Ink (26 page)

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Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #General Fiction

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Wow,” I said, pulling my shirt over my head. I stared down at my bathing suit top. “Ruffles. It’s cute. It’s like the one in my

He nodded. I admired the string bikini, following Slade down to the water. Tucker and his pals all stood there watching our every move. Slade held up a finger, signaling me to wait, and ran off and out of sight past the boulders.

Wow, she hangs with the enemy,” Tucker called out as he approached. I turned around.

Hey, Tucker,” I said. I was only addressing him to avoid a fight or argument.

Nice bikini. Black. I hear it’s all the rage for the Evil Kings of Ink. You must be fitting right in.” He looked down his nose at me.

Actually, it’s all the rage in
magazine. That’s why I picked it out.” I gave a nod.

Tucker crossed his arms. His physique was pretty similar to Slade’s aside from the happy trail and white skin. Slade’s skin took an interest in the sunlight, sporting a light tan.

I told you Slade was bad news. You don’t believe me, huh?” Tucker asked.

I wondered why it was his job to tell me about Slade. It wasn’t like he was dying to hang around with me anymore. And I was pretty sure I felt the same way. He associated with all of
. All of them being Jesse and Lydia as well as Darby.

No, I don’t believe you. I’m sorry that you don’t like him but that’s not really my problem.” I watched for Slade to return, trying to blatantly avoid Tucker’s angry glare.

Yeah, well, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

I won’t,” I promised him.

He huffed, staying where he was as Slade approached again. This time Slade was carrying a surfboard, all black and sleek with a white skull in the middle.

What do you even see in him?” he asked, watching Slade fast approach.

Why does it matter, Tucker?” I stared at Slade, wishing he could read my thoughts and get me out of this uncomfortable situation.

Because I thought we had something good going on. Your Grandma really likes me,” Tucker argued. I rolled my eyes. What a lame thing to say to someone. Was he really so pathetic he would use Nona?

Yeah, well, I think Nona will get over it.” I turned away from him. Slade stabbed his surfboard into the sand, staring at Tucker, his expression super serious. “Everything okay?”

Tucker scratched his head, sizing him up. “I was just reminding Hope about hanging out with certain people.”

You mean me. It’s okay, Tucker, you can say it to my face.” Tucker took a step back. Slade stepped forward. “It doesn’t hurt my feelings. I hear it every day out of you. Or your dad, or your friends.”

Hope doesn’t know better. But all of us do,” Tucker said. He shook his head as if he was just too sickened to be standing there.

Hope’s a big girl. And a smart one. Hence the reason she’s here with me and not you. Don’t be mad that she finds me more interesting.” Slade wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. He grinned at Tucker. I bit my lip as I watched Tucker’s expression drop just a little, although he was doing his best to seem indifferent.

You’re really pushing it Slade,” Tucker said low, his jaw flexing as he stared Slade down.

Well, come on pretty boy, do something then. Just remember, I taught you all you know about fighting.” Slade laughed. He was actually laughing.

Slade, I’m warning you. You better watch yourself,” Tucker stumbled.

Come on Hope. Let me teach you how to surf.” Slade pulled me past Tucker and into the water before I could freak out or object. But I was glad to be putting a distance between Tucker and Slade and I.

You were great back there,” I said, watching Tucker head back to his posse. Darby scowled at us, giving us her best evil eye. Jesse and Lydia huddled together sharing a towel, both of them giving me judging looks.

The water rocked against our shins. Slade gripped the surfboard, watching along with me. He nudged me. “Watch this.” I locked my eyes on Tucker. “Say Charlie Horse,” he said to me.

I gave him a weird look but decided to play along. Slade pushed my cheek, guiding me back to Tucker. “Charlie Horse.”

As the words left my lips Tucker’s leg gave out from beneath him, he dropped to his knees rubbing at his calf muscle. I broke into laugher at Slade’s evil magic. I couldn’t help but enjoy it. Slade took my hand, pulling me further into the water.

I’m afraid of the ocean,” I told him as the water hit my waist. My heart sped up.

What? No way. You lived in Georgia,” Slade reminded me. He stopped the board with one hand, his other hand sliding down to my waist. “Get on.”

I grabbed ahold of the surfboard, trying my best to get on top of it. It was a lot harder than I ever imagined. Slade assisted my descent upon his surfboard, his hands on my backside. Once I was on top he jumped on board like a pro, straddling the board. He pushed me down, guiding me into a sitting position. The waves rocked us back and forth and I felt like I was ready to plummet back into the water.

You’re so fidgety, just relax. And spread your legs,” he told me, prying my legs apart, leaving
my feet dangling on either side into the water. I stared down at the black surfboard between my legs, then back up at Slade who was busy watching me.

I’m going to get you over this stupid fear,” he told me. He was so sure of it, I believed him. The water rocked us up and down.

Don’t be afraid of silly things. Don’t ever be afraid of anything,” he said, looking deep into my eyes.

I reached out for him and he grabbed my hand eagerly in his, wagging his finger in front of him to get me closer.

Are you afraid right now?” Slade asked. He took some ocean water in his hand, dumping it on my shoulder, tracing the water droplets down my skin.

Yeah,” I admitted. The idea that a huge world existed underneath us freaked me out.

His lips connected with my shoulder, stopping the world.

How about now?” he asked, gliding his fingers across my neck then slipping them into my hair. I nodded. He pushed away my hair, kissing my neck, his fingers pulling my chin toward his mouth.

Slightly,” I whispered, closing my eyes as our lips connected. My stomach swirled with electric butterflies.

The waves jerked the surfboard, breaking our lip lock. Slade held on to my legs, keeping me on board. “Your lips taste like cherries,” he told me with a grin, licking at his lips.

Moon Light




he soft lull of the ocean and the crackling of the fire were the only sounds filling my ears. It was late and Slade and I had finally finished surfing. I was dog-tired but still eager to continue the night. I had never had so much fun with a guy before as I did tonight, and I really didn’t want it ending anytime soon.

Slade pitched another piece of wood into the fire, leaning back on the blanket. I snuggled into him, getting comfortable.

That was fun,” I told him. I wanted to be sure he knew I enjoyed myself.

Yeah, it was,” Slade whispered softly in my ear as we watched the fire eat away at the wood, its orange glowing embers growing brighter.

I turned my head, kissing him. This time I was the aggressor, and he didn’t mind. He fell back on the blanket, slowly pulling me on top of him. My heart thudded in my chest as Slade wrapped his hands firmly around me. He smiled, staring up at me, his eyes full of illumination from the moonlight and fire.

You’re not scared anymore of the water now, right?” he asked as I nipped at his bottom lip.

Not when you’re around,” I said, holding tight to his neck as I kissed him with a whole lot more enthusiasm than usual. We broke apart long enough for Slade to add some more wood to the fire. I admired his toned body, running my hand down his back.

Now, where were we?” he said with a grin.

I laid back on the blanket. Slade started kissing me again, his body pressing against mine from above, his face content with all that was going on. He pulled the button on my shorts, sending chills through my body. I closed my eyes as his hand slid down the front of my shorts. I pulled away, looking into his eyes for some sort of confirmation we should be doing what we were doing. Slade removed his hand, settling on kissing and only that again.

It wasn’t that,” I whispered.

He touched a finger to my lips. “I didn’t say it was.”

This sexual tension went on for another hour or so. Finally, I came up for air, not sure what time it was, but was sure it was very late.

What time is it?” I asked, breaking him away from my neck.

Slade slid a phone from his pocket. “It’s one in the morning,” he told me without any concern. I jumped up from the blanket, totally freaked out. “Oh shit. I take it this is too late for you to be out?” Slade said, handing me my shorts that somehow came off during our romp. I retied one side of my bathing suit bottom that he had also loosened during our intense moment beneath the stars.

It’s not late for me. It’s late for my dad.” I jumped up and down slipping into my shorts and zipping them.

Slade pulled me close, hooking a finger into my belt loop. “Did I tell you those shorts are hot?”

I pushed him away, laughing. Now was not the time for flirtation. Shoving my flip-flops on my feet, I hurried through the darkness toward my house with Slade right behind me.

I’ll tell him we were at my place and apologize. I could call Lucy and have her vouch for it if you think that will help,” Slade said, trying to reassure me that this would be acceptable.

He didn’t know my parents. Well, he didn’t know me either, for that matter. If he knew me well he would know me being out with boys wasn’t something that occurred that often. And my parents would think I was dead in a ditch rather than out with a guy for this long. Even if Elliot told Dad, which there was no proving that he did, my only hope was Dad was passed out and totally clueless of the time.

But as I approached my house and saw the Sheriffs’ car parked in front of Dad’s van, I knew things were not going to turn out like I wanted them to.

Oh my god,” I gasped.

Slade rubbed at his neck, keeping up with me as we got closer to the house. “Just relax. You’re alive, that should give them some kind of relief,” he told me.

I clenched my fist as soon as my feet hit the porch. Dad, Nona
Tucker stood on the porch talking to the Sheriff. I gritted my teeth together, anger surging through
my body.

There you are!” Nona exclaimed, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me over to her, Dad and Tucker. She studied Slade critically.

Yeah, here I am. I’m fine, just got caught up. Didn’t realize how late it was,” I tried reasoning. Dad and Tucker watched me try to crawl out of my mess.

Hope, your curfew has always been ten. You’re hours late. You never even told me where you were going!” Dad exclaimed.

Slade stepped forward. “I apologize, sir. It’s more my fault than it is hers. I was the one with the phone. It won’t happen again.”

I stared at Dad, hoping he would give in and accept Slade’s apology.

You’re damn right it won’t happen again,” the taller man in the Sherriff’s uniform said, grabbing Slade by the arm.

What are you doing to him? Since when is it illegal to hang out with someone,” I exclaimed, trying to step forward, but Dad and Nona only blocked my path.

I’m just glad you’re okay, “Tucker said, touching my arm as Slade was handcuffed.

He didn’t do anything. You can’t arrest him for nothing!” I argued.

Honey, let Sheriff Perkins do his job. Get in the house. We have a lot to talk about. I don’t know what has gotten into you,” Dad said, pushing me toward the door.

I planted my feet, trying to stay where I was. It was unfair. Slade did nothing wrong and yet there he was getting carted away. And I knew exactly why. The smug look on Tucker’s face said it all.

But, Dad, they can’t arrest someone for nothing. He did nothing wrong!” I yelled once again.

Sherriff Perkins shoved Slade down the steps. He threw our gate open and quite roughly shoved Slade toward his car.

Hope, you shut your mouth before he carts you off to a cell as well,” Nona snapped, pushing me into the house. I let out a loud huff, shoving my way through the door.

This is ridiculous, Dad!” I yelled once I was in the kitchen. Sherriff’s Perkins headlights illuminated the driveway and his engine roared to life. And that was all I needed to know that Slade was gone, off to be tortured or charged with a bogus crime because of Tucker.

Nona and Tucker came into the kitchen.

Hope, you can’t be running around with the likes of that boy at all hours of the day and night. Do you know Tucker says—”

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