Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) (15 page)

BOOK: Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)
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he turns towards me,

You think

re better than me, your think you
know how to bring MY son up.

sneers at me as he looks over Inferno

shoulder. His face heating up, teeth bared as he draws his lips back

your fucking mouth.

slut ain

t having anything to do with
my son. You hear me slut.

my son away from a good decent home, bringing him here to corrupt
him, with drink, drugs and sex. You ain

anything but a whore, spreading your legs for these scumbags.


I start to say, moving forward,

up Baby Blu

Inferno warns me as he
clutches Eddie Bale by his T-shirt. Scrunching the front up as he
pulls him forward as he lifts him off his feet. His right arm, takes
a swing back, then he connects his fist with Eddie

face. Again, he swings his arm back and punches this man in the
face. Eddie is trying defend himself as he attempts to throw a fist
forward. Yet still Inferno does not let go of his shirtfront. Holding
him and punching him repeatedly, soon his body is limp and Inferno
drops him to the ground.

he says to no one in particular

this piece of shit of my land..” Trax approaches the fallen
body, searching him for his car keys, once he has them located, he
half drags the body of Eddie Bale as he stumbles behind him, trying
to keep up. The walk back to the car takes longer than expected as
Eddie trips over his own feet. Finally they reach the car and as
Trax leaves the compound, Crabby follows on his Harley.

take Tommy in my arms and squeeze him tight which, he reciprocates. I
do not know if I
doing this for him or
for me. Soon there is extra warmth in our hug as Inferno joins us to
encloses my body into his. My back is to his front as he brings his
arms round. The touch of his lips a gentle caress against my hair.

no matter what your dad does or says. You will stay with Baby Blu and
her dad, ok.

lifts his head, his eyes acknowledging Inferno as they come to an

no matter what happens, Inferno, his club and his family will always
be there to protect him and Baby Blu.

steps into our little circle, handing a beer out to Inferno.

to get this party back on track.” He announces, pulling me to
the dance floor. The music is switched back on and the sound of
heavy bass guitar can he heard. The beat taking over our bodies, as
we pretend that nothing has happened, soon Inferno and Tommy join us.

Chapter 13

the disturbance with Eddie Bale and the crashed party. I call an
importune meeting with the brothers. No one comes on to Devils
Comforts property and upsets either the members, or my family without
some form of retribution.

Bale is nothing but a bully, praying on women and children.
Unfortunately for him, he has chosen the wrong victims for his anger.

and Crabby, who have returned to the compound. I do not know what
went off, while they were gone. What I have noticed is that Crabby
looks a little happier. As a prospect, Trax is not attending the
meeting, but Crabby has joined us.

you do not have to say anything, just a look conveys all that is
necessary. As the room settles down, we discuss what happened this
afternoon and how we will handle the retribution.

want that fucker watched. He does anything out of line, you tell me.
No matter what time of day or night it is. You see him anywhere near
Baby Blu, Tommy or her house, you tell me. Got it?

bob in agreement, this job will fall to the prospects, who will
report back to Dec.


m going to have to take Trax out of
the studio, until this mess is sorted

loved Baby Blu and I can him to keep her safe


l find temporary replacement to
cover the desk while he

s absent.

need anything pres, you just let us know.

this came from Tabby.

you find out what you can on Baby Blu

application for guardianship on Tommy

me with his fingers as he acknowledges the request.

that we have the necessary precautions in place, I bang the gravel,
declaring the meeting closed. As I haul my chair back, patting my
pockets to locate the keys to my Harley.

going somewhere Pres

this comes from

going for a ride.

Finding myself
with some excess nervous energy that I need to burn before I head
home to Baby Blu. Being on the road is the ideal solution for me.

I understand, think I

ll come with

This wasn

t a request, it was a

the time, I
straddle my bike, several other
brothers have begun to mount theirs and we roll.
The direction
I take is south, the brothers follow, not a single biker leaves the
precession as I head for my mark.

streets are abandoned at this time of the night, only to be
illuminated by the streetlamps and the crescent moon.

Blu was not happy when I had sent her home with my folks. I have to
be honest with myself and one of the reason I am on this ride, is due
to the fact I wish to delay on oncoming confrontation.

wee reach our destination, I find what I came looking for; Eddie

beat up truck. It is parked outside his shack. Drawing alongside
side the truck, I park the bike without dismounting. I
not here to fight or argue with him. Staying straddled on
the bike, I turn the throttle, gently at first, then louder and
louder. Rapidly, the quiet night is filled with the sound of Harley
engines being throttled. The riders are becoming boisterous as they
let the engines throb in the night air. Only to let engines die down,
before starting again.

are making are presence felt, and still none of Eddie’s
neighbors came to tell us to piss off. Some of the brothers at the
back of the precession, have become rowdy as they ride their Harleys
up and down the road, brakes squealing as they take sharp turns. Our
headlights are illumining Eddie’s home, the lights shining into
his property. From where I am, I see the curtains flicker. Yeah, the
coward is hiding behind his curtains. Again, I throttle the engine,
nice and load, the Harleys are roaring. This is all about
intimidation. We sit outside for about thirty minutes before the law
turns up. By now, we
woken the entire
street and I am too pissed to care.

Sheriff’s vehicle draws along side the house, and Sheriff Adam
Henry alights, heading towards me., he too looks to be in a pissed
off mood, giving the Harley one last thunderous throttle. I shift my
body to face the him,. The Harley sitting in idle as I wait.

evening for a drive Sheriff.

is in no mood for pleasantries.

know where I was Dante?

my eyebrow at the question, I do not dignify to answer it.

was at home, with my woman, when I get a call, telling me, that
there’s a disturbance in the South projects, where a gang of
bikers are ripping up the roads.”

it had been a rhetorical question.

shooting the breeze, sheriff, with my brothers

While the sheriff and I have been speaking two cruisers have pulled
up. The deputies have alighted from their vehicles, their hands
statically placed on their hips, just above their weapons, watching
us carefully.


t out to cause no trouble?

if you don

t want to spend the night
at the local county jail for disturbing the peace, I suggest you go

the Harley, I turn to where Adam is standing. Who takes a step back
away from the bike.

were just on our way Sherriff, don’t know why anyone called
you. We aren’t causing any trouble.” Signaling to the
brothers to head on home.

up along Crabby, to instruct him to hang back and that once Adam and
his men had left he is to watch that bastard, Eddie Bale.

someone can go two ways, they either give in and leave, scurrying
back in to what ever whole they have crawled out of or, they become
bigger idiots, and accept the challenge.

a final look at Eddie

s house, I knew
which he will do. He is an idiot, out to cause trouble for Baby Blu
and Tommy. Furthermore, that is the direction I want him to go. To
make that kind of mistake and once he is within a hundred feet of
either of them, then I am coming for him. He is to pay for the way he
spoke to my woman. No one talks like that and gets away with it.

to see Baby Blu, I head my place with the hope that is where I will
find her. If not I
visit her at her
place and have it out with her there. Tonight I am not in the mood to
be pissed about, knowing that the upcoming confrontation was not
going to pleasant. Baby Blu had not wanted me to leave in the first
place. Worried about what I was going to do. I had promised her that
no harm will come to Tommy

s dad. Not
that he did not deserve it. I had also kept my promise, my conscious
is clear.

up in front of the house, even as late as it is, I see the light are
on. Well that answered the question of where Baby Blu is. Securing
the Harley for the night in the garage, I enter the house using the
side door between the garage interior and kitchen. Collecting a beer
from the fridge, going in search of Baby Blu.

the sound of Bob Dylan coming form the living area. I find Baby Blu
sat in one of the green armchairs, her head relaxed, eyes closed, her
breathing steady. Slowly as she opens her hazel eyes, her relaxed
demeanor appears to evaporate. I‘m a careful man. She is
watching me closely as I leaned against the door jam, before pushing
herself up from the chair as she pointedly looks at her watch.

take longer than you expected

asks, her eyebrow lifting.

as I raise the beer to my mouth, taking a long drink before I answer.


swiping the back of my hand over my mouth, I come further in to the
room. Baby Blu has taken a step back. She has become weary and so
our little dance begins, as she takes another step back, I stride
forward, she steps to the side, I stride to the side. This little
morsel was dying for a fight and I am going to give her one. My blood
is pumping and in need of s to cool it down.

her hand up, she held it out in front of her, palm forward.


take another step.

I come closer.


Baby Blu, I don

t know what

got you all riled.


t know what

got me all riled,

she sardonically

How about, it’s
being hours since the barbeque finished and you said you wouldn

be long.

took longer than expected.

by the way Baby Blu

I add as an
after thought.


so pleased you‘re here and that I don

have to go looking for you

BOOK: Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)
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