Inevitable (37 page)

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Authors: Angela Graham

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Inevitable
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Julia stomped out of the room, mumbling under her breath but not before shooting one last deadly glare back at Natasha.

I descended the last few steps, my hands kneading out the kink in my neck and walked past Natasha toward the kitchen.

I was relieved Oliver wasn’t home. I missed him but this would be hard to explain, he’s been hoping and praying one day his mother would return. Every wish he ever made was for that one thing. And now here she was. I poured a glass of orange juice, and stood resting my hip on the counter and waited for her to explain herself.

“You look good, Logan.” She licked her lips slowly, seductively and began approaching me. She was too easy to read and I was over it already.

I cocked my eyebrow at her brazen attempt to reel me in with sex and held up my hand to stop her.

“It’s been over four years and that’s what you have to say to me?”

“Well, I missed you. I forgot how delicious you were with messy bed head and sleepy eyes.”

“Cut the crap.” I slammed my glass on the counter. “Why are you here?”

“I told you already. I want my family back.”

“Why now? Your rich little boyfriends finally croak of old age?” I chuckled dryly shaking my head. “Or did they finally realize you’re not worth their time and money?” I shoved off the counter and stepped forward.

She smiled. “You don’t mean that, baby.”

“Yes. I do.” I stepped around her, glaring and sat at the kitchen table. Resting my hand against my pounding head, I sighed. “I’ve spent enough time hating you, Natasha, regretting I ever met you. But you gave me the best thing in my life, Oliver.”

“I want to see him,” she replied, quickly, moving to sit across from me.

“Not going to happen.” I scoffed. “He barely remembers you and the few memories he does have I won’t allow you to taint.”

“He’s my son. My own flesh and blood, Logan. You can’t keep him from me.” Natasha’s voice grew low.

“Watch me,” I snapped and stood from the table, unable to sit there any longer.

“He’ll hate you.”

I froze mid step half way out of the room. Slowly, I craned my head at the brazen woman now standing behind me.

She stepped around me, my gaze following her. She smiled, and I watched a malicious smile grow on her face. “He’s going to grow up eventually and when he does, he’ll find me or I’ll find him.” She stepped closer, reaching out and brushing her hand down my chest. “I’ll tell him you kept us apart and he’ll hate you forever.”

I snatched her hand traveling down to the drawstrings of my pants. “Don’t you dare come into my home and threaten me!” I released her hand, shoving it away, repulsed. “I’ll make sure he knows exactly the kind of woman his mother is.”

I walked around her and out of the room. My hands pumping into a fist, jaw clenched.

How dare she?

“Logan, please. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Natasha came up behind me, her hands resting on my arms.

I shrugged her off, disgusted by her once arousing touch. She stepped in front of me again, testing my patience. I could never hurt a woman but Julia was in the next room, no doubt listening, waiting to throw Natasha out with one word from my mouth.

“I want you gone,” I said, my voice hard.

“I’m not leaving town,” she replied with ease, ignoring my threatening scowl, and walked to the front door. “I’m staying in a hotel nearby. Here’s their card with my room number on it as well as my cell number.”

Natasha placed the shiny cream business card on the antique table beside the door.

“I want to make this work. Our family, please Logan, for Oliver.” Natasha opened the door, the cool night air reminding me of the reality waiting outside those doors. “I’ll be in touch.” Natasha closed the door behind her.

“Don’t you dare say you’re going to actually think about giving her another chance?”

I turned to see Julia storming down the hall toward me.

“Not now.” I sighed, running my hands down my face and around the back of my neck. I needed to think.

Her voice grew louder as I walked past her up the stairs and headed to my bedroom where I slammed the door shut behind me. Without a single clear thought I threw on a clean black shirt, dark pair of jeans and headed back down stairs.

“I’m going out.”

“What?” Julia frowned, still standing where I left her minutes earlier. “The girl you care about is lying in a hospital bed because of a drunk driver and you’re going to go out? I know what that means, Logan!”

“I’m not going to drink. Not this time. I just need...” I sighed, dropping my head. I had no clue what I needed. Slowly I lifted my gaze back up at her.

The thought of getting drunk brought up nothing but bad memories. No, I needed some fresh air and somewhere to think. Before Cassandra, I would have gone straight to Haven and screwed the first woman that greeted me with a smile, but now everything was different. Forever changed. My body belonged to Cassandra along with everything else.

I ached for her in a way I never thought possible. Not for sex, but for her company. Her bright-smile, her sweet laugh. I would take anything she could offer at this point.

I walked out to my garage and ripped the cloth cover from my vintage motorcycle and pulled on my helmet. It had been months since I had gone for a ride and I wondered if Cassandra would one day ride with me. The thought of having her that close, holding onto to my body, a shiver raced up my spine and shot through my neck.

Her hands gripped around my waist, I could only dream of such a heaven.

Within minutes, I was on the back country road, cool air blowing against my face. The heaviness in my head lifted as I took every curve with slow precision.

I was in no hurry that night. It would be wrong to attempt to stay home in my current condition.

Tightening my hands on the grips, I let my mind drift through all the possibilities and all the ways I could convince Cassandra to let me back in.

I would never give up.

I was hers and someday she would be mine.



About the Author


Angela Graham lives outside of Dayton, Ohio with her husband and three wonderful kids.

Connect with her on Facebook!



This story never would have been more than a rough draft of ideas if not for the constant support of a few very special people in my life.


To my children who are my entire life and remind me everyday why it’s important to work hard for what you love. Dream big and never give up.


My best friend and sister, Michelle, who endured countless rants about characters she had yet to even meet, I am so incredibly grateful.


A special thank you to my father, Greg, for helping me take this story to the next level of a real book.


An enormous thank you to Stephanie, the best CP a girl could ask for. I can’t say this book would be where it is today without your support through constant emails, texts and long rambling phone calls. I look forward to the journey that we are embarking on and hope this is only one of many years of friendship and books to come.


To Sharon Graham and Bethany Shaw thank you for your support and feedback.


My editor Laura for believing in this story and helping me pull it all together.


A HUGE thank you to my readers for taking a chance on me. Your encouragement and support is so appreciated. Every time I receive an email from you guys I am truly on cloud nine the rest of the day!


Last but certainly not least, to my husband. I love you, baby. Forever and always. Thank you for helping out a little more while my head was preoccupied with writing.




Look for book two:

The conclusion of Logan and Cassandra’s story

Fall 2013.





While you’re waiting, be sure to check out

Emerge by S.E. Hall



No sooner than Laney Walker and her long-time best friend Evan Allen finally delve into romantic feelings for each other, college sends them packing, miles apart. Never the social butterfly, Laney is slow to adjust to life with a new softball team, crazy roommate and co-ed dorm. Without the support system of her Dad and her Evan, she's left to cope with diving into the real world on her own.


Just when she thinks nothing could tear her apart from her old life any further, she meets the mysterious, debonair Dane Kendrick and her heart is left divided.


The familiar love she shares with Evan has always been easy and sweet, but she can't help wondering what would happen if she let go and took a leap of faith into what she never knew she wanted? A jump that Dane seems more than happy to help her through.


Table of Contents


Chapter One—One Year Later

Chapter Two—First Impressions

Chapter Three—Oliver

Chapter Four—The Muffin Man

Chapter Five—The Power of Men

Chapter Six—Let the Games Begin

Chapter Seven—Flirtation

Chapter Eight—Taste Test

Chapter Nine—One Step Forward

Chapter Ten—Two Steps Back

Chapter Eleven—Lowered Inhibitions

Chapter Twelve—TLC

Chapter Thirteen—Olive Branch

Chapter Fourteen—Open Door Policy

Chapter Fifteen—Exposed

Chapter Sixteen—Misconceptions

Chapter Seventeen—All Bets Are Off

Chapter Eighteen—Expectations

Chapter Nineteen—Revealing

Chapter Twenty—Help Yourself

Chapter Twenty-One—Puppy Love

Chapter Twenty-Two—Pillow Talk

Chapter Twenty-Three—Charmed

Chapter Twenty-Four—Vulnerable

Chapter Twenty-Five—Consequences

Chapter Twenty-Six—Waiting

Chapter Twenty-Seven—Wide Awake

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