Isabella Moon

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Authors: Laura Benedict

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Ghosts, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Isabella Moon
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Cover Page

Title Page




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53


About the Author






A first novel has a lot of history behind it. It would be impossible to thank everyone who contributed to the genesis of this one. But the list would be woefully incomplete without the following people:

Kermit “Pig Helmet” Moore, my favorite sheriff’s deputy and true Renaissance man, not only read the novel in its early stages, but was also my consultant for all things law enforcement. Doctors Tom Eldridge and Mark Todd joyfully provided medical and drug information. Debra Cook provided invaluable funereal details. Erin Jones was my consultant for all things hair.

I have found a wonderful, if slightly accidental, home at the David Black Literary Agency. For many years, I was able to give my extraordinary agent, Susan Raihofer, only friendship and the promise of a novel. She took my work seriously long before even I was able to. Her advice, friendship, and encouragement continue to mean the world to me. Leigh Ann Eliseo has also been terribly good to me since those early days. And I’m grateful to David Black, the man himself, for letting me hang around.

Everyone at Random House and Ballantine Books, including and especially, Gina Centrello, Libby McGuire, Kim Hovey, Rachel Kind, Paul Taunton, Beck Stvan, and Shona McCarthy. And, most important, my editor, Mark Tavani, to whom I owe an unparalleled debt of gratitude for, as they say, taking a chance on me.

Many thanks and much affection to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith for their encouragement and the kindest series of rejections a writer could hope for. I’m also grateful to Janet Hutchings of
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
and Amanda Cockrell of Hollins University.

Finally, there are those to whom I owe a debt of the heart: Monica Wilmsen and Teresa McGrath, Cleve and Ann Benedict, Barbara Bowe, Andy Beedle, Cindy Foster, Cynthia Todd, Sue Thoms, William and Margaret Tear, Vera Wilson, and especially, Maggie Caldwell. Pinckney, Nora, and Cleveland—you are my reasons for living.



when the stern-looking young woman at the duty desk told her to take a seat instead of just asking her name and sending her on her way when she announced, in a voice she could barely keep from shaking, that she knew where they could find the body of Isabella Moon. Maybe it was the hesitant way she spoke, her purse clutched protectively against her stomach. Although there were deep shadows beneath her eyes, with her auburn ponytail and cashmere sweater and tweed slacks, she knew she didn’t look like a standard nutcase—she wasn’t coffee-splattered or disheveled, she wasn’t waving napkins with lipstick maps on them. She looked like a patient mother of young children (she had none), or perhaps a librarian (she was not). She looked trustworthy, she knew. But more than once during the bleak, endless hours of the previous night, as she’d waited by her window for the stubborn sunrise, her resolve to tell what she knew had flagged. If she was so filled with doubt about her own sanity, what right did she have to imagine that the sheriff would think differently?

She settled into one of the molded plastic chairs facing the wire-studded window that separated the waiting area from the sheriff’s inner office. Not wanting to look like she was staring, she tried to keep her eyes on the clock on the wall above the sheriff’s desk. She’d had no breakfast and her mouth was dry. A water cooler sat on a stand only a few yards away, but she was so nervous that she didn’t trust herself to cross the room.

Behind the glass, the deputy leaned over the sheriff’s desk, presumably telling him why she was there. For a brief moment Kate’s eyes met the sheriff’s, but she quickly looked away. She’d seen him on the street before, but not up close. Jessup County was prosperous, but not so wealthy that politicians spent campaign money on billboards bearing their photographs. She had voted for him in the last election not because she liked him or knew anything about him, but because the man running against him had brushed purposefully against her while they waited for their take-out lunches at the crowded counter of the Carousel Café. It wasn’t even so much that he touched her but that he had reeked of stale cigarette smoke.

As soon as she looked away from the sheriff—his eyes had been frank and curious, not at all dismissive as she’d feared—she regretted it. People who lie avoid eye contact. And she wasn’t lying. At least, not about this.


Most days, Sheriff Bill Delaney really liked his job. Given that Carystown was a county seat, he found himself spending more time than he liked in the courthouse, but it was the rare day that he couldn’t make his way home for lunch with his wife, Margaret, who was the director of the Cary-Lowe House, a museum in the historical district that bore her family’s name. Back before he’d made detective in Louisville, he worked hellacious hours that kept them apart nights. He would let himself into their apartment after his shift ended at 8:00
to find breakfast in the oven and a note on his pillow, but there was no substitute for Margaret herself, whose curved, soft body molded itself to his hands with an urgency that never ceased to amaze him. Now, even though he wasn’t much more than a tax collector with a sidearm, he couldn’t imagine going back to those lonesome, empty days.

The young woman on the other side of the glass seemed to have sharper edges than his Margaret. He’d seen her going in and out of Janet Rourke’s insurance agency and in restaurants with a local guy who worked for the timber company. There was a closed-in look about her, but she was a pretty thing, fine-boned and slender in the way of young women from the city and the junior matrons around town. He didn’t know for a fact how long she’d been in Carystown, and was only sure she was newer to the area than he was. Twelve years hadn’t bought him too much familiarity. He only had his job because the Lowes—Margaret’s family—had been among the first settlers in the area and Margaret herself was liked by the local pols.

“She seems all right,” Daphne said. “Looks a little stuck-up maybe.”

It was a very Daphne sort of judgment. Daphne herself bordered on the homely, but she bore her elegant name with bravado. How many times had he heard various town jokers refer to her as “Deputy Daffy” to her face? She was a quick sort who either gave it right back to them or made sure they knew she wasn’t in a mood to play. She was also a mean shot with her .45 Glock. With the exception of Frank Skerrit, an ex-Marine who was his most reliable deputy, he would rather have Daphne at his side in a shoot-out than anyone else. He was particularly leery of the younger ones who only went to the range when their annual qualifications were coming up. Plus, Daphne was built like a truck, and her narrow, hooked nose and seemingly permanent scowl meant that only the drunkest of her charges were distracted by the fact that she was a woman. Margaret liked to say that Daphne’s infrequent smiles were like “sudden rays of sunshine in a tornado.”

“Go on,” Bill said. “Bring her in and get us both some coffee. She looks like she’s had a rough one.”

But instead of going straight for the coffee, Daphne stood up to her full five-two height and looked to the ceiling and sighed.

“Please, ma’am,” Bill added.


The case of the missing girl was still open but had been on the back burner for most of the last year for an almost complete lack of evidence—lack, even, of a body. It was his personal opinion that the child had run away. She had a crazy hippie for a mother and lived in a kind of commune without any other kids around for all of her nine years. But of course the woman on the other side of the glass probably had no idea how things stood. He just hoped that she wasn’t going to tell him she was some kind of psychic. He had zero time for that kind of bullshit.

Isabella Moon’s disappearance almost two years before had filled the town with satellite trucks and frantic reporters, male and female, trailing grubby young men with shoulder-mounted cameras and racks of bright lights. He had grown weary of their changeable faces and instantly sincere smiles. Far stranger, though, was the small collection of earnest amateur psychics and healers that had shown up in his office. Several of them eventually drifted over to Iris’s Whole Foods and Tea Shoppe to congregate after Daphne put them in their places, one after the other. A couple had never left town.

It was a damned shame that the child had never turned up, dead or alive, but he sure didn’t miss the circus that had engulfed Carystown for weeks. He wasn’t looking for it to return, ever. But he decided there was no reason to give this woman a hard time. She was good-looking, and they did have to live in the same small town.


Finally seated across the desk from the sheriff, Kate accepted the paper cup of coffee from Daphne with a grateful “Thank you.” She hadn’t even bothered to ask for decaf, as she usually would. Her body felt hollowed out. Anything warm would do. She was sure that she would never sleep again anyway.

As she gingerly sipped the strong brew, the sheriff sat back down in the chair from which he had risen to greet her and motioned to the delinquent tax roll printouts on his desk.

“Funny how no one wants to pay their taxes,” he said. “But just let the county miss one garbage pickup and they’re lined up from here to Sunday.”

Kate thought to say that death and taxes are the only sure things in life, just as she’d often heard her grandmother say. But then she remembered why she was there.

They sat in silence for a long minute. The telephone on Bill Delaney’s desk buzzed once, startling them both into brief, nervous smiles, but Daphne was quick to pick it up at her desk. When the sheriff got up to close the door, which Daphne had left open a few inches, Kate relaxed a bit. She’d wondered if the deputy left it open on purpose.

“It’s been a long time since anyone’s come forward with information about that child,” he said. “Several months anyway. Folks have lost interest.” He absently crossed a line through a dead woman’s name on the tax roll. “I’m guessing we fielded ninety, a hundred calls a day from all over the country when it first happened. A couple came in from England. You can imagine they weren’t much help. More of a novelty for Daphne.”

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