Read Into the Darkness Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Paranormal

Into the Darkness (32 page)

BOOK: Into the Darkness
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lower on the bed. She grasped Natalie’s knees and pushed

them apart. “Open your legs wider.”

Natalie followed her direction, too aroused to be modest as

Chessa stared at her pussy.

“Lift your knees and tilt up your hips.” After Natalie

quickly complied, she leaned close and blew a hot breath over

her moist, open sex.

Natalie’s pussy pulsed, opening then tightening, issuing a succulent sound that only seemed to excite Chessa further. Her cheeks

were pink, her lips blurred and swollen. Her nostrils flared as she

scented the air. “You’re so pink here. So damn pretty. No wonder

Rene loves to eat you out.” She leaned down and stuck out her

tongue, laving the slit with a long, hot swipe of her tongue.

Natalie felt another rush of liquid seep from inside her and

held her breath.


delilah devlin

Chessa plied apart the lips with her thumbs and lapped the

opening, licking away the juices like a dripping peach.

“You taste incredible,” Chessa said, then rolled her chin

and mouth around Natalie’s pussy. When she lifted her head,

Natalie’s excitement coated her mouth. Her tongue swept

out and circled her lips until all the whitish fluid was gone.

“I need something inside me,” Natalie gasped, her body on

the edge of exploding.

Chessa cupped the younger woman’s pussy with her hand

and placed her fingers at the opening, not dipping inside.

“God, Chess, fuck me.” Natalie pumped her hips upward, trying to coax her into sliding inside. Needing more,

she glided her hands up her belly and over her breasts and

squeezed them hard while her vagina opened and closed like

it was clasping around a cock.

“Wanna be fucked?” Chessa drawled.

Her jaws tight, Natalie bit out, “Yes. Stop teasing me.”

Chessa slowly brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked

two inside to wet them then brought them down to Natalie’s

pussy. Without any further teasing, she thrust them inside.

Natalie groaned, her body jerking, her hips lifting from the

bed. “That’s good,” she groaned, “keep doing that.”

“Do you want more?” Chessa asked, leaning over her as her

fingers glided in and out. “And what do I get?”

She rolled her head toward Chessa. “I promise I’ll give you

the same.”

Chessa’s dark brow arched wickedly. “Wanna do each other

at the same time?”

Natalie nodded quickly while her hips kept rocking up and

down. “Show me.”

into the darkness


Chessa’s strokes halted as she turned and climbed over

Natalie, settling her pussy above Natalie’s mouth. “Get the


Natalie lifted her head and drew Chessa’s dewy labia between

her lips, sucking and licking her way all around the cunt.

Chessa’s thighs trembled, and she gave a little strained

laugh as she leaned down, her fingers pushing deep into

Natalie’s cunt and her mouth closed around the clitoris.

She stroked and sucked, all the while pulsing her own pussy

against Natalie’s swirling tongue.

Soon, Natalie was dying with pleasure. Christ, she was hot!

Chessa’s hair brushed her thighs and her mouth drew hard

on Natalie’s clit. The first spasm of release clamped around

Chessa’s fingers.

Just when the arousal curled tight in the center of her belly

started to unwind, the thought flitted across her mind that at

any moment Rene would walk out of the bathroom and find


But please, not before she came.

Which was exactly what happened.



ene opened the door. The light inside the bedRroom was dim after the bright fluorescence in

the bathroom, but the rustling sounds from the

bed drew his gaze. His eyes widened at finding the

two women completely naked, moaning and writhing against each other, Chessa’s ass undulating over

Natalie’s head, her head buried between Natalie’s


Feeling like a voyeur and liking it a lot, he stepped

deeper into the room and quietly closed the door behind him, not wanting to interrupt the show.

He adjusted his cock beneath the towel he’d

wrapped around his waist and shoved Chessa’s jacket

and holster to the floor, taking a seat to watch, the

noises he made masked by their sighs and groans.


delilah devlin

He hadn’t really gotten his hopes up after his conversation with Chessa, hadn’t any idea how amazing it would

be just to look at the two of them going at it.

Chessa’s head raised, and she gave him a sultry smile. The

quirk of her eyebrow said,
Any time you want to join us . . .

He shook his head.

Virgin-girl was full of delicious surprises, and Chessa’s

gleaming body, so well toned, all muscles flexing as she covered Natalie, had his cock jerking.

He unwound the towel around his waist and glided his hand

along his cock, stroking himself. Still steamy and moist from

his shower, his hand pumped smoothly up and down his shaft

while he watched Natalie’s fingers disappear into Chessa’s

cunt and Chessa’s head circle over Natalie’s pussy.

He encircled the base of his cock and squeezed hard to

stop the building release tightening his balls. He didn’t want

to spend his cum on the carpet when he had two women he

could fuck.

Chessa lifted her head, and Natalie groaned her disapproval

which was cut short when Chessa began to spank her pussy in

short, wet slaps that landed directly on her clit.

Natalie gasped and her hips jerked. Her legs splayed wider,

inviting more sensual torture.

The slapping continued until Natalie halted work on

Chessa and reached outward to grab fistfuls of bedding while

her hips pumped frantically up and down.

He’d never considered swatting a woman there. He guessed

watching two girls do each other, showing each other what

pleasured them most, was pretty damn satisfying all by


into the darkness


“You gonna fuck her?” Chessa asked, not looking up. “She’s


Rene didn’t need a second invitation. He hauled himself up

from the chair and crawled up the bed between Natalie’s legs

as Chessa sat up with her pussy still hovering above Natalie’s


Natalie’s moans were thin, high-pitched.

Chessa pinched one of her nipples. “You okay with this


Natalie’s answer was to open wide her jaws and suck Chessa’s labia between her lips.

Chessa’s head fell back for a moment and her mouth


Rene hooked his arms beneath Natalie’s legs and lifted her

ass off the bed. “Chessa, put my cock inside her,” he commanded, his voice tight as his balls.

Chessa blinked and bent to wrap her fingers around him,

stroking over him from root to end. With a challenge narrowing her gaze, she tugged him hard, bringing him closer until

he pointed straight at Natalie’s pussy. Then she rubbed him

around her entrance, circling until the crown was glistening.

Only then did she spread Natalie’s lips with her fingers and

place his cock at her entrance.

He flexed his ass and slammed home.

Natalie’s cry was muffled against Chessa’s pussy.

“She’s biting! Ahh—” Chessa’s moan cut off as her eyes

rolled back, and her head lolled as she held herself still.

Rene couldn’t hold back a second longer. Natalie’s cunt

was soaking wet, burning hot, and already caressing his cock.

Convulsing around him like a moist, tight fist.


delilah devlin

Chessa gasped, and her eyes opened. She cupped his face

and brought his head down for a kiss.

As he thrust inside Natalie, their tongues mated ferociously.

He found it hard to keep track of whose pleasure he should

see to when his own filled his mind. He slammed his hips forward, backed out and slammed again, faster now, harder.

His thrusts shook the bed. Chessa gripped his shoulders

hard when her orgasm struck her. Her mouth opened beneath

his, her head flung back, and a keening wail tore from her


That was all it took to shove him right over the edge. With

Natalie’s thighs straining to lift inside his elbows, he hammered his cock into her cunt, stroking deep, until his orgasm

ripped through him and cum jetted deep into her body.

He came back to himself, the sound of his own harsh grunts

rousing him as he pistoned his hips in shallow thrusts. He was

loathe to stop. The top of his head had felt as though it exploded, and he’d flown outside himself at the last moment.

He halted and flung back his head to drag air into his burning lungs.

Chessa slowly climbed off Natalie and lay down on the bed

beside her, curving her body around Natalie’s, her own body

still quivering in the aftermath.

Natalie’s blurred lips pressed together, and she opened her

eyes. She slowly licked her lips, then sucked the upper one

between her teeth, her gaze was shadowed by uncertainty.

“Were you surprised?”

Were you pleased, was what she really asked. Rene pulled

out of her and lowered her hips to the bed then lay over her,

cupping her face between his palms. He didn’t want to say

into the darkness


what was on the tip of his tongue. Didn’t want to tarnish

what, to him, had been one of the most exciting and decadent

experiences of his life with a careless word.

Instead, he bent and captured her lips, tasting Chessa’s essence on her tongue as he stroked inside Natalie’s mouth. They

tasted like they belonged together. At least for tonight.

“My back itches,” Natalie muttered sleepily, rubbing her

shoulder against Chessa’s chest.

Chessa awoke instantly. “Want me to scratch?”

“Please, it’s making me miserable.”

“Want me to take your mind off it?” Rene’s deep bass rumbled from the other side of Natalie.

Chessa grinned. The best part of coming into a vampire’s

season was the limitless stamina she engendered in everyone

around her.

They’d fucked like rabbits, only stopping long enough to

switch positions and partners. Although she healed fast as

any vampire, Chessa’s thighs and pussy were sore.

She could only imagine how raw Rene was becoming with

all the attention they’d paid his dick.

“Sit up,” she said to Natalie, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

“You can sit on this,” Rene said in his sexy Cajun drawl.

Natalie giggled and rolled over Rene, yawning even as she

slid down his cock. “Nice,” she moaned.

“Should be better than nice,” he said, his hands coming up

to cup her breasts.

“Don’t mind me,” Chessa murmured, hoping Rene would

keep Natalie occupied for a few moments while she checked

something out.


delilah devlin

She leaned over the edge of the bed and flicked on the lamp.

“The better to see you with,” Rene growled.

Again, Natalie giggled then sighed as she rose up his long

shaft and came back down.

Chessa smiled at how easily they played together now, all

modesty gone. She moved behind Natalie and swept aside her

hair. “Where does it itch?”

“Hmmm,” Natalie moaned, her itch forgotten for the moment as she undulated, dragging her pussy forward and back

on his cock.

“The itch? Is it bothering you still?”

Natalie reached lazily behind her, not breaking stride, and

scratched a trail from the inside of one shoulder blade to her


Chessa followed the path with the tips of her fingers, finding the problem immediately and silently cursing. Natalie,

once again, was way ahead of herself. She followed a white

seam of skin, feeling for any slight indentation.

“Don’t be afraid to really dig your nails in,” Natalie

moaned. “That’s tickling me.”

“I’ll dig in all right,” Chessa muttered. She glanced over

Natalie’s shoulder and gave Rene a hard look.

His eyebrows rose. Then a frown furrowed his forehead as

he realized something was up beside his dick. “Chessa?”

“Hold her still.”

Natalie slowed her rocking motions and glanced back, “Is

something wrong?”

“No, Nat, but this is gonna hurt.” That was all the warning she gave as she dug her fingernails into the seam and split

apart her skin.

into the darkness


Natalie’s breath hissed between her teeth and her back

arched away.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Rene said, his hands gripping Natalie’s hips tight as she struggled away from Chessa.

Her skin parted like opening gills on a fish, and Chessa

reached inside to tuck her fingers under the long ridged cartilage within the slit to pull it free.

As Natalie’s wing sprang from her back, it opened and unfurled with a snap like a sheet in a brisk wind.

“The other, get the other,” Natalie said, reaching back to

claw at the seam on the opposite side.

Chessa scarcely had time to pry open the slim pouch when

the second wing extended.

When she was finished, she ducked beneath Natalie’s

wings and lay on her back beside Rene whose mouth was still


“Natalie, you look like a fish,” Chessa said, reaching up to

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