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Authors: Mary E Palmerin,Poppet

Invasion (14 page)

BOOK: Invasion
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“Want me to answer it?” I ask her.

“Pretend you’re my boyfriend?” she pleads.

“Sure. So what’s the deal. Give me some background so I’m not going into this blind.”

“We were married – DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG – but we divorced after the cheating bastard screwed that skank of a secretary. She’s now preggers and he’s been nothing but a total nightmare, wanting to screw me after entering a committed relationship with her, and then last week he decides he wants back in with me for real, to have his baby! Do I look desperate, or just stupid? I got the house, he gets the pregnant bitch. End of.”

“Carly!!!” bellows from the front door.

“Got it,” I nod, getting up from my seat to head to the door, then remember I’m not supposed to know what Mark looks like. Pivoting back to her mid-stride to the door, I can see him jonesing to get in, staring in the side pane next to the front door. “How do I know it’s him?”

“Oh blast it. I’ll do it! But you’re living here, for two months we’ve been fucking like rugrats on crack, and we’re SO in love you’re going to put a rock on my finger any day now,” she commands, stomping past me to the door, flinging it wide to confront the dipshit on the other side.

“What the hell do you want?” she spits at him, fearsome as a spitfire.

“Darling, that’s no way to greet your husband. Now let me in. Why have you been ignor–” he stops his push past her to get inside and out of the cold when he sees me halfway between the kitchen and the front door. I’m being territorial, arms folded, glowering at the cocksucker.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you have company. Maybe I should stop by later, when you don’t have the hired help around the house.” Turning to her he hisses spitefully, “You should clear this with me. I should never have let you keep the house.”

“Go fuck yourself, Mark! This is my house, not yours! You’re not welcome here and if you use your key to let yourself in one more time I’m calling the cops!”

I’m slowly strolling, panthering across the gleaming tiles, forcing my intimidating body into his line of sight.

“We have to talk. Stop being a brat, Carly, or I’ll put you over my knee and remind you what discipline feels like. I paid for this house and I can walk in anytime I please!”

“That’s enough,” I warn him, my voice coming out so deep and threatening that even I’m impressed. “The lady said leave, so leave.” I’m almost at them now.

“Mind your business buddy, this is between me and my

And that’s an invitation to flatten him if ever I heard one.

Clasping Carly’s hand I tug her behind me, putting myself between her and him, getting in his face, stooping to meet the prick eye to eye, “Listen very,
, carefully. You have ten seconds to evacuate the residence before I physically remove you. You are trespassing on private property.”

The asshole rams his chin up, gritting his teeth, eyes narrowed, all swanky in his golf clothes, and prods me in the chest with a finger begging to be broken, “I’m a lawyer. Get out of my way or I’ll sue you for intent to do bodily harm, harassment, and IIED.”

I don’t think, I just do, reflexes I don’t control take over. I have his arm twisted behind his back, his fingers in a break hold, and I’m marching him outside, shunting him from me before I lose my shit. “
breaking the law. If you show up here one more time I’ll sue
for harassment, breaking and entering with harmful intent, grievous mental anguish for Carly, and stalking!” Stepping right up I get my chest in his face. “I heard you threaten to discipline my girlfriend. Dude, you’re fucking with the wrong man. Stay away from my woman. This is private property and if you enter it uninvited again you’ll be giving me a free pass to put a bullet in your head. Are we clear?”

And like any fuckwit with ego issues the runt steps back, winds up his fist like it’s a rusty clock, and tries to deck me.

My reflexes are a revelation, I’ve blocked the punch with one hand strike, sidestepped so he loses his balance with momentum, and punched the side of his head so hard he bombs the ground like a land mine.

Leaning over him, I sneer, “I’m defending my property and my woman. You can now add assault to the charges I’ll be filing against you.
and take me to court, motherfucker. You’ll be dead before there’s a hearing. Want to know how you’ll die? Choking on your own teeth, asshole. You deserve a coffin, but you won’t get one. You’ll just go missing. I hear you have a baby on the way. Fuck off, don’t come back and that kid gets to have a father.”

Standing, fists still clenched, my calm is creeping me out because it’s manic as fuck, I warn him, “Tomorrow morning Carly is taking a restraining order out on you. You come within a hundred feet of her and the law will be swarming your ass, that means zero contact, not via post, email, or phone,
we’ll go public with all the messages you’ve been sending her. I’ll trash your reputation and credibility. What kind of lawyer doesn’t uphold the rights of women? Oh right,
kind! The punitive damages I’ll extort from you will bankrupt you. Get lost.
Fuck off
!” I grab him up and shove him towards his swanky car. “Move it douchebag, or I’m going inside and calling the pigs to come and collect the swine dropping the property value in my neighborhood!”

He scrambles, visibly shaking, a fat bruise blooming on the side of his face.

“Next time I’ll break your jaw and your Adam’s apple. Don’t come back unless you want a fight! The only time you get to legally step foot on this property is if you have a warrant!”

He fumbles opening his car door, dropping his keys twice, and I’m laughing at the pathetic moron.

Seriously. What the fuck did Carly see in this suit?

Tires squeal on the icy drive, and he’s gone.

I wait until I can no longer hear his car engine before turning around.

Carly’s in the doorway just the way she was not an hour ago.

Doing a swift visual sweep of the perimeter I head back indoors, guiding her in and closing the door behind me, when she jumps up, snatches my ears, yanks me down, and sticks her warm pink tongue down my throat.

My flaccid wood reanimates in triple time and I no longer give two shits about waiting, or doing the socially acceptable thing. I lift her up by hooking a hand under each thigh and hauling her up to me, twisting us around and slamming her against the door, kissing her like these are my last two seconds on the planet and I’m going down buried deep in pussy.

There’s nothing in the universe that can kill this thrill.



Becoming someone’s possession

means you are possessed






hought is shackled. I’m running on undiluted adrenaline and basic instinct, the brute in me taking the wheel and driving me directly to hell.

She’s mashing my lips, sucking on my tongue, writhing her crotch over mine, eliciting squeaks of mania. I just need in. I can’t wait. I’ve waited long enough god damn it!

In half a second I’ve moved us to the lounge, bending and dropping us to the carpet, my lips glued to her mouth, her neck, her temple, one fist knotted in her hair while my other hand strips the yoga pants down and off a leg, opening her up only to find my passage is barred with panties.

Growling low and deep I sit back, my heart racing, gripping the material with both hands and arm-springing the silk in twain like a chest expansion exercise, seeing arousal waiting for me, hit with it like a tsunami of primal perfume.

She crunches up and I shove her back down, following her motion, hemming her in with my body, balancing on knees akimbo, furiously unzipping and unbuttoning, freeing the pounding rage in my pants, and shunt into her cunt without consideration. Slamming long and deep in brutal pumps I pull all the way out and rocket all the way back in, piking her across the carpet. Short legs compress around me, her arms fastened to my neck, her teeth on my throat, biting hard, and jesus fucking christ I’m in paradise. I’ve ascended. I’m in heaven.

The honeyed heat, the lubrication, the suction, the knowing of where I am and what I’m doing, seeing us psychically like remote viewing, watching my shaft slide and slip into the deep seat of liquid heat, I’m about to cum, my balls are behind my corneas they’ve needed this so much, every vein in my body is about to pop, tingles and sweat searing my spine, my dick, my nuts, down the inside of my thighs, and I punch into her with my entire being, roaring a grunt of barbaric victory. The pain of her bite takes me to an elevated ecstasy, a supernatural dimension where all I hear is the gasping in my ear, the slice of skin, the scent of blood and cum and sex and musk and woman, pressing on her clit with all my weight, shifting to catch my breath, when she arches her neck off mine, tugging the skin on my throat with her, screaming like I just took a poker to her eye.

She screeches like I penetrated her uterus with my length, hitting stomach acid, and instantly head butts me like Xena on girl’s night out.

It catches me completely by surprise, enough for her to gain advantage because as diminutive as she is she manages to roll us, and she starts riding up and down on me, straddling me, forcing my penis back to a salute, ripping her shirt off and tangling with her bra like it burns, then kidnaps my hands to her boobs, shouting, “Squeeze them, hard!”

I do, but she’s a woman and I’m a giant with strength that could snap her in half,
and she slaps me
! Hissing, “HARD!”

“You slap me again and I’ll fuck you so brutally in the ass you’ll be bleeding for a week.”

Releasing a demented giggle she just shakes her head, amusement looking down at me like a fun ride, up down up down, like the cinematographer is going over speed bumps and pot holes, “You saintly uncorrupted fucker. If it can bleed, I do it.”

“Fine,” I grin, grinding the fuck out of her B cups, until she has no boob, the skin is distended and flat to her chest, ribs worn like an Apache chief’s, the mammary fat in my fists squeezed so tight it balloons the other side of my fingers.

“Oh my god, like that!” she croons, diluting her voice with lust, with rhapsody, and I’m looking at my hands with boobs thin as a straw in my grip, nipples popping out next to my curled thumb, and squeeze even harder, watching them turn purple with pressure. The insane woman wilts and droops like someone let all the air out, her pussy clamping so tight around my wood I swear to god she just blew the semen back to my prostate.

She cums so hard the juice oozes over my sac and I’m physically feeling the contractions. Now that she’s had her kicks I release my load again, refilling her cavity with my scent, with my mark, with my stain; branding her as my property, not

When she opens her eyes her stare is loving and happy, her cheeks pink with exertion, her lips too red and smooth, smiling lazily at me with seductive satisfaction. “Keep this up and you can stay.”

“Give me a minute,” I laugh, smiling at the insane enigma claiming my cock like a flag on Mars. It’s hers, you can see it. Once Carly lets you in, that’s it, the divine contract is signed in excretions and the merging of spirits, and she is so hot inside that I’m broken by the bliss of being deeply buried.

Watching her, looking for regret, for second thoughts when she slowly lifts off me, my still rigid cock slaps against my stomach when she slides back to my thighs, she seems driven, not sorry. Bending over my crotch she lifts my pride and joy, and swallows the entirety of my penis in one sublime scoop, as if it doesn’t reach her heart cos she’s pint sized and I’m not, there’s nowhere for my wood to go but be swallowed like a sword in a circus; and her mouth is so little her jaw should be dislocating.

It’s the fastest orgasm of my existence. I went from ‘what are we doing’ to HOLY MOTHER OF GOD in negative time, the strength from her throat convulsively choking on my penis so exquisite that I’m losing consciousness when I shoot so hard and fast, dry heaving semen into a woman rabid with wickedness.

Her eyes roll and I pull out before her jaw locks or her teeth clamp down, gripping her by the hair, relishing the sick suction sound of my girth running along mucous and tendons, so hot and slimy and fucking magnificent!

Laying her next to me I check for pulse, then breathing, relieved when she comes back to awareness as if nothing untoward just went down. Her little hand cups the back of my head where I lean over her, pulling my mouth to hers, giving me a sedate kiss before latching to the blood running down my neck and into my sweater. I’m still dressed, what a pretentious prick.

Kissing my throat she releases the gentle hold she has on my head, her lips coated in crimson, her teeth pink with blood, saying like a demonic princess, “Are you thirsty, or can we keep humping? I want to bleed, Gavin. Make me bleed.”

“So violence turns you on?” I smile down into her green stare, knowing it was my altercation with Mark that tipped the scales into my favor.

do. Since I opened the door I needed you to fracture my pelvis because you’re nailing me so hard.”

“Fucking like rugrats on crack?” I tease.

“Oh yes,” she purrs, snuggling up to me, filling the chasm in my heart with too many feels.

I’m possessed by her. Crazy as that sounds, it’s true.

She gives me all the feels; all of them.

I’m so fucked.




Who the hell was that? This is bullshit!

If she was dating someone, I’d know. I’ve had that Nanny Cam in the living room for months, except the stupid bitch moved the TV to the lounge instead and the angle of the Cam now aims at the fucking wall. She always preferred the lounge and if I’d used my head I’d have put the blasted thing there instead.

I wanted to get in there to move the damn thing, but no, Miss Righteous got in my face and sent her goon to thump me.

Stopping at the traffic light I check my face in the rearview mirror, horrified by my swollen reflection. It throbs like root canal.

That asshole’s gonna get his dues.

I’m still trembling and pull over on the shoulder halfway home, opening my door to puke on the asphalt, forced to rinse my mouth out with my emergency water bottle in the trunk.

I always have a survival kit in the trunk, it’s important to be prepared for every eventuality – which is why what just transpired shocked the shit out of me. I should’ve
damn it.

That’s why the slut has been ignoring me. It’s that interfering thug. God above! He’s probably got syphilis or something just as bad, now if I want to screw my own wife I have to sterilize her with antibiotics and god knows what else.

I should have been a doctor, not a lawyer. I’d have seen a ton load more pussy, for free, get to finger all the cunts running rampant in this town. They have to have those pap smear things once a year so I’d get to finger plenty of the whores
get paid to do it.

Walking back to the driver’s door I sit sideways, feet out the car, hiney in the leather bucket seat, lighting a cigarette and putting Carrie on speed dial. Mumsy pointed out how similar their names are. I can’t believe I didn’t see it.

Mumsy also has contention with Carrie. She went with her for the ultrasound and insists that baby is too far along to be mine.

Unlike my marriage to Carly I tell Mumsy everything, because she’s the only women alive who doesn’t judge and criticize me. She knows when I turned to Carrie for comfort, for reassurance that I’m virile. The fucking cunt I married had me doubting my own manhood. It made me seething mad that she just couldn’t lay an egg. Women have been doing it for millennia and I had to marry the one bitch with the faulty factory.

Before the call connects I hit end call. Carrie’s not my friend, she’s my whore. You don’t phone whores when you are having a bad day, you phone them when you’re ready to spill a little sauce for the starving. She is skinny, far too conceited and worried about her weight. I had to force feed Carly to get her up to the right body weight for pregnancy. What is it with women and the bathroom scale?

Reaching into the box of Gauloises I light another, fidgeting with my phone, when I make a decision. I have men on the payroll to dig up dirt I can use in court, and this seems like the perfect job for Jorge. Fingering my phone I locate his number and hit dial.

“My man!” greets me on speaker phone while I’m inhaling more nicotine to calm my nerves and eradicate the latent taste of vomit. “To what do I owe the pleasure, old man?”

“Watch who you call old, Jorge.”

The rough chuckle of a terrifying criminal laughs through the speaker, “Oh yeah? You’re virtually a pensioner. You go gray when? Twenties? Thirties? How old are you Marky?”

I want to piss in his mouth when he calls me Marky, but the man scares the fuck out of me. “Fifty-six. Not that it’s any of your business. This is a business call, not a social one.”

“I hear you’re gonna be a papa. So you can still do it like the geriatric at the Playboy Mansion eh compa

How the fuck does he know my business? That alone should fill my briefs with a watery stool sample.

Ignoring the Spanish inquisition conducted the wrong way round, I snap, “I need you to look into a man dating my ex.”

“Oh Marky, it’s gonna cost you white boy. Cost you too much. We’re in the middle of a gang war and you call me because some fucker is boning your old lady? What do I care.”

“He’s a thug! I need to bury that bastard!” I shout, my hands shaking so much with delayed shock that I scatter ash all over the cream seat. Now I’m rightly annoyed, leaping to a stand and furiously brushing the ash to the street.

“Yeah? Sounds like someone don’t care you a law man. Sounds like someone knows you’re a cocksucker, Marky,” laughs the brutal bastard.

BOOK: Invasion
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