Interview with Love (17 page)

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Authors: Lisa Y. Watson

BOOK: Interview with Love
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Chapter Twenty-four
Family Night

They got up early to get everything ready. Vaughn headed for the garage while Sienna organized the food for their picnic.

“I don't suppose you have a picnic basket do you?” she called after him.

“Actually I do,” he boasted, coming back into the room. He sauntered to a nearby cabinet and retrieved it from the bottom shelf. He walked over and ceremoniously placed the basket on the counter in front of her.

Sienna opened it, and then laughed. “Vaughn, it still has the tags on it. How long have you had it?”

“It was a gift from my mother,” he replied. “Hey, I said I had one, not that I'd ever used it.”

Vaughn went out to pack up the truck. Sienna sat down at the kitchen table and made a list of items they'd need to take with them to the lake. Her task done, she went through Vaughn's house like she was on a scavenger hunt.

By the time he returned, Sienna had a mound of things sprawled out on the table in organized piles.

He came over and kissed her, “I brought your suitcase in from the car.”

“Great. I'm just about done here so I'll go shower and change.”

He perused the items she'd found. “You've been busy.”

“Yep. I've always had an innate ability to scrounge around and find whatever I need. It's a gift,” she bragged.

Gathering her in his arms, he nuzzled her neck. “Thank God that ability extends to your private life,” he said, meaningfully.

Sienna's eyes brightened. “I'm glad it does, too.”

Vaughn took the picnic basket outside while Sienna showered and changed clothes. She made up the bed and tidied up the room before coming back downstairs.

Before leaving the house, Sienna phoned her parents. She filled her dad in on their plans for the day and asked about coming over for dinner.

“Sweetheart, you never need an invitation to join us for dinner.”

“I know Dad, but I'm bringing Vaughn. I didn't want to assume you had enough food for all of us.”

“We've got plenty so come on over when you're done at Falls Lake.”

“Will Sasha be there?”

“I'm not sure of your sister's plans, but I think so. Will that be a problem?” her father asked, warily.

She thought back to her sister helping her the day before. “Not really, dad.”

“Hallelujah,” he yelled into the phone. “Progress.”

“Ha-ha,” she said, sardonically before saying goodbye.


Surprisingly it wasn't too congested. Vaughn parked at the boat launch area off of Route 50. “There's an embankment over there,” he pointed as they were getting out of the truck. “It's a primo spot for a picnic.” Sienna retrieved items from the back seat while Vaughn pulled a cooler and canopy from out of the tail gate.

By the time he reached their spot Sienna had already spread their blanket out and had begun organizing the bug repellant and sun block.

“Has anyone ever told you you're an overachiever?” Vaughn asked as he began setting up the canopy.

“Not today,” she said, serenely.

The two of them worked together to set up the area. When they were done, Vaughn tossed the container of sunblock to her. “I'll get your back when you've finished.”

Sienna stripped down to her bathing suit before lathering up with sunscreen. Vaughn followed suit. After she'd folded their clothes and placed them back in a duffle bag they strode down the embankment to the water's edge.

Sienna slipped her sandal off and dipped her foot into the water. “Wow, it's like stepping into a lukewarm bath.”

“In an aquarium,” he teased.

They frolicked around in the lake for over an hour before Sienna announced that she was starving. They went back and toweled off before sitting down on the blanket.

“This is a great spot,” she announced as she spread out the food.

Vaughn retrieved two bottled waters from the cooler and handed her one. “Glad you like it. I come here a lot to go jet skiing. We should do that next time. You'd love it.”

“What else do you have tucked away in that garage of yours, you adrenaline junkie,” she giggled.

“You'll find out soon enough,” he joked.

Later, Vaughn drove them back to his house to drop off their stuff and change. He put away their gear while Sienna disposed of the leftovers. When she was finished, she headed upstairs to shower. By the time Vaughn entered his bedroom she was done and blow drying her hair.

“Are we going casual?” he asked as he stepped into the shower to turn the water on.

“Yep. Just some shorts and a shirt will suffice.

He looked at her bright sundress. “Uh-huh.” He headed to his closet and came back out with a pair of khakis and a button up short-sleeve shirt.

She shook her head. “You're really over doing it.”

“If that's the case you'd been in shorts and a tank top,” he observed.

Sienna sat on the bed with her laptop while Vaughn showered.

When he was done he headed out in a towel. “What are you working on?”

A glance in his direction made her mouth go dry. His skin glistened with leftover water. She watched in fascination as a line of it traveled down his chest and disappeared beneath his towel. She swallowed hard. He was altogether sexy and her desire was mounting by the minute.

Her hand went to her chest to quell her rapid heartbeat.


She looked baffled. “Hmm?”

Vaughn pointed to the laptop. “I asked what you were working on.”

“Oh,” she cleared her throat. “I've got a focus group next week and I'm just going over some details,” she replied trying hard not to stare the towel out of his hands. She figured her drooling would be less obvious if she returned to her work.

“I'll be in Vegas next weekend. Wanna meet me there?”

“I'd love to, but I can't. Vivian and I have already planned a girl's weekend out.”

“So whatever you two are up to couldn't fit into just an evening out?”

“Something like that.”

“Don't get into too much trouble,” he teased. “Are you inviting your sister?”

Sienna stopped typing and looked up. Setting her computer aside she pondered his question. “I hadn't planned on it. Sasha doesn't breeze into town that often so I didn't even think to ask her.” Her face wrinkled in contemplation. “Do you think I should?”

“That's up to you, Doc,” he said, sliding up a pair of boxer briefs. He sat on the edge of the bed to put lotion on. “It would be a nice gesture considering you two are on shaky ground right now. Maybe this would help get you guys back on track.”

Do I even want to get back on track?
She asked herself. Her thoughts turned to her parents and the strain she and Sasha were putting them through. “I honestly don't know. The two of us mix like water and oil, Vaughn. That's not exactly my idea of a rollicking night out,” she confessed.

Vaughn smiled. “Rollicking?”

“Shut up. Plenty of people use that word.”

“Are they under eighty?”

They both laughed. Without warning, Vaughn gathered Sienna in his arms and leaned back on the bed. He kissed the sensitive area between her neck and collar bone. When his eyes found hers his expression was smug. “Don't think I didn't notice you checking me out.”

“What? I…I wasn't checking you out. I see drop-dead-sexy men all the time,” she said, dismissively.

“Is that so? Sounds like a challenge for me. I may have to step up my game in order to compete with all those men catching your eye, especially when you're out of town doing focus groups.”

“I have a rule never to involve myself with respondents,” she informed him.

“A rule?”

She nodded.

His hand slid inside her bodice. “I'm curious, Dr. Lambert, what other rules do you have?”

Holding a thought in her head was becoming difficult. Heat suffused her skin flushing it red. The devilish grin he wore made her heart leap in anticipation. “I'd rather show you,” she countered, reciting his words back to him.


An hour later, they were pulling into her parent's driveway. Vaughn eased out of his convertible and walked around to open Sienna's door. She reached into the backseat to retrieve the bag she'd brought with them. She entwined her fingers with Vaughn's and led him toward the front door.

True to form, her father opened it before they reached it.

“Hey, kiddo, Vaughn,” Gordon said, enthusiastically. “Come on in.”

Vaughn shook Gordon's hand and followed Sienna inside.

“Welcome, Vaughn,” Cassandra appeared out of nowhere. She gave him a big hug and guided him toward the family room.

“Thank you, Cassie,” he replied.

Vaughn looked around as he followed behind her. The large white house with the wraparound porch and bright, open floor plan emitted warmth and well being. He felt the same ease he did at Sienna's house. Sienna joined him on the couch while her parents went to check on dinner.

“Can we help you with anything?” Sienna called after them.

“No dear we're fine,” Cassandra replied over her shoulder. “You two just relax.”

Sienna leaned back on the couch. She closed her eyes and sighed.

“What are you doing?” Vaughn inquired.


He leaned closer. “You sure you aren't remembering our assignation on that big bed of mine earlier?”

Her eyes flew open, but before she could respond Sasha entered.


Vaughn spoke first. “Hello Sasha.”

“How are you?” Sienna asked sitting up on the couch.

“Great. How about you? You seem…well,” Sasha smiled, knowingly.

Sienna immediately blushed. “I am, thanks for asking.”

Before more could be said, Gordon asked Sienna to come open a bottle of wine.

“Oh, wine. That's right,” she leaped off the couch and picked up the bag she'd placed on the table. “We brought wine. I'll be back,” she said, practically running from the room.”

Sasha sat on a nearby chair. She regarded Vaughn with amusement.

He returned her frank stare. “So, do you always take pleasure in ribbing your sister about her boyfriends?”

She shrugged. “Every chance I get, which believe me hasn't been too often.”

“So, from that none-too-subtle comment earlier I gather you had a hand in Friday's little red dress?”


Vaughn couldn't contain the grin at the recollection. “Well if you did my undying thanks.”

Sasha smiled as well. “So tell me, how did you and Sienna meet?”

“A client outing. We were playing baseball.”

Sasha looked shocked. “Sienna? Playing baseball? That doesn't sound like my sister.”

“She did quite well considering it was her first time,” he said, proudly. “Unfortunately, she was in front of the base when I was trying to slide in.”

“An obstruction,” Sasha retorted.

Surprised registered on his face.

“Now that does sound like Sienna. So you swept her off her feet?”

“Literally,” Vaughn chuckled at the memory.

“It sounds like everything worked out in the end, though.”

“We've had our ups and downs.”

“From the looks of things, you two are back on track. I'm glad for her.”

“Are you?”

“Of course. Contrary to popular belief, I want my sister to be happy, Mr. Deveraux.”

“Sasha, I think you can call me Vaughn now, don't you?”

She studied him. “If you say so.”

“So, what do you do in London?”

“I'm a flight attendant for British Airways.”

“That must be interesting. I take it you've traveled a lot?”

“I've been all over the world. My boyfriend's job is very demanding and takes him to many countries. I go with him when I can.”

“Really? What's he do?”

“He owns a soccer team.”

“Which one?”

“The Mete

Vaughn sat forward. “Milo Georgopoulos is your boyfriend?”

Sasha paled. “You know him? How?”

“My company did an ad campaign to promote his team.”

“Small world,” she noted shifting in her chair.

Just then, Sienna entered holding a tray with three wine-glasses and a plate of assorted snacks. She handed them both a glass before taking hers. She sat down next to Vaughn. “Mom's elated we're all here. You'd think it was Christmas,” Sienna remarked.

He placed a hand on her leg. “For your parents maybe it is. Getting the two of you together often must be just short of a miracle.”

“So what were you two chatting about when I came in?”

“Just work stuff,” Sasha answered, quickly.

Vaughn's eyebrow rose, but he remained silent.

“Chow time,” her father's voice boomed from down the hall.


Dinner was a lighthearted affair. Everyone chatted amicably while Gordon recounted stories about his two girls' antics growing up. When it was over, Sasha and Sienna handled the dishes while Gordon, Cassandra and Vaughn went into the family room to chat.

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