[Invitation to Eden 21.0] Falling or Flying (5 page)

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Authors: RG Alexander

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: [Invitation to Eden 21.0] Falling or Flying
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“What do they say about me?” Did she want to know?

“They say you found a missing guest once. That you just knew where she was, knew she was lost without anyone coming to tell you.”

Her breath came out in an irritated huff. “I can see I’ll have to strive to be less fascinating when we get back. Or maybe institute punishments for gossiping. Walking the plank has always had a nice ring to it.”

“They also say you’re his lover.”

Her mouth dropped open. “What?”

Austin was watching her intently. “You disappear into thin air at all hours to be with him, a slave to your passions. To hear them tell it, it’s a tragic romance. Very cursed prince and the fairy queen who loved him.”

Joely tried to hold it in but she couldn’t. Her laughter echoed off the metal of the plane until she covered her mouth. “Oh God,” she chortled. “I’m sorry but you…I mean he and

She wiped her tears and shook her head. “That beast isn’t mine, and I’m no fairy queen. We’re friends. We’re family. We are
cursed lovers. Is that why you keep coming back, Mr. Wright? For the gossip? That is a waste of good fantasy time if you ask me.” She bit her lip. “You
need to point out who gave you this information as soon as we get back. The last thing I want is Mrs. Cursed to fire me in a fit of jealous rage.”

“Mrs. Cursed?”

“Well, she will be eventually.” Joely reached for the bound journal instead of satisfying his curiosity. “I’ll take this, though. Mr. Vardalos will want it, and as you’ve heard, I am a slave to his passions.”

A sheaf of thin paper slid out and Joely moaned in distress, worried the book would crumble in her hands. “What did I do?”

“It wasn’t attached,” Austin soothed as he lifted one corner to show her. “They were right about your gifts. You found a map.”

“You found it.” Not just any map. Joely leaned in, recognizing the small beach they’d just come from and the trail they’d taken until they reached the mark the pilot had made for his plane. “This is Eden. A huge chunk of it anyway. Now we know how he spent part of his days here. Austin, this
a treasure.”

He leaned toward her, gray eyes going dark. “It must be. Whatever it is, I’ll take it. That’s the first time you’ve said my name.”

“That can’t be true.” She’d said his name in her dreams. She’d said his name when she was alone in her room.

“It is. Usually it’s Mr. Wright or, of late, Gilligan.”

She aimed for a lighthearted tone. “You were promoted to Professor. I suppose nothing negates formality like a magical blackout and a brisk jungle hike.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. I like hearing you say it, Joely. My name.”

He was going to kiss her, and she had the sinking feeling that she was going to let him. She would love it. She would kiss him back. They might never make it back to the resort, and years from now someone would find them with their lips still pressed together and the map that could have saved them clutched in their hands.

“I see water,” Court interrupted her internal rambling, standing in the open door of the plane and focusing on them through his camera’s lens. “On the map. I think that’s a symbol for water. It looks like we could make it before sundown if this is right.”

“Can we kick Ginger off the island?” Austin growled.

Court batted his eyelashes. “You’d be lost without me. Lost
me is more entertaining.”

Joely got to her feet and moved away from temptation. “We should just be thankful he did this.”

. I was worried you were upset, and then you gave me this… And thank you in advance for the continued lack of snakes.

They closed up the plane, trying to leave everything as intact as possible, and gathered their things. Two days. They could be back at the resort the day after tomorrow and then she would tell Vardalos she was taking a week of personal days on the mainland.

She had a feeling she would need them all to get this trip with Austin Wright out of her mind.

Two weeks might be better.



Chapter Two


“We’re not doing this, Ginger.”

Court, lying on his side in front of the fire across from her, started to laugh. “We are. We’re your guests and friends of the owner. All I’ve been hearing for far too long, and in way too much detail, is that Eden makes fantasies come true. The island gives you what you want and need, etcetera, etcetera. Well, since I can’t ask for a line of naked ballerinas to compete in a dance-off for my entertainment, we are absolutely doing this.”

Austin handed her another small bottle of whiskey and she downed most of it in one gulp, her eyes watering. How many had they gone through now? The pile was definitely smaller. She was such a lightweight, but at least her feet had stopped hurting.

The pilot’s map had led them to a crystal-blue pool of water by a cave. It was so beautiful Joely could hardly believe it was real until the water splashed in her face and all over the front of her shirt as both men dove in without hesitation. After the walk they’d had, she didn’t question their good fortune. She quickly joined them in a fully clothed, impromptu celebration instead.

They’d survived the first day of their journey. She was hungry and she’d gotten more exercise than she wanted in muscles she’d never noticed before, but she was still in one piece.

Austin had given her a t-shirt and a pair of his pajama bottoms to wear while her clothes dried and then he’d disappeared into the trees while she explored the cave in the waning light. It wasn’t very deep, but it was currently unoccupied. Clearly that hadn’t always been the case. Someone had been here before them. Before the pilot. She supposed this would be the perfect shelter. Nothing to sneak up behind you, only one entrance to defend, and it was warm and dry and right beside potable water.

Eden’s Inn, Joely smiled whimsically. No castles needed.

There were handprints and strange markings, dots and swirls on the wall, reminding her of the books she’d read on Aboriginal artwork. She wished she could see the images more clearly. Was this why the pilot had put a star beside the cave on his map? Had he been as surprised as she was to find something so mystical on an island he’d believed himself alone on?

She’d heard Court join her and turned with a smile to show him what she’d found. And then she’d forgotten to breathe. ”You’re naked.”

“You enjoy stating the obvious, don’t you? It’s cute.”

It was hard to see everything in the dim cave, but there was no mistaking the swirls of mahogany curls on his broad chest or the washboard stomach. No mistaking the hardening shaft between his strong thighs.

“Sorry about that, Mary Ann.” He didn’t sound sorry at all. “My clothes were soaked and there is something about your island that makes me want to get naked and beat my chest. That happens a lot here, I’m guessing.”

“Yes,” was all she could manage around her tightening throat.

Court winked. “Knew I couldn’t shock
. Those wide green eyes of yours might deceive people who don’t look too close, but I have a feeling you have more in common with your island than you know. You aren’t at all what you seem.”

She shook her head. What was he talking about? She was exactly what she seemed. As far as he knew. “Would it be redundant to remind you that you’re naked?”

Court huffed a laugh and bent down to rifle through the bag by the entrance. “My much-discussed necessity bag is in here and I realized we’d need a fire so…” He pulled out a box of matches. “Aren’t you glad I brought this now?”

He smiled up at her and Joely swallowed. He started to close up the bag again and she couldn’t resist asking, “What were the matches for?”

Court paused, reaching back into the bag to pull out a thick white candle. “For these, Mary Ann.” He lit the wick with a match, then stood and walked toward her with the candle shining in his blue eyes. “The original plan was fun with melted wax, but they can also light up dark caves and reveal hidden secrets.”

He held it up to a drawing. “I need to take some shots of this wall. I never expected to find anything like this here.”

you expect to find, Court?” Why had he come? Vardalos never invited someone lightly. Jokes about leis and ballerinas aside, there had to be a deeper reason.

Court didn’t look away from the wall. “I thought it was because I owed a debt that I needed to repay. The bag was just for the perks I’ve heard the island is famous for. But there’s been a surprising change in developments. I’ll have to get back to you.”

She understood debts. She owed Uncle Artie, Vardalos, and the island everything. And her feelings. If she hadn’t followed her instincts, hadn’t listened to her gift, her life would have gone an entirely different way. To have the chance to repay a few debts sounded like a dream come true. She could see the attraction.

“I’ll get you there, I promise,” she said softly. “Eden will give you what you need. She always does.”

Court handed her the candle, his fingers brushing against hers. “Don’t worry about me, Joely Jones. I don’t think this island will make me wait that long. Speaking of, I should go start that fire and get dressed before I make your Professor jealous again. Not that I mind, but this isn’t the right time or place.”

Not long after he left her Austin returned, impressing her with a proud smile and a fat pheasant-type bird for dinner. The fire was roaring and Joely’s rumbling stomach almost made her forget her reaction to Court’s nude body and their intriguing conversation. Almost.

Now they were fed, warm and feeling no pain, bonded by their day of adventure and drinking like frat boys on a Friday night. Austin was sitting beside her, close enough for her to touch if she wanted to, and Court had been staring at her for the last hour with a knowing grin.

She took another sip for courage. “Truth or Dare?” she repeated his request. “You, a grown-ish man with, I’m assuming here, a high-end education, would like to play Truth or Dare.”

Austin chuckled. “Very high end. He was a year behind me in college and I befriended him out of pity. That and he’s a wizard at calculus.”

“You’ve known each other a while then. Does Ginger know Mr. V too?”

“Not as well as I do.”

Court lifted his pinky and waggled it at her. “Your boss was breathing some rarified air back in the day, Joely Jones. I had a full scholarship but not a lot of pocket change. Not compared to Theo and Austin, at any rate. Some people took issue.”

“That was his girlfriend, Court. He didn’t have the best taste in women back then, but I know he liked you.” Austin took the bottle from her hand and finished it off. “Theo and I
close, even after college. Then I…well, then I talked Court into traveling the world for a time. I wasn’t around for Theo when that bitch—” He shook his head with a sigh. “I wish I had been. No one deserves to go through something like that alone.”

“He didn’t.” Eden had made sure neither of them was alone. “You traveled?”

Court snorted. “Sure. We backpacked across Europe and had pillow fights with busty college girls in cheap, tawdry hostels. Life was a dream.”

Not true.
“Where did you go?”

“Afghanistan.” Austin tossed another branch in the fire.

They’d been in the military? Joely knew her mouth was open in shock, but it was the last thing she’d expected him to say. These were friends of Theodosius Vardalos. Ninety-nine percent of the time that equaled richer than Midas with more than a pinch of entitlement. Those kinds of friends owned corporations and ran the world from high towers. They didn’t volunteer to go to war.

People can surprise you.
Hadn’t her uncle said that when he’d taken her in? Didn’t she see that every day on the island? They could. Austin did. Court did. She caught him staring again. Did his debt have something to do with that? And what about Austin? Was that how he’d been injured? Did it have anything to do with why he kept coming back to Eden? Why Vardalos kept inviting him?

She really wanted to know what his fantasies were about. Now more than ever.

No you don’t.

No she didn’t. She wanted to imagine they were all about her. Wanted to pretend his previous trips to the island didn’t include other women.

“I’m going to take her lingering silence as consent to play. Now all she has to do is tell me which door she will choose. Truth? Or the fun one?”

She flinched and looked over at Court, shaking her head. “Oh no. Things that sound innocent have a way of becoming X-rated on this island, so I can already tell where this is going. If I go first and pick Truth, you’ll ask about sexual positions or secret fantasies. If I pick Dare, you’ll tell me to take my clothes off or let you spank me while you call me Mary Ann.” She covered her mouth and snorted. She wasn’t sure if she was embarrassed or upset that she’d given him ideas.

Not that he needed any. The nudist.

She should tell Austin about that.

“She has your number, Court.”

Court scratched his beard and nodded. “Looks like she does. But I know how to make her feel better. We’ll start with the mighty hunter. Buddy, which—”

“No I’ll do it,” Joely interrupted abruptly. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut? No more mini bottles for her. “Truth.”

Austin slid his fingers across the pallet he’d made of his clothes and brushed his fingers over hers while Court nodded. “Good. And to prove you wrong, we’ll start simple. Jones—is that really your last name or are you a spy for a competing fantasy resort?”

?” Austin asked dryly. “You’re asking a question about her name?”

“Courtney is a family name.” Court shrugged. “Anyway, between you, me and Theodosius, a girl named Jones stands out.”

It was a simple question, but there wasn’t a simple answer. She looked up and saw the stars shimmer, feeling the island’s protective presence around her. Or maybe it was the whiskey.

She was so connected to Eden here. The link was stronger than it had ever been, as if they were closer to the heart of the island’s power. She knew she could let down her guard. That Eden wanted her to.

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