Jack and Joe: Hunt for Jack Reacher Series (The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 6) (25 page)

Read Jack and Joe: Hunt for Jack Reacher Series (The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 6) Online

Authors: Diane Capri

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Hard-Boiled, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Serial Killers, #Vigilante Justice, #Financial, #Military, #Spies & Politics, #Assassinations, #Conspiracies, #Thrillers

BOOK: Jack and Joe: Hunt for Jack Reacher Series (The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 6)
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Everybody shrugged. Tony was right. She was as hard as woodpecker lips. If Reacher knew what was good for him, he’d never come within shooting distance of Sergeant Major Madeline Jones or
The Lucky Bar

Gaspar and I said our farewells and left after one beer. We rode in silence on the drive back to the Raleigh airport. Gaspar must have had other things on his mind. His wife and coming son, maybe, and making sure none of his kids grew up without a father like Sergeant Church had done.

I fired up my laptop and wrote my reports. I added the new things I’d learned about Jack Reacher over the past five days. And what I’d learned about Joe Reacher, too.

Reacher had made enemies in the world. Those enemies were looking for him. Some of them like Sergeant Church had skewed perspectives, to be sure. But like Church, even the crazy ones could have the means to make him pay for the things he’d actually done, as well as the things they rightly or wrongly blamed him for.

But Joe Reacher had been universally loved, it seemed. His ex-wife, West Point and Army colleagues, even young boys he’d befriended had nothing but good words to say about him. Working as an FBI agent, I didn’t run into that kind of positive feedback very often. I’d never heard it about Jack Reacher, except from Joe’s ex-wife.

As Tony Clifton had said that first day about himself, the Reacher brothers must also have seen a lot of death and lost friends and family many times over. But the bond between brothers couldn’t be severed by death.

Brothers could be as different as night and day. Or they could be as similar as clones, looking the same and behaving in similar if not identical ways. The Reacher brothers seemed to me to be a little of both.

For the first time, Gaspar and I had completed one of these Reacher File assignments without the unsettling feeling that Reacher was constantly watching us from the shadows. Which didn’t mean he was or wasn’t. Only that I hadn’t felt it as I usually did.

The rental car return was up ahead. I almost wished that Sergeant Church had actually found and killed Reacher because, if he had, our assignment would be over and we could get back to our normal lives. I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about such an almost-wish, but there was no time to figure out my feelings now.

I typed “the end” and uploaded the two reports, one to the Boss’s secure satellite and the longer, more detailed one to my personal server. Paying my insurance premium. Who knew what the Boss or Finlay might have planned for me down the road? Plausible deniability was always at the front of my mind. Like all insurance, I was still hoping I’d never need it.

In my personal report, I concluded that Finlay and Cooper were engaged in a war. That much was clear. Reacher seemed to be the prize, dead or alive, and neither Finlay nor Cooper much cared which. Why they wanted him and what they planned to do when they found him remained unknown.

But Gaspar and I were expendable. Which wasn’t news. We’d known that for a while.

Gaspar’s wife was not in labor. It wasn’t Thanksgiving and I still wasn’t entitled to vacation time. So when we got the call from the Boss for our next assignment as we entered the airport, we did what we always do.

The only difference was, now we knew we were heading into enemy territory at the outset. Forewarned is forearmed—or foretold, as my mother would say.

We boarded our flight, Gaspar in 1A and me in 3C. I stowed my bags and yanked my seatbelt tight and pulled out a couple of antacids for takeoff.

Moments before we were asked to turn off our electronic devices, the Boss’s phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the text.

“Sergeant J. Church dead. Suicide. Shot in the forehead. Beretta. Nine-millimeter full metal jacket through and through.”

Reacher had been watching the whole time and I hadn’t seen him.


More adventures with Otto and Gaspar on the Hunt for Jack Reacher coming soon!

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Have you read all of Diane Capri’s books? Maybe it’s time to give them a try!

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(Click each title to buy or download a sample)

The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series:

Jack and Joe

Jack in the Green

Get Back Jack

Don’t Know Jack

Jack in a Box

Jack and Kill

The Hunt for Justice Series:

False Truth (Serial)

Fatal Error

Fatal Demand

Fatal Distraction

Fatal Enemy

Due Justice

Twisted Justice

Secret Justice

Wasted Justice

Raw Justice

Mistaken Justice

Cold Justice


Diane Capri is a
New York Times
USA Today
, and worldwide bestselling author.

She’s a recovering lawyer and snowbird who divides her time between Florida and Michigan. An active member of Mystery Writers of America, Author’s Guild, International Thriller Writers, Alliance of Independent Authors, and Sisters in Crime, she loves to hear from readers and is hard at work on her next novel.

Please connect with her online:







March 2nd, 2012

The other big news is Diane Capri—a friend of mine—wrote a book revisiting the events of KILLING FLOOR in Margrave, Georgia. She imagines an FBI team tasked to trace Reacher’s current-day whereabouts. They begin by interviewing people who knew him—starting out with Roscoe and Finlay. Check out this review: “Oh heck yes! I am in love with this book. I’m a huge Jack Reacher fan. If you don’t know Jack (pun intended!) then get thee to the bookstore/wherever you buy your fix and pick up one of the many Jack Reacher books by Lee Child. Heck, pick up all of them. In particular, read Killing Floor. Then come back and read Don’t Know Jack. This story picks up the other from the point of view of Kim and Gaspar, FBI agents assigned to build a file on Jack Reacher. The problem is, as anyone who knows Reacher can attest, he lives completely off the grid. No cell phone, no house, no car…he’s not tied down. A pretty daunting task, then, wouldn’t you say?

First lines: “Just the facts. And not many of them, either. Jack Reacher’s file was too stale and too thin to be credible. No human could be as invisible as Reacher appeared to be, whether he was currently above the ground or under it. Either the file had been sanitized, or Reacher was the most off-the-grid paranoid Kim Otto had ever heard of.” Right away, I’m sensing who Kim Otto is and I’m delighted that I know something she doesn’t. You see, I DO know Jack. And I know he’s not paranoid. Not really. I know why he lives as he does, and I know what kind of man he is. I loved having that over Kim and Gaspar. If you haven’t read any Reacher novels, then this will feel like a good, solid story in its own right. If you have…oh if you have, then you, too, will feel like you have a one-up on the FBI. It’s a fun feeling!

“Kim and Gaspar are sent to Margrave by a mysterious boss who reminds me of Charlie, in Charlie’s Angels. You never see him…you hear him. He never gives them all the facts. So they are left with a big pile of nothing. They end up embroiled in a murder case that seems connected to Reacher somehow, but they can’t see how. Suffice to say the efforts to find the murderer and Reacher, and not lose their own heads in the process, makes for an entertaining read.

“I love the way the author handled the entire story. The pacing is dead on (ok another pun intended), the story is full of twists and turns like a Reacher novel would be, but it’s another viewpoint of a Reacher story. It’s an outside-in approach to Reacher.

“You might be asking, do they find him? Do they finally meet the infamous Jack Reacher?

“Go…read…now…find out!”

Sounds great, right? You can get it
. Check out “Don’t Know Jack,” and let me know what you think.

So that’s it for now…again, thanks for reading
, and I hope you’ll like
just as much in September.

Lee Child

Copyright © 2015 Diane Capri, LLC

All Rights Reserved

Excerpt from The Enemy © 2004 Lee Child

Published by: AugustBooks


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Jack and Joe
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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eISBN: 978-1-940768-57-1

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Table of Contents



Dear Friends

Cast of Primary Characters


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

About the Author

Lee Child: The Reacher Report


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