Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot (12 page)

BOOK: Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot
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“Mario, your breakfast is going to get cold,” Vic yelled out. Her voice snapped him back into reality.

“Okay, I’m coming, Sis. Gotta put some clothes on first.” He was happy to be in Tarrytown again. Mario already met Karen yesterday, and there would be more new faces today, particularly Max’s. Mario wanted to stay busy, and what better way than to have several stores going. It would help keep his mind off Sarah. Plus it sounded like Max was exactly the type of person Mario wanted as a business partner. He would learn more about Max at the party.

Mario planted a huge kiss on Vic’s cheek as he danced his way into the kitchen. Lively Spanish music played in the background. She laughed at his antics and danced along with him.

“I love you, bro. Now sit your ass down and eat before I have to throw everything into the microwave,” she said, waving a bubblegum pink, polished fingernail at him.

“Damn, woman, you’re just like mom,” he teased in response.

“You’ve got that right. You better be afraid, my pretty, very afraid!” she said, with a laugh.

“So what’s the story with Karen?” Mario asked, between mouthfuls of pancakes.

“Are you interested? I wouldn’t have pictured her your type. That whole hippy dippy, mountain man thing you’ve got going on gives a different vibe. I’m surprised you didn’t scare her off yesterday,” Vic teased.

“Hey, I saw how she looked at me.”

“Really? And how was that, hot shot?”

“I don’t know. She just looked… intrigued… I guess.”

“You dumbshit, I was intrigued when you came into the salon. Who wouldn’t be curious when a wild looking, long haired, pierced dude strolls into Tarrytown? Heaven forbid it turned out to be my own brother, for crap’s sake. Want some more pancakes?”

“Hell yeah. I have to admit, Vic, you’re a damn good cook.”

“Well, bro, you’re going to man the grill today. I’m just saying. After we eat this afternoon, I think you and Max should get acquainted and run some ideas past each other.”

“For sure, that’s the plan. I’ll take some more bacon if there’s any left,” he said, while licking his fingers clean.


The backyard began to take shape. With Mario’s help, it started to look more like Party Central than a typical residential backyard in Tarrytown. Mario reminisced about the many family parties in the past with their crazy cousins.

“Vic, do we have enough beer and wine?” he asked, knowing how much they liked to drink. He wrapped streamers around the trunks of several small trees and hung lights from the oaks near the patio while Vic checked the beverage supply.

“We have ten cases of beer and twenty five bottles of wine. I hope we’ll talk and eat too. I don’t want eighteen people camped out on my living room floor tonight because they’re all wasted. Could you imagine?” Vic giggled at the memories of the parties back in the day with the cousins.

The sound of car doors slamming and people laughing echoed from the front of the house.

“Mario, go around through the side gate and lead people back here. By the sound of things, it has to be the cousins out front.”

He laughed and disappeared around the house. Within minutes there were six Puerto Ricans kissing Mario, pinching his cheeks and yelling at the top of their lungs in Spanish. A mountain of food was dumped on the picnic tables. They hugged Vic so tightly, she was sure a few ribs cracked. The ringing doorbell and humming of Vic’s cell phone sounded at the same time.

“Mario, get the door. It has to be Karen. She’s the only person I know that rings a doorbell. I’ve got a call coming in.” Vic found a quiet spot near the garage to talk. It was difficult hearing anything over the voices of excited Puerto Ricans. “Hello,” she said, knowing full well who was on the other end.

“Hey, babe, it’s Max. I’m on my way. I should be there in about thirty minutes. Is there anything you need, other than me?”

“No, you’ll do just fine. Seriously, I could never run out of anything now that my cousins have arrived. I’m sure Scott and Morey’s clan are bringing things too, but thanks for asking. I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you, Max.”

“That’s nice to hear. I’ve missed you too. Sounds like the party is already off to a good start. I’ll see you in a few, bye.”

“Bye.” Vic felt giddy every time she spoke to him. Max would be easy to love. If he actually started an outdoor sports business with Mario, everything would fall into place just as it should. The possibilities excited her.

Vic returned to the backyard to find more people had arrived, including Mia, Aaron, Tina and Sasha. Her best friends were all there, everyone she loved the most, except Max. He would arrive soon.
Do I really love him?
she wondered
Today might be her turning point. She would see for herself how Max reacts around Mia.

Bottles of wine flowed among the ladies. The guys helped themselves to an abundance of beer in coolers strategically placed throughout the yard. Gossip, stories and loud music filled the air. Dancing Puerto Rican’s entertained the crowd. The neighbors gathered, inviting themselves because they knew a better time would be had at Vic’s house than at their own. Vic paid close attention to Mia and Aaron’s body language. It was obvious they were in love.

Why the hell am I so insecure?
she asked herself repeatedly. Vic excused herself to go inside, saying she was getting more snacks. She needed some quiet, if only for a few minutes before Max showed up. She followed the air conditioned hallway to the master bedroom, wiping her clammy forehead as she walked. The indoor temperature seemed comfortable, and not at all humid, yet Vic felt overheated.
It’s nerves, that’s all. I just need to breathe deep and relax for a minute. I can talk myself out of this, I know I can,
she thought, as the ringing in her ears and nausea overcame her. “Oh shit.” It came up her throat without warning. Vic bolted for the bathroom and threw up in the sink. There wasn’t enough time to even lift the toilet seat and vomit like a dignified woman. “Son of a bitch. What the hell is wrong with me? I friggin need a shrink, or some Xanax, damn it!” She wrapped a large wad of toilet tissue around her hand and scooped up as much vomit as possible, flushing it down the commode. Just the act of doing that almost sent her into another round of projectile vomiting. Vic recognized the sound of his motorcycle pulling into the driveway. “Son of a bitch!” she wailed. She launched herself into the bedroom and peeked out the window facing the driveway. Max just pulled the bike back on its kickstand and was heading for the front door. “Mother of God, I have puke breath and he’s ready to knock on the door,” Vic cried out to the bedroom walls. She dove back into the bathroom and guzzled half a bottle of mouthwash, gargled and spit it into the sink.
the voices in her head commanded. She wiped her face with a cool washcloth and ran down the hall to the foyer. He already knocked twice. She stopped, caught her breath, looked at herself in the foyer mirror making sure she didn’t have any residue on her teeth, and opened the door. There in her face stood the man that sucked the air right out of her lungs. Max was the Adonis of Westchester County, with Aaron and Mario tying for second place.

“Hello, gorgeous!” he said, as he took her in his arms. “I’ve missed you, Vic, and I’ll admit, I was pretty excited to get here.” Max kissed her softly at first, but the passion increased as she responded.

I wonder how long I can hold my breath.
Vic thought about it as she melted in his arms. Max didn’t react negatively, so she assumed her breath was okay. “You want to go out back and mingle? My brother Mario got here yesterday, and he’s anxious to meet you,” Vic said. She desperately wanted to have a drink of something, anything.
Alcohol has to smell better than vomit breath,
she thought.

“Sure, lead the way,” Max said, as he squeezed her butt.

Vic giggled as she led Max by the hand to the patio. They joined the group, and she introduced Max to her neighbors, a few cousins that he hadn’t met at the wedding, and Mario. Vic also introduced Max to Aaron. Before she had the chance to say he was Mia’s boyfriend, Aaron stood up and shook Max’s hand. As Aaron was about to introduce Max to Mia, Max grinned, stepped to the side of Aaron and embraced Mia. The awkward silence seemed to last forever before Aaron spoke up. “Oh, you’ve already met?”

“Yeah, we’re old friends. Long time, no see. How are you, Mia?” Max teased.

Mia stammered with her face flushing bright red. “I’m fine, thanks. Can I get anyone a refill?” she asked, trying to escape the situation.

Aaron gave them each an odd look. “No thanks, honey, I think we all have full drinks. So how are you two acquainted?” he persisted, with a gulp of beer.

“I introduced them to each other several months ago. That was around the time Mia hurt her ankle,” Vic quickly interjected. The relief in Mia’s eyes was evident as that lie became the new truth. Aaron accepted the explanation and began talking to Max about living in Tarrytown all his life. He was happy to see Vic with a nice guy.

Confused, and ready to correct Vic, Max started to speak up when Mario joined the conversation. Mario pulled Max aside and explained how he wanted to discuss business opportunities with him next week. The two seemed to hit it off, which was a huge relief to Vic.

As the hostess, she needed to mingle.
How the hell am I going to watch Max if I’m trying to keep everyone else entertained? Incorporating Sasha and Tina’s help will work,
she thought. Tina introduced Sasha to more people as they both helped to keep the food, conversation and beverages flowing.

The tapping sound of the fork against a crystal wine glass got everyone’s attention. One by one they joined in until the ringing sound filled the backyard.

Vic stood, laughed, and silenced the crowd. She blew an air kiss to her best friend and began. She explained that although she didn’t really need a reason to host a long overdue party, this one did hold a special place in her heart. As Mario helped Vic unroll an enormous banner, she asked Aaron and Mia to stand. The banner read, “Congratulations, Mia and Aaron. It’s about damn time.” The crowd laughed and clapped as Vic explained that two of her dearest friends finally got it right. Aaron and Mia were a couple. Karen and Sasha appeared from the kitchen carrying a large sheet cake to set on the picnic table. The images in the frosting were the high school senior pictures of Aaron and Mia. A champagne toast to the newly outed couple was made by Mario who grew up close friends with Aaron.

Vic’s eyes scanned the crowd for Max. He stood at the far backyard, leaning against an oak tree, staring at Mia. Vic’s heart sank just watching him. It was obvious Max was blindsided about the party being in Aaron and Mia’s honor.
Max, please, please get over her,
Vic prayed. The joyful sounds of laughter faded into the background. The only thing Vic heard were her own temples pounding. In that moment, she was sure love would never be hers.
I’m not as beautiful as Mia with her flawless figure and golden hair.
Vic couldn’t stop staring at Max. He walked up to Mia as Vic watched, unable to look away. Mia turned to see who tapped her shoulder. It was Max, and he whispered something in her ear. She smiled and nodded in agreement. Max left with Mia following shortly afterward. They reconnected in the front yard where it was quiet enough to talk.

“Mia, I’m really happy for you and Aaron,” Max said, when they reached the driveway. “Follow me, I brought something for you.” Max led Mia over to the saddlebags of his Harley and pulled out a beautifully wrapped box. “The timing is weird, I’ll admit.”

“Why?” she asked, as he handed the gift to her.

“I had no idea this party was for you and Aaron. This gift is just a small token to show how much I appreciate you. Mia… you’re the only friend I’ve ever told my story to. You didn’t judge me either. Then, saying what you did that day in the park really hit me. You told the truth, that you loved Aaron, and we didn’t have a future together. You didn’t lead me on, or sugar coat anything. It was painful to hear, I won’t lie, but now I can move forward without wondering if we had a chance. You let me know where I stood, and I respect that. You let me down gracefully, and didn’t bruise my ego too much,” he said, with a laugh. “Anyway, I’m in a good place, and I have you to thank. Vic is a wonderful woman. I’m hoping for a future with her. Okay… I guess I’m babbling too much. So go ahead, open it. I wanted this moment to be private, just between you and me.”

“Max, you’re seriously going to make me cry,” Mia said, sniffling. “Give me your damn bandanna, will you?” Mia blew her nose in it, and they both laughed.

“Alright already, are you going to open the damn box, or what?” Max asked.

“Yes… okay, I’m opening it.” Mia gingerly pulled off the bow and unwrapped a white rectangular box. Inside, she found two porcelain figurines. One was a delicately winged, blonde nymph. She held the world in the palm of her hands. It was stunning. The other, was also a beautiful blonde woman with a camera around her neck, on crutches, with the word GRACE written at the base. Mia burst out laughing at the sight of it. “Are you trying to tell me something, smart ass? And, where in the world did you find these?”

Max laughed. “They’re custom made, but I am trying to make a point. In all sincerity, the first statue is what I really think of you. You’re exquisite and delicate. You have everything going for you. The world is your oyster, run with it. You deserve the best life has to offer, Mia. The second statue is just a reminder to keep your ego in check. Don’t forget how I rescued that clumsy photographer rolling down the hill with dirt and twigs in her mouth and hair. She was also swearing like a sailor while she tumbled, hitting every log and rock. I thought GRACE was an appropriate name after all.”

Mia laughed as she brushed away the tears of happiness. “I love you, Max, even though you’re absolutely crazy. Don’t forget, we’re friends forever.” Mia hugged him and kissed his cheek.

“I love you too, Mia. You’ve given me hope for the future.”

Vic saw the last few seconds between Max and Mia. She witnessed the hugs and kisses. She heard the expressions of love as she stood hidden from sight, behind the side gate. Tears pooled in her eyes, then dropped to wet her tank top. She turned and walked back to the party on the patio. The party that was meant for Mia and Aaron.

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