Intrigue Me (11 page)

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Authors: Jo Leigh

BOOK: Intrigue Me
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She grinned at him. “Ready?”

“Depends. What do I do?”

“Stand there—” she pointed at a spot closer to the audience “—and look mean.”

He tried, but stopped as soon as he heard laughter. Most of it came from Lisa. She pressed her lips together and then demonstrated how she could poke his eyes out with two fingers, with two knuckles, with a key held in her palm, and finally scratching with her nails. He held his breath through most of it.

“That’s a whole lot more ways than I ever thought about,” Mrs. Washington said.

“That’s going to be true of most of the moves. I want you to think beyond what you’ve seen on TV. Use what you have. Practice so often, it becomes second nature. Kind of like when you hit that junkie with your purse. I could tell that hadn’t been your first time.”

That got a laugh and Mrs. Washington beamed. It made Daniel feel more comfortable, as well. He figured the rest would be easier now that he knew what to expect. With the possible exception of her kneeing his junk. Even in slow motion and with no contact, he was going to cringe.

“Don’t forget that when you’re this distance from your attacker, you might have more than your hand at the ready. You might be able to strike his nose with the base of your hand,” she said, demonstrating on him again, “
kick his knee or stomp on his foot.”

Valeria waved her hand. “If I’m that close, I’m going for the junk. No offense, Dr. Cassidy.”

“None taken,” he said, smiling. He must remember to bring Valeria coffee and a doughnut every single day.

“Use what you can,” Lisa said, her voice carrying easily to everyone. Watching her work was just as extraordinary as the moves she’d put on the junkie.

As she showed the methods of striking his neck and his ear, he thought about what made this class so exceptional. It wasn’t the material. It was Lisa’s conviction. When she spoke to these women who lived in one of the roughest parts of New York, it was with a belief so heartfelt it couldn’t help but inspire. There was so much to admire about her, and yet he couldn’t help but wonder again what she’d gone through to have become such a warrior. He would never ask. But he hoped someday she’d tell him.

The rest of the demonstrations went by even more smoothly. He did what she asked, even when she raised her knee, then executed a kick so high, he couldn’t bear to think of what it would feel like.

“We’re almost at the end,” she said. “So I’m going to demonstrate one way to defend yourself if your attacker has you in his grip.”

Turning to him, she said, keeping her voice low, “I’d like you to wait until I look away, answering a question or something. Then wrap me in a bear hug. That’s both arms around me from behind, your hands clasped at my waist. Okay? Just be aware that this maneuver will be more physical, but I won’t hurt you. You’ll feel me spreading my knees. Do it with me, if you can. When I drop my weight, you drop, too. Just let it happen. Okay?”

“I’m ready.”

“Good.” She faced the group again, and sure enough someone’s hand came up. But he wasn’t about to wait. He wanted this demo over. So he went for it and grabbed Lisa just as she’d asked him to.

There were gasps from the crowd, but before the sound passed, she had shifted her knees, and he’d followed suit. Then she’d dropped her weight forward.

That was when he realized the problem. Not that she couldn’t break out of his hold—of course she could. But the way his front was pressed against her backside? Problem. In the junk area.

His mouth, thankfully, was very close to her ear. “Do not,” he whispered as strongly as possible, “give me a boner.”

She froze. Then she started shaking.

“Quit. Moving.”

The shaking got worse, but then she stomped on his foot, found a finger, pulled it back far enough to cause a twinge, pulled that same arm out as far as she could go, then did a near-miss kick to his elbow joint, then his groin.

Problem. Solved.

She thanked him for being a good sport, and that was when he realized she’d been trying not to laugh out loud. Yet, when she turned her attention to the women in the class, all he could think of was how he could get them both into his bed as quickly as humanly possible.


Daniel’s brownstone in record time. The second they were on the threshold, he pulled her into a searing kiss. It was as if they’d never done it before and would never get the chance again. But then he kissed her a second time and it was just as desperate. They were breathless for each other. Eager and panting and only catching a breath when things went white.

He couldn’t let go, but he turned them far enough that he could kick the door shut. She had her hands on either side of his head, holding him steady for her lips. It was a different dance this time, full of noises and need, and she tasted wonderful, perfect. Damn it, he’d been starving for this.
with her fingers in his hair, and his arm around her back until they stumbled into the couch.

That didn’t stop them. A clumsy elbow in his rib made her freeze. “I’m sorry. Are you all right—?”

He gathered her in his arms and drew her back to the couch. Then she pushed him until he either had to raise his legs or break them. He chose correctly because she straddled his waist. “I’m fine,” he said. “You?”


“Yes, you are.” He pulled her straight down into another kiss. It was long and deep, and her hands were on his chest, touching every part she could reach. He’d never wanted to be naked so badly, but he couldn’t let go of her. Not yet.

She tweaked his nipple as her hand passed, making him arch high, with her thighs tightening around his hips. That made his cock impossibly harder.

She grinned against his mouth, and the kiss became slow and languid with tiny breaths and long moans. Her body rested on his so he could feel her heat and her pointed little nipples.

Then his stomach rumbled. So loudly he wanted to punch a wall. It made her laugh, but the moment—the swirling space they’d disappeared in—was gone.

“I didn’t have a chance to eat much today, what with trying to get to your class. So it’s your fault.”

“Since I’m parched and starving, I’ll take the blame.”

She started to move away, but he stopped her. “No paperwork emergencies pending?”

She shook her head. “Ever since I got a new hole punch, the papers have been behaving themselves.”

“Okay, then. We have time for food.”

“Thanks, your highness,” she said, and then she climbed off him.

While he went to the kitchen to check on his beverage selection, Lisa stayed in the living room with the old bookcase and super ugly chairs. The other night she hadn’t seen much of the brownstone. Only his bedroom, really. But she was getting an eyeful now. He felt weird about the strange decor only when he had guests, and that almost never happened.

The oversize fridge was alarmingly bare. Luckily, there were some drinks. “I have bottled water...” he called. “...or there’s Sapporo, Heineken, Blue Moon...”

“Whoa, this kitchen is huge.” She pushed against him to take a peek. “That looks a lot like my fridge, except I also use mine for food. Actually, that’s a lie. It looks nothing like my fridge. You could store half a cow in this ridiculous thing.”

“It’s a shame that I don’t cook,” he said. They were still bent over staring at the contents. “I’ve been told this is a true chef’s paradise.”

“Huh,” she said as she wandered away. When he stood up, he found her checking out the six-burner gas stove and the stainless-steel sink.

“I think I told you how my uncle left the place to me? Well, if you’re in need of pots, I’m your man.” He gestured to the bevy of copper pots hanging over a sturdy oak island. “So, what’s it going to be?”

“I’ll have a Heineken, please. You must have been close to him.”

“My uncle?” He grabbed two bottles. “When I was very young, yes. He had an open-cockpit airplane he doted over. Used to take me for rides. I loved it because he did a lot of stunts. Went to air shows all over the country.”

“That sounds pretty awesome for a little kid.”

He handed her the opened beer. “My brother, who wasn’t a big fan of air travel, decided he wanted to go up. Probably because I was enjoying it so much. But he got sick all over himself and my uncle. That was it for plane rides.”

They’d drifted back to the living room and the overabundance of aircraft memorabilia. “Both of you had to stop?”

He nodded. Took a swig of beer. “I got Uncle Frank’s house because Warren was in line to get the family home. Frank was more interested in his planes than people, so no heirs. He was very wealthy. He’s got patents on some aircraft parts that are still used in a lot of major airlines.”

“Wow. When did you move in?”

“A little over four years ago. When I came back to New York after my residency in Baltimore.”

“You’d already become a licensed physician.”

He nodded.

She touched one of the small planes that dotted the decor. “Nice that you had this to come back to.”

“I haven’t done much with it. I was more interested in completing the fellowship at Mount Sinai initially. Then...well, the Center was left to both of us.”

She turned to look at him, her brows drawn in a delicate frown. She looked absolutely beautiful in her leggings and pink top, strong and perfectly toned. “You mean you and—”

“Warren, yes. But wait. Food. You want to call in or go out?”

“I had sort of planned to eat naked...but sure, we can go out.”

“We’ll call in.” He wanted to steal her away to his bedroom now. Let them die tragically from starvation in each other’s arms. “Have I told you how great you were teaching that class?”

Smiling, she nodded. “Five or six times.”

“That’s because I mean it.” He caught her hand and pulled her close. “Everyone loved it—”

“Too much. I have no idea why I said I’d consider doing another lesson. I’m not qualified to do more than what I did today.”

He kissed her, slipping his fingers under the waistband of her leggings, her skin warm and soft. She curled up against his chest. Blindly they both set their bottles on the bookcase at the same time. Daniel moved his hand down until he reached the edge of her panties. God, just breathing her in—

Her stomach growled. It wasn’t nearly as loud as his, and he might have overlooked it if she hadn’t broken the kiss and burst out laughing.

“All right, fine. The stomachs have spoken,” he said, reluctant to let her go. After a peck on the tip of her nose, he led her to the kitchen drawer next to the range and took out a large stack of menus. “I’ve got pizza,” he said, throwing the first menu on the counter. “Pasta and pizza, Thai, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Indian, burgers and cupcakes, American, sushi, vegetarian, deli, Mediterra—”

“Wait. Go back.”

He picked up the last one.


“Can you give me a hint?”

“Fine. That first one. Pizza.”

He grinned as he fished it out from the bottom of the stack.

“Which is your favorite?” she asked, looking at the front pictures.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “They don’t make a pizza I don’t like, so you pick.”

She shook her head. “No, you’re missing the point. You have, like, thirty menus, and this one was not only on top, it’s a mess. So I figure this is the place you order from the most. And then I figured if that were true, you probably ordered the best pizza ever. So which one is it?”

“Well done, Sherlock,” he said in an admittedly horrible British accent. Which he wouldn’t do again. “Cheese. The kind where you bend it in half and burn the roof of your mouth.”

“Sounds wonderful. Order, please? I’d do it, but they clearly know you.”

He whipped out his phone, but when he hung up, she was back in the living room, looking at the books. “How long?”

“Twenty-five minutes.” And he knew exactly how they’d spend the time.

He joined her, slinging an arm around her waist. He nuzzled her neck where it met her shoulder. “So, you must’ve been a detective,” he said. “Back when you were a cop.”

Her whole body tensed. He cursed himself up one side and down the other. He almost let her go, but she made the first move, slipping out of his embrace.

Shit. “I’m so sorry. I know you don’t like to talk about it. My mistake. I hope I’ll never make it again, but to be honest, I might.”

“It’s okay. It’s not a big deal. Yes, I was a detective.”

He went to her but didn’t touch. Instead he stood very close. And she let him. “I truly am sorry.”

“I know. It’s fine. I promise.” She kissed him, briefly, nothing heavy. Then nodded at the books. “Have you read all these?”

“Not even a sampling. Those are all Frank’s books. I haven’t had a lot of free time. Why do you think this place looks like something out of the Warner Brothers back lot?”

“Come on, it’s interesting.”

“No, it isn’t. But I’ll get around to making it my own at some point.” He smiled, somehow not surprised she was okay with interesting over chic. “Come, I’ll give you the rest of the tour.”

* * *

been crazy good, and the cold beer had been the perfect touch. Between the two of them, they’d almost polished it off. She certainly felt better, even though they’d eaten in the huge dining room instead of bed. He’d shown her around the entire large house before they’d eaten, except for the only room she’d remembered.

His bedroom seemed different in the light of day. Again, the furnishings were weird but the linens they pulled down were as sleek and modern as the bed itself. The rest of the room wasn’t. Uncle Frank really didn’t have an eye for decorating.

Daniel grabbed several condoms and put them on his nightstand. They had one pillow each and far too many clothes on.

“You know what? I’m actually pretty tired after all that pizza.”

His face! He looked as if she’d busted his favorite toy.

“Kidding,” she said, walking around the bed to rest her head against his chest. “I hereby promise that until you have a proper orgasm, I won’t make any more jokes, okay?”

“Okay,” he said. “But can you let go of me now so we can get undressed?”

She tweaked his still-covered nipple. “Are we doing this fast, slow or sexy?”

“All of the above?”

“You do the slow and sexy parts. I’m stripping.” She started with her T-back, whipping it off and tossing it over her shoulder.

“I like your idea better,” Daniel said. He yanked his own T-shirt off and followed quickly with his track shorts.

“Ooh, nice jock,” she said, cupping his cup.

“That’s not a cup. That’s my ridiculously manly cock.”

She laughed as she pushed off her leggings. “Talk, talk, talk. That’s all you ever want to do.”

He was out of the jockstrap in record time. When she looked up, she realized he hadn’t been kidding by much. The last two times had been whirlwinds. This time, well, they had time.

Naked and gorgeous, his chest rising and falling rapidly, he stepped closer. “You need help with that?”

Lisa had already slipped off her shoes and socks, but her pink thong was still on. “Tear this and you die,” she said, right before she bumped into him.

He hissed at the contact against his erection, but he had the wherewithal to lower her thong carefully until it fell to the floor, then pick her up caveman style and toss her onto the bed.

She squealed with surprise and then laughed. He kissed her as she was sitting up and she’d imagined this very scenario more than once. Them, on the big bed, wanting to please each other with lips and tongues and touch.

She was on her back as they took a breath break. Seconds later he straddled her, knees bent at the top of her thighs, arms stiff next to her shoulders. Mouth perfectly aligned.

“God, I could...” He was far enough away that they could look into each other’s eyes.

“What’s stopping you?”

“I have no idea,” he whispered.

The kiss that followed was full of heat and passion and
. When they were both wrecked from kissing and touching, they were in the exact same position breathing each other’s breath as if that was the only source of oxygen. He kissed her again, and it was even better than the last. Synchronized bliss.

Shifting to the left, he balanced himself so perfectly that his right hand was free to explore. It wasn’t a very complicated trail. He cupped her breast, and with every breath they stole, he massaged her flesh and swirled his finger around her nipple. Then he ran his palm down her ribs, whispered his fingers across her tummy and ended the tour with his index finger on her clit.

“Oh, very good,” she whispered, arching up to meet that talented finger. “Although, please calm down. You’re not allowed to keel over from a heart attack.”

“Don’t worry about me,” he said, nipping at her lower lip.

“Unless you’re some kind of superathlete, you’re not going to last long. Besides, I want to play with your penis.”

His barked laugh was just enough to make him tumble to her side. “You make it sound like the two of you are going out to the swings together.”

“Hmm. Sounds interesting, but I’ve got you here now, so I’m fine. More than fine.” She turned on her side, and they each moved closer so more parts could touch. The kisses this time were sweeter. She loved the way he paid attention, how he repeated the things she liked while dropping or changing what she didn’t. It boded very well for the future.

God, a future with Daniel. It would be short-lived, but exciting. Not just in the bedroom, but in every aspect. Talking to him, with his sense of humor and smarts, was a pleasure. Watching him be Dr. Cassidy, built of energy and compassion. She may not get a happily-ever-after, but who did? While she had him, Lisa was going to have a hell of a ride.

By the time she felt her orgasm take hold, she could no longer think. Her hand that had been steadily pumping and teasing him had dropped away. He squeezed her shoulders and pulled away at the worst possible time.

“Hey, not fair.”

“Soon,” he said as he slipped on a condom. “Missionary okay?”

“Any position’s okay with me, as long as I get to see your face when you come.”

“I want to watch you, too.” He settled between her legs. They hadn’t stopped staring at each other. “You are astonishingly beautiful...” He kissed her softly. “And so much more.”

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