Read It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) Online

Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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“Shut up and just do as you’re told.” he says pulling me through the private function room doors.

Right now, I just want to run home and cry. Stealing a deep breath, he guides me out of the restaurant, and as we walk through the door there is a big crowd of people and reporters gathered there.

"Smile and act normal. Chances are these will be printed in tomorrow's paper." he says as he puts his arm around my waist. The crowds are going crazy shouting his name.

“Kaleb, please just let me go. This won’t look good in the papers tomorrow.” I mutter hoping he can hear me over the crowd.

“You causing a scene would look better will it?” he asks bitterly as he continues to walk and pull me with him.

“This is not how a boss should be seen with an employee, especially when said employee is in a relationship. The papers are going to speculate and spread rumors about us being in a relationship with you now.”

He ignores the crowd, and leads me towards the back of the building where all our vehicles are kept.

He takes me to a big black limo and opens the back door.

"I'm not getting in there." I say feeling brave, and refusing to move. If he wants to be an ass, I can be one too.

"I would like to talk to you without it been printed in tomorrow's paper." he answers back.

"It wouldn't affect you really though would it. Let's face it, I've fucked up somewhere again, heaven knows where, but you're going to over react again, and act like a complete ass." I say having a mini rant at him.

"Get in the fucking car so I can talk to you." he orders.

I start to walk away. I can't deal with him right now. I don’t get far though. He runs up behind me and stops me moving.

"Please," he begs. "I'm not here to complain about your work because that is amazing - I promise." he says confusing me. Now he has me intrigued.

I decide to give in, and climb in the limo. He follows me in and closes the door. Suddenly in this enclosed space, I don't feel very confident.

“Why do you hate me so much?” I ask bravely.

His face instantly drops like I’ve just hit him.

“I don’t hate you.” he responds, “And I’m sorry if I made you think that.”

“Think like that?” I almost shout.

“Will you be quiet, people are still close by.” he says as he glances out the blackened window.

“You have hated on me since the second week I started working for you.” I say deflated.

“I have not hated on you.”

“Yes you have, since me and Jase made a little mistake on set.”

“A little mistake? Is that what you call it?” he asks getting more annoyed. I did notice his expression when I mentioned Jase, and I will bring that up in a minute.

“Yes, it’s nothing drastic. It was a little kiss; we were doing worse than that.” I say trying to get him to see reality.

“You left the script lines, what if the writer didn’t want that in?”

“Then Scarlett would have told us to re-film it. She is the producer.” I say feeling rather brave all of a sudden.

“Your smart mouth isn’t clever.” he says almost at full rage mode.

“It just so happens the writer thought it fitted in.”

“Good, now I have had my second telling off for the same thing, can I go now?” I ask him getting rather bored of the same shit from him.

“No.” he almost shouts pinning my hand down.

“Kaleb, I don’t know what else I can say. I've said sorry about messing up, and you won’t let it drop. What the hell do you want me to do?”

“This isn’t about the stupid fucking kiss, or the fact I caught you having sex in the dressing room.” he shouts, reminding me of my other mistake too.

“I thought you told me not to shout, yet you shout. Talk about double standards.” I spit at him.

“Stop pissing me off then.” he says deadly serious.

“I'm pissing you off? Take a look in the mirror, you're the one over reacting here, not me. Now let me out this damn car.”

“I don’t like it.” he says simply.

“I don’t like it either.” I say referring to being in the car.

“You don’t like what?”

“Being stuck in this damn car with you.” I reply honestly, “My boss is a jerk, and if he doesn’t like it, I will have no choice but to quit.” I say feeling myself tear up, “That’s if he doesn’t fire me first.” I add quietly hoping he won’t hear me.

“I'm not talking about damn work okay.” he says through gritted teeth.

“Then what the hell do you want?” I shout at him.

“YOU!” he shouts back.

Oh shit, I think I want to pass out. I was not expecting that. He can’t do this to me, it’s not fair, and I didn’t ask for it.

“Say something.” he says as I remain silent.

“Rhiannon.” he prompts me, again after I don’t respond.

“This can’t be happening.” I say more to myself.

“I'm sorry, I have these feelings for you, and I can’t describe them.”

“No.” I say pushing him away.

“Rhiannon please?” he begs me.

I sit for a few moments, as I run through it in my head. It all makes sense now. He has been making my life hell because of Jase. He doesn’t want us together.

“I can’t do this. You have made me feel like scum for weeks.”

“I didn’t mean too. I couldn’t stand seeing you with Jase, when I am so desperate to have you.”

“Please don’t do this Kaleb.” I beg.

“I can’t help how I feel. I want what Jase has.” he says like he can just have it.

My tears start to fall.

“You aren’t the first one Jase has done this with. He has done it with others, and they ended up leaving. Rhiannon, I am drawn to you, and I had to step in before Jase hurt you too. Seeing him with you made me see red. I didn’t want you to just be another number to him. I just went about it the wrong way, but I warned Jase not to do it, and he ignored me.” he says trying to defend his actions.

I can’t do this. I can’t be with someone who has treated me like shit. As beautiful as he is, he is damn right nasty. I can’t even think about being with someone who treats people like that.

Why the hell am I even thinking about this? I’m happy with Jase, we're just starting out, and he is kind and loving. Protective, and cute.

I can’t let Kaleb get between this.

Before he has chance to react, I pull away and swing open the limo door.

I am out, and on my feet before he moves. I am half way across the car park when I hear him behind me.

He grabs me arm and stops me moving.

“Rhiannon, please. I didn’t want this either. Don’t leave it like this.” he begs me as he wipes away my tears.

I flinch from his touch, “Leave me alone.” I yell in his face, before I’m making my way back to the restaurant.

“Rhiannon, please don’t do it, don’t go back in there.” he yells as I reach the doorway.

I’m guessing he doesn’t want me to go to Jase, but right now, I don’t give a shit what he wants.

“Please.” he begs once again.

This grabs the attention of the crowd that is still gathered.

I look at him, towards the crowd, and run back into the restaurant as my tears continue to fall. I see flashes of light, and hear the voices of news reporters, so I know they have just caught that on camera. I can guarantee everything I own, it will be in the papers tomorrow, if it’s not loaded on the websites tonight.

Just as I’m about to run down the hall, Jase steps out the room looking for me I suspect. He sees me running and side steps so he is stood in front of him.

“Rhiannon, what the hell is wrong?” he asks as he takes in my appearance. I take one look at his concerned face, and more tears fall. I don’t know how I feel about what Kaleb has just told me about Jase, he doesn’t seem like that sort of person.

I can’t talk, I just pull free from him, and run around him, and head straight to the ladies’ room.

Once I’m there I lock myself in a cubicle and let my tears fall.

I hear pounding on the bathroom door, followed by shouting.

“Rhiannon?” its Jase.

“I'm not allowed in there, but if you don’t come out and talk I will come in there and barricade the door” he shouts through.

“Rhiannon.” he says as the banging continues.

My head is so confused. I used to like Kaleb, before he was an ass to me, but I only saw him as a boss. Sure he’s attractive, and I’m sure I won’t be the first and last to like him, but he can’t do this to me.

I’m happy with Jase. I can’t possibly hurt him.

With that in mind, I unlock the stall door, and head to the mirror. I take a look at my reflection. I look terrible, my eyes are blood shot, and make up is running all down my face.

I wet a piece of tissue, and wipe away the smudged make up.

Just as I’m freshening up my make-up, Jase walks in.

He looks angry, and I hurt inside knowing I have done that to him. I can’t hurt him anymore, so I decide not to tell him about Kaleb. I will have to deal with this one alone.

“What has happened?” he asks; I can hear the worry in his voice.

“Nothing, I’m okay.” I say trying to convince him by plastering a smile on my face.

“You was not fine just then.” he persists.

“Jase, I said I’m fine, just drop it.” he looks taken back at my harshness. “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to snap.” I say trying to apologize.

“No, its fine.” he says walking away.

“Jase just wait a minute please” I say to his back.

He turns to look at me, “What happened Rhiannon?” he asks again.

“Nothing, can we forget it please?” I ask him sweetly.

He doesn’t respond, he just turns to walk away again.

“Jase?” I ask him, confused as to why he won’t just let me handle this.

“When you can tell me what has put you in this mood, let me know. You know where to find me.” he says as he continues his journey out the door.

Fuck sake. Tonight is a disaster, and I just want to bloody cry again.

Taking a deep breath, I push my tears away, and put on a brave face. I will not let two stubborn males, destroy my night

I exit the bathroom, and head back in to the restaurant.

I walk to our table, and Jase is sat there.

I walk up to my seat, and sit down beside him. He is talking to Blake, who is taking the other seat beside him.

I place my hand on his knee and he looks at me, then down towards my hand.

He leans in to me and I think I’m forgiven. I give him a genuine smile as he leans in closer.

“You going to talk now?” he whispers in my ear.

Well, bang goes my forgiveness.

“I can’t, not yet.” I say quietly. His face drops, and he angles his body away from me, making my hand fall from his knee.

“Jase please.” I beg. He just resumes talking to Blake.

What the fucking hell? I’m sure I am surrounded by men who have mood swings worse than a woman during PMT.

I am not putting up with this. I’m going to the bar to get a drink, then I’ll leave the moody bastards to enjoy their night, as between them they have fucked mine up.

I step away from the table which attracts the attention of Jase. He just glances at me before turning his attention back to Blake.

As he turns his back, I walk over to the bar.

Once I grab the attention of a bar attendant, I order a drink. Just as I perch my ass on a bar stool, Kaleb comes over.

Oh great, I think as he takes a stool beside me. I turn the other way so my back is to him.

"Rhiannon, don't do this, we need to talk." he says as he tries to turn me around.

"Fuck off Kaleb." I spit at him.

"I notice things aren't good between you and Jase." he has the cheek to say.

"No shit, and it's because of you." I say as I grab my drink of the bar attendant. I down it as I order another one. He looks at me wearily but gives in.

Kaleb looks like he has swallowed a nasty bug.

"What have you told him?" he asks, sounding a little uncertain.

"Nothing. That’s why he is been an ass with me. There is nothing to tell him." I say slamming my empty glass down.

"What, so you're just going to pretend tonight didn't happen?"

"That just about sums it up, yeah."

“So what about what I told you about Jase?”

“I don’t know Kaleb; I will sort that out myself.”

“What about the kiss last week?”

“Kaleb, that was you not me. I’m getting drunk and forgetting all about this.” I inform him.

"I can't let you do that, and judging by what I just witnessed, Jase isn't either."

"Do you get off, fucking up people’s relationships up?" I ask bitterly.

"No, and will you stop drinking that shit like it's water." he angrily says as I collect my new drink of the bar attendant.

"Don't tell me what to do. You have caused me shit tonight, and my mission is to forget about it, as I have already told you once." I say taking a big swig to get my point across.

He snatches the glass from my hand, and moves it out of my reach.

"I think you have had enough." he says as I signal for the attendant again. He pulls my arm down, but not before the attendant sees me. He walks over looking weary.

Just as I'm about to ask for my drink, Kaleb orders a glass of water. The attendant quickly walks away fulfilling the order.

"I'm not drinking water; it's not going to get me drunk." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Really mature. You're here representing Kalebs productions. I'm not letting you walk out of here paralytic."

"Representing Kalebs productions? Please you're doing a good enough job of fucking this night up yourself. A drunk employee is nothing." I say as I get to my feet.

"Where are you going?" he asks following me.

I ignore him and make my way over to Jase. I lean down to whisper to him, and he suddenly looks hopeful, till I speak.

"I want to go now."

"You okay?" he asks referring to earlier. I put my fake smile back on and reply

"Yeah just tired." He looks pissed off again. I know that wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but I’m trying to protect him.

"Okay I'll call you. Get the limo to take you home." he says without emotion.

I feel like I've been punched in the gut. He's just going to leave it at that?

Feeling rejected, and super pissed off, I make my journey to the car park. The sentence Kaleb told me earlier is ringing loud and clear in my head. Could this be the start of what Kaleb has warned me about?

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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