Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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“What’s the matter?” Lourna asked, interrupting my thoughts. “Nothing, why you ask me that?” I asked her. “Because, I don’t feel that big bump down there no more, are you nervous or somethin’? “Nah, I ain’t nervous, it’s just that things are happening so fast.” I said as I reached down to see what was poking me in my in my back area. “Oh shit, that gun!” I thought as I quickly moved Lourna off of my lap and jumped out of my seat. I was hoping that it didn’t go off and someone got shot, including me. “What’s the matter Korey?” Lourna asked as she caught her balance from me getting her up off of me so quickly. I was beginning to panic a little because I didn’t want to get caught by security with a pistol in my pocket. “Noth..” “Is everything o.k here Miss?” One of the bouncers asked as he grabbed me by my arm quickly. “Everything is fine, this is my man.” Lourna reassured as she slapped the bouncer’s arm and moved it away from me. “He almost came on himself that’s all.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on my cheek. “Oh, I’m sorry mam, but your husband is gonna have to take a seat. We don’t want to disturb any other guest, have a nice evening.” He said and then walked away. “What’s wrong?” Lourna asked seriously as she sat me back down in the chair and climbed on top of me. “I got this gun on me that Mike gave me.” I told her. “Oh that’s all. You cool with that, nobody’s gonna mess with you in here.” She said calmly. I kinda felt a little relieved, but a little strange also. “I’m not used to carrying guns, especially in clubs around all these people and what not.” I said.

“Look, if you want me to take it, I’ll take it, but I’m telling you that you’re o.k. I got mine in my purse.” She said. Wow! I thought, this chick packin’ heat too! What the hell am I getting myself into! I thought as Lourna proceeded to grind down on me. I let the thought of me doing the same thing that I was totally against just yesterday slowly fade to the back of my mind when Lourna began to kiss me on my neck. So I closed my eyes, laid my head back and enjoyed my very first lap dance and thrill ride of Lourna Doone’s seduction. Her warm moist lips carefully kissed my neck, and the heat of her breath only excited me even more. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I was expecting to see the ceiling when I looked up, but was surprised by the vision of Mike lookin’ down upon me with Naomi standing behind him.

“You havin fun my nigga.” He said smiling. “Hellll yeaa.” I manage to moan out. Lourna stopped and stood to her feet. “We gonna have to re up on some more shit in a few.” He explained. “I wanna go with y’all when y’all do go Mike.” Lourna said. “Sure you don’t wanna get some of this money up in here tonite?” Mike asked. “No, I didn’t come here to make any money tonight, I came to have a little fun and I was until you messed our groove up.” She said as she looked over at me. “We’ll see, until then y’all go do what y’all do best while we finish gettin’ this money.” Mike said. Lourna and Naomi walked away as Mike and I headed back to the back room through the club’s thick crowd and loud music.




THE SET UP                                                                               

When we made it to the backroom Mike opened the safe and took out some more of the cocaine. “Yeah my man John should be here in a little while. He said he needed a half a key. Aight, Hank!” Mike joked. We both laughed as Lourna and Nikki walked in. “What y’all laughin’ at?” Nikki asked. “Ha ha ha, nothin’ Nikki, we just reminiscing on some old times.” Mike replied. “I just hope that y’all not planning no freaky shit to try on us.” Nikki said, while looking us both from head to toe like she was ready for whatever whenever. “Us, where you get that us shit from? Now you
Mike know that I don’t be doin’ this type of shit on the regular, and I definitely ain’t with that freaky shit like you tryin’ to make it seem like, so huh, let’s not let nobody get the wrong impression here, okay?” Lourna stated. “Whatever bitch, you just tryin to act like you changed, but you still the same ol’ Lourna Doone from back then...”

“Bitch?” Lourna interrupts. “Who the fuck you callin’ a bitch? Oh now you really tryin’ to show your ass off tonite BITCH! You need to not drink no more ‘cause you about to start some shit up in here for real!” Lourna screamed. “Yo, the both y’all need to either shut the fuck up or get the fuck out! We got some business to take care of up in here right now!” Mike shouted at them both as they stared down each other coldly. “She the one..” “No bitch you tryin’ to..” They both began to argue at once. “
Botha yall shut the fuck up!”
Mike screamed loudly over them both.

They both got quiet. “Nikki why the fuck you gotta start shit when you start drinkin’? and I’m not askin’ you this as a question, I’m tellin’ you, stop the fuckin’ bullshit you doin’ right now ‘cause right now ain’t the time for that, and you know that shit! For real for real, you need to go out there and shake some of that fatass of yours and make some money for daddy. Ya heard!?” Mike said loudly, trying to difuse the situation. I could tell that Nikki was the wild type by the way she glanced around the room at everybody like they were against her. She had a dumbfounded look on her face. “Fuck all y’all!” She said as she stormed out of the door and slammed it shut.

                                                                                                               “Fuck you too bitch! Nikki, come here! Cummm back Nikki Cumm back! Mike joked, imitating Prince in the movie Purple Rain, but the door remained closed.  

“Anyway yeah, my man John called me a little while ago and said he want a kilo and a half.” Mike explained.

“Where he at?” I asked. “He gonna meet us by the room, Hank.” Mike joked.“Ha haa, iight MARK! No, MARCUS ain’t it?” I joked. We all laughed.

“Where’s Naomi?” Mike asked.

“She said that she was gonna stay behind and make some of that money in there.” Lourna replied and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “So why you not in there cleaning up on all that money flying around in there? Mike asked. “Maybe I don’t need the money that bad, you ever thought about that?” Lourna said as she leaned forward to get a better view. “Shit, you crazy as fuck if you don’t need money that bad, everybody need money girl. If I was a fine ass chick, shit I’d be shakin my ass off all up in that mafucka right now.” Mike said.

“If you was a chick how you know that you would even have any ass to shake?” Lourna asked jokily. “Shit, I’ll just shake what my mama gave me then.” Mike smiled and said. We all laughed as he gathered the money and we all walked out to the car. “Yo Lourna, I want you to tell Korey how much we made last week, not including this shit we doin’ right here though. Tell him how much we made between the online fantasy shit and the telephone sex lines, and the girls dancing. Tell him how much Lourna.” Mike said to Lourna. I looked back at Lourna, who looked over at Mike, and then at me. “One hundred seventy nine thousand dollars, give or take a few hundred.” Lourna said plainly. “And that’s not even including this Ghost shit Kore, we made like a hundred and eighty grand last week and sometimes we make more than that on a good week, and with this shit right here, this ghost shit? I’m straight Kore, I ain’t really gotta work no more, especially for no bullshittin’ ass mafucka like Sal and ‘nem.” Mike bragged.

“That’s why I’m tellin’ you, if you roll with me on this shit right here, you gonna be straight in a little while too. My mans and nem flyin’ in right now and I’m gonna introduce you to him. I already told him a lot about you and how bad I wanted you to be down. Don’t get me wrong though, there’s gonna be times when you might get tired of doin’ this shit too, I know because I feel that way sometimes too, but think about all the money you gonna make. Look at you Kore, you live in that little ass apartment, don’t get me wrong it is aight though, it’s cute, but it is kinda small compared to any of my cribs. I’m sayin’ that to say, you can have the same thing I got. Fuck a landlord son, fuck renting from a mafuacka and fuck a car payment. Everything I got, no, everything WE got, is fully paid for nameen?  I own ALL of my shit dawg.” Mike bragged.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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