Jacked Up (Bowen Boys #4) (14 page)

BOOK: Jacked Up (Bowen Boys #4)
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“Let’s go home.”

She shook her head, sinking her hands in his hair. “Here. Now.” Her breath was heavy, her tone defiant.

“I don’t have condoms, pet.” He should have known he couldn’t make it a couple of days around Elle without needing protection, but moron that he was, he thought he would be able to resist her. “And we’re in a public parking lot.”

“It’s deserted, Borg,” she whispered, pressing herself against him.

Yes, there was no one around. Still.

“Not up for the challenge?”

He grabbed her hands and immobilized them over her head. “I haven’t had sex for almost a year and I’ve been dying to fuck you for twice as long, since the first time I laid eyes on you. You can’t ask me to pull out, because I won’t. The second I get inside you, I’ll be coming.”

“I’m protected.”

She was killing him.

He held her challenging stare. “So that we’re clear: if I fuck you here I’m going to fill you with my cum.” Something he hadn’t done ever before but couldn’t wait to do now. Nuts.

She nodded. “Now.”

He couldn’t deny her anything. Which pissed him off to no end, but his cock had a mind of its own. Heck, his whole body.

He unzipped, yanked her panties aside, and pressed against her core, breaching her tight opening. Her teeth sank into his shoulder, a ragged cry escaping her.

Fuck, she was so hot. And so fucking small. He was going to hell for this. She needed more foreplay if he was going to get more than the crown of his cock inside her, but he was so crazed by the sensory overload he wasn’t sure he could hold still.

Praying for a control there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell he could maintain, he pushed down his need and thrust a bit deeper, when suddenly her grip on him got even tighter. “Jack, oh God, I’m coming…”

He took her mouth and swallowed her cries as she exploded all over his cock, her pussy clutching him like a vise, locked in a powerful contraction. Robbing him of breath and the last shred of sanity. He surged all the way in, the straight barbell ladder he had at the base of his cock slamming against her clit, the contact with the metal ripping a whimper out of her and sending her over again. Jesus fucking Christ, she was flooring him. Wrapped around him, quivering. So hot. So tight. He managed to plunge into her several times but soon after that he lost it, and with a roar he let himself go, filling her with his cum.

Chapter Nine

Jack didn’t utter a single word on the way home, back to throwing murderous glances her way, which, considering his cum was all over her pussy, felt weird to say the least. A couple of jokes came to mind, but she opted for keeping them to herself. God forbid she give him a coronary.

After making it home, Elle headed for the bathroom; a bit of space would do them good.

She stripped and entered the shower, wondering what had come over her in that parking lot. That kind of heavy-handed, Neanderthal behavior from a guy normally enraged her, earning him a kick in the balls instead of a free pass to fuck her, which was exactly what Jack got. She had no explanation for it; the man revved her motor to unprecedented heights and she’d needed him so badly. And boy did he deliver. Him and that big pierced cock of his.

Elle took her sweet time, soaping up and soothing her muscles under the water, then rinsing. She reached for a towel and when she opened the shower curtain, she saw Jack there, leaning on the wall.

“Enjoy the show?” she asked, stepping out of the cubicle. The curtain only let a shadow through, but still.

He ignored her question, although he must have appreciated it if the huge erection tenting his jeans was anything to go by. “You know what this is, right?”

She glanced around. “Hmm, a bathroom?”

He grunted, not a speck of humor in his hard tone. “You understand this has no future, right? This is just sex and that’s all that it ever will be.”

Arrogant ass. “Don’t overestimate yourself, Borg. Who says I want more? I know what you are. You’re fucking material.”

“Good, we understand each other. When the Maldonado situation is resolved, we part ways.”

“Depending on your skills, we might part ways earlier. I can’t help it if you fall for me though, wonderful girl that I am. Oh, I know, I know”—she waved him off—“I don’t bake bread or sew my own underwear. I’m sooo going to hell.”

He was searching for the one, but she was too, and Jack was so far away from it, it wasn’t even funny.

He strode toward her, his glance traveling over her and stopping on her legs. “What were those inscriptions and lines?”

What? Ah, the UV tattoos.

“You’ll have to get me into another club if you want to see them again. Maybe if you hadn’t dragged me out of there, you would have had more time to inspect them. Oh, and by the way, now that we’re on the subject, you don’t want to end up with my boot up your ass, you don’t manhandle me,” she added. “Ever.”

“You don’t want me throwing you over my shoulder, maybe you should consider behaving.” His tone was clipped and matter-of-fact.

“I foresee a painful relationship ahead of us.” He frowned at the word “relationship,” so she corrected, “Fling, hookup. Whatever you want to call it. If you’d sleep lighter, I can sign a waiver.”

He caressed her skin. “UV tattoos always leave some scarring. Yours are unnoticeable.”

“How do you know about UV tattoos?”

Jack shrugged. “Someone close to me is interested in them.”

She waited for him to elaborate, but of course he didn’t. “I got mine done by the best.”

At her words, his expression grew severe. “What is Kai to you?”

“Hmm, none of your business?”

Jack got in her face. “Wrong, pet. When I walk out you can go back to doing what you want, but as long as I’m fucking you, I’m the only one who touches you, are we clear?”

“Clear.” She resented the implication. He considered her an untrustworthy, shifty floozy and couldn’t be more wrong, but she didn’t want to get into it now.

“And you’ll do as I say.”

“Not so clear, buddy.”

Yep, definitely a painful relationship ahead of them. Correction; ahead of him, because as far as she was concerned, she was going to have a blast.

“And talking about body alterations, that piercing of yours caught me by surprise. I would never have thought you were pierced. Care to explain?”

True to form, The Borg didn’t bother to answer, just studied her.

“What?” she finally asked, impatient.

“Nothing. Wondering if I can fuck that attitude out of you.”

She smirked. “I doubt it very much, but you can try.”

“I plan to. Believe me, I plan to.”

He brought her to him and kissed her, hard and deep. The towel fell to the floor and a shiver ran across her as she felt his calloused hands on her sensitized skin. She crawled up his body, wrapping her legs around his hips, the rough denim against her core and the soft shirt against her nipples playing havoc with her senses. The kiss got more desperate, his cock throbbing against her, his hands cupping her ass.

“Bed. Now,” he growled.

“I think your speech processor is failing you, sunshine. Maybe it got corrupted when you overheated?”

“Smart-ass.” He carried her to her bedroom, where he put her down on the bed.

Without taking his eyes off her, he made quick work of his clothes. He kneeled in front of her and unceremoniously lifted her legs up and wide.

“How many times can you get off in one session?”

In spite of her disadvantageous situation, she flaunted some attitude at him. She couldn’t let him intimidate her or he would walk all over her. “I don’t know, Jack, how talented are you?”

He cocked his eyebrow. “I recall someone coming around my cock explosively before I was totally in.”

True, but that might have had more to do with her than with him or his skills. After all, she had a lot of sexual frustration pent up since a certain asshole moved in with her.

He caressed her open folds and a whimper escaped her. For such a hard man, his touch was so soft. “You couldn’t wait to have me inside you.”

She couldn’t help egging him. “Of course I couldn’t. With your fickle personality I wasn’t risking you changing your mind by the time we made it home. You would have gotten all proper and uptight on me again.”

A devilish smile flashed on his face. “I might have been a bit slow on the uptake, but don’t be mistaken, I’m in charge here. And I’m never proper.”

Yeah, she’d gotten the idea while he’d been pounding into her in that deserted parking lot, her hands restrained over her head. Although in all honesty, she was still baffled that she’d managed to make him lose control. She would have bet good money he would never have gone for public, unprotected sex.

He trailed the tips of his fingers along her folds, caressing her entrance and then her clit, making her jump as he spread her moisture. “I didn’t give you what you deserved outside the club. You didn’t get any foreplay and yet you took me.”

He leaned over and put his mouth on her open core, taking a deep swipe.

She jerked at the rough contact, but he tightened his grip.

“Fucking sweet, pet. You washed me off. You don’t taste like me.”

She cleared her throat. “You would have wanted to eat me out covered with your semen?”

“No, I wouldn’t. I’d rather lick your juices, but I like your pussy dripping with my cum. Let’s remedy this. As soon as you spill on my tongue, I’ll fuck you and fill you up again. Take you so hard you’ll be sore for a week.”

She wasn’t sure if it was the image in her brain that his words created, or his breath slamming against her core, but a jolt of pleasure tore through her. Still, she had to provoke him. Had to. It was ingrained in her. “Promises, promises. You should talk less and go down to business, Borg. Before I fall asleep on you.”

That look on his face, so male, so sure of himself, shot straight to her clit, making her core convulse.

He ate her out the same way he kissed, hard and deep and thoroughly. No mercy. Raking his teeth on her sensitive folds, licking every inch of her, tonguing her entrance and sucking her clit. Making her so hot she could barely stand it.

“Oh God.” She lifted her hips and pushed herself against him, her hands grabbing the bars of the headboard and using it for leverage while Jack worked her ruthlessly until the pleasure was too overwhelming and she went over.

She was still orgasming when he flipped her on her stomach and raised her hips.

So that was the price for oral. She tried to rise up. “Jack. Face-to-face.”

“I know you are not too crazy about this position, but I will make it work for you.” And before she could say anything, he pushed inside her, knocking the wind out of her. “Like this, I can get so deep you’ll feel every inch of me.”

He was not kidding. God, he was huge; even after coming in his mouth and being soft and ready, it was a tight fit. He moved slow but relentlessly until he was buried balls-deep in her and his cock was nudging her womb. She was going to complain that very instant, but she couldn’t find her voice, busy as she was moaning.

“Fucking perfect, pet,” he said, dipping his hand and touching her clit while she fisted the sheets, groaning into them. “You will come for me.”

She shook her head defiantly. If she could stop trembling it would have been more convincing.

Jack chuckled softly. Full of arrogance. “Yes you will, I can already feel your pussy gripping me greedily, trying to suck me in deeper. Your clit is throbbing. You will come for me in this position. In any position I choose. Milk my cock and make me blow.”

He fucked her hard and fast, her whole body shaking with his powerful thrusts, but when she was about to orgasm, he stopped and hauled her upright to her knees, her back against his chest.

“Do not come.” He stayed still, pulsing inside her, and moved his hand to her clit, rubbing it gently. “Not yet, pet.”

What? Jesus, could the guy make up his mind?

“Coming or not coming on command is not a skill I’ve acquired.” Actually, anything on command was a no-go with her.

“You’ll acquire it with me,” he said, immobilizing her hips so that she couldn’t force his hand. “And no more twerking.”

She spoke in choppy pants. “Twerking is great for strengthening the pelvis muscles. I’d rather avoid the future possibility of peeing on myself when I sneeze, if it’s all the same to you.”

“And I’d rather avoid the possibility of ending up in prison for beating the shit out of the guys coming on to you. You want to twerk, twerk for me, pet. Like now. Try to buck me off.”

He pushed her back down and resumed pounding into her. She tried dislodging him, but the more she thrashed, the stronger his clutch and the hotter she got, until she was trembling and about to come and then the bastard stopped again.

He lifted her upper body to his again and fisting her braids, pulled her head to the side, trailing kisses on her neck. “Get rid of the braids, pet. I want to sink my fingers in your hair. I want it all over me as I fuck you.”

She was shaking, but she got the words out as steady as possible. “Magic word?”



“You take them out, I’ll make it worth your while.”

It wasn’t a “please,” but it was close enough. Not that she could think about it when all the nerve endings of her body were on fire. “I might be more agreeable if you, I don’t know, let me frigging come?”

He had the balls to let out a bark similar to a laugh. “Not yet,” he repeated.

“Stop fucking me so good then.” Her belligerent side urged her to disobey, but there was another part of her that wanted to please him and prove that she could control herself.

“Huge payoff if you do.”

God only knew how, she managed to suppress her burning urge to climax.

“That’s my girl,” he said as he caressed her gently. Then he pushed her down and went back at pounding into her.

“Jack…” she choked out. Her whole body was quaking; she needed so badly to come she was almost hurting.

He buried himself deep inside her and lifted her torso to him, his hand on her pussy, the other one wrapped around her breasts. “You’re wrong.” This time he didn’t stop moving. As he was talking, he jackhammered into her, his arms keeping her trapped. “All women do not look the same from behind. I know exactly who I’m fucking. Your scent is all over me. Your taste. Your fire.”

BOOK: Jacked Up (Bowen Boys #4)
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