Read Intoxicating Magic Online

Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

Intoxicating Magic (29 page)

BOOK: Intoxicating Magic
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David narrowed his eyes and loomed over us, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. I wanted to smack him. He was right back to where he was before—ordering me around as if I belonged to him. It didn’t matter that I knew he was only trying to protect me. It still grated.

“We have to go.” I held up the phone, revealing a message from the director.

Your presence is required. Report to headquarters immediately.

“Fine.” David stalked to his car while Tal and I headed for my Jeep. David let out a growl of frustration. “I was going to drive you.”

I took a deep breath and prayed for patience. “But then I’ll have to rely on you if I need to go anywhere. This will just be easier on both of us.”

“Willow, dammit. You’re going to be in our custody until this crisis is over. You don’t need your car.”

“Are you saying I’m being taken and held against my will?” I stood with my hands on my hips, my chin jutting out. “Because as much as I appreciate your concern and the effort you and your father have gone to for my family, I’m still my own person with my own commitments. And trust me, I understand how serious this is.” I softened my tone and my stance. “I’ve been living with this since the day Beau died. But you can’t put me in a box until the world stops trying to hurt me. Haven’t you figured out that isn’t ever going to happen?”

Tal put his hand on the small of my back in a gesture of support.

David’s eyes locked in on the connection and his lips formed a thin, tight line. When he finally looked up at me, he let out a slow breath. “I just want you to be safe.”

“I know.” I closed the distance between us and slipped my arm through his, pulling him toward his car. Tal stayed behind with Link. We stopped at the driver’s side. “Sometimes a person has to save themselves. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and continue to do for me, but I can’t sit around and let everyone take care of me, especially if there’s something I can do to help. Please let me do what I have to, otherwise all I have is fear.”

“And a fae, it seems.” He glared over my shoulder at Tal.

I resisted the urge to scowl. It had been because of Allcot that Tal had left in the first place. But I doubted David had known about that. “Can we talk about that later?”

“Are you sure there’s anything to say?” The words weren’t an accusation, more of resigned acceptance.

“Yes.” I touched his arm lightly. “I need to explain.”

“No, you don’t.”

He reached for the door handle, but I stopped him.

“David.” I waited until he looked at me. “Yes. I do.”

The ice melted from his brilliant blue eyes. “Okay. Later, once we’re back at the house.”

“Thank you.” I let my hand slide off his arm as I walked away and tried to swallow the ache in my throat.

“You okay?” Tal asked when I climbed into the Jeep.

I nodded. “Thank you.”

“For what?” He put the Jeep into gear and took off down the street.

The fact that he’d given me space and had even asked how I was doing meant the world to me. He had every reason to be jealous, but he wasn’t letting himself go there. At least not now. And I couldn’t have appreciated it more. “For just being you.”

Chapter 28

David followed us to the Arcane building and waited outside while Tal, Link, and I disappeared inside. He could’ve come with us if he’d wanted to. He’d been there often enough for the testing in the past three months. No one would question why he was there. But he’d said he wanted to watch the building just in case.

I was pretty certain he just didn’t want to see Tal and me working together.

Phoebe, dressed in fresh jeans and a black T-shirt, was waiting for us in the lobby. Her short dark hair was slightly curled and pinned with a silver barrette.

“Did you come home last night?” I asked, taking in her appearance. She looked incredibly rested for someone who’d been working all night.

“No. I was here. Come on, Director Halston is waiting for you both.” She pushed the gate open and Tal, and Link, and I followed her in. No magic neutralizer. Thank the goddess.

“You stayed here? But you look so… put together.”

She cast me a mischievous grin. “I have a friend nearby who had a free shower.”

“And you just happened to have some clean clothes at
your friend’s

“Yeah.” She glanced over her shoulder and winked at Tal.

He laughed.

I shook my head. “Phoebe doesn’t ever talk about her boyfriends. That’s all we’re going to get.”

“Damn straight.” Phoebe quickened her pace and rounded the corner.

The director was waiting in her doorway when we got there. “Good. You’re all here.” Her frizzy gray hair was piled up into a haphazard bun, and her linen suit was wrinkled as if she’d slept in it. Seems the director didn’t have a friend nearby. She waved us into her office and then called to her assistant, “Hold all calls. I’m in an important meeting.”

I raised an eyebrow at Phoebe. The director had never given us that kind of consideration before. Usually we were summoned, barely acknowledged, and then dispassionately dismissed with nonnegotiable orders. This was new.

“Have a seat.” Her wings flexed as she bustled to the front of her desk and leaned back, casually crossing her legs at the ankles.

I sat in the middle, with Phoebe and Tal flanking me, Link in his Shih Tzu form at Tal’s feet.

“It’s good to see you again, Director. Though I wasn’t expecting to be back so soon,” Tal said courteously.

“You too, Mr. Kavanagh. It’s a shame you no longer work for the Void, but I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.”

He glanced at me and then nodded. “I appreciate your willingness to share your resources.”

“Well, unfortunately we’re forced to work with Allcot on this one.” Her tone changed to one of irritation. “After the incident at the burlesque club, I’m tempted to cut all ties. No one puts my agents in danger without consequences. But it appears humans’ lives are on the line. So we will do what we have to until this situation is resolved.”

I didn’t disagree with her there. I was ready for some distance from Allcot and his crew, too… after Asher was neutralized.

“Anyway…” She stood up straight and met Tal’s gaze. “We have a situation. The female vamp Kilsen brought in last night cut a deal with the higher ups. In exchange for her freedom, she’s given us a solid lead on Asher’s second in command. It seems he followed Ms. Rhoswen to town.”

“What? Are they insane? Grace’s way too dangerous to be walking the streets,” I said, furious.

“A lot of vampires are dangerous, Rhoswen. In this case, the powers that be decided she isn’t a direct threat to society and let her go.” She picked up a pen and marked something off on her paperwork.

Phoebe shook her head in exasperation. No doubt she’d seen more than her fair share of vamps freed in exchange for intel.

The director cleared her throat and focused on me. “Word is Asher’s pissed as hell about the vamps you’ve turned into daywalkers, and he’s put the order out to have you and your nephew eliminated immediately. If his people fail, it’s likely he’ll find you himself.”

“He’s welcome to try,” I said, my tone full of anger. No one was going to hurt Beau. Not Grace. Not Asher. And certainly none of his lackeys. I’d kill them myself.

“I like that fire, Rhoswen,” she said with an appreciative smile. Then she made eye contact with Tal again. “If we can get to Asher’s second, we’ll find Asher. He’s never far behind. Hunter’s meeting you here in”—she twisted to look at her clock on the wall—“twenty minutes. You’ll join him and his team to track down and eliminate all of Asher’s minions. The goal is to weaken his circle enough that when he shows his hand, we’ll be right there to take him down.”

Tal sat back and eyed her with curiosity. “Of course I’ll do whatever I can, but my cover’s been blown. Are you sure you want me to serve in that capacity?”

She waved an impatient hand. “We’re way past that. In light of the fires earlier this morning, we’re in all-out war.” Casting her intense gaze on Phoebe, she said, “You’ve got your orders?”

“Yes. You already know I want Willow and Link on my team. If I’m going to hunt daywalkers, I’m going to need a little help.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but the director cut me off.

“Yes. That’s why they were summoned. Here are the files.” She handed Phoebe a manila folder. “Rhoswen?”


“Did you get a chance to investigate the fae we have in custody?”

I stifled a groan. After yesterday’s events, I’d forgotten all about him. “No, not yet. I was pretty battered after the run-in last night.”

“I want you or Kilsen to make that a priority. He isn’t talking, and I’m certain he has useful intel. After the fires this morning, Allcot decided to share what he knows. I’ve been informed the fae was loyal to Victoria, and she’s been recently cast out by Asher. Seems she liked biting humans too much to remain under his roof. Apparently she thought bringing you to him would put her back in his good graces.” She scanned my body with a long, lingering look. Then she turned to Tal. “She looks to be healthy enough. Your work?”

“Yes, ma’am, but before we do anything, I need the ingredient list for the poison that was found last night.” He leaned in closer to me and pointed at my swollen leg. “I need it to treat Willow’s ankle and a few of Allcot’s guards.”

Her nostrils flared as she glanced at me and frowned. “Is it serious?”

“It’s just my leg,” I said, not wanting to appear as vulnerable as I was. Everyone preyed on the weak in this town. “As soon as Tal makes the antidote, I’ll be fine.”

A contemplative look came over her face and she unconsciously smoothed her suit jacket. I recognized the movement. It was her tell that she was calculating her next move. And it could be anything.

“Is there a problem, Director?” Tal asked, and I noticed a small twitch in his right eye. He was seconds from losing his cool. All he wanted to do was get in the lab to take care of business.

I was used to her, so her seemingly unreasonable behavior didn’t faze me. We’d do whatever we needed to do regardless of what she said. We always did. For better or for worse.

“No.” She shook her head, frowning. “Nothing’s wrong. Take Rhoswen to the lab and see what you can do. We can’t have her injured while she tracks daywalkers. When you’re done, come see me to get the whereabouts of Hunter.”

“Sure thing.” Tal stood and held out his hand to me.

I picked up Link and joined him, waiting for Phoebe.

“I’ll be in my office.” Phoebe tucked the file under her arm.

“You have an office?” I stared openmouthed at her and the director.

“You both do.” The director handed me a key. “You’re sharing. Kilsen has been pushing for it for a while now. Since she’s our highest-ranked tracker, it seemed she was due.”

I almost laughed at the turn of events. It was no secret I was the redheaded stepchild of the Void branch. And I’d gotten a coveted office out of association. That was fine. I’d take it. Not that I ever spent that much time at the Arcane building. But having a dedicated place to work wasn’t too shabby.

“This way,” Phoebe said. “It’s on the way to the lab.”

A few minutes later, we were in our joint office. I couldn’t stop staring. It was huge and luxurious. I’d never imagined the Void would consider us worthy of such grandeur.

“Phoebs?” I said with no small amount of suspicion. “What’s going on? The director doesn’t even like me.”

“It’s come to her attention that we’re both very valuable to her cause. Especially you.”


Tal slipped his arm around me and whispered, “You’re at the center of everything because of Asher. And even if it wasn’t Asher, it’d be some other warlord vamp looking to exploit you. You’re important in the Void’s war on rogue vampires.”


“You’re an asset… and a liability,” Tal explained. “She’s trying to keep you close so she always knows what you two are up to. Why else would she put your office on her same floor? No one else’s is here.”

Phoebe nodded. “Tal’s right. This is about her keeping you and me happy and where she can watch us. But since nothing ever really happens in the office, I don’t give a crap about that. All we’ll be doing here is analyzing and planning. Nothing too earth shattering. But the best part is we’ll no longer need to go through the magic neutralizer. If we’re trusted enough to have offices, we’re trusted enough to keep our abilities.” A triumphant grin lit up her face.

“Score!” I said and gave her a high five as we laughed.

“Okay, time to work.” Phoebe handed Tal a list. “Take Willow and start on the antidote. She knows where the labs are.”

I shuddered at the word “labs.” I sure as hell did know where they were. My mind had all the unpleasant memories burned into it. My jaw tensed as I clenched my teeth, trying to let the emotions go. But they wouldn’t.

“Willow?” Phoebe asked, concern radiating from her.

I waved a hand. “I’m fine. Let’s go, Tal. We’ll meet Phoebe back up here and then deal with David.” The mention of David reminded me he was waiting for us. “Phoebs? Before we take off on our mission, I need to go to Allcot’s to see Mom and Beau Jr.”

BOOK: Intoxicating Magic
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