Ink (46 page)

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Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #General Fiction

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We were thinking about a movie.”

Movies are great. I think that sounds really cool, Dad.” I sipped my drink, dodging his mystified look.

What sort of movies are you into, Hope?” Lynette questioned. She was trying her best to be my pal. I knew where this relationship was headed. And any other day I would have been happy for my dad.

I must admit, I enjoy a good chick flick. You probably already guessed that, though.” I laughed, shooting Tucker a glance. He cracked open a crab leg, giving me a weak smile. I could see he had grown uninterested with this lunch.

I love a good romantic comedy,” Lynette said, staring off, lost in thought. It figured she would, I thought to myself. I imagined her sitting at home on the weekend in sweatpants, clutching a big bowl of popcorn as she watched some romcom.

Dad, while you’re at the movies, I was wondering if Tucker and I could get some ice cream and watch a movie at his father’s beach house.”

Dad finished chewing his food. “I was thinking we all could go see a movie together.”

I raised an eyebrow in Lynette’s direction. “He sure knows how to ruin the mood for the two of you.” Lynette smirked and then I giggled along with her, doing my best to get to that beach house for the night.

Really, the kids will be all right. Tucker will take good care of Hope. Right, Tuck?” Lynette said, shooting a smile in his direction. “I think this is great. What do you think, Neil?”

Dad scrubbed at his chin, he exhaled. “I suppose this will work just fine. But I will be calling to check up on the two of you. No funny business.” He pointed at Tucker, giving him a stern warning. I knew he wouldn’t call.

Tucker threw an arm around me, pulling me in for a proud win. “I will be a perfect gentleman. A movie, some ice cream, maybe a little popcorn.”

I smiled, satisfied I was able to set everything into motion.

Mr. Perfect




ucker stood in the entrance of his dad’s beach house, welcoming me in. It was clear from his expression that he was pleased to see me so excited about our night together. If only he knew why I was so happy to be there.

The truth was, I was happy to be there because it got me closer to my real reason, and that was getting to Slade and Lucy, to Oz and Kidd. To get to all of them before daylight.

I slipped a finger into my front pocket, the edge of Karsen’s letter to Kidd digging into my fingertip. I made sure to take it with me when I told Tucker I needed to go back home and grab a sweater, because Dad was right, it was chilly.

But it wasn’t chilly at all. I was just looking out for Karsen.

He took my hand, leading me into his colossal living room. Overstuffed furniture, a fireplace, plush carpet and a huge flat screen all at our beck and call. Some kids in the neighborhood might have envied Tucker, but I felt more comforted that I wasn’t anything like his family. Because no matter how much money you had, it didn’t wipe away the sullied film that was attached to his entire family.

Take a seat. I’ll go get us something to drink.” He unbuttoned a few buttons on his flannel shirt, getting more comfortable.

I lowered myself down onto the cushiony sectional, looking around the room at all the extravagant paintings on the walls. All of them shared the same subject matter, which was dark shades of indigo reminding me of the ocean.

Tucker hopped over the back of the sectional with a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. He worked it open with one of those fancy cork removers, chucking it on the table once he got it loose, and poured it into the two wine glasses.

Wine?” I asked.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure every kid has drank under the age of eighteen before.” He poured the red wine into my glass, handing it over.

I sniffed it. “Of course. Who hasn’t?”

Tucker nodded, his eyes pinned to mine as I sipped at my wine, studying my face intently.

This is good,” I said with a smile. If I hadn’t watched him opening the bottle in front of me, I wouldn’t have accepted.

Tucker placed his palm on my thigh. “Let’s race. First one to finish their glass has to give the other one a back rub.”

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, fine.”

I moved the glass to my lips, watching Tucker with one quick tip of his head, down his entire glass of wine. He stole my glass, placing both of our glasses on the coffee table.

I guess it’s your lucky day.” He grinned. I took my glass back, choking down the last of it. He sanded his hands together waiting for me to give in and let him touch me.

I cautiously removed my sweater. “I hope you’re good at this.”

I’m the best.” He beamed.

I rested on my stomach, adjusting myself until I felt comfy, and rested my head on one of the chenille throw pillows.

He gently moved my hair from my shoulders. With a leg on each side of my back, the weight of him was bending my spine down into the couch cushions. My breath grew uneven.

Uh, I don’t think you can sit on me like this,” I said softly, feeling him slip farther down, his weight easing up. His hands moved little by little up my back, from my waist to my ribcage, until he was kneading my shoulders. And I had to admit, he was pretty good with his hands.

The wine warmed my cheeks, loosening me up. Tucker drew my shirt up, the cool air from the room nipping at my back. My body grew rigid.

Just relax,” he told me, planting a kiss on my back. A kiss that did zero for me. “Your skin is so soft,” he told me, rubbing his hands into my skin roughly.

I use a lot of lotion. And moisturizing body scrubs,” I said facetiously, trying to lighten up the moment.

Tucker kissed my cheek. “You’re so cute.”

Thanks. What’s with all the compliments?” Another kiss softly hit my shoulder blade, his fingers running through my hair.

You make compliments come easy.”

I started to pity him. He was being so pleasant. I told myself he was only doing this because he wanted more. He wasn’t being this way because he was good and honest. And at last, my perspective returned again.

Tucker’s hands worked endlessly at my back, causing me to become really tired. My eyelids little by little started to fall and that same spark of light exploded behind them, warming up my skin.

I jumped, sluggishly searching the room. Tucker’s hands swaying my body from side to side against the rhythm of his hands.

Everything okay?” he asked.

Yeah, is everything okay?” Ezra’s voice probed unexpectedly.

I shrieked, rolling to my side and shoving Tucker off of me. Tucker grabbed the back of the couch, saving himself from landing on the floor.

What the hell!” he exclaimed.

I’m sorry. I was just startled. I thought I saw something,” I said, searching the room again, but there was no sign of Ezra. Maybe my mind just fooled me into believing she was there.

I have the doors locked. It’s only the two of us here.” He pulled at my shirt, drawing me close. “How about we go upstairs?”

I pushed my hair behind my ear. “What is so fun upstairs? I was enjoying myself right here,” I said, the corners of my mouth drawing up, changing into a smile. I tugged his hand, pulling him back to the couch. He followed, but his mind was on only one thing. I watched him unfasten the rest of the buttons on his shirt, taking it off. His muscular body and pale skin on display, begging me to give in.

Tucker bent forward, raising his chin at the last second and connected with my lips. “Right here is just fine,” he whispered into my ear, his tongue gliding across my neckline as his fingers caressed my earlobe.

He lowered me down, his hands creeping across the stretch of my body. I turned my head away as he pushed himself between my legs, breathing heavy and ready for the next phase. He was nothing like Slade. He was simply concerned with getting pleasure out of our night together. He jerked my underwear down to my thighs.

Tucker, can’t we just talk?” I asked quickly, pushing into him. His pawing was starting to become a little forceful. I pulled my tank top from his grip and searched for my skirt that he had slid right off of me. I couldn’t take anymore.

What do you mean? We are having a good time.” He went after me again.

No, you’re having a good time. I like things to be a little slower when it comes to sex,” I explained. I slid my underwear up. Taking the wine bottle from the table and pouring the two of us more.

Slower how?” he asked, fondling my inner thigh with his fingertips. I handed over his glass of wine.

Take your time. Sex is not about rushing. How is that pleasurable?”

He took a long drink of his wine. “I get the feeling you’re trying to find a way out of this, Hope.”

I took one more sip, trying to think of an answer that didn’t upset him, or bruise his ego. “Sometimes you over think things,” I settled on. I squeezed his arm.

over think things? I am only thinking of one thing, and it seems you’re thinking of hundreds. Look, if you don’t want to be here, then just go home.”

I cringed. “I do. I swear it.”

Tucker nodded, returning his wine to the tabletop, leaning into me yet again. He pushed my hair away from my neck, biting at me. I pulled away in discomfort. He tried to get me moving, but it was clear he wasn’t buying my lies any longer.

Look, you drink some more wine, I’ll be right back. Loosen up. I thought this was what you wanted.” Tucker headed off down the hall.

I finished off my glass, setting it on the table. The foyer clock sounded as I waited for him to return. The house held a spooky quietness. I searched for the remote, trying to find a way to liven the place up.

It had been some time since Tucker had taken off. I wondered what was keeping him.

We have guest,” Tucker’s father, Everett, said from behind me, startling the life out of my body. “How quaint.”

My stomach dropped. I hurriedly grabbed my skirt off the floor.

Oh, don’t let me trouble anyone,” he said, bringing up a hand to stop me from putting my skirt back on.

Tucker said the house was empty,” I said quietly, not making eye contact with him.

That it was,” Everett answered. I quickly drew my skirt up, and moments later he was standing right beside me.

Hot little number you’re wearing. I heard you were the talk of the Seafood Shack tonight, Hope. Every housewife in Cherry was gossiping about you,” he said, lifting the bottle of wine off the table. He gave it a little shake, its insides splashing around in the bottle.

I backed away. Tucker’s dad tracked my every move

Now, what would your dad think about you being here with half your clothes on and one practically empty wine bottle?” A snide smile graced his lips. He drew a cigar from the front pocket of his jacket.

He knows I am here.” I crossed my arms, watching him light it up.

Not for what I walked in on.” He blew out a cloud of smoke, licking his lips and grinning. “Bad things can happen when you’re off doing wicked things,” Everett said, the spark in his eyes worrying me.

Finally, I spotted Tucker, happy to see him for once.

Tucker, so glad you could join us,” Everett said.

I looked at Tucker. He rubbed at his neckline. “You remember Hope.” They both grinned, appreciating the hilarity among the two of them. My stomach fell even more, understanding Tucker wasn’t upset by his dad’s surprising stopover. In fact, I was sure he probably called him now.

I rounded the table, taking my flip-flops.

Where you going, Hope?” Tucker questioned.

Home,” I said, short and to the point, just about to the door. Everett strode forward, blocking my exit. He grabbed for my arm, but I bolted for the kitchen before his hand could clamp down on me.

You stay away from me!” I screamed, drawing one of the knives from the chopping block. I held tightly to the handle. My insides trembling.

Oh, no, not a knife,” Everett said, waving his hands melodramatically. He wasn’t scared of me. And this made me panic even more.

I’m afraid




pushed off the counter, darting for the hall. The knife still in my grasp as I took off, putting as much space between Tucker and his unbalanced father. My feet pounded against their fine wood floor as I ran for shelter. Someplace to keep me away from the two of them.

Oh, come on, Hope,” Everett called out, his voice resonating up the staircases as I rounded the corner.

I rushed down the hall, going for the first door I spotted. I turned the handle. It was locked. And so was every one after that. My heart raced as I considered my next move.

Were these people really crazy enough to attack a girl in their own home? Well, I wasn’t hanging around to find out.

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