J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets (149 page)

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Authors: Curt Gentry

Tags: #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #United States, #Political Science, #Law Enforcement, #History, #Fiction, #Historical, #20th Century, #American Government

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page numbers refer to photographs

Abercrombie, John W., 89, 90, 92, 96

Abernathy, Ralph, 34, 575
641, 719

Abplanalp, Robert H., 639

Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 214, 215-16, 301

Abwehr (German espionage service), 269-70, 271-72, 289, 290

Accardo, Tony, 456, 535

Acheson, Dean, 349

Adams, James B., 375
737, 754, 755

Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 120

Adamson, Terence, 754

Addams, Jane, 141

Agnew, Spiro, 48, 608-9, 613, 641-42

Ahern, James F., 416

Ainsworth, Kathy, 651

Albert, Carl, 677

Albert Parvin Foundation, 628

Albertson, William, 444

Aleman, Jose, Jr., 495, 496

Alex, Gus, 456, 490

Alexander, Jack, 69, 174, 179, 193

Alexander, William, 550

Ali, Muhammad, 719

Alien Registration Act of 1940 (Smith Act), 245

Allen, George, 63, 189, 218, 322, 329, 350

Allen, Robert, 178, 278

Allen, William E., 74, 76

Alo, Vincent, 495

Alsop, Stewart, 135

espionage case, 315-16, 338-40

American Agent
(Purvis), 176

American Bar Association, 449

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 101, 136-37, 139-40, 141-42, 214, 670, 683, 757

Ernst and, 234, 235, 236-37

FBI investigations of, 140-41

Ferman and, 439-40

McCarthyism and, 437-38

American Federation of Labor, 104

American Legion, 201-2, 413

American Liberty League, 203, 204

American Protective League (APL), 71, 72, 74

American Student Union, 303

American University, 660

American Youth Congress, 303

Amory, Robert, Jr., 672

Amos, James, 280

Anderson, George W., 82, 101

Anderson, J. W., 442

Anderson, Jack, 22, 29, 377-78, 381, 592, 615, 669, 670, 680, 684, 712, 715-16, 718-20

Anderson, William, 665-66

Angleton, James Jesus, 56, 375, 418, 646, 734-35

Annenberg, Moses “Moe,” 330, 331, 332

Annenberg, Walter, 332, 626

Anslinger, Harry, 328, 332, 333, 397, 454, 458

antiradical crusade,
Red raids of 1919-20

Appel, Charles, 46, 73, 132, 133, 146, 148, 149, 152, 161
162, 163, 190, 191, 280, 414

Arent, Albert, 339-40

Armstrong, Scott, 627

Army-McCarthy hearings, 436-37

Arvad, Inga, 376
467-69, 470

Ashurst, Henry F.,

atomic espionage, 341, 375

Rosenberg case, 419-28

attorney general’s list, 356

Ayer, Frederick, Jr., 467, 470

Babcock, Ed, 379

Baker, Bobby, 398
479, 559

Baker, Newton D., 72, 189, 191

Baldwin, Hanson, 491

Baldwin, Roger, 101, 136-40, 141-42, 187, 192, 234, 235, 237

Ball, Lucille, 385

Balletti, Arthur, 486

Bamford, James, 281-82

Bancroft, Mary, 418

Banducci, Enrico, 444

Barbara, Joseph, Sr., 452

Barker, Bernard, 36, 47

Barker, Fred,

Barker, Ma, 167, 183,

Barkley, Alben, 287

Barloga, Ray, 425

Barrett, Robert M., 550

Bartlett, Orrin, 405

Baruch, Bernard, 311

Bass, Jack, 651

Baughman, T. Frank, 67-68, 90, 132, 148, 149, 190,
280, 414

Baum, Carter, 171

Bayh, Birch, 679

Beard, Dita, 27, 715

Beaver, Rufus R., 688

Becker, Edward, 496, 497

Beecher, William, 632, 637

Beekman, Gustave, 287

Belafonte, Harry, 718

Bell, Griffin B., 746, 752, 754

Belmont, Alan H., 191, 336, 366, 375
378-79, 406, 442, 443
453, 506, 528-29, 533, 546
547, 550, 553, 556, 572, 582, 694

departure from FBI, 583

Rosenberg case, 419, 420, 424, 427-28

Belter, Ernest, 633-34, 635, 636-37, 696

Bennett, Lt. Gen. Donald V., 652, 655, 657

Bentley, Elizabeth, 340-41, 342-43, 345, 346, 347, 354, 357, 392

Benton, Bill, 432, 433

Berger, Jason, 389

Berkeley, Martin, 383

Berkman, Alexander, 69, 74, 85-86, 186, 187, 237

Berle, Adolf, 181, 228, 229, 233, 264, 268, 296, 344

Berle, Milton,

Bernstein, Leonard, 646, 647

Berrigan, Philip and Daniel, 665, 667

Bessie, Alvah, 444

Biaggi, Mario, 680

Biddle, Francis B., 182, 223, 232, 242, 263-64, 267-68, 278, 307, 308, 310, 311, 316, 334, 344, 389

Bridges case, 245, 263

fired by Truman, 322-23

Hoover and, 242-44

wiretapping, 244

World War II, 288, 291, 292, 294

Bielaski, A. Bruce, 72, 74, 115, 131, 409

Bielaski, Frank Brooks, 315, 409

Biffle, Leslie, 351

Billingsley, Sherman, 216, 329, 397

Bioff, Willie, 334

Bishop, Tom, 376, 747

Bissell, Gen. Clayton, 313

Bissell, Col. John T., 305

Bissell, Richard, 486

Black, Charles, 384

Black Panther party, 602, 618-23, 646-48

Black Stone Rangers, 622

Blasi, Dominick “Butch,” 535

Bloch, Emanuel, 423, 427

Block, William, 331

Blumberg, Abraham S., 660

Boardman, Leland, 336, 442, 454

Boggs, Hale, 34, 407, 549
553, 554, 555, 585, 677-79, 680-81, 711

Boggs, Thomas Hale, Jr., 585

Bohlen, Charles E. “Chip,” 436

Boiardi, Richie, 495

Bonanno, Joseph, 453, 471, 607

Bonaparte, Charles Joseph, 70
111-13, 131

Booker, Simeon, 484

Boudin, Leonard, 371, 372, 409

Boyer, Lt. Col. P. F., 304, 305

Boynton, Homer A., Jr., 755

Braddock, James, 216,

Braden, Thomas, 135, 325

Bradlee, Ben, 472, 560, 561, 574, 660-61

Branch, Taylor, 509

Brando, Marlon, 718

Brandon, Henry, 637

Branigan, William, 282, 419

Brashler, William, 457

“Breakfast for Children” program, 622-23

Bremer, Edward, 195

Brennan, Charles, 685, 690, 693

Brennan, William J., Jr., 411, 449, 627, 628

Brewster, Owen, 310

Bridges, Harry, 207, 245-46, 263

Bridges, Styles, 407

Brinkman, Jesse, 659

British Security Coordination (BSC), 265-67, 268-69, 271

Brody, Herbert, 397

Browder, Earl, 301, 306, 310

Brown, Anthony Cave, 312, 325

Brown, R. G., 99

Browne, George, 334

Brownell, Herbert, 358, 405, 406, 428, 429, 430, 432
436, 441, 481,

Brunette, Harry, 23, 195-97,

Bruno, Angelo, 530, 531, 534

Buchalter, Louis “Lepke,” 218-21

Buchanan, Patrick, 33

Budenz, Louis, 379

Bui Diem, 608

Bullitt, William C., 308, 309, 310

Bunche, Ralph, 571

Bureau of Investigation (BI),
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Burger, Ernst Peter, 288-89, 290, 291, 292, 293

Burger, Warren E., 42, 405, 627

Burke, Frank, 90-92, 96, 104, 110

Burns, William J., 111, 115-16, 117, 119, 121, 122, 126, 137

Butler, Maj. Gen. Smedley Darlington, 201-4, 205

Byers, Billy, 323

Byrd, Adm. Richard, 633

Byrnes, James, 344, 348, 349, 350-51

Caffery, Raymond, 168

Caifano, Marshall, 455-56

Callahan, Nicholas P., 459, 737, 738, 739, 742, 743, 744-45, 751, 752

Calomaris, Anthony, 730

Caminetti, Anthony, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90
92, 94, 95

Campbell, C. G. “Jerry,” 169, 173

Campbell, Judith, 472, 485-86, 487, 488
489, 692

Cannon, James, 147

Capell, Frank, 562

Caraway, Thaddeus, 119

Cárdenas, Lázaro, 205

Caro, Robert, 557

Carr, Francis, 435

Carr, Harold, 280

Carr, Waggoner, 554

Carson, Robert T., 31

Carswell, G. Harrold, 626

Carter, Jimmy, 752, 754

Castro, Fidel, 486, 489, 492

Catena, Gerardo, 495

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