Irons (Norfolk #1) (10 page)

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Authors: Mj Fields

BOOK: Irons (Norfolk #1)
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“Call your mom and tell her to keep Mimi for the events she invited her to and I will.”

His brows turned in a bit as he looked at me and shook his head. “I don’t like it.”

“It’s just for now.”



Jax sent his mom a text, he showed it to me for proof, then he threw his phone on the nightstand and held me until he fell asleep.

I lay there listening to his soft breaths as I watched his chest rise and fall. I wanted this so badly, but I couldn’t imagine what my parents would say. Things had been a mess for a couple years. But it was all better now. I just had to find a way to tell them and make them understand that Jaxson didn’t need to know about those years. That he and I were healing each other and that everything would be okay.

Everything would be okay.

Date Night


told you,
Frankie,” I held her upper arms and squatted so that we were eye to eye. “It’s a fundraiser for the children’s hospital. I have to throw around some smiles, a concerned look, some money. Eat dinner, rub elbows with a big wig local lobbyist, that’s it.”

She smiled sweetly, as she had for the past three days as the weekend slowly approached. “Right.”

I knew she wasn’t all right and I hated seeing her like this. Christ, this was what Will dealt with every time we visited and I didn’t really understand until right now as those big brown eyes looked at me as if I was tearing her heart apart.

“Say the word and you can come with me. I’ll call your parents on the way. You say the word.”

“Don’t put this on me, Jaxson.”

“Who decided this for us, huh? Look at me, Francesca. I—”

“I know, okay. I know.”

If there was a way out of this, I would have found it, but it was an obligation that I needed to fulfill.

“Tell me when and we move ahead. I won’t hurt you intentionally, but you’re tying my hands here, sweetheart.”

*     *     *

I drove into
the city to meet Mimi and then head to the hotel where the event was being held.

When she came out, she smiled and got in the car as I opened the door.

“You look as handsome as ever, Jaxson.”

“Thanks Mimi, you look wonderful, too.”

“Can you believe this, Momma and Daddy couldn’t be any more pleased to support your father. It’s wonderful news, isn’t it? Your Daddy Governor and mine Senator. What a pair we make.”

“Be sure to congratulate Colonel Deveroux for me, will you?”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to do it yourself next weekend.”

“Next weekend?”

“Didn’t your Momma tell you we would be renting a house in Arlington? I could’ve sworn she said you’d be joining us, Jaxson. Please say you will. It’s for the whole week, at least come for the weekend.”

“I apologize, Mimi but I already have plans.”

“Is it a girl? Oh how silly of me, Jaxson Irons hasn’t settled down yet. Which is another reason you should join us. Remember that time we all went to—”

“That was a long time ago, Mimi.”

“Tell me you still don’t think about it every once in a while.”


“I’m just pulling your leg. But still, you should come, lots of money gonna be there. I bet you could convince some of those older women with nothing but a smile that they should insist their husbands support your father. We all gotta play the game, Jaxson. It is our obligation.”

We pulled in front of the Ritz Carlton and the valet opened the door for Mimi as another met me at mine and took the keys.

She stood waiting and when I walked up; she linked her arm in mine and kept talking in her exaggerated southern accent. She paused for the photographers and leaned in closer.

When we walked in she smiled, and stood on her tip toes and gave me a kiss on my cheek. “Now you make sure to say hello to everyone.” She reached over and adjusted my tie. “I much prefer you in uniform, Jaxson, and I still remember every moment of our night together.”

I did everything mother’s email told me to do. Spoke to all those people she insisted I speak to and even danced with a few wives of very prominent men.

“One dance, Jaxson.” Mimi said as she pulled me back to the dance floor.

We were on the floor. I was smiling and nodding to the couples surrounding us as Mimi went on and on about the Butler family, or the Hoskins, or anyone else who were strong supporters of the Republican Party. And honest to God, I couldn’t have cared less. My mother kept me well informed on which asses needed to be kissed or what ego needed to be stroked. I didn’t need any more information than that. I wasn’t a stupid man, I was bred for this life, but it didn’t mean I had to like it.

“Jaxson Irons, are you even listening to a word I am saying?” She laughed as she took my face and turned it to hers.

“I was, Mimi. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“I can imagine with all the responsibility laid at your feet you must be exhausted all the time, you poor, poor man.” Her hands were still on my face so I stepped back and took her hand.

“I am very exhausted. As a matter a fact, we should probably be heading out.”

“Of course.” She wrapped her arm around my waist and leaned into my side as we left the dance floor.

“Give me just a minute, please.”

I went to the restroom to escape her clutches. I did appreciate what she was doing but Mimi was crossing a line now. After using the bathroom, I checked my phone. I had seven missed calls from Frankie.

I immediately called her back, worried something had happened. When she answered I could tell she had been crying.

“Frankie, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it’s stupid. I just, well, I wanted to know if I could stay at your place tonight.”

“I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

“No, I’ll meet you there.”

“Perfect, wait for me in bed?”

“God, yes.”

I hung up, then walked out of the bathroom, said goodbye and thanked a few key players in this political game we were playing.

When I pulled up in front of Mimi’s apartment, she reached over and rubbed my leg. “We had a good night, right?”

“Yes, thank you again, Mimi.”

“How about you come inside and make it a great night.”

“I’m sorry, Mimi, but I—”

“Oh, I know, you’re tired. Next time, Jaxson,” she said as she got out.

, I thought to myself as I pulled onto the street.

*     *     *

When I pulled
into the driveway, I saw the living room light on. I, honest to God, had never been happier to be home. I got out and locked the doors as I walked in. I walked into my room and smiled when I saw her laying on the bed in the hottest little white lace set I had ever seen.

“Where the hell did you come from?” I asked as I slipped my jacket off and started undoing my tie.

She closed her eyes and smiled, “Leave it on.”

“My suite?”


“As you wish.”

I walked over to the bed, bent over and kissed her. She tasted different. “Have you been drinking?”

She giggled and held up her fingers, showing me., “Just a little.”

“Just a little, huh?”

“Maybe a little more.”

She pulled me to her by my tie, “Lay down.”

I laid down. She began kissing my neck and moved down. She sat up abruptly and her lip began to quiver.


She jumped off the bed, ran into the bathroom, leaned over the toilet and threw up. Quickly I grabbed her hair and held it back as she continued. When she was finished, she started crying. I helped her up and to the sink.

I put toothpaste on the brush for her. As she brushed her teeth, tears fell down her face. That’s when it hit me. “What did you drink?”

“Peppermint something.” She said as she rinsed her mouth.


“What do you mean?”

“Where did you drink?”

“Tuna’s. I didn’t drive.”

“Who were you with?” I felt anger building up inside and she looked away from me. “Frankie, answer me.”

“My friends.”

She walked out into the bedroom, grabbed her dress off the floor and stumbled as she pulled it on. I swear to Christ that was the shortest dress that was ever made.

“And you fucking wore that?”

She fumbled with the zipper and looked away from me.

“Answer the dam question, Frankie. You went out with who and please tell me you wore more than that or I’m gonna flip shit.”

“Renee and Mary! And yes, I wore this. What do you care, you were on a date!”

“I wasn’t on a fucking date.” she attempted to walk by me and I grabbed her.

“Let go. I should never have come, I should’ve left with Ace.”

“What the fuck did you just say?”

“You heard me. And now I’m leaving.”

“Like hell you are. You get your drunk little ass in bed.”

“And if I don’t?”

“You will or I’ll put you there.”

“You can’t make me stay.”

Control had left the fucking building. I picked her ass up and put her in the bed. When she tried to get up I put her back. When she started crying I stepped away.

“You smell like another woman! You made me sick, Jax, smelling her on you. You smell like another woman!”

“That’s because I danced with several, Frankie. I was there without you because you wanna keep this between us, yet you still go out and get fucked up to the point you throw up and say you should’ve left with fucking Ace?”

She started sobbing and I was torn between being angry and wanting to comfort her., “You smell like her.”

“And you smell like vomit.” I bent down and picked her up, walked into the bathroom, turned on the water and walked under it.

“You’re crazy!” she said as she clung to my neck.

I set her down, peeled off my clothes and then scrubbed my body. She looked at me with sadness in her brown eyes.

I knelt down and removed her panties. I pushed her back against the shower wall and lifted her leg, resting it on my shoulder. I held her hips tight against my face as I sucked, licked and fucked her with my tongue. When I sucked her clit, she came.

I stood up, grabbed both sides of her head and kissed her, shoving my tongue into her mouth and then sucking on hers. I pulled back and looked her straight in the yes, “Now who do I smell like?”

“Me,” she panted.

“That’s fucking right,” I got out of the shower and grabbed two towels. I dried off, and then held one up for her and she stepped into it. “Now get in bed and sleep it off. Tomorrow we fix this.”

I walked out into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I didn’t like feeling this way, not one fucking bit. She pushed my buttons harder than anyone else. I was a man of my word, if I said I was gonna do something, by God, I would. I didn’t understand why she didn’t get that.

When I heard footsteps, I turned around.

“Can I get a drink?” she whispered.

I didn’t answer. I would probably say something I would regret tomorrow. I grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and filled it from the tap. I handed it to her and went and grabbed Tylenol out of the cabinet then handed her two.


“Not tonight, Frankie.”

“I understand you’re angry.”

“Not. Tonight.”

“Okay,” she drank down her pills and set her glass in the sink. She turned and looked at me, “Will you come to bed?”

“Give me a few minutes.”


I heard her walk away. I didn’t like that I was being harsh with her but I didn’t know what else to do. I suppose tomorrow, when we both had a clear head, we would figure it out because the other option, the one that would mean I end this and walk away before the two of us got hurt, wasn’t an option anymore. But I hoped that, in the quiet of the night, I could see a way to make this better. I had to find a way for her to understand that hiding this wasn’t helping us become a stronger couple but, in fact, making us weaker by the minute.

Understanding Me


felt him
get in bed and I knew things were changing because he didn’t pull me as tight against him as he had for the past week.

For the past week, I had stayed with Jax every other night. It was never really planned, it just happened. He would cook me dinner and feed me. I loved the way he looked at me when I took the food from the fork he held out to me. The look was a cross between adoration and lust.

We never ate in the same place, it was always different. Once on the beach, once on his deck, and another time in bed. We never talked much, which was fine. Our bodies touching were enough and somehow words weren’t required. The connection I felt to Jax was deep but when we were physically connected it was unbelievable. He knew what I needed and how I needed it. When we finished, sometimes we stayed connected as we slept.

Right now, I craved that connection so badly, but he wasn’t giving it to me. I suppose I deserved it. I knew better than to go out tonight and even more than just going out, I knew that I shouldn’t have drank. Drinking made me different. It brought out a darkness in me, a darkness that I had never known existed before Will died.

I wasn’t sure how I would tell Jax what had happened, but I knew I had to. If I lost him, I knew I deserved it. And if that happened, I knew the darkness would swallow me whole again, but this time, I wasn’t sure I would come back.

I woke up several times and knew it was morning because the light shone in the room, but I forced myself to fall back to sleep each time. I was hung over and felt like hell had thrown everything it had at me. I’m pretty sure it was just how life would be. So I slept.

I heard voices outside of the bedroom, one was Jax, the other was a male voice that was somewhat unfamiliar to me, maybe Shadows, or Titan. It was their poker day. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock, two in the afternoon.

I wasn’t surprised that I slept that late, I had done it many times before.

“I want you to turn around and walk out that door. If you come back, I will fuck you up, do you understand me?”

“Would you fucking listen to me? I said I was sorry, I was grieving too, Irons. She gets it and Will was her brother. I was wrong, okay, it’s time to move on.”

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