Read Independence: #2 Angel Online

Authors: Karen Nichols

Tags: #Romance

Independence: #2 Angel (22 page)

BOOK: Independence: #2 Angel
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There was silence for a long minute. “Bailey told you this?”

“With a little coercion,” he admitted with a chuckle, his free hand stroking softly over the sweat dampened brow. He only grinned when she raised her head enough to stick her tongue out at him. A sharp smack echoed in the room and through the phone.

“I see.”

“I am still working through the independence of my fiancée,” Gabe admitted slowly. “And I am not blind to the needs they have to be in control of their lives. No, not control. To garner their capabilities to take care of themselves. Regardless of the obstacles some morons insist upon placing in their path.”

“And this is just one more thing Angel feels she should handle on her own,” Colin said with a nod. “I get that. Until they used kidnapping and restraints, against her will.”

“According to Bailey, Elizabeth made the comment that the reverend’s donations increased considerably when he preached about his trials with Angel. And went even higher if he had her there for a religious cleansing,” Gabe kept his voice level but Colin could hear the effort behind it. “So the supposition we talked about seems to be at least one of the reasons for their continued interest in Angel.”

“The man is beyond contempt,” Colin managed without swearing. “There are times I wouldn’t mind the old west and simple justice to make a point and get through to some people.”

“I was thinking locking him in the club with Dianna or Carole Ann,” Gabe said dryly. “Give him and his sons a taste of what they do to others.”

“What a nice visual. Thanks for the information. I probably would have gotten it eventually, but she’s working very hard at being a distraction,” Colin told him with a chuckle. “And I was enjoying her efforts.”

“You’re so shallow. Keep an eye on your back, Colin.”


He ended the call and looked into the mirror, watching her through the clear glass of her windshield, singing along with something on her radio. Happy and carefree. That wasn’t such a bad thing to wish for someone, he thought, easing the SUV into the wide driveway.

He opened his window and gestured for her to park closest to the porch before securing his phone in his pocket and turning the car off. He was out and around the side, opening her door for her as she lifted her pack out along with another insulated bag. He could smell the food inside.

Angel put the parking brake on and jumped a little when the door beside her was pulled wide. She seriously had to get a grip on that. Who else was going to be there? She let her mind drift for just a few seconds, and old instincts kicked in full strength. Like it just did when he reached for her and she pulled away, her body on automatic.

“I’m sorry…I…was thinking…” She handed over the insulated bag and held the pack in her free hand after dropping her keys into the side pocket.

Colin remained still, one hand taking the handles of the insulated bag. With the other, he reached into the car, his fingers trailing down the side of her face and onto her throat. The light jacket she wore was pushed to the edge of her shoulder as he let the fingers trail back the way they’d begun.

“That does seem to be a problem,” he commented, offered his hand after a quiet minute. “Keeping you focused on the here and now.”

“I try,” she sighed. “And people still sneak up on me.”

“I understand that, Angel. I honestly do. You haven’t exactly been around trustworthy people some of your life.”

She didn’t respond. But she used his strength to pull her to her feet. With her pack hitched on her shoulder as she gazed around, she absently flipped the lock into place before stepping away and closing the car door.

“It’s nice. In a sweet place, but far from your neighbors,” she looked over to the left and then the right. “You garden?” She asked, surprise in her voice. She wandered to the front of the cars and then to the side yard. Long, wide raised beds spread across the ground. Flat stones filled the spaces between them and each now had a simple wire fence covering over them.

“I garden. It relaxes me,” he admitted, walking to stand beside her. He liked the easy way they shifted from topic to topic, their disagreements about gardening making him laugh as he led her to the front door. He tapped in the code and opened the door, letting her go in ahead of him.

Angel waited just inside for him to tap light switches, the early darkness of fall sending shadows around them in the large, open space. Without waiting for an instruction, she set her backpack on the sofa and took the insulated bag from him. Her shoes were quiet as they crossed the hardwood floor to the kitchen. Once she had lights up and her jacket off and across a chair, she began laying out the choices she’d brought from the café.

“I’m going to change clothes,” Colin told her. “I’ll be right back.” He waited for her to nod before disappearing down the hall.

For a minute there, Angel was pretty sure her knees were going to give out on her. Her hands tightened on the edge of the counter and she closed her eyes. Focus, she ordered. She had never been to a man’s house before. But nothing about being around Colin had a matching spot in her memories. It was all new and open territory.

“Dating,” she whispered to herself. “You’re dating a lawyer, who gardens, works out and likes sex…with you.”

And she was terrified of screwing things up. Of letting them mess with her head so she couldn’t think straight. Or that she’d run to keep him from their retaliation. And she knew without a doubt, they would retaliate.

She hitched herself onto the backless stool, her elbows on the counter as she stared into the lights dotting the night. The backside of the house was made up of a panel of long windows. There was nothing out there but a flat stretch of beach. No neighbors on this side at all. She rose and walked to the patio doors, working the lock and pushing one aside.

Then there was that scent. Mixed with a soft mist of rain and fall. Angel took in a very deep breath and was about to step onto the patio.

“Don’t go out there,” Colin came up behind her, still pulling a deep gold tee shirt over his head. “Not in the dark. And not until you’re familiar with the area. The patio is solid but once you leave it, the sand stretches to the beach in an uneven, steep hill.”

“It’s beautiful, Colin. Even in the dark,” she stepped onto the flat, dark stones and waited while her eyes adjusted. A chill sent a shiver down her body that was halted when a pair of warm arms circled her from behind. “I…I have to confess something.”

Chapter Eighteen

“That sounds ominous.” But he chuckled when her elbow jabbed at his ribs. “I can’t picture anything you have to confess as being that dire, Angel, but I’m listening.”

“I’m not sure I know how to be normal with you. Like…this might feel like a normal date kind of thing…” Her stomach was doing flip-flops that seemed to settle slightly when his arms tightened and his mouth moved next to her ear.

“You mean…shock…people who practice BDSM also live normal lives?”

“You’re awful.” She tried jabbing him again but was wrapped too tightly against him.

“I can be and sometimes, I’m even sorry. I’ve met people…women…who are compatible with my needs in the bedroom and drive me nuts outside it,” he admitted thoughtfully. “I’ve met others where I mesh in values and other areas, but that I knew instinctively would never, ever be able to satisfy me in bed. It’s a fine line, I think…and I think we’ve found it. At least, that’s what I believe…”

“And that’s what we’re exploring,” Angel finished the thought for him.

“It doesn’t seem to bother you.”

Angel laughed softly. “Would it matter to you if I did? I don’t know how two people get lucky enough to trip into one another. I never really thought about it,” she continued to stare into the lights that dotted the world around her in the darkness. “I know I spent a lot of energy keeping people away. I…I don’t know if it was wrong or right, it just was what seemed best at the time. For me, but mostly for them. People who get around me, end up dragged into this mess with my family. I don’t like that.”

Colin heard something unspoken in her voice.

“Let’s go inside before you turn into a popsicle,” he stepped back. With his palm on her hip, he guided her into the house, latching the door firmly behind him.

“I can’t stay, Colin,” she said without looking at him. She almost made it to the kitchen before he crossed in front of her. “No. I can’t. I open the shop at six. I usually stumble into the shower at five-thirty and leave for the shop just in time to start coffee and get things out of the fridge before they’re at my door.”

“I’ll make sure you leave on time. We’re not that much further from your shop than your apartment is, just a different direction.”

“And I’m wearing the only clothing I have.”

“I don’t think this is about spending the night, Angel,” Colin ignored the food and moved forward, boxing her against a corner of the counters. “Is this about your step-mother visiting today? What did she say that has you hiding again?”

“I am not hiding,” she answered firmly, though she wouldn’t look up past the rounded neckline of his t-shirt. “I have to…I can’t let people into my life until I get this…get them…to leave me alone.”

“I see.”

“I know you don’t,” she said softly. “You’re stubborn and think you can take on the world for me.”

“Hmm…that, I do. I want you to meet with the judge tomorrow about the restraining orders,” he responded, not surprised when her gaze finally shot up to meet his. “Who’s your manager?”

“I…well…me? I suppose sometimes…”

“You need a manger. Someone who can handle things when you take a day off. Who does that when…” Colin knew the answer without hearing it. “You have never taken time off. No vacations?” She shook her head slowly, wincing slightly. “Then it’s time to appoint one.”

“I’ve been thinking about it. I could make Carla full time and even send her to a few classes at the community college. The Resort has a new selection of courses to help with training people who want to learn and advance,” Angel chewed on the inside of her lip for a few seconds.

“You can afford it?” His hands moved to her shoulders; thumbs gently massaging forward and back. “Finances are too intimate to discuss?”

“There are times I find you extremely annoying.”

“Do tell. When you start visiting with a guy and he stays at your place now and then…it might even be time to think about a more convenient way to live,” Colin was prepared for the shocked look and laughed.

Chapter Nineteen

“Have you not listened to a thing I’ve been saying?” She stared at him, a mixture of stunned disbelief and a tiny bit of trepidation.

“I’m choosing to be positive that we will beat them at this, Angel. But it takes two,” he replied, carefully keeping his tone level. “You have to want to explore this thing with me as much as I want it.”

“I’m afraid of them hurting you, Colin. I know you guys seem to have this…this
I’m impervious to everything
attitude…but that doesn’t mean you are. I’ve lived with their behavior. I know what they’re capable of,” her voice had fallen to a hushed, pain filled whisper. “I know how they go out of their way to ruin people. Just for the image they project in their…their church.”

“I don’t accept defeat easily, Angel. I especially don’t tolerate bullies. We have the law on our side and I know how to use it,” he deliberately fell silent, letting his words sink in. “Now…what did your step-mother want today? Should her name go on the restraining order?”

Angel heaved a big sigh. “Patsy thinks so…and so does Bailey. And she wanted…she said…”

“You’re afraid of how I’ll react?” He watched pearly teeth nibble on her lower lip as she nodded. “Are you afraid of my temper?” Relief filled him when she looked appalled, gorgeous eyes wide and a little shocked.

“Of course not. I know you’d never hurt me or even think I was…was encouraging this idiot idea of my father’s.”

“And that idiot idea would be?” He prompted.

“Elizabeth wanted to know what type of wedding I wanted,” she pushed the words out so they almost ran together in a long string. “Because, according to her, a woman’s wedding day is special and she wanted to help me plan things.”

“And I’m taking a wild guess that I’m not the groom.”

“Earl Leonard,” she replied, unaware that she was holding her breath.

“Is that all she talked about?” Colin let his hands stroke down her arms, taking her hands in his and lifting the palms to his lips. “Talk to me, Angel.”

“She implied that one of the reasons they keep invading my life…is because his contributions increase when he puts forth the persona of a distraught father, concerned for his daughter.”

“Ahh…now that doesn’t surprise me. The long suffering reverend…I’ve seen the scars on your back, Angel. Is he the cause?” His brain was working, his memory playing back the inside of the café and the security measures she had in place.

“You know he is. What you do…what we…do…doesn’t break the skin or hurt the way…it’s not something I ever thought I’d say, but it’s a good hurt. An erotic part of me I don’t really understand.” She offered no resistance when he gently pulled her into his arms, one hand up and stroking down over her head. “He uses a thin reed…I’m not sure what it is…it hurts so much…if I try not to cry, he hits harder. If I’m noisy, it’s over faster.”

“He won’t hit you again, Angel. I’ll go with you in the morning to the shop. You can feed me. Then I want you to come with me to the appointment I have with the judge. It’s a fairly open appointment, since she’s a friend. But she’d like to talk to you about the restraining order I’m filing,” Colin wasn’t sure of her reaction, but relaxed when her arms circled him and she held on. “Together, Angel.”

“Bailey squealed, didn’t she?” Angel asked without looking up, the gentle rumble of his chest her answer. “I thought she might. She doesn’t hide her emotions very well. At least not from Gabe.”

“Why should she? She’s worried about you and…and she knows sometimes it takes more than just yourself to solve a problem.”

“Is that part of the…the dom thing…squeezing answers out of us?”

BOOK: Independence: #2 Angel
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