Iron Cross: The Dartmouth Cobras #6 (26 page)

BOOK: Iron Cross: The Dartmouth Cobras #6
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Tyler didn’t think he was beautiful, but he couldn’t think beyond Raif’s last statement as those big, calloused hands stroked down his sides. Raif kissed his neck, teasing the sensitive spot under his ear with his teeth. Every soft bite made Tyler’s dick twitch and he hissed in a wet breath as Raif shifted, pushing Tyler’s legs apart to kneel between them. He couldn’t take his eyes off Raif, running his hands down over the straps, pinching Tyler’s nipples even as he watched Tyler’s face.

As Raif’s hands drifted lower, Tyler fought to keep still, letting his Dom explore his body as slowly and for as long as he pleased. Wasn’t easy because he was so damn turned on he desperately needed a solid grip on his cock to relieve the ache. When Raif’s hands returned to his nipples, rubbing and twisting, they grew more and more sensitive. Almost as though his body accepted that this was the only stimulation he’d get.

Then Raif lowered his mouth to tug one hard nipple in his mouth. The pressure of teeth and tongue had Tyler groaning and arching his back. Cold replaced the heat of Raif’s lips. He moved to Tyler’s other nipple to give it the same thorough attention.

Dried both with his thumbs before picking up the nipple clamps.

Tyler pressed his eyes shut, bracing for the pain.

“Look at me,
zlato moje
. I will take care not to hurt you. Do not try to take more for me, because that is not what I want. Shake your head when it’s truly too much.”

The rubber coating
on the clamps made them smooth, but Tyler still cringed at the pain he expected when each one bit down. But neither did more than pinch. He twisted his lips in annoyance. Raif must think he was a total wimp. He hadn’t tightened them at all.

“I am earning your trust, Ty. I’m not done.” Raif removed one clamp and then clipped it over Tyler’s nipple again. This time it was a lot tighter. Not unbearable, but close to the limit. “There.” He did something to the clamp and it started vibrating. Tyler’s eyes shot open as the pleasure zinged through his chest and rolled right down to his balls. Once both clamps were going, his whole body shook hard with the effort not to buck his hips in response to the sensation. He gasped around the thick rubber gag when Raif tugged at the clamps. Raif chuckled. “Perfect. Now keep your eyes closed.”

Eyes closed, Tyler listened to the sound of the drawer yet again. He was starting to connect that sound with some new tool for Raif to use on him being added to the mix. It could be anything, but he didn’t let out even a whimper of protest even when he felt Raif pull something over his cock. A vibrating cock ring, the pleasant vibrations nothing new to him, nothing compared to the buzz mercilessly stimulating his nipples. But he could tell Raif had put on gloves and wasn’t sure what to make of that.

He swallowed when Raif’s glove
d hands left him. Pushed against his inner thighs to spread them farther apart. For a few seconds, Raif stopped touching him at all.

Then a finger slipped over his balls, slick with lube. He inhaled, holding his breath as the finger circled his anus. Slowly pushed inside.

One of Raif’s fingers was almost the size of two of Chicklet’s. Tyler pressed against it, needing to show Raif he could do this. The vibrations, the memory of Raif claiming his mouth, then taking full control of his body, made letting him in so much easier. Before long, that one finger penetrated him fully.

but Raif didn’t move, and the long silence and lack of motion made staying still really, really hard. He ran his tongue over the gag. Did his best to calm his pulse. To relax his thighs.

“You’re doing very well, Ty. Very soon I won’t use restraints, or toys. I will simply take you under me and fuck you. And I won’t be so gentle as I am being now.” Raif stroked his thigh as he withdrew his finger. He moved his hand from Tyler’s thigh and
more lube spilled right over Tyler’s balls, surprising him enough that he jerked and pressed his head back harder into the pillow. He lifted his ass off the bed, ready to take everything Raif offered.

Another finger joined the first, sliding in, straining past the tight ring of muscle. Still slow, but not as slow as with the first finger. He began to pump his fingers into Tyler before they’d fully penetrated and it felt fucking incredible. All his senses assaulted, no choice but to drown in them, Tyler moaned and found himself mindlessly riding Raif’s fingers, so close to coming he could feel the precum beading at the tip of his dick, cooling against the blazing hot head.

“So close to being ready for me.” Raif slammed his fingers in one last time before pulling them out. “We should rest before the game.”

A pitiful sound escaped Tyler and he struggled senselessly to free his arms so he could hold on to Raif and make all kinds of promises so long as he didn’t leave him like this. Who gave a fuck if it was pathetic? Denial was a punishment and what had Tyler done to deserve it?

“Calm down, Ty. I’m not that cruel.” Raif chuckled and his lips brushed Tyler’s hip. “This shouldn’t take long.”

More lube. A condom wrapper being ripped. Blunt pressure on Tyler’s anus.

Not fingers, too big to be fingers, but it wasn’t Raif’s dick either. The stretching came with a steady burn this time, increasing as the thing—which had to be some kind of butt plug—widened. Tyler inhaled, pushed, exhaled, and kept pushing, waiting for the narrow part to settle inside him. Only, it kept going deeper and deeper and never got smaller.

A dildo. He bit down on the gag, trying to adjust to the thick invasion. Only a bit thicker than Raif’s fingers, but he’d never had anything that deep inside him. It slid out almost all the way, grew slick with more lube, and eased back in. The pressure in Tyler’s balls increased as the tip of the dildo hit the sensitive part inside him. Sweat broke out on his skin as Raif thrust the dildo in, harder, faster.

“Agh—aah!” The orgasm hit Tyler in a sudden burst of pleasure, spasming through his thigh and stomach muscles as he bucked and let out muffled cries around the gag. Cum landed in hot spurts on his belly, and he squirmed as Raif drew out the sensation with a few more deep thrusts.

Raif removed the dildo and made quick work of cleaning Tyler up with some kind of wipe. Didn’t speak as he began to undo all the harness straps.

Completely drained, Tyler did his best to move when Raif needed him to, but Raif didn’t seem to mind his lying there like a dead person. It wasn’t until Raif climbed into the bed to lie next to him that Tyler started wondering if something was wrong. Since when was Raif this quiet?

“Are you mad at me, Raif—I mean, I mean, Sir?”

“No.” Raif frowned at Tyler, working one arm under him to pull him closer. He smoothed Tyler’s hair back and gazed into his eyes. “Why would you think that?”

Tyler shrugged. “You ain’t talking.”

Raif threw his head back, roaring out a laugh as he pressed Tyler’s head into the curve of his neck. Tyler wasn’t sure what was so funny, but being held was nice and he was glad Raif wasn’t pissed at him.

“Ty, too much discussion often bothers you, so I reasoned this would be a good time for silence. Apparently I was mistaken.” Raif ran his hand down Tyler’s bare back, still chuckling. “Would you like to talk about what just happened?”

Okay, yeah, maybe that was kinda funny. Tyler wouldn’t really have liked it if Raif had asked a whole lot of questions about his feelings and all that shit. This, just lying here in Raif’s arms, was a lot better. So he shook his head.

“I thought not. And we really should take a nap. I would have you proving to management and the fans that your time away from the game has changed nothing.”

“I could sleep.” Tyler sighed happily, snuggling closer to Raif. His body was still humming from the erotic play, but what was more important was that being with Raif felt right. More than right. He grinned and kissed Raif’s shoulder. “I love you, man.”

Raif’s sigh wasn’t as happy as Tyler’s. He hugged Tyler, then whispered in his ear, “Don’t say that again until you mean it.”

Too close to sleep to say another word, Tyler didn’t get a chance to tell Raif he did.


Chapter Thirteen


n irritating buzzing came from Raif’s phone, one he’d set to make sure he wouldn’t sleep through it no matter how tired. He rolled over to shut it off, going still as he realized the bed was empty. But the sound of running water sounded in the distance. The bathroom shower.

His boy hadn’t slipped away.

Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, Raif stretched before rising from the bed, then strolled into the bathroom, standing in the doorway for a few moment to simply enjoy the view. Tyler was naked, still wet from the shower, and had apparently found one of the spare toothbrushes Raif kept in the bathroom drawer for guests. Tyler spit in the sink, rinsed his mouth with a handful of water, then straightened and grinned at Raif in the mirror.

“Was gonna go jump you in bed if you didn’t wake up soon.” Tyler wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and turned. His dick was fully erect, and the look he gave Raif sent a pang of lust shooting straight into his gut. “We’re running out of time.”

“Are we?” Raif stepped up to Tyler, trapping him against the sink. He framed Tyler’s jaw with his hand and indulged in a soft kiss, savoring the fresh mint on Tyler’s tongue. He hadn’t been gentle in his kisses earlier because he’d sensed Tyler would shy away from tenderness, but he no longer believed that was the case. His boy was soaking up every ounce of attention and affection. Demanding more, however, was unacceptable. “A small piece of advice, Ty. Never give in to the urge to ‘jump me.’ It will not end at all as you expect.”

Tyler snorted and nipped Raif’s bottom lip. “Yeah? Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t try to wake you up by sucking your dick. Wouldn’t want to piss you off.”

Jebi ga!
For a young man who’d believed himself straight until recently, Tyler clearly had no intention of easing into his experiences with another man. Which should have been obvious from the way he’d been fooling around with Carter and Demyan, but all Raif had seen from that was Tyler being used by his friends. He’d misjudged the situation.

Tyler appeared to know
what he was getting into.

The idea of Tyler’s lips slipping over his dick made it difficult to focus on preparing for the game. Raif watched Tyler bend over the sink to wash his face and struggled with his resolve to wait until after said game to fuck him. The brat had to know how tempting he was.

Such behavior couldn’t be encouraged. Raif forced himself to look away. Something white on the floor caught his attention. Socks, right beside the hamper. Tyler had probably made an attempt to get them in the basket in his rush to follow Raif’s orders, which was good, but that he’d failed gave Raif the perfect excuse to take another step in the boy’s training. Which was partly why Chicklet had given Raif access to her sub, after all.

Waiting until Tyler had lifted his head from the sink, Raif caught his gaze in the reflection. Hauled back and laid a hard slap on Tyler’s ass, hitting both cheeks at once.

Tyler jumped, spinning around and staring at Raif in shock. “What the fuck, man?”

“Never an appropriate way to address your Dom, Ty. Put your hands on the edge of the sink.” Impressed that Tyler did as he was told without further objection, Raif showed his approval by rubbing over the red mark before he continued with the punishment. Three more solid smacks. “Do you know why I spanked you?”

“That was a spanking? I don’t know, you like beating my ass?”

Much more and the ache would distract Tyler from his play out on the ice. Raif crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. His lips thinned as Tyler mirrored his stance.

Tyler dropped his gaze to the floor and lowered his arms. A blotchy red blush showed high on his cheeks. “Not sure about the first one, but I probably shouldn’t be talking to you like that in your house.” He lifted his head, teeth denting his bottom lip. “Is it cool in the locker room? Not sure I’m ready to call you ‘Sir’ there.”

“That’s fine, but I reserve the right to…discuss any disrespect once in the privacy of one of our homes.”

“Shit. Okay, that’s fair.” Tyler wrinkled his nose as he rubbed his ass. “And the first one?”

Raif smiled slowly. “Your socks are on the floor.”

Eyes wide, Tyler glanced over at the socks. Let out another snort as he slid by Raif, deliberately bending over in front of Raif to pick them up. The position made Raif want to smack him again—or grab the bottle of baby oil under the sink and take what Tyler offered. Instead, he went to the counter to retrieve his shaving supplies from a drawer. He’d noticed a slight redness around Tyler’s lips, beard burn from their rough kisses. The team hadn’t clinched a play-off spot yet so there was no need to have scruff that would leave obvious marks on the boy if it could be avoided.

Resting his hand on the counter by the sink, Tyler stood for a moment, watching Raif shave. Then he sighed. “You’re gonna make me ask, aren’t you?”

Moving the straight blade away from his face, Raif looked at Tyler in the mirror. “Ask what?”

“Ask you to fuck me. I’m ready and we have time and you didn’t get off so it just feels wrong and—”

“Stop. I am not going to fuck you. Certainly not before the game.”

“Why the he—I mean, why not?” By Tyler’s crestfallen expression, Raif might as well have told the young man he wouldn’t be playing the game at all tonight. “I’m being good and talking like you wanted me to.”

“Yes, you seem to have lost your ability to shut up.” Raif chuckled when Tyler’s automatic scowl quickly shifted to a blank look. He was learning. “You are a virgin. I will do my best to prepare you so there will not be much pain, but it may be unavoidable. I will not risk it before a game—we have too much riding on every single win.”

The blank look became surly, reminding Raif how young Tyler still was. But he wouldn’t point out that Tyler was pouting like a child. The bare honesty in every word and expression was required for Raif to take this any further. Even teasing Tyler might have him closing down again.

He made quick work of shaving, cleaned and put all his things away, then reached out to put a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “You will learn patience, boy. And I would appreciate it if you’d
not to test mine.”

“I’m not fucking trying to—shit, I’m sorry. Yeah, I know better than to swear at you, but this is fucked up!” Tyler jerked back and raked his fingers through his damp curls. “What you did to me was awesome, but it was all for me! I need to do something for you!”

All right, shouting was never good behavior for a sub, but Raif had to admit the passion Tyler displayed turned him on much more than stiff submissive dignity or any kind of groveling. He put his hand on Tyler’s cheek and ran his thumb over Tyler’s lips. “Kneel,
zlato moje

Good boy.
Raif nodded his approval as Tyler lowered to his knees, gazing up at him. Dropping hard on the tiles would have required another lecture. And Raif was tired of giving them. He craved a taste of Tyler’s uninhibited desire to serve, no matter how unrefined it was. So long as his boy didn’t hurt himself giving it.

Only, they were moving faster than Raif would like. He’d meant to ease Tyler into acts that would have him questioning his sexuality any further, but he had to be flexible to keep up with Tyler’s needs. If nothing else, perhaps this would be a chance to show Tyler he had the power to stop at any time with no regrets.

Undoing the button on his pants, then lowering the zipper, Raif studied Tyler’s face as he freed his dick. The way Tyler licked his lips made Raif’s dick throb. He put his hand on the back of Tyler’s head and used the other to ease his dick into Tyler’s mouth.

Soft and warm and wet, Tyler’s lips slid over him. His tongue tentatively sli
pped around the head of Raif’s cock. He opened his mouth wider, breathing around Raif. So inexperienced, so eager as he began to move with the gentle press of Raif’s hand on his head, but it was the way he held Raif’s gaze as he took him deeper that almost set Raif off.

A small dimple showed on his cheek as he sucked and Raif smiled. The boy was incorrigible, which was sexy and endearing as hell. Which was exactly where Raif was headed for corrupting him. He hadn’t done it alone, but there was no way to look into that angel face and not know he was damned as he began thrusting harder. He threw his head back as the ability to care about his many sins left him. The pleasure erupted and he slammed his hand on the counter behind Tyler as he came, his legs almost giving out as Tyler continued to suck and lick.

After he pulled out of Tyler’s mouth, Tyler scrambled to his feet and kissed him. The salty taste of Raif’s cum was still on his lips, but Raif couldn’t help but deepen the kiss to savor the evidence that, in this moment, he’d marked Tyler in every possible way.

Or almost. He groaned and slid his lips down Tyler’s throat, setting his teeth into Tyler’s shoulder and biting down hard. Tyler let out a rough sound of pain even as he wrapped his arms around Raif’s waist.

They stood like that for much too long, Raif kissing over the red indents of his teeth in Tyler’s flesh, far too pleased to know it would leave a bruise. He heard his phone sound in the distance, warning him that he had less than fifteen minutes to get them to the Forum for warm-up.

“You pleased me very much, Ty.” Raif kissed Tyler’s forehead, then stepped back to put some much needed distance between them. “We must go.”

“Yeah…” Tyler ducked his head, glancing over at the mirror. “You got some gel? My hair don’t look all neat like the hairdresser did it.”

Raif laughed and wrapped his arms around Tyler from behind. “It looks a little wild. I prefer you that way.”
Distance. People will wonder if you are both late.
He dropped his arms to his sides. “Get dressed. Let’s not forget you have much to prove after you suspension.”

“Not a problem!” Tyler sprinted out of the bathroom. Raif found him, moments later, in the living room pulling on his shirt. He donned his jacket as Tyler stared down at his bare feet with a sheepish smile on his face. “Mind if I borrow some socks?”

They made it to the Forum and down to the locker room in time to avoid notice, but strangely enough, the smallest things did draw some attention. Raif shook his head, fighting not to smile as he heard Pischlar comment to White that “I didn’t buy Vanek those socks.” An odd thing for Pischlar to remark on, but Raif hadn’t thought about how obvious the expensive gray argyle socks he’d tossed to Tyler would be in the locker room. Which was only made worse by one of the trainers bringing Tyler a new pair of the Under Armour socks that he usually wore.

Just a few minutes later, Carter plunked down on the bench beside Tyler, cocking his head as Tyler hummed quietly to himself while taping his stick.

Carter’s eyes went wide. He punched Tyler in the shoulder and it was very difficult not to go over there and strangle the impertinent switch for daring to lay a hand on his sub.

Except, Carter was one of Tyler’s best friends. He was a teammate. Tyler wasn’t really “Raif’s sub,” and the possessive urge had no place in the locker room.

Not to mention Raif was pretty sure Sebastian Ramos could, and
, kill him if he harmed Carter.

“You seriously humming, ‘Son of a Preacher Man’?” Carter slung his arm over Tyler’s shoulder. “Guess it’s better than ‘I Feel Pretty.’”

Face red, Tyler ducked his head. “Fuck off, Luke. I wasn’t humming that.”

“Bullshit. Come on, don’t be shy. I know all the words and everything.”

Demyan walked over and shoved Carter off the bench. “Leave him alone. You’re a goddamn pain in the ass.”

“Wow, what the fuck got into you?”

“Nothing. Can you be serious for once? We finally get to play again.”

“Yeah, whatever, asshole. I’m finally not sick. I’m in a good mood. Guess I better stay away from you if I wanna stay that way.” Carter crossed the room to sit beside Richards, rubbing his knuckles on the rookie’s head which had Hunt growling at him.

At the other side of the room, Ramos was shaking his head and muttering what appeared to be a prayer to the ceiling. Raif grinned and inclined his head when Ramos glanced his way. Ramos smiled back, then grabbed a roll of tape and tossed it at Carter, hitting him in the forehead.

Carter rubbed his forehead. Stared at Ramos. Then blew him a kiss.

And I thought Tyler was a handful.
Raif sat back against one side of his stall and observed the relaxed conversation of the men around him, though most of his focus remained on Tyler who laughed and smiled easily with Perron who gave him a welcoming, one-armed hug, and Pischlar and White whose good-natured teasing seemed to have erased the unpleasantness with Demyan.

Though, despite Demyan snapping at Carter, Raif had to admit there was a change in the atmosphere here with all three of them being back. The tension that had lingered all week was gone. The men spoke of the game against the Ducks as though they not only could, but
win. Even Callahan was in a good mood when he joined them for a quick, pregame pep talk.

“It’s been a rough week, but we’ve got a full house for the first time in months. Our chance of making the
playoff is gonna take some wins and a lot of luck. The critics don’t like our odds.” Callahan put his hand on Carter’s shoulder. Met Perron’s eyes and grinned. “They have no fucking clue what we’ve been through this year. And if they do, they don’t understand how determined we are to go all the way. Go out there and bring this one home, boys!”

BOOK: Iron Cross: The Dartmouth Cobras #6
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