It’s Christmas Everywhere But Here (10 page)

BOOK: It’s Christmas Everywhere But Here
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The drive to Caroline and Hank’s was twenty minutes, tops. He’d worried, at first, about having them so close. But Dave’s parents respected that it was their house and usually called first, and it was super convenient having them close to help watch the kids, especially when he was a de facto single parent.

He still had no clue how they’d raised three kids in that small three-bedroom house and all still talked to each other.

“Are you going to tell Grandma about Dad?”

Russ glanced over to the passenger seat where Emily gazed blandly at him. “I was going to when we came for dinner.”

She smiled and fingered the corner of her code-breaking book. “Okay.”

Russ scowled at her, but he was pulling up to the curb, so he scowled more at the street in front of them.

“First floor, everybody out.”

“You are so weird.” Emily popped her door open and hopped out to the sidewalk, backpack slung over her shoulder.

Austin waited until Russ opened the door, but he unbuckled and got out without complaint, DS clutched firmly in one hand. Russ crouched down. Austin glanced into his face, then away again, but bent forward and accepted the hug.

“Your dad and I will be here at six thirty to have dinner and then take you home. You’re gonna hang out with Grandma Caroline and Grandpa Hank until then, okay?”

“’Kay.” Austin squirmed away.

“There you are! I thought I heard a car.” Caroline was all smiles where she stood on the raised front porch. She had her Christmas apron on, green plaid with a bright red “Ho Ho Ho” at canted angles down the front. Emily took the steps two at a time to throw her arms around Caroline. “Oh, Merry Christmas, sweetheart. Did you have a good time?”

Russ caught the look Emily shot him. “It was okay. My Uncle Max is pretty cool.”

“Well, good.” Caroline gave Ems another squish, then let her go. “And where’s my sweet little Austin?” Russ looked down in time to see a small smile before Austin turned it to the ground. “Oh, little man, did you have a rough time?” Caroline moved to the bottom step but didn’t push any closer. “Will you give Grandma a hug?”

Austin hesitated, then tripped forward to plaster against her side, squeezing her before moving off again.

“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” She stroked his dark head gently. “Go on in, Aus. Grandpa is in the back room, and he’s got his cards out. Emmy, you can go in too. Just gonna talk to your dad for a minute.”

“Okay. Bye, Dad. Have fun.” Emily grinned at him before following Austin inside.

It was Russ’s turn to get hugged. Caroline was a bit taller than his mom, pleasantly curved where Doris was overly plump. The smell of flour mixed with Caroline was somehow relaxing. “What’s wrong, Russ?”

“My mom was—yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Not a conversation for the sidewalk.”

“I understand.” She cupped his cheek. “Anything I need to know?”

“I don’t know what happened, but Austin got set off the day before Christmas Eve. And yesterday morning he threw orange juice everywhere rather than go to the park. He seems happy to be here. I mean, I didn’t have to drag him out of the truck, but….”

“But looks are deceiving, and he’s probably a little sensitive. Got it. How was the drive?”

“Fine.” Russ smiled at her and hugged her just for understanding. “There was some snow coming over the pass, enough to look pretty, but not bad enough to affect traffic. Traffic itself wasn’t too heavy, and the closest we got to a potty accident was pulling into the house.”

Caroline laughed. “Well, good. You go get your errands run. Six thirty for dinner?”

“That’s the plan.”

“See you then.” She squeezed him again with a happy grunt. “So glad you’re back, even if the trip wasn’t great.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Russ pecked a kiss on her cheek before pulling away. She waved before heading back into the house. He’d felt awkward at first, calling her “mom.” It had originally felt like a betrayal to his own mother. But over the past two years, Caroline had been the mom he needed, the loving support for a man raising two kids when his partner was absent.

He smiled as he started the SUV and pulled away from the curb.

The store wasn’t crowded, and he went on autopilot, loading the cart with the usual suspects and figuring he could make a menu later. Halfway through the store Russ realized that “the usual” did not include an extra adult appetite. He paused, looking over the cart, shrugging before continuing. There were going to be adjustments. And if they needed more food, he could send Dave to the store.

Russ stopped in the middle of frozen foods, fighting back emotion. Dave was home. He forced his hands to unclench from the cart and finished shopping as fast as he could.

Driving home was torture. Every light was red; every old person in town was driving slowly in front of him.

Or maybe it just felt like it.

“Crap.” Russ blinked at the red light. Did they have lube? Were the condoms still good?

They had lube; Russ knew that for certain. The condoms—it didn’t really matter if the condoms were bad. A honk from behind brought the green light to his attention, and he accelerated forward. His thumbs were twitching by the time he pulled into the driveway, anxious enough he managed to run the back tire up over the curb.

At least he remembered to put the truck in park. Russ grabbed two bags with each arm and went in through the garage door, which put him closer to the kitchen. “It’s me, Dave!” He plopped the bags on the counter and headed back out to the truck. Four more bags inside and still no Dave. “Babe?” Russ paused a moment. No sound, other than the dryer running. Well, if Dave was napping, it meant he’d have more energy for fucking, and it would be more fun waking him up.

“No, Russ, get the milk.”

Russ fought out of his coat, threw it toward the closet, and ran back out to the truck. One more—two more loads so he didn’t drop anything—and he’d be done.

Right after the mound of bags got put into the fridge.

He fetched the last bag and the two gallons of milk, remembered to lock the truck, and hit the button for the automatic garage door on the way in.

He looked at the stairs up to their bedroom, looked at the mound of groceries, and whined.

“Why didn’t I put this off until tomorrow?” Russ jerked open the freezer and grabbed the blue bag off the counter. “Not letting a hundred bucks worth of groceries go to waste.”

“What’re you muttering about?”

Russ jumped, clutching the box of frozen fish fillets to his chest. “David! You scared me. I was muttering that I wasn’t going to let a hundred dollars’ worth of groceries—spoil.” Russ turned around and discovered why Dave hadn’t helped him bring the groceries in.

It was because Dave was naked.

“That’d probably be bad.”

“Yeah. Bad.” Russ nodded at Dave’s cock. “Really bad.”

Dave wasn’t completely hard, but he was close. There was a little gleaming drop of moisture at the tip.

“So, you want help putting that away? Or are you just gonna stare at me?” Dave flexed and turned, showing off. God, you could bounce candy canes off that ass.

“Yeah.” Russ nodded. His eyes flicked up but quickly returned to the activity going on below Dave’s waist.

“Blew your mind, didn’t I. C’mon lover, which ones are perishable?”

“Green bags.” Russ watched as Dave walked across the room. His hand went out and cupped Dave’s balls.

“Jesus!” Dave jumped back, grabbing at the counter. “Your hand is cold!” Dave jerked the box of fish fillets away and put it into the open freezer.


“Like ice.”

“You like ice. We’ve played with ice before.” Russ ran his hand down Dave’s back, watching the muscles shudder.

“Okay, you.” Dave grabbed him, forcing their mouths together and marching Russ toward the stairs. “Go upstairs, get naked. I’ll shove this stuff in the fridge, and I’ll be right up.”

“You promise?” Russ clung to Dave’s biceps.

“I swear. Go. Get naked for me.”

It was Russ’s turn to press a bruising kiss before he scurried up the stairs. His shirt was off and his pants unbuckled before he even hit the landing. Shirt sailing toward the hamper, he yanked the covers back off the bed and sat down to pull off his shoes. Dave had obviously found the stash, as lube and condoms sat on the bedside table. He kicked off his jeans and underwear and grabbed the lube, hiking up one leg as he started stretching himself.

He added the second finger when Dave’s footsteps heralded his appearance at the door.

“Oh, lover.” Dave stared at him, licking his pale lips. “I wanted to do that.”

“Get over here and help.” Russ scooted farther back on the bed. Dave closed the distance in two steps and crawled over him. The kiss was short, cut off when Russ threw his head back at the blunt finger sliding up inside him. “David!” He grabbed Dave’s shoulders and spread his legs wide, hooking the left up over Dave’s hip.

Dave pushed a second finger in, slowly fucking him loose. Russ forced his eyes open, wanting to see his husband over him. It had been so, so long since anything but his own fingers or the cold dildo had touched him there. He arched up to lick at Dave’s collarbone. “So good.”

“Touch me, Russ.”

Russ caught the back of Dave’s head, pulling them together for a kiss. His other hand slid down between their bodies, finding Dave’s erection, slowly stroking the hard shaft. As he stroked up from the base, Dave kissed him hard, moaning into their shared space and pressing Russ back into the mattress. Russ ran his tongue over Dave’s, sucking on however much Dave would give him. But Dave wanted to kiss, kept pulling his tongue back, gasping in air and working their lips together.

Russ kept stroking Dave’s cock, tracing the veins and the rim of his cock head, smearing the precome around the smooth head.

“Lover, are you ready?”

“Yes.” Russ reached over his head, pawing for the strip of condoms he’d seen. Dave grunted, pulling their mouths apart so he could reach them. He tore the package open with his teeth, then passed the rubber to Russ.

Russ had to flip it over several times to find the right side. “Geeze. Who thought you could forget which way a condom’s supposed to go?”

He got it on right and pushed it down, feeling Dave’s cock surge as the latex unrolled.

“Mmm!” He was kissed hard, pushed up the bed into the pillows. “David.”

“Love you touching me. No.” Dave stopped Russ from rolling over, instead grabbed a pillow to slide under his ass. “I wanna see your face.”

Russ lay back, lifting up his butt. He spread his legs as Dave crawled over him, covering him. They paused, staring at each other. Dave was on all fours, his overworked muscles even more pronounced. Russ lay on his back, tilted open, his inner thighs gripping Dave’s legs. They were both panting, rapid heartbeats evident in the soft pulsing of their dicks, brushing against each other. They ignored it all as they stared at each other.

Russ broke first, reaching up to cup Dave’s face, his thumb running over the strong cheek. “God, I missed you.”

Dave closed his eyes, his head bowing down. “Lover, Russ, I—I’m so sorry….”

“No.” Russ shook his head. “Don’t apologize. Just….” “Fuck me” seemed so crass. “David, please.”

Dave fell forward and kissed him, searching and slow. Russ adjusted, hiking his legs higher on Dave’s thighs. The kiss got faster, rougher. Dave’s hand moved down between them, and Russ felt the pressure of something thicker than fingers at his entrance. He broke the kiss and sucked in air, willing himself to relax. It always felt so big. And it had been so long, and he wasn’t loose enough, but…. “Don’t stop.”


Russ sucked in a breath and found some part of Dave to cling to. “Not going anywhere. Don’t you dare pull out.”

Dave petted him, nuzzling his neck and stroking his hair and whatever other parts he could reach while Russ adjusted. God, it had been long enough the pressure of getting penetrated made him go soft. But it didn’t douse his desire. Russ stroked his hand down Dave’s spine.

Dave grunted and rocked forward.

“Yeah.” Russ breathed out and stroked Dave’s back again. It was Pavlovian: he stroked, Dave rocked. And it felt so good. So good, having that hard cock inside him. Dave’s cock.

“Russ?” Dave lifted up enough to look down at him.

“I’m good.”

“You are.” Dave was rocking his hips on his own now, and Russ grinned at the tug and push in his ass.

Russ ran his hands down Dave’s torso, able to explore now, no children or mothers lurking to interrupt or disapprove. He traced all the new furrows in Dave’s torso, outlining every muscle.

Dave adjusted his grip, pushed Russ’s leg up, and kissed back, increasing the pace of his thrusting. Russ jerked when Dave’s cock found his prostate. “There!”

“There, lover?” Dave slowed, trying to find the spot again.

“Yes.” Russ clenched, digging his fingers into Dave’s back.

Dave picked up speed again, aiming his cock for that spot. Sometimes the head hit; sometimes the thick length dragged along it. Russ was hard again, his prick rubbing against Dave’s abs. Dave pushed up, pulling Russ’s ass up into the air, thrusting harder. Russ arched his head back, pushing his butt at Dave’s cock. The position was hard to hold, but Dave had a better angle on his prostate. Dave collapsed back down to kiss him.

Beneath him, the bed squeaked and groaned. God, he’d missed that sound. Missed the chafing of the sheets under his back, the slap of hips against the backs of his thighs, the friction of flesh where his ribs rocked against Dave’s planted forearm with each thrust.

Russ dug his heels into the backs of Dave’s legs. One arm looped around Dave’s neck, the other left free to wander.

Russ arched up and back, clenching his ass.

“God! Russell!”

Dave slipped on the bed, going down on one elbow. Russ realized the gripping hug, the short sharp jabs of Dave’s hips meant Dave was coming. Russ held on tight, petting and stroking. The scent was strong, the combination of sweat and lube and come that was two men having sex. Russ reveled in it.

“Sorry. So fast. Too long.”

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