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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Invision (23 page)

BOOK: Invision
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“Very carefully. And with a lot of practice.”

Winking at Simi, Nick teleported to Caleb's huge, sprawling mansion of a house. He popped into the living room and was quickly joined by the rest of his crew.

He didn't move as he waited for all of them to appear. Though to be honest, it was eerily quiet like this. Nick had never been over when there wasn't loud, obnoxious music playing or demons attacking.

“So…” He cocked a brow at Simi once everyone was there. “Where do we find this mysterious hellhound?”

“Follow me.” Caleb led them to the kitchen where the cellar door was. He passed an annoyed glance at Simi and Nick over his shoulder. “I'm really hoping my houseguest wasn't so inconsiderate as to invite a guest of his own. But I'm thinking I've been played.”

Turning on the light and opening the door, Caleb headed down the narrow spiral stairs.

They followed him into the “cellar,” which was an illusion since it was technically the first floor of the house built with tiny windows where they used to keep perishables back in the day before they had real refrigeration.

At first, it didn't appear anyone was here. But as they neared the southern corner, there was no mistaking the presence of something highly powerful attempting to mask itself. The air literally crackled with the paranormal static of emanating power. Most creatures wouldn't be able to detect it.

The Malachai wasn't most. Whatever was there lit up every bit of his psychic sense and had it singing a soprano chorus. Nothing could hide from Nick's breed.

Or Jaden, apparently. He stiffened and reached out to stop his sons. “Don't move.”

Nick heard the subtle growl off to his right. It was low and powerful, and only registered on the demonic plane. Yet it was enough to let him know that the beast was ready to come for his throat. The sound rippled in the air like low thrumming thunder, with enough energy that he had no doubt the growl, alone, could be weaponized. “What exactly are these things again?”

“Watch and learn, akri-Nick! The Simi will shows you.” She flounced around him to kneel a few feet away. “Here, here, akri-Kaziel. No one gonna hurt you, the Simi promises and you knows you can banks it all day long.” Clicking her tongue, she held her hand out.

The growling subsided. A slight rustle sounded before the largest wolf Nick had ever seen came out of the shadows.

“Holy mother of God!” Nick involuntarily crossed himself. If he'd had holy water, he'd have flung it at him, too. Not that he thought it'd do any good.

Just for good measure.

As it was, Nick could barely refrain from holding up two fingers in the sign of a cross against the beast.

Yeah, it was

Give him a demon, a hell-monkey …

Anything over
monstrous thing. Even on four legs, it had to be over four and half feet tall from paws to haunches. Completely snow white, the hound was all muscled sinew and furry beast. That would be scary enough. Add to that unholy bloodred ears and matching demonic, glowing, flame-red eyes and fangs that showed even when he closed his mouth, and yeah, that wouldn't blend on the street no matter what you tried. Especially given that every other breath shot flames out his muzzle. What it would do, though, was give you nightmares and send you to a psych ward, especially if you were dumb enough to try and tell anyone what you'd seen.

“What did they use those for again?” Nick asked in a voice that came out a lot squeakier and in a much higher octave than he'd intended. One that sounded like he hadn't quite reached puberty yet.

Yeah, it'd just sucked out a whole level of testosterone he wanted back.

Xev stepped around his father. “Messengers of the gods. They guarded the gates of Annwn. Were sent to hunt down the dark ones and Children of Llyr, and unchristened souls. They were also used by the gods in battle. It was said anyone who heard their baying would die. So in a way, they were like banshees.”

Nick cleared his throat and intentionally dropped it an octave before he spoke again. “And the gates of Annwn are what?”

“Celtic Underworld.” Xev moved slowly toward Kaziel. “You remember me, old friend?”

The way he eyed Xev with those freaky glowing eyes, Nick half expected him to take a bite out of him. But he held himself perfectly still as Xev approached him to present his hand so that Kaziel could sniff the back of his fist.

Only then did the hound shift to his human form. Crouched low, and wearing jeans and a black leather jacket, he unfolded himself slowly to emerge as an even more impressively giant, muscled beast.

Nick crossed himself again. Though this time, he did manage to withhold the verbal expletives. Yet he still exchanged a wide-eyed gaping stare with Kody.

Standing a good two inches taller than Nick, Kaziel had long pale blond hair that fell to his shoulders. Tiny braids interlaced with beads and feathers held it back from his face. That wasn't the nonblending part so much as the facial tattoos that curved from his chin up and over his cheeks like tusks, to come to a sharp point under eyes so light and green they glowed with an ethereal, fey light.

There was also an additional tattoo in the center of his forehead that appeared to be the stylized symbol of some god.

More Celtic birdlike tattoos that were almost identical in form to the ones on the Dark-Hunter Talon, covered the left side of his well-muscled torso beneath his leather motorcycle jacket.

And none of that took in his lethal aura that said,
yeah, I'm an ancient warrior who can kick your butt and not care.

Nick frowned. “Are those symbols for the Mórrígan?”

Snarling, Kaziel started for him, but Xev caught him and forced him back. “It's okay, Kaz.” Over his shoulder, he scowled at Nick. “How do you know that? You
know that kind of thing.”

“Talon of the Morrigantes. He has markings like that, in the same place on his body. He's also an ancient Celt. And though his hair is short, he has similar braids, too.”

That seemed to calm Kaziel.

Xev released him. “In the case of Kaziel, his have to do with Brân the Blessed. And the sun marks him as being aligned to the children of Dôn.”

Kody pursed her lips. “I thought she was a moon goddess like Artemis.”

“But aligned to the side of light.”

“So he's like us,” Caleb said. “A creature torn between light and dark?”

Xev nodded. “Born of both sides. Forever lured between them. Never trusted by either, and cursed by both.”

“That explains it.”

Jaden scowled. “Explains what?”

Caleb gave his father a cold grimace. “Why he hides in the cellar and they get along.” Then he turned to Kaziel. “Nice meeting you, brother. Welcome to the family.… We should start making T-shirts.”

Without a word of comment on that, Kaziel stepped away from Xev to approach Kody. She slid an uncomfortable look to Nick who didn't like the sudden light in those creepy green eyes as Kaziel circled her.

Yeah, he didn't need his powers to guess what thoughts were in the horndog's mind.

Before either of them realized what Kaziel intended, he stepped closer to Kody and nuzzled his face against her hair.

“Okay,” Nick snapped. “Dude, enough of that. She's
girl. And you don't go sniffing on other guys' girls. I don't know about the time and place you come from, but it's considered rude here.”

When Nick closed the distance between them, Kaziel growled at him.

Nick didn't flinch or back down. “Check the attitude at the door, 'cause I'm about to open up some fresh whoop … ass.”

“We don't need to escalate this to violence.” Kody wrapped her hands in Nick's baggy shirt and attempted to push him back a bit, only to learn he had no intention of budging. “I'm sure he didn't realize he was trespassing.”

“Does he speak?” Nick asked Xev.

“Can and does are two different things.”


“Yes, he
speak. He just seldom chooses to do so.”

“And I can respect that. Just as I'm sure Lassie can respect the fact that Kody is
girl, and while I try not to be
jealous boyfriend, it is purely a self-serving act I put on so as not to offend her. Inside, I am
jealous boyfriend, and any public pawing of said girlfriend is subject to an uncontrollable fit of rage I may or may not be able to stop, hence the uncontrollable previously promised ass-whooping.”

Kody shook her head and sighed. “You really are a basic, cave-dwelling beast, aren't you?”

you're lucky my knuckles don't drag across the floor when I walk.” He winked at her.

Jaden scowled. “He is not like the other Malachais, is he?”

Caleb clapped his father on the back. “We blame your screwed-up genes on this, all the way around.” He wrinkled his nose. “Can't wait to find and meet that next generation of screwed up.”

Xev snorted. “Ain't that the truth.”

A hurt look passed over Kody's face. “I know I can't be the mother. I'm too young.”

Nick bit his lip. “As a Malachai, I have the power to look ahead and see who the mother of the next Malachai is. Right?”

Jaden nodded.

“I wouldn't advise it.” Caleb met his gaze.

Xev concurred. “I'm going to weigh in with my brother and Acheron. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.”

Yeah, maybe, but for now … “Kaziel, we have a problem. Aeron went missing and we can't find him.”

His green eyes darkened to the same red they were in his wolf form.

No, that wasn't spooky or creepy at all. Not even a little.

His breathing intensified. “Was he attacked, like?”

Oh yeah, now there was a thick, almost unintelligible Welsh accent. It made Aeron's seem bland.

“We don't know. I sent him to watch Kody and he never made it.”

Reddish-orange flames radiated from his entire body. His tattoos turned red.

“Xev? Is that normal?”


When Kaziel started to turn around, Xev caught his arm and stopped him. “Where is he?”

“Nether Realm. Rather, he's being held to lure the Malachai.”

Jaden let out a tired sigh. “I'll get him and Zavid, and return them.”

The color drained from both Caleb's and Xev's faces. “We can't let you do that.”

“Like you really care. Besides, if any of you go in there, Noir and Azura will know. No one will notice me.”

“Why would you do this?” Caleb searched Jaden's features with his gaze.

“I'm your father.”

you get paternal?”

Jaden shrugged nonchalantly. “I've always been a jerk. Take after my sons.”

“Wait!” Xev approached him slowly. “You never told us your price for helping us.”

Tears welled in Jaden's eyes. “I got to see my boys again.” His gaze went to Nick. “Find out that I have a great-grandson … and you gave me something I haven't had in countless centuries.”

“What?” Xev breathed.

“Hope. I don't need anything else.”

“You know what they're going to do to you when you return?”

He shrugged nonchalantly. “What they do to me has never bothered me. What has always pissed me off is that one by one, all three of you threw away the freedom I bought for you with my blood and soul by chaining yourselves to my enemies because you were too damn hardheaded to listen!”

A tic started in his jaw as he hesitantly held his hand out to Xev. “I know sorry can't even begin to repair the damage I've done to either of you. The mistakes I made were never done for spite or out of cruelty. And if I could bring back Myone or Lilliana, I would.”

Pain radiated so deep in Xev's hazel eyes that it choked Nick as he took Xev's father's hand and he pulled him in for a hug. “Thank you for coming.”

Jaden didn't speak. But Nick wished Xev could see the anguish on his face as he held him and fisted his hand in his hair. Hair that turned completely black beneath his fist. And before he released him, he kissed his brow, turning his eyebrows black as well.

Nick met Caleb's shocked expression, but neither of them said a word as Jaden turned toward Caleb.

“Stay out of the line of fire.”

“And you.”

Jaden held his hand out to Caleb.

Tears swam in Caleb's eyes before he took his hand and they embraced.

Then in a bright flash of light, Jaden was gone.

Caleb choked on a sob. “You worthless bastard!” he growled, wiping at his eyes.

Xev cleared his throat. “Kaziel? Could you please go with him and help him free Aeron?”

Kaziel placed a brotherly hand on Xev's shoulder before he vanished.

“You sure you don't want me to—”

“No!” they shouted in unison.

“Okay,” Nick said, holding his hands up in surrender. At least that broke their melancholia.

Caleb manifested a small hand mirror for Xev and held it up for him to see. “Thought you'd want to know.”

He gasped as he saw himself whole for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years. “Why would he lift this portion of the curse?”

“No idea. The others will kill him when they find out.”

Smiling, Kody walked over to him. “You look so strange like this. I'll miss the old you.”

He laughed at her words. “You're the only one who felt that way.”

“Cherise, too.”

He lowered the mirror. “My two Arelim.” Cupping her cheek in his hand, he kissed her forehead. “Treasure her, Nick. Those who judge only by the heart are far too rare in this world.”

“Believe me, I know.” Nick paused as a bad feeling went through him.

“You okay?”

BOOK: Invision
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