It Begins With a Rogue's Bite (13 page)

Read It Begins With a Rogue's Bite Online

Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Menage Everlasting, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m)

BOOK: It Begins With a Rogue's Bite
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“I’ll help him.” Shane followed him and closed the door behind him.

Their voices travelled through the shut door. She couldn’t make out what they said, but it sounded like they might be arguing.

She let her gown fall to her waist again and cupped the bottom of her plump breasts, juggling them while she observed them. Oh my. A shiver of ecstasy shot straight to her clit, making it vibrate.

Come on, boys, will you come out already?

She widened her legs instinctively and moved her pelvis up and down. Her panties rubbed against her clit, and she moaned. She couldn’t take any more of this. If they didn’t come out soon with the ice-cold water, at the rate her body was reacting, she’d climax any second on her own.

* * * *

“Why the hell did you ask her if she’d want a sponge bath?” Shane asked while furrowing his brow and resting his hands on his hips sternly.

“Because I figured it would ease her discomfort,” Thomas replied.

“Bullshit. You want her excited so she’ll make the first sexual move faster.”

“And what if I do? That’s what we’re here for, aren’t we? To have sex with her whenever and however she wishes?” The image of a naked Cheryl, panting and moaning while he fucked her came to mind. His cock jolted with his anticipation.

Shane frowned. “No, we aren’t.”

Thomas knew that look. Crap! His brother was up to something. “What the hell does that mean, Shane?”

Shane took out a bottle of pills from his lab coat pocket. “We’re going to give her one of these instead.”

Thomas squinted. “What are those?”

“The same medication they gave her before to make her sleep. They are super strong sedatives.”

“How did you get them?”

“Long and complicated story.” Shane looked at him with a blank expression.

“Dr. Jonas didn’t approve of that treatment, remember?” Thomas added.

“That’s just bureaucracy talking. She knew damn well this would work on Cheryl, but she doesn’t want to risk it in case it doesn’t. She’s just covering her ass. To hell with what’s best for the patient.” Shane waved his hand in the air to reiterate his last statement.

Thomas almost screamed and then lowered his voice. “Oh, you suddenly became an expert and know what’s best for Cheryl?” Hopefully, he couldn’t be heard in the other room.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he continued. “I agree with you that this is all bureaucratic bullshit, and to Dr. Jonas, Cheryl is just another patient. But Shane, you’re no doctor. What happens if she wakes up and the hunger is in her to change? What then, huh?”

“I don’t think she’ll wake up, and if she does, we’ll call the doctor.” Shane gazed at the wall as if thinking.

“What if it’s too late by the time she comes up? We have no idea how fast she’ll transform.”

Shane just stared at him in silence.

“Well?” Thomas pushed him.

He shook his head vigorously. “Okay, okay, you have a point. I didn’t think of that.”

Thomas had to sink his knife of reason deeper. “Of course, you didn’t. Crap, we’re dealing with something way beyond our understanding, Shane. It’s a force of nature, and going against it with ignorance will only cause a catastrophe.”

Shane huffed. “Okay, so then what do you suggest?”

Thomas wanted to say,
Have sex with her until the urge goes away
, but he knew Shane wouldn’t agree to that so easily. So he searched for another idea.

A few minutes later, he replied, “How about we tell her what happened to her, now, before her sexual urges overwhelm her and she won’t be thinking straight? We’ll tell her everything, what she is experiencing now, and what will happen if she doesn’t have sex. We’ll then let her decide what she wants to do next.”

Shane’s eyes widened, and he remained quiet for three seconds then smiled. “Damn, I never thought of that.”

Thomas laughed. “You’re losing your touch.”

“Blame it on this whole warped situation. My sexual urges to make love to her and my instincts to protect her are playing tug of war, and I feel like I’ll explode soon,” Shane stated.

He added, “Won’t we be going against your precious doctor’s orders, though? Didn’t she say it’s best to let the patient remember the traumatic experience on her own?”

Shane’s sarcasm irked Thomas. “To hell with Dr. Jonas. This whole place is fucked up. The facts they have one-way mirrors to spy on the patients and that they forced us to be Cheryl’s nurse’s aides are red flags they don’t give a shit’s ass about their patients. They are guinea pigs to them.”

Shane laughed. “Finally, we see eye to eye on this one.”

Thomas nodded. “That we do.”

“So, you going to tell her, or shall I?” Shane gazed at the door.

“Why don’t you start and I’ll help you along the way?” Thomas tapped him on the shoulder as Shane opened the door.

Taking a deep breath, Shane added, “Here we go,” and stepped into her room.

A whiff of her excited scent hit Thomas as he moved forward. A gorgeous werewolf-to-be lay in heat on the bed up ahead. His cock rose in anticipation.

But first came the hard part, probably the hardest thing he and Shane had ever had to do. What they were about to tell her would certainly turn her world upside-down.

He prayed he and Shane wouldn’t fuck it up.

Chapter Seventeen

No, no. It was all too much to take in. “What are you saying?” she asked Shane while shaking her head, hyperventilating. She tried to make sense of their ludicrous words.

He put his hand gently on her shoulder. “Calm down.”

She spoke loud and abrasively. “Calm down! After all you’ve told me, how can I?”

Thomas said sitting at the foot of her bed. “We know it sounds crazy, Cheryl, but if you think back to last night, you’ll remember what happened and know we’re saying the truth.”

Fear enveloped her very soul. Deep inside, she knew that what Thomas asked would be opening a portal to something she could not cope with or close the door on again. Yet, she knew she had no choice, because if what the twins said was true, then soon she’d transform into a werewolf unless they did something to stop it or at least delay it.

It didn’t take much effort to uncover her memories of the night before. When she closed her eyes, the image of a beast lay at the back of her mind. As soon as its eyes turned red, the occurrences of the entire night came flooding back.

She put her hands over her mouth as tears began to flow. Turning to observe her shoulder, she brought her hand up, touching the gauze. He had bitten her there, his venom traveling into her, poisoning her blood and body, trapping her in damnation forever.

Shane caressed her hair while Thomas took her hand. Their comforting actions soothed her as she closed her eyes. That’s when two pairs of beautiful green eyes appeared in her mind, eyes she had seen the night before in the woods and eyes she saw tonight in this room.

She let her mouth fall open in awe. “You two were the ones who saved me last night!” she said, her voice cracking.

Thomas nodded. “Yes, we did.”

She gazed first at him after at Shane in disbelief. “Then you’re werewolves, too?”

“Yeah, we were born werewolves,” Shane replied.

“What will happen to me happens to you, too?”

“Yes, but because we were born werewolves, we have better control over the beast within us than you will. But to get that control, we need to mate or the urge to transform will be strong.”

“Then you’ll kill?” Fear at the thought made her stomach gurgle with her nervousness.

“Yes. We have to have sexual release often during the month or at least often on the night of a full moon, before the moon is at its peak, otherwise we will turn into a crazed werewolf that kills.”

She gulped. “And have you made love regularly this month to control the beast within you?”

Shane glanced at his brother as he replied, “Yes, we’ve had

His tone when he said “sex” bothered her, like it was something meaningless. Her emotions welled in her and began to rise, spilling out in her words. “What, it’s an everyday orgy for you people?”

Shane frowned. “We people? Whether you like it or not, Cheryl, soon you’ll be one of us

“Well, if I have to participate in orgies every day of my life, then forget it. I’d rather end things now.”

Worry overshadowed his features and Thomas’s as well.

Shane replied, “Please don’t say that, Cheryl. Never say something like that again.”

“It’s not what you think, Cheryl.” Thomas leaned in closer. “We’re not like that.”

Her brows furrowed. “So you have only one lover?”

He diverted his gaze. “No.”

She lifted her chin toward Shane. “How about you?”

“Neither do I.” Shane’s lips became a thin, tight line.

“I feel like I stepped into
The Twilight Zone
. I don’t understand it, nor do I want to.” She combed her fingers through her hair, pulling it away from her face. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to do what you do for the rest of my life. I don’t know if I have the strength to steel my emotions like you do and have sex with anyone for the sake of curbing the beast in me.”

“You don’t have to.” Thomas said, taking her hand again. Her hand tingled with excitement at the contact.

“You can be with only us.” He gazed at his brother before continuing. “The day before we found you, we had a vision that a Rogue werewolf would attack you. That’s how we came to be in the area to save you. We had been looking for you for quite some time.”

“Werewolves are psychic, too?”

“No, only certain werewolves are, those named the Voyeurs. They also protect humankind. We are Voyeurs.”

“I don’t understand how this has anything to do with my situation.” She shook her head.

“Please let me finish. I believe that Shane and I had that vision because it was our destiny to find and save you. I think we were meant to be together.”

“Why?” she asked, biting her nail, trying to curb her desire to jump on him. God, the wanton urges in her were becoming more intense with every second that passed. Thomas’s green eyes filled with longing and his full sexy lips drew her in to kiss him, but she restrained herself.

“Because I felt a connection with you in the vision, Cheryl, as I do now, and I’m not only talking sexual connection, but something much deeper, more real, and everlasting.” He pointed at Shane but didn’t look at him while he added, “And I know Shane feels the same way, only he is too stubborn to admit it.”

Shane argued back with, “Don’t start answering for me, Thomas.”

Thomas stood up to face him. “You’re going to deny you don’t feel a strong, unbreakable bond with Cheryl. Your actions these past two days speak louder than your words, Shane.”

“I’m not denying it. But I can speak for myself.” He paused as if he pondered what words to utter. “Cheryl, you are the most beautiful and desirable woman I’ve ever seen. The moment I saw you in the vision, I felt the powerful connection to you and knew we were destined to be together.

He took a deep breath. “Believe me, I tried to push my deep feelings for you and my sexual desires to touch you and make love to you to the back of my mind, but they are too real, and I know they’ll never go away. Fate has brought us together, and, as Thomas said, it’s because we are meant to be together forever. ”

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