Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (7 page)

Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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He opened the door to the helicopter and stepped out. Gia followed and yelped as her feet touched the cold stone of the landing pad. Cursing himself for being distracted and allowing his submissive to suffer unintended discomfort, he swept her up into his arms again. She shivered and he wasn’t sure if it was from the early morning fall chill or her nerves. He knew she came from a modest background, so this whole experience must be overwhelming for her. All the more reason to get her into the house and introduce her to her own personal harem.

He nodded at Ilyena and Catrin as he passed and said in Russian, “Follow me.”

They went in through the French doors leading off of one of the parlors and made their way into the main part of the house. This early in the morning everyone should be asleep, but he caught curious faces peeking out of doorways as they passed. Giving one of the staring submissives a stern look, he tried to not smile as she giggled at him. 

Gia shifted in his arms. “Master, I can walk now.” He looked down at her and she blanched. “I mean, if it pleases you, Sir.”

“It pleases me to hold you.”

She swallowed and nodded, taking quick glances at their surroundings as he took them to the special voyeur suite at the end of the first floor. A massive one-way mirror took up the entire connecting wall of two bedrooms. The furniture inside was arranged so the voyeur would have a perfect view of what was happening in the other room. In this case, Gia being serviced by Ilyena and Catrin while he watched from his bed and jerked off repeatedly.

Hopefully, by the time the afternoon rolled around, his burning need to be buried inside Gia would be under control enough to give her the kind of experience she deserved. Right now he’d fall on her like a rutting beast and ride her until she collapsed. While that would be fun, any man could fuck a woman. He wanted to make sex more than a meeting of bodies, but a meeting of souls.

He planned to take his beauty so deep into subspace she would never forget him as the first Master to truly dominate her. The thought made him feel possessive of her, and he held her closer, his heart lightening when she snuggled in his arms. 

When they reached the door to her room, he stopped and slid her down his front, letting her feel his erection, his need for her. He was also showing her that he would not be ruled by his body. But, fucking hell, it was torture to step away from her and assume the stern expression her captor would have. If she was going to put this much effort into role-playing he would do the same.

“Do what these women say. If I hear you gave them any trouble, I will make you swallow the seed of every man in this place.” He gave her a cruel smile and enjoyed her dramatic shiver. “I only want those lips around my cock, so I will be forced to punish you further for sucking some stranger to completion before you’ve attended to your Master.”

“Please don’t share me,” she blurted out.

Her big brown eyes filled with tears and she raised her hands towards him, taking a step forward and closing the distance between them. Unable to resist her silent plea he held her against him and gave her as much comfort as he could without breaking his role. Slowly her shivering stopped and she took a deep breath. Her small ribcage felt so slight, so fragile beneath his hands and it made him feel strangely protective.

“I told you before, Gia, you are mine. I won’t let anyone harm you and no man will touch you beyond making you orgasm against his mouth, and only if I allow it.”

He looked up and caught Catrin and Ilyena giving him identical knowing smiles. They were always going on and on about how Ivan needed to find himself a good woman. Not liking what their happy looks implied, he silently snarled at them and they grinned back. He’d have to make sure that their Masters beat them more often. Considering the women’s Masters were waiting in the viewing bedroom for Ivan he wouldn’t have to hold that thought for very long. 

He gently pushed Gia away and rubbed the tear marks staining her face away with his thumbs. “I will see you this afternoon. I suggest you get some sleep because I’m going to fuck you until your voice is gone and your limbs will no longer support you. Then I’m going to strap you into a sex swing and fuck you some more. I can’t wait to get inside your tight little pussy.”

She licked her lower lip and shifted, pressing her thighs together. He already knew that was one of her signals for being aroused and liked the subtle shift in her posture. Instead of shrinking in on herself, she stood at a graceful angle, posed to position her body in the most flattering way possible for those viewing her. Ivan would bet his corporate jet someone had taught her that lovely pose, and he wondered what other surprises she had in store for him.

“Now, come here and say goodbye to your Master.”

She looked up at him from beneath her dark lashes and glanced away, then back again at him in a charmingly shy manner. He had to force himself to breathe as she reached up and cupped his face with both of her soft, smooth hands. The way she looked at his mouth made him aware of her intent, and he knew he should stop her. Their first kiss should be on his terms only, but he didn’t have the strength to stop her, not when this was her first willing act to please him. She could have kissed his feet or employed any number of ways to show her respect, but she’d chosen instead to kiss him. 

She had chosen their mutual pleasure over protocol. This was something to be cherished and rewarded.

At the first brush of her lips, they both groaned and his muscles ached from the effort to hold still. If he touched her, even to push her away, there would be no way he’d be able to resist taking her. Thankfully, she was satisfied with a soft, gentle kiss that spun through his blood like slow, sweet fire. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed a simple brush of the lips so much.

Stepping back, she gave him a worried, conflicted glance before opening the door and bolting into the room. Ilyena and Catrin went to follow her, but he stopped them for a moment. 

“Remember, stay in character.”

They both nodded, and he waited until the door closed to go into the viewing room. 

As soon as he entered, his friends Alex and Nico turned from where they were standing in front of the one-way mirror and smiled. In his early forties, Alex had a long scar going down the side of his face from when he’d been in a knife fight. It gave him a sinister appearance that went well with his mafia background. Nico was a dark-skinned Russian with Somalian roots and a tall, strong frame. Growing up in the direst of poverty in the cold Russian city of Moskova, Nico managed to work his way out and ended up in Moscow where he now ran a successful pharmaceutical firm. Catrin, the curvy little blonde submissive, was his wife. Ilyena belonged to Alex, but they were more of a casual, physical relationship rather than true love.

Alex turned back to the mirror and whistled. “Dimitri told me Gia was beautiful, but he didn’t mention how exotic she was. A very unusual combination that works for her.”

“Thank you,” Ivan said with a small smile as pride filled him at the compliment.  

Ivan strolled over to the bed and sat on the edge, pulling off his shoes. He’d been awake for close to twenty-six hours right now and his eyes were gritty from lack of sleep. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t staple his eyelids to his forehead if that’s what it took to enjoy every minute of Gia’s seduction, but exhaustion pulled at him. 

The women went into the bathroom together, then Ilyena and Catrin came out a few minutes later and shut the door so Gia could have her privacy. Ilyena darted towards the mirror while Catrin stayed back by the bathroom. 

Keeping her voice low, Ilyena said, “Master Ivan, are you sure she knows this is role playing?” While they could hear her, she couldn’t hear them, and she began to tap her foot. They all chuckled as comprehension dawned. “Oh, that’s right, I can’t hear you. Okay, well, Master Ivan, Catrin and I think Gia may believe she is actually being kidnapped. The way she talked, how she acted…she’s scared. She begged us to help her escape.”

Nico pressed the button next to the mirror that activated the microphone so they could talk. Ivan frowned. “Gia’s a good actress. I’ve reminded her of her safeword more than once, and she has not used it.”

Catrin nodded, but her doubt was obvious. Neither Alex nor Nico commented, and Ivan scowled at their backs. Now that the seed of uncertainty had been planted in his mind, he tried to examine what had happened so far. Could it be true? Could Gia really believe she was actually kidnapped? 

Disturbed at the possibility, he barked out to the men, “Get your asses out of the way and sit down. I want to see.”

Throwing friendly insults at each other, they settled back and waited for Gia to come back out. It didn’t take her long, and when she exited the bathroom she had her hair up in a towel and another towel wrapped around her body. Her skin was still flushed from the heat of the shower and she was even more beautiful without any makeup on. Her hesitant smile at the other girls settled his doubts. If she really thought this was a true abduction she wouldn’t be smiling at the women helping to hold her captive.

Moving almost as one, Ilyena and Catrin took Gia’s hands and led her towards the massage table set up next to the bed. While Ilyena helped Gia up onto the table, Catrin lowered the lights until the room was bathed in a mellow glow. 

Gia sighed and shook her head, then her voice came through the speakers. “If you won’t help me escape, can you at least tell me about the man who has kidnapped me? Is he the kind of man who likes to hurt women?”

“Master Ivan?” Catrin almost looked over her shoulder at the mirror, but caught herself. “Of course not. He’s a wonderful man.”

Ilyena smiled, removed her blouse and placed it on the bed. She caught Gia’s confused look. “I don’t want to get oil on the silk.”

Catrin giggled and slipped out of her shirt as well, her big breasts wobbling with her movements. “I don’t want my Master to beat me.”

Gia leaned up on her elbows, the valley between her soft brown breasts mounded nicely against the surface of the massage table. “Ivan beats you?”

“No, silly. Master Ivan isn’t my Master.”

Ilyena quickly spoke up. “We belong to some of Master Ivan’s friends.”

Gia let out a sigh that held the unmistakable note of relief. “Oh, well that's good. I mean, I wouldn’t want to be interfering in anything you had with him.” 

“No, Master Ivan is very single.”

Giving a dry laugh, Gia turned her head so she faced away from the mirror. “Great. I’m sure after I’m ransomed, I’ll leave my number with him.”

Catrin tugged the towel out from beneath Gia. The table was angled so the men had a side view, and the swell of Gia’s firm ass made all three men groan in appreciation.

“Now there is an ass I would like to fuck,” Alex muttered in a dark voice.

Ivan gave him a grin that was more of a snarl. “That ass is mine.”

Laughing, Nico lifted his hands in their direction. “Shut up.”

Following the pronounced curve of her ass with his gaze, Ivan adjusted his aching dick. “If you gentlemen don’t mind, I’ll be jerking off back here. After watching Dimitri eat her cunt and not getting anything other than blue balls I need to let off some pressure.”

Alex grunted. “Feeling a bit of pressure myself.”

“Me too,” Nico said as he shifted and stroked himself through his pants.

Ivan turned his attention back to the window, then clenched his teeth. Ilyena and Catrin were massaging oil into Gia’s skin, making her body shine and highlighting the grace of her lean figure. Both women looked over to the mirror and gave their Masters hot, hungry looks. Ivan knew that after this, his friends would have their girls to fuck while he’d be left alone with his hand. Oh, he could use one of the always available submissives who traveled with them, or borrow one of the submissives from his friends who were into sharing, but the only woman he wanted was Gia.

Evidently, he wasn’t the only one, because the ever-bold Catrin made the first move. She leaned over and licked a line over Gia’s ass. “Mmm, vanilla flavored oil.”

With a squeak Gia almost rolled of the table. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you pleasure like Master Ivan instructed us to.”

Flushing, Gia clutched the sheet beneath her to her chest. “Please, you don’t have to do it. I won’t tell. I’m fine.”

Catrin giggled and boldly slipped her hand between Gia’s legs, cupping her sex. “Mmm, nice and wet. Just relax, Gia, and let us take care of you. It would please me very much.”

Gia moaned softly and glanced at Ilyena. “Are you sure we should be doing this? I don’t think I should orgasm without Ivan’s permission. I mean I know he’s just the guy who kidnapped me, but I don’t want to do anything to make him mad. You won’t tell him, will you?”

Even as Gia said that, she tilted her hips up at a needy angle. Ilyena smoothed Gia’s hair back and placed a soft kiss on the other woman’s shoulder. “Stop thinking so much and enjoy the moment. You have no control, no choice in this, so you might as well take as much pleasure as you can. If Master Ivan hasn’t told you not to orgasm, I say have as many as you can.”

With a soft whimper Gia bit, then released her lower lip in a way that made Ivan almost desperate to kiss her. “I really shouldn’t.”

Turning in his chair, Alex gave Ivan a grin. “Looks like you’ll be able to punish a naughty girl after this. I doubt she’ll be able to withstand both Catrin and Ilyena.”

Groaning, Ivan rubbed his dick through his pants. In the other room, Gia was shifting restlessly on the table as the girls worked her over. As they massaged Gia’s feet they both smiled at Gia’s full- throated groan of pleasure. He made a mental note to see if Gia liked to have her toes sucked.

Ilyena stepped back. “Turn over, please.”

Gia did and he swallowed hard at the sight of her dark, hard nipples pointing towards the ceiling. The little gold barbells piercing the tight nubs glinted with her increasing breath. Catrin moved up towards Gia’s chest and began to massage her shoulders while Ilyena began to rub oil into Gia’s thighs. All the men in the room held their breath while Ilyena slowly worked her way towards Gia’s cleft and Catrin began to smooth oil over Gia’s breasts.

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