Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance (10 page)

BOOK: Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance
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I ran a hot bath and eased my tired aching body into the water, feeling all the tension fill the bubbles and drift away. Moving furniture is hard work. I wondered briefly if that counted as exercise. I could certainly justify a nice takeaway, especially on my last weekend of food freedom, before Chris set my fitness plan.
. I hadn’t thought about Chris all week. I wondered if Steven had told him anything; apart from apparently finding me attractive and thinking I was cool. I felt a prickle of embarrassment as some of his messages flitted through my mind. And that’s when it occurred to me. Chris sent the vibrator. It had to be Chris; hadn’t he talked about it the previous weekend? He had said I could teach myself to orgasm through penetration. I felt a mixture of emotions, my angel was irritated and disgusted that a man I’d never met had been so presumptuous in sending me such a private, personal,
gift to my place of work. My devil was thrilled, aroused, and, for the first time, suggesting I try it out. My angel frowned at the devil. I was naturally reluctant about anything sexual, even masturbation. As much as I might enjoy it at the time, I always felt a bit guilty afterwards, dirty. I never planned to do it. It just happened occasionally, in bed, in the dark, late at night. The thought of using a vibrator disturbed me. It suggested a certain amount of forward planning; acknowledged the fact of masturbation that I wasn’t comfortable with. Chris’s words drifted through my mind, my devil whispering in my ear.
Exploring your body and what it wants is nothing to be ashamed about.

I finished my bath, wrapped my dressing gown around me, and ordered some food. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and settled on the sofa, turning on the television and opening up my laptop. It pinged immediately and I knew it would be him.

Chris Knight:
Good evening, Liv. Home alone on a Friday?

Olivia Jones:
Hello, Mr Knight. Speak for yourself!

Chris Knight:
Lol but I’m a student, I’m going out later.

Olivia Knight
Well I’m a grown up with a busy job, I’m tired.

Chris Knight:
Staying home to play with your toys?

I flush of embarrassment shot through me. Did he mean his present? I decided to feign ignorance.

Olivia Jones:
Friday night is for TV, Saturday is for video games.

Chris Knight:
That’s not the kind of toy I meant. ;-)

Olivia Jones:

Chris Knight:
Did you like my gift?

Olivia Jones:
No! It was highly inappropriate. I have staff who open
my post.

Chris Knight:
Lol. That’s made me chuckle. I bet Steven got quite a shock.

Olivia Jones:
Not as much as I did.

Chris Knight:
I imagine it probably turned him on.

Olivia Jones:
I doubt it.

Chris Knight:
It’s pretty hot. A beautiful woman pleasuring herself, men pay for that kind of thing.

Olivia Jones:
That’s disgusting!

Chris Knight:
So innocent, Liv. Lol. The porn industry thrives on men wanting to watch women touch themselves. Magazines, films. Personally I’m not interested in seeing some guy’s hairy balls banging against a woman’s arse cheeks, I’d rather watch her fuck herself with a dildo.

I felt my cheeks flush with shame. I was disgusted but fascinated. And slightly aroused.
What? Gross!
This shouldn’t excite me, this man is disgusting.
I wondered briefly about him. Was he really a fitness instructor? He could just be some pervert sat at home jerking off to numerous porn films. No, Steven had lived with him. He was who he says he was.

I guessed that as a fitness instructor he was surrounded by beautiful skimpily clad women all the time. He probably didn’t need porn.

Olivia Jones:
I suppose you see enough fit bodies in the gym? Isn’t it distracting?

Chris Knight:
Not at all. It’s fun actually. Sometimes a lot of fun ;-)

Olivia Jones:
I don’t see what could be fun in a gym.

Chris Knight:
That’s because you haven’t been to the gym with me!

Olivia Jones:
I imagine being bossed around by someone, making you do ten more reps, would be the complete opposite of fun.

Chris Knight:
Not if he gives you a nice reward afterwards

Olivia Jones:

Chris Knight:
No not cake. So innocent, Miss Jones. Lol.

My cheeks flushed as the penny dropped. Does he have sex with his clients?

Olivia Jones:
Gross. At the gym?

Chris Knight:
That depends how desperate they are to fuck me I guess. Sometimes in the locker room, the shower, the car park. Sometimes I drive them home.

Olivia Jones:
Is that ethical?

Chris Knight:
Haha! I’m in the business of making women feel good about themselves and their body. If fucking them improves their self-confidence and body image, I see that as an extension of my job.

Olivia Jones:
*Rolls eyes* Of course, you do it for them. How very selfless of you. I bet you don’t fuck the fat ugly ones though?

Chris Knight:
The fat ones don’t come on to me – at least, not until they are thin.

Olivia Jones:
Not that you would notice.

Chris Knight:
Harsh, Miss Jones. I think you have a low opinion of me. I’m really not so bad. I’m a grown up and so are they. They take their newfound body confidence and explore their sexuality. They road test their attractiveness by flirting with me. And I comply. I’m only human after all. I’m training to be a lawyer and I’m working to pay for it. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but I’m a hot-blooded male with needs. I’m not hurting anyone.

I snorted. I wondered how many hearts he’d broken. Thankfully, we would never meet so it didn’t matter. I frowned at the thought that crossed my mind wondering if I would ever meet him. I couldn’t explain why I felt a pull towards him. He disgusted me mostly, always talking about sex so openly and yet it excited me. Sex was a natural thing, but it had never come naturally to me.

Olivia Jones:
Well, I hope you’re not expecting the same kind of recompense for helping me.

Chris Knight:
Of course not. Steven would be very upset with me for one thing and for another, you’re at a very safe distance from me and my predatory ways. I take it that’s what you think of me anyway?

Olivia Jones:
Is that not the case?

Chris Knight:
Sigh* no, Liv, it’s not. They come after me. Anyway back to the point. Have you road tested your new toy yet? ;-)

Olivia Jones:
No I have not!

Chris Knight:
Would you like me to explain how to use it?

Olivia Jones:
Absolutely not. I have no intention of even getting it out of the box.

Chris Knight:
Oh, Liv, you’re missing out. Trust me, you’ll love it. Seriously, what’s the worst that could happen – your orgasm is no better than before? But it’s more likely to be a hundred times better.

Olivia Jones:
My orgasm is none of your business.

Chris Knight:
OK, Liv, I understand you’re not comfortable talking about sex. But you should be. It’s not a bad thing. You’re just a little repressed is all.

I wanted to argue, but I couldn’t. He was right. I was completely repressed. I grew up with very religious parents who didn’t believe in sex before marriage. The shame I felt whenever I thought about sex stems from that. Every time I had sex in the past, it was tainted by the disappointment my folks would feel if they knew I was fornicating.

Olivia Jones:
Never thought of it like that before, but you’re right. Strict upbringing, I guess. Even though my folks have passed on, I’m still influenced by them.

Chris Knight:
Parents can fuck us up! But we all reach an age, Liv, when we realise that we are capable of our own thoughts and beliefs, and we don’t have to follow those of our parents. In this day and age, we don’t have to do as our parents did. We have access to technology and information. We can make our own choices.

Olivia Jones:
I know. That knowledge and technology is my life blood. But it’s hard to throw off the guilt that stems from disappointing your parents – even if they’re not around to see it

Chris Knight:
Well, you have to try, otherwise you’ll never be truly happy; you’ll never reach your full potential in life if you hold back for the sake of others. Live your life, not the life they dreamed for you. On that note my dear, I have to go. Enjoy your lonely Friday night in. I look forward to receiving your food diary on Monday. I expect it to be hideously saturated in fat

Olivia Jones:
Oh it is. I’ve been reassuringly bad with my food this week – making the most of my last suppers.

Chris Knight:
I can’t wait to whip you into shape, Miss Jones.

Olivia Jones:

Chris Knight:
;-) x

Chapter Eleven

Chris Knight

Monday August 10th 2009

Olivia Jones

Food Diary

Hi Chris,

Here goes …

Height: 5ft 9

Weight: 11st 3lb


 – two pieces of toast with butter.

 – ham and cheese panini

 – pepperoni pizza (takeaway)

Six cups of tea with semi skinned milk


 – sausage toastie from the café.

 – chicken, mozzarella, and tomato baguette

 – chicken and mushroom Pot Noodle. Two custard doughnuts

Six cups of tea


 – Crunchy Nut cornflakes

 – Chinese chicken salad roll

 – fish and chips (chippy)

Six cups of tea


 – Crunchy Nut cornflakes

 – chips and curry (chippy)

 – cheese sandwich from the garage

Six cups of tea

Three homemade cookies (Steven’s mum)


 – sausage and fried egg toasted sandwich

 – tuna melt panini

 – Chinese takeaway – chicken chow mein, spring rolls, prawn toast, crispy seaweed, spare ribs, prawn crackers

Four cups of tea

Three beers


 – bacon, sausage, mushrooms, two eggs scrambled, tomatoes and two toast

 – chicken tikka masala (takeaway), garlic naan, poppadum, mango chutney

Five cups of tea

Three beers


 – bacon, sausage, mushrooms, two eggs scrambled, tomatoes, and two toast

 – microwave roast dinner

Victoria sponge cake

Six cups of tea

I sort of exercised – I moved furniture around the office on Friday. I was a big sweaty mess … I hope that counts for something,


Olivia Jones

Inspired Programming

I had heard from Chris again that evening. He’d told me that my weight was fine for my height, that my BMI was 23.6 which was in the ideal range although not perfect, whatever that meant, but he expressed surprise that based on my food diary I didn’t weigh a lot more. I guess I had failed to mention the fact that I weighed significantly less not so long ago. He warned me that if I continued to eat with my usual gusto my weight would continue to rise and the journey back would be longer and more difficult. I was convinced. Although I sensed I wasn’t going to like his regime. I was half-relieved that he lived so far away and wouldn’t be around to crack the whip. The thought of Chris cracking a whip sent a thrill coursing through my body that was both pleasant and disturbing at the same time. I was confused enough about Steven without adding feelings towards a virtually anonymous man at the other end of a computer.

Chris was actually really helpful in between his constant teasing; he gave me a simple set of exercises to complete daily and sent me links to websites which demonstrated each exercise. He sent me a link to an online calorie tracker which counted the number of calories eaten and worked out how many I had left. He had already calculated the number of calories I had been eating, and what I should be eating to maintain my current weight. I optimistically decided I would eat a bit less to try and lose a little bit of weight but Chris seemed confident that exercise would tone up the bits I wasn’t happy with.

The best thing was that he said I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I stayed within the limit. Unfortunately I can’t count the calories if I don’t know what they are so I should avoid eating things that don’t display nutritional information; takeaways were out. I was going to have to learn to cook!

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