Invincible (15 page)

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Authors: Joan Johnston

BOOK: Invincible
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ristin sat bolt upright and stared at the door. The pounding continued, louder. She realized she'd fallen asleep on top of the covers, still wearing her clothes. The small lamp beside the bed left most of the room in darkness. Her heart was beating like a frightened bird against her rib cage as she grasped for the phone to call hotel security.

“K? I know you're in there. Open the door!”

Kristin lurched out of bed, relieved to hear a familiar voice. And then frightened at what Max's insistent banging might mean. “Max? What's wrong?” She yanked the door open, but the security chain caught. She saw a glimpse of Max looking agitated, his hair wild, his eyes gleaming like some jungle predator, before she slammed the door closed to release the chain.

“Hurry up!” he snarled.

She opened the door, terrified at the urgency—and anger—she heard in his voice. “What's wrong, Max? I—”

He captured her mouth with his, and when she gasped, he thrust his tongue inside.

She was rocked back on her heels and would have fallen, except he caught her at the waist and lifted her off her feet. He stepped inside, slammed the door closed, then turned and shoved her back against it. He imprisoned her body with his from breast to thighs, while his hands pulled at the pins that held her hair in a restricting bun.

As blond curls feathered around her face, he thrust both hands into her hair, angling her head for his kiss.

She yanked her head aside to say, “Max, what—”

“Don't talk,” he said in a guttural voice. “Don't say anything. Just kiss me.”

Because her body had already caught fire from the heat of his, because she'd imagined this moment for ten years, and because his eyes and his hands and his voice told her how badly he wanted her, Kristin did as he asked.

The moment their mouths met, she was swept up in a riptide of emotion. She felt so much. She wanted so much. She struggled to find her footing, but there was nothing but Max to grab onto. She grasped a handful of his hair with one hand, gripped his shoulder with the other and hung on for dear life.

He stopped kissing her long enough to tear off the sweater she was wearing, then reached behind her to expertly release her black push-up bra. He pulled it off her arms and threw it aside before reaching to undo the
button and zipper on her pencil skirt. He shoved the skirt down and she shimmied her way out of it.

Leaving her wearing a black garter belt, black silk stockings and tiny black silk bikini panties.

“My God, Princess.”

Kristin felt self-conscious as Max devoured her with his eyes. He grinned as he reached with a forefinger to snap one of the garters. The grin faded as his hand reverently cupped her naked breast. She held her breath as he leaned down to kiss the tip.

She felt a shiver of excitement roll down her spine as she laid her trembling hand on his head. “Why are you here, Max?” she asked in a quiet voice.

He lifted her into his arms and headed for the bed. “I thought my intentions were pretty clear.”

She frowned at him and he smiled back.

“I want to make love to you, K.”

“When I asked if you wanted to come upstairs for a drink, you refused. What changed your mind?” she asked as he leaned down to pull off the coverlet on the bed and then laid her down on the white sheets.

“I got halfway back to my place when I decided I got—we got—cheated,” he said as he unbuttoned the top two buttons on his Egyptian cotton shirt and then yanked it off over his head.

Kristin thrilled at the sight of his broad chest covered in dark hair. She got up on her knees on the bed and reached for his belt. “Let me.”

She realized her breathing wasn't quite even as she unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the loops.
“Cheated?” she said, keying on the word that had motivated him to return.

“Cheated out of ten years of friendship,” he said.

She let his belt drop on the floor and reached for the button and zipper on his slacks. His arousal was evident even before she shoved them down. He was wearing hip-length gray Calvin Klein underwear that bulged with the evidence of his desire. “Friendship?” she said with a mischievous smile.

“Yeah. That. And other things.” He toed off his shoes and stepped out of his trousers before shoving off his socks.

She lay back and held out her arms. “Come to bed, Max.”

He hesitated a moment, then reached for the Calvin Kleins and tugged them off.

She sat back up, her eyes wide. “My God, Max.”

He shrugged and said, “I forgot we did all this under the covers the first time. You okay?”

She took a look at him and said, “It'll be a miracle if I live.”

He laughed, then reached for her bikini panties, ripped them down the seam, and tossed them away. “The garter belt and black stockings are a nice touch, K. Makes me wonder who you put them on for.”

“I put them on for myself, Max.” She worked at a job where she had to be tough. The sexy underwear made her feel more feminine. And apparently pleased Max.

He grinned and said, “Thanks, anyway.” He put a flat hand on her bare breasts to lay her back down, then
shoved her legs apart and braced himself on his elbows as he leaned down to nuzzle her neck beneath her ear.

She put a hand on his cheek and turned his head so she could see his eyes, but they were closed. “Max?”


“Why were you so angry at the door?”

“Do we have to talk about that now?” he said, never lifting his head as he kissed his way down to her breasts. He latched onto a nipple and suckled it.

Kristin decided talking could wait.

Making love to Max was a feast for the senses.

She indulged her need to touch his flesh, feeling the corded muscles in Max's arms and shoulders beneath the solid bone and enjoying the silkiness of the hair at his nape.

Max's skin tasted slightly salty when she kissed his throat. His mouth reminded her of the champagne she'd drunk at the bar, a mixture of flavors that weren't recognizable individually, but which tasted wonderful.

She inhaled, loving the masculine smell of him, filled with the pheromones that made her desire him.

She listened with joy to the sound of Max's murmuring voice, speaking words of desire. She relished his moans as she caressed him, and the guttural groan when she cupped him fed her desire. She heard her own sharp, uneven breaths, signaling her arousal.

And all the while, as he touched and she tasted and they reveled in their discovery of one another, Kris
tin focused on Max's heavy-lidded eyes, seeing desire and joy and a fierce need that matched her own.

“Are you protected?” he asked before he entered her.

It was a question the eighteen-year-old Max hadn't asked. A question she should have answered tonight before he'd inquired. “Yes,” she said. She'd been taking the pill to reduce her periods. “STDs?” she asked.

“I'm clear,” he said. “You?”

“I'm fine.”

She marveled at how easily they were having a necessary discussion about a touchy subject. And how lucky they were that their answers allowed them to continue what they were doing.

It had been a year since she'd had sex, and Kristin felt tense, afraid that this joining of bodies, delayed for so long, might not meet her expectations. Or Max's, for that matter.

“Relax,” he crooned. “We have all night.”

This was a different Max, too. Patient and considerate. Willing to wait until she was ready for him. Willing to arouse her in a very different way.

As he kissed his way down her belly she felt adored. When he slid her legs over his shoulders and lifted her up for his intimate kisses, she felt an agony of delight.

“Max,” she grated out. “Max!” She reached down and grabbed his hair.

He lifted his head to make sure she was okay and must have been satisfied with what he saw. “That's my name,
don't wear it out,” he teased before resuming what he'd been doing.

She laughed and then groaned as her body arched upward, seeking more of the unbearable pleasure he was providing with his lips and tongue.

She cried out as her body spasmed in climax, and Max held her until the powerful contractions eased. She was gasping for air, her chest heaving, as he slid up her body and pulled her close and held her tight.

She sought out his mouth to kiss him, tasting herself and him and wanting desperately to return the gift of pleasure he'd given her. But he resisted her attempts to leave his embrace.

“I want to be inside you, K.”

“And I want you there,” she replied.

He spread her thighs wide with his knees and she reached down to lead him inside, feeling the softness and heat of his flesh and the hardness that signaled his desire.

She was wet and ready and he filled her full.

“I need you, K,” he muttered. He reached for her mouth and thrust deep with his tongue, mimicking the movements of his body below. He reached between them to touch her and Kristin cried out as her body came to climax for a second time.

Max's body tensed and he threw his head back as he spilled himself inside her.

She clutched him tight as he settled on top of her, wanting the weight of him for the few moments before he slid to her side and pulled her into his embrace.

This, also, was different. The eighteen-year-old Max hadn't wanted to be close after sex. He'd left her alone in the bed feeling bereft. Now she leaned her head against Max's chest, listening as his racketing heartbeat gradually slowed.

He reached over to turn out the light, then slid his arm around her and pulled her close. She waited for him to speak, or indicate that he was ready to listen to her speak. But her eyes drifted closed before that happened.

Kristin awoke sometime later with a start, expecting to find herself alone. She reached out and encountered a muscular arm. And smiled.

Max was asleep on the other side of the bed.

The room was still dark, but when she hit the luminous dial on her Timex, she saw it was nearly six. They were due on the tennis court at Wimbledon at nine.

She wanted to have the conversation Max had avoided last night. She wanted to know why he'd been so angry when he'd arrived. And why he'd changed his mind about making love to her.

“Max?” she whispered.

He turned to face her and said, “I'm awake.”

She felt suddenly, ridiculously, shy. She lowered her gaze and felt his lips on hers.

“Sorry about the morning breath,” he said.

She grinned and met his gaze as he leaned back onto his pillow. “Worth it to know you still feel like kissing me in the morning.” She saw the brief frown between his brows, and suspected he was remembering the reason she'd given him for walking away ten years ago.

“Why were you so angry last night?” she said, wanting answers and afraid he might decide to bolt after all.

“I told you. I wanted what we lost ten years ago.”

“What was that?” she asked. “Friendship?”

“The possibility of so much more than that.” He crossed his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling as he spoke. “I was in love with you, K.”

Kristin sat up and shoved the pillow up behind her and pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “I find that hard to believe.”

He turned on his side, his head perched on his hand. “Why?”

“I can't even count the number of women who came in and out of your life over the years I knew you.”

“The operative word there is
of my life,” he said. “You remained the one constant.”

“So when did you fall in love with me?” she demanded.

He shrugged. “I don't know. I didn't really know, until you were gone. I have to say, your reason for running was pretty lame.”

“You underestimate the idiocy of a teenage girl in love,” Kristin said quietly.

“Yeah. There is that.”

“So what did you have in mind? An affair for the few weeks I'm here?” If he'd really loved her then, perhaps a proposal now wasn't beyond the realm of possibility.

What about Flick? He doesn't know he has a daughter.

For the very first time, Kristin felt guilty about keeping Flick a secret from Max. Now she was afraid to tell him, for fear that whatever feelings might have survived their ten-year separation would die a brutal death if he discovered the depth of her deceit regarding his daughter.

“There's something I've been waiting ten years to tell you,” he said.

“What is that?” she said warily.

“A secret I discovered about my mother.”

“Are you sure you want to tell me now?”

He sat up with his back to her, his feet on the floor. “I've been carrying this burden around with me because there's no one else but you I would trust with it.”

“You couldn't tell Oliver?”

“Especially not Oliver,” Max said.

“Is it something to do with him? Maybe you shouldn't tell me.”

“I overheard my mother arguing with her twin sister. Did I ever tell you she has a twin? Anyway, Aunt Alicia showed up at the Abbey for Christmas. My mother wanted her gone. My aunt had a teenage boy with her she said was her son. But she wasn't married and never had been. She said Bull was the boy's father.”

Kristin gasped. “No. Oh, no. Max, that's awful. What did your mother say? What did she do?”

“She turned white. Which made me think she believed my aunt was telling the truth.”

“What did you do? What did you say?”

“I closed the door to my mother's sitting room and
walked away,” Max said. “I didn't want to hear any more. I meant to tell you the night we had sex, but…” He smiled ruefully. “I got distracted. Later, I tried calling you, but you weren't talking to me. You wouldn't see me. You didn't want anything to do with me.”

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