Insatiable (19 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Insatiable
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Chapter Thirty-four

nticipating a very close encounter with Marquise, Kai smoothed on lip-gloss, misted her neck and wrists with Estée Lauder’s Beyond Paradise, and gazed into the full-length mirror kept in a corner of her office.

She looked alluring in a camel and ivory snake-print silk top with a revealing keyhole opening at the top. A five hundred-dollar, French-pleated mini skirt that she’d gotten on sale for three-hundred dollars was worn over sheer brown tights. Long chocolate boots that laced up the sides completed the classy, yet incredibly sexy look.

She shook out her gleaming frosted curls, checked her nails. Deciding her appearance was impeccable, she placed the gift in her top desk drawer and sat behind the desk to wait for Marquise to tap on her door.

Kai checked her watch. Ten minutes had passed. She swiveled impatiently in her chair, then grabbed the phone and redialed Lynette Cleveland.

“Where’s Marquise?” she hissed into the receiver.

“I contacted his supervisor…I told him it was an emergency. He should be there any minute.” Lynette Cleveland sounded frazzled.

Twirling her hair and swiveling in her chair with a fury, Kai demanded the name of Marquise’s supervisor. The secretary quickly provided the information.

“This place is run by a bunch of incompetents,” Kai went on, “and I will not be subjected to…”

Three heavy raps at the door abruptly halted her tirade.

“Come in,” she sang. She gently placed the phone in the cradle and sat poised behind the desk.

And there he stood! Tall, black, and despite the scowl that indicated he was none too pleased about being summoned to her office, he looked delicious. Sexy as hell! Had Kai known black could look so damn good, she would have dabbled years ago.

The doo-rag he always wore and which seemed permanently attached to his head was sticking out of his shirt pocket. She admired his intricately styled cornrows. Thick, long braids nearly touched his shoulders. He looked regal. Kai supposed his supervisor had finally informed him that doo-rags were not appropriate for work.

With his broad shoulders slouched defiantly against the doorframe, he refused to step inside the office completely. The petulant scowl he wore enhanced his masculine appeal. Kai shivered and felt her nipples harden.

Instead of wearing the standard blue uniform, Marquise added a black sweatshirt with a hood, which he wore beneath the short-sleeved blue shirt. It was an act of rebellion. She liked it. Looking him over, she felt an explosion of passion ripping through her.

“Whassup?” He spoke in a disinterested monotone.

“Have a seat.” She motioned toward a tan-colored chair.

“I’m cool,” he mumbled, refusing to sit.

“Still angry?” She swiveled around and crossed her legs.

“Should I be?”


“On what?”

“Depends on your level of maturity.” She raised a brow.

“Yeah, and I guess that dumb-ass shit you pulled was real mature?”

“What did I do?” She held up both hands in a gesture of helplessness.

“You threw me out your ride just because I didn’t like that whack music you was forcin’ me to listen to.”

“Oh! I was premenstrual,” she explained with an innocent smile. “I felt too crazy to even come to work that day. You can’t hold me accountable for behavior that’s caused by a hormonal imbalance.”

“Yo, I don’t know what that shit is,” he said, shifting his position and slightly straightening his stance. “Sounds like some female shit—but what I’m saying is—ain’t no excuse for disrespectin’ me the way you did. I don’t know who you used to dealin’ wit, but I ain’t that dude.”

“Okay, now that I’ve been thoroughly chastised, can we move forward?”

“Aiight. What’s the deal?”

“You left your watch at my place.”

“Damn!” He smacked his forehead dramatically. “I was wonderin’ what happened to that jawn. You got it witchu?”

“No. I tossed it.” Kai delivered the news with a straight face.

“You did what?”

“I threw it out,” she said, her tone matter of fact. “It was cluttering my boudoir.”

“What the fuck’s your problem? How you gonna just throw my shit out? You know what—fuck it. You got issues, Shorty; I’m out!” He spun around and stalked toward the open door.

Kai placed a small shiny black gift bag on her desktop. White tissue paper jutted out; a small tag hung on the side. “Mar-qu-ise…” she sang his name, making it three syllables.

Marquise stopped, regarded Kai with a scowl. “Now what?” As he noticed the bag, his expression softened.

“This is for you.” She dangled the bag before him.

Instead of leaving, he made awkward steps toward her. An embarrassed smile played at the corner of his lips.

This little trick would have never worked with Dr. Harding, she admitted to herself. He would have laughed in her face.

But Marquise, she noted, was greedy. A cheap fuck! He could have as many gaudy watches and as much ghetto garbage as his silly heart desired—as long as the dick remained good—and on call! Yes, a few cheap trinkets were worth having a dick-in-a-glass—to be broken in case of a sexual emergency.

Momentarily forgetting the thug’s code of conduct, Marquise blushed like a schoolchild. His legs, Kai noted, appeared to wobble slightly when he pulled out the money-wrapped gift.

His eyes widened as he inspected the twenty-dollar bills. “Is this real money? Real dubs?”

“Of course. Does it look like Monopoly money?”

“Dayum!” he exclaimed as he tried to peel off the tape. “It’s wrapped all delicate and shit—I’m scared I might rip these jawns.” Then, concentrating, Marquise carefully peeled the tape from the twenty-dollar bills. “Now, that’s whassup,” he exclaimed as he separated the money.

“Is that a fact? You didn’t even look inside the box and you’re as pleased as punch already. Boy, it doesn’t take much,” she muttered sarcastically.

“How many bills is this?” he wondered.

“Five,” she answered impatiently. “Hurry up! Stop worrying about tearing the money; you can spend torn bills.”

Smiling and gnawing on his lip, Marquise continued to peel carefully. He laid each twenty on the desk and then gawked at the Aqua Master case. “Damn, baby. How’d you know I gotta thing for watches.”

“I didn’t. Now open it, dammit.”

Grinning, Marquise took out the watch and put it on his wrist. “Dayum! Check out the bling-bling. How much was it? A gee?” He turned his wrist admiring the sparkling diamonds that surrounded the stainless steel face of the watch.

“It’s tacky to inquire about the price, Marquise. Believe me, it wasn’t cheap. Now can I get a hug?” Kai asked, cutting him off. She raised up from the swivel chair and came around to the other side of the desk.

Marquise enveloped her in his arms while cutting his eyes at his new watch.

Kai lifted her head and kissed him. His full lips felt particularly good—better than she recalled. She parted her lips, inviting his tongue to touch hers. As his tongue explored her tongue, her gums, her teeth, his big hands squeezed her shoulders. Kai moaned, broke the kiss and threw her head back in surrender. On cue, Marquise kissed and nuzzled her neck. Holding onto Marquise, Kai began to take steps backwards. With her back pressed against the office door, she reached behind, turned the lock, and then brushed her hand against his stiffening manhood.

Marquise groaned.

“I’ve missed you, Marquise,” she whispered as she pulled her top over her head and flung it across the room. In one swift motion, she lifted up her bra, exposing her breasts.

In an instant, Kai’s nipples grazed Marquise’s face and lips.

Marquise grabbed both breasts, pressed them together and greedily alternated between flicking his tongue against and sucking each nipple. Aroused to the point of pain, Kai cried out.

Marquise moved a few steps backwards and fell into the tan chair. He tried to pull Kai onto his lap, but Kai turned around, facing him. She hitched up her skirt and straddled him—with the barrier of clothing between them, she gyrated against his dick. She looked into his eyes, cupped her bare breasts and offered them.

“Damn, Mommy…you fuckin’ my head up,” he murmured. Obligingly, he lowered his head and hungrily suckled each breast.

His long, firm dick seemed about to burst through the fabric of his pants. It felt like a dagger trying to cut its way inside her aching hole.

Willing to be sliced and slaughtered by this big dick, which had the duel capability of causing pleasure as well as pain, Kai spread her legs and rocked on his thickness. Losing control of the part of her that was civilized—sane, she yelped softly, bit into his shoulder to control the screams pressing against her throat, and began pulling violently at the ends of his braids.

“Slow down. Slow down.” He pried her fingers from his hair. “Calm down, Shorty.” His voice was a concerned whisper. “Shh! You gotta be quiet before somebody hears us.”

“You have to fuck me—this is torture,” she whimpered pitifully. “I can’t take anymore. My kitty cat is purring for you, Marquise.” Kai grabbed his hand and shoved it between her legs. The crotch of the tights was sticky and wet. “It needs you,” she murmured as she urgently tugged on her tights, trying to get them down. Her boots, however, were in the way. Breathing hard, she muttered curses as she struggled to use the heel of one boot to wedge off the other. It didn’t work; the boots were laced too tightly.

With her eyes riveted to his, she silently pleaded for help.

Seeming to understand these feelings drawn from deep reserves of passion, Marquise eased Kai off his lap and into the chair to help pull off the confining tights.

She couldn’t control herself; she wanted him to have instant access. “Get the scissors from my drawer and cut these fucking tights off!” she pleaded desperately.

“Naw, we ain’t gotta do all that. I gotchu,” he said as he kneeled to unlace her boots.

She wanted the boots off her feet NOW! Breathing hard and now pulling on her own hair in frenzied frustration, some unfamiliar feeling took hold of her—or perhaps it was just the need to do something with her hands—whatever the case, Kai found herself rubbing the side of Marquise’s face. Then, uncharacteristically affectionate, she used her finger to feel along the complex parts that separated the cornrows. But even that wasn’t enough. Feeling primitive—uninhibited, she ran her tongue along this unfamiliar territory, aroused by the smell and the taste of his scalp.

“Damn, Mommy. Whatchu doin’ to me?” His voice was shaking as he removed her boots; they fell heavily to the floor.

Marquise gave the tights a hard yank, causing Kai to slide out of the chair and onto the floor.

“My bad. But damn, you got me all worked up.” He looked down, indicating the huge bulge in his pants, and then placed her hand upon the swelling. Feeling the monstrous-sized member, Kai moaned loudly. Marquise scooped her up from the floor, carried her across the room and placed her on the desktop. The tights dangled around her ankles. She was wearing a thong.

She groped around her desk, felt for the top drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors and shoved them into his hands.

There was no need for verbal communication. Marquise clipped the elastic band and snatched the thong away from her body. “Oh shit,” he exclaimed as his eyes landed on her waxed and upside-down, triangle-designed pubis.

Kai closed her eyes and listened to the metallic sounds as he unsnapped and unzipped his pants. She opened her eyes briefly and witnessed Marquise releasing the beast that would set her free. His eyes were glazed over, mouth slightly parted, bottom lip slack. It was a sensual sight—the sight of a man who was no longer concerned about risk taking. A man who didn’t care that he was about to copulate in an office during regular business hours at his place of employment. A man who had completely forgotten about the family he claimed to love. A man who was willing to jeopardize everything to get inside her pussy.

Kai scratched the desktop, gripped the pages of a desk calendar and cried out in utter ecstasy as Marquise aimed and slid his dick inside her. Guttural, animal-like sounds escaped his lips as he spread her legs apart, the backs of her knees cradled by the crook of his arms. He pulled her closer. Then lifted her and with his penis still inserted, he pulled her off the desk and fucked her as he walked in frenzied circles around the small office. Overcome, or perhaps just exhausted, he stopped pacing, pressed Kai’s back into a wall and plunged into her again and again until she screamed his name into his shoulder. Biting into the fabric of his shirt, her vaginal muscles contracted rapidly. Still holding her—still connected to her, Marquise collapsed into the chair.

“Are you tired?” she asked.

“Gotta cramp.”

“Relax,” she whispered. It was his turn to cum. She slid off his lap, and turned around with her ass facing his crotch, she squatted onto his slippery dick. She placed his hands over her breasts. “Squeeze them.” He obeyed. Bouncing up and down at a fast pace and declaring the goodness of his dick in the most graphic and guttural terms, Kai brought Marquise to orgasm.

It took a few moments for Marquise to catch his breath. “Damn, girl. I don’t know…you might be too much for me.” He smiled and shook his head, awed by the intense sexual encounter. He hugged her briefly, then glanced at his watch. “Yo, you better get dressed; I gotta get back to my floor.”

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