Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty (57 page)

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(volunteers), 21, 263
Mutazilite Interpretation of the Qur’an,
Mutazilites, 19, 21, 23, 97, 109, 120, 122, 125, 130, 135, 164, 237, 252, 268, 286, 301
contributions of, 92–93
demise of, 171–72
free will vs. determinism debate and, 90–92, 93
Hanbali school and, 109
justice as seen by, 90–91
and, 109–10
modern liberalism and, 93–94, 95
Müteferrika, I·brahim, 314
Naim Bey, Ahmed, 165
Nakhai, Ibrahim al-, 277
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 196
Naqshbandis, 21, 215
(lineage), 50
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, 324
Nasr, Vali, 239
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 201
National Action League, 22, 188
National Action Party (MHP), 35
nationalism, 18, 147, 175, 311
Ottoman, 166–68
Nationality Law, Ottoman, 149
National Outlook movement (Milli Görüs¸), 20, 215, 217, 221, 223
National Salvation Party (MSP), Turkish, 216
neoconservatives, 196
Nesibe, Fatma, 163
New Testament, 46, 88, 119
New World of Islam, The
(Stoddard), 174–75
New York Times,
Nizami-ı Cedid (New Order), 22, 146
Nizamiye courts, 22
see also
(secular laws)
North Africa, 66, 298
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 210, 215
North Yemen, 176
Norton, William Harmon, 309
Novak, Michael, 245
Nur movement, 22, 209–10, 214
Nursi, Said, 22, 207–11, 215, 259
background of, 207
“epistles” of, 209, 212
legacy of, 214
Nursi, Said (
Muslim-Christian alliance sought by, 213–14
Nur movement and,
Nur movement
Obama, Barack, 193–94
Obama administration, 239
Ocak, Ahmet Yas¸ar, 217
oil, 238–39
Old Testament, 58, 104
One Thousand and One Nights,
opening (
), 65
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), 22, 274
Orientalists, 22
Osman, 141
Ottoman Empire,
37, 115, 116, 139–76, 224, 226, 238, 275, 278, 311
Abdülhamid II’s reforms in, 160–61
Armenian catastrophe and, 168, 226, 328
Balkans-Russian conflict and, 156–57
Byzantines defeated by, 142
Christianity in, 142–43, 151
collapse of, 168, 173
constitution of, 155–56, 157, 162
conversions in, 151–52
craftsmen’s associations in, 312
and decline of Islamdom, 141
democracy in, 156–57
equal citizenship concept and, 147
European intrusions and, 150–51, 152
European modernity and, 145–47
family law in, 315
fez adopted by, 147
First Constitutional Period of, 155–57
first general election in, 156
France and, 140
freedom in, 148, 151, 155–56
Garpçılar movement in, 181–82
Grand Council of State of, 147, 149
Great Britain and, 140
Hanafi school and, 144–45, 161
Hejaz Revolt in, 140–41
individual rights in, 147–49
innovations of, 140–41
system abolished in, 153
Islahat edict of, 18, 148–49, 150, 151
Islam and national identity of, 142
Islamism and, 158–59
(secular laws) of, 19, 144
Maturidi school of, 144
Mecelle code of, 20, 160–61, 199
middle class of, 153–54
nationalism in, 166–68
nationality law of, 149
Nizamiye courts of, 22
non-Muslims in, 141, 142–44, 147, 148–51, 167, 259
Nursi and, 208–9
origin and rise of, 141–42
Özal Revolution and,
Özal Revolution
and perception of foreign threats, 157–58, 173–74
pluralism in, 142
religious flexibility of, 144–45
religious freedom in, 151–52
religious modernization in, 160–62
representative government in, 154–55
Russia’s conflicts with, 144, 156–57, 166–68
Second Constitutional Period of, 158, 163, 208, 314
secular European liberalism and, 163–66
Seljuk dynasty of, 142
Shariah in, 69–70, 144–45, 148, 160–62, 165, 199
slavery in, 140–41
as superpower, 142
Tanzimat edict of, 25, 147–48, 151, 153–55, 158, 162, 169, 226
U.S.-Philippines conflict and, 159–60
Western modernism and, 168–73
West’s relations with, 140
women and women’s rights in, 140–41, 163, 315
in World War I, 166–67, 173, 180, 209
Young Ottomans and,
Young Ottomans
Young Turks of,
Young Turks
Ottomanism, 22
Özal, Turgut, 217–18, 219, 224–26, 228
death of, 220–21
Özal Revolution, 217–20, 227, 228
capitalism and, 218
liberal democracy and, 219–20
three freedoms of, 219–20
Öztürk, Yas¸ar Nuri, 234
Pacino, Al, 27
Pakistan, 19, 111
Islamization of laws in, 256, 324
Palestine, 80, 194, 195
Pamuk, Orhan, 227, 284, 328
pan-Islam, 22
Party of Liberals (Ahrar), Ottoman, 165
patrimonialism, 22, 134, 145, 310
Peker, Recep, 206
People of Innovation, 96
People of Reason (
ahl al-ray
), 22, 88, 90–92, 95, 97, 106
Hanbal campaign against, 107
Sunna tradition and, 98–99
see also
Traditionist-Rationalist confrontation
People of the Book (
ahl al-Kitab
), 22–23, 142
People of Tradition (
ahl al-hadith
), 22, 23, 88–89, 95, 101, 102–3, 106, 107
ascendance of, 103
Qur’an as viewed by, 98–99
reason opposed by, 98–99
see also
Traditionist-Rationalist confrontation

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