work itself out.

Jack slumped over again. God, she felt bad for him. He hopped down from Santa's knee and turned to her. “I would've liked you to be my new mommy. You're pretty.”

Her face heated. “Thank you, Jack.” What else could she say?
Me too.

The dad stepped up to collect his son. “He's right, you know. You are very pretty.”

Good grief, all the sudden it was seriously hot. All the man had to do was say she was pretty and she creamed her fuzzy green outfit. His voice was a low baritone that vibrated more than just her ears. Fabulous long blonde lashes framed those blue bedroom eyes. He could have been a GQ model. High masculine cheekbones and a square firm jaw and not to mention those perfectly kissable lips.

She caught herself leaning toward him, trying to get closer to those glorious features. A compliment will get you everywhere. What a true statement that was. “Thank you, I'm Lissa.”

He chuckled. “You're welcome and I'm Derek. You've already met Jack, and thank you for saying what you said to him. He's been having a hard time since his mom died.”

“Oh I'm so sorry, I ... I...” Now she did feel bad. Poor Jack had lost his mother and all she could think about was getting lucky with his dad. But that wasn't exactly true; she felt something for Jack too. It was almost like she was a little protective of him. These feelings were so confusing and kind of bizarre.

“Excuse me. My kids need to see Santa, too.” A frazzled woman said from behind them. Her three little monsters were buzzing around her like crazed animals, saying ‘Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. When's it my turn?'

“Uh, I'm sorry, my apologies, Ma'am.” Lissa immediately opened the red velvet rope to let a child through. The first of her three rug rats leapt onto Santa's lap, getting a yelp from Santa.
Good, I hope he cracked a chestnut.

“What time do you get off?” Derek asked

Any second now, with you.
“Um, eight o'clock.”

“How about we get some coffee together?”

“Coffee would be great,” she replied, even though she didn't drink coffee.

Jack pulled on Derek's pant leg. “Can I have coffee too, daddy?”

Derek smiled adoringly down at Jack. “No son, you'll be with Mrs. Sanders.”

Jack stomped his foot. “Aw, I want to go with you.”

Lissa bent down to be at eye level with Jack, noticing Derek's glance at her derriere. “Maybe we'll get together some other time and have ice-cream, how about that?”

She gave a questioning glance up to Derek, who mouthed “Thank you.”

She nodded and pat little Jack on the head.

He nodded his little head and busied himself with his candy cane.

She opened the rope for another of the frazzled woman's kids and had to say goodbye to Derek.

“It's a date then. I'll meet you here.” Jack dragged him by the hand out of the store.

She walked back to her post with a bit of a spring in her step.
Hell-to-the-yeah, I know what I'm getting for Christmas.

“Daddy, does a date mean you're gonna kiss her? Cause Billy Jeffries’ sister goes on dates and she gets kissed all the time.” He stared wide-eyed at his dad.

Derek Baxter had no idea how to answer this question, but he hoped like hell it meant kissing her. Those pink stained pouty lips of hers needed a lot of attention.

“How about we get a waffle cone of your favorite ice cream?” There he'd avoided it with a bribe.

“Yeah"!” Jack took off for the food court ice-cream stand.

Derek had indulged him in his every wish since his mother died. He knew he shouldn't but he wanted to see a smile on his face instead of the near constant frown. Jack had been a very outgoing child, who never met a stranger. And now he was withdrawn and stayed in his room most of the time. Derek didn't really know what to do for him, so he spoiled him.

They stood to the side while Jack decided what he wanted. He finally agreed on a scoop of chocolate and a scoop of vanilla, with gummy worms and colored sprinkles. Derek just shook his head and ordered.

They sat at a small white table with a wobbly leg, admiring the fountain in the center of the room. Derek had mixed emotions about the fountain. That was where Melody and Jack had made wishes with pennies. It seemed everywhere he went there were memories of her. He couldn't help but think it should have been him, not her. If he would have been driving it would have been him. She took the entire impact on her side of the car. The only piece of comfort he had from the whole ordeal was that the doctors agreed she went instantly and hadn't suffered. He had grieved long enough. He knew Melody would kick his ass for not moving on and being happy. So Lissa would be his first attempt at happiness.

“Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?” Jack repeated trying to get Derek's attention.

Derek stopped staring at the fountain and looked at his son who was now licking away a trail of melted ice cream from his arm. He chuckled and grabbed a napkin and handed it to his son. “What is it Jack?”

“So are ya?” He swiped at the ice cream, smearing it.

“Am I what?”

“Gonna kiss her?” He slurped a gummy worm into his mouth.

“I don't know, son.” He could feel the heat in his face. This wasn't something he wanted to discuss with his seven year old son.

'Well, I think you should, one of those France ones.”

“One of those what?”

He rolled his eyes, “You know, like the French people do.”

“How do you know what the French people do?”

“Billy's sister. We saw her sticking her tongue in her boyfriend's mouth, it was gross.” He licked another stream of melting cream from his arm.

“I think I don't like you hanging out with Billy. You've seen way too much for a seven year old.” He certainly wanted to kiss her like the French did. That and a whole lot more. She filled out that elf outfit like a goddess. Her plump breasts sat like two ripe melons. And long legs that went all the way to heaven didn't hurt either. He could easily imagine those wrapped around him, as he pushed inside her. Good God, he had to stop thinking about her. Here he sat at a wobbly table, with his ice cream covered son and a hard-on.

“I think you should,” Jack said adamantly.

“I should what?”

“Put your tongue in her mouth. Billy's sister really liked it.” He took a big bite of the cone, crunching with his mouth open.

“Can we stop talking about Billy's sister before I have a coronary?”

Jack squint his eyes and asked, “What's a canary?”

“A bird,” He replied and laughed, then scrubbed his hand in his son's hair.”

“Dad, stop it,” Jack chewed on a green gummy worm.

[Back to Table of Contents]


By seven thirty, Lissa had been through hell. She had also decided against having more than one kid, but maybe that kid could be Jack .She shook that notion off. She had just met them, but still there was something about Derek that was different. She kept checking and rechecking her watch every few minutes. Eight o'clock couldn't get here fast enough. She had been groped more times than she cared to admit, but Santa Claws got his payback a few moments ago, when a kid puked all over him. Luckily she hadn't been standing too close.

She checked her watch again. Seven-twenty-six and there he was, standing by the large plastic reindeer. If anything he was punctual. She handed the last kid a candy cane and went over to him. She undid the velvet rope and exited the display, coming nose to throat with him.

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