Independence: #2 Angel (12 page)

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Authors: Karen Nichols

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Independence: #2 Angel
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“I…I thought I was fine,” she answered, confused, her head down and hands clenching where they rested on her thighs. “I did,” she whispered.

“What were you thinking, Angel?” Colin pressed, shrugging at Reed.

“That…that there was so much to hear and smell…I was trying to…I was just thinking about it all…”

“All right,” Colin placed a hand on her head, stroking over the silken strands, his fingers brushing the gold hoops in her ear. He looked at Reed and nodded. “Don’t move, Angel. Perfectly still.”

Angel couldn’t stop the shiver, but she held herself still.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.
Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move
, she repeated firmly to herself until the first drop struck the back of her shoulder. An icy cold sensation slid down her back. She jumped and gasped.

“Do I have to restrain you, pet?”

“Cold,” she breathed raggedly.

“Is it the cold or the surprise of it?” Colin asked, nodding to Reed and watching several more drops of refreshed cold water fall from his fingers over Angel’s shoulders, neck and back.

“I…there are two of you,” she sputtered, gasping and struggling to hold herself still even as her back stiffened and chest tightened.

“Answer the question, pet.”

“I don’t know the answer,” she shot back, a little yelp breaking free when it happened again, droplets rolling down between her shoulder blades.

“I think she needs more exposure,” Reed commented with a glance down at the front of her corset.

“Excellent idea,” Colin responded with a nod. He dropped to his heels in front of her and lifted her chin with one hand. “I’m taking off your corset, Angel. Do not move. Am I clear?”

“Y-yes, sir,” she answered in between tiny panting breaths.

“There is nothing here to frighten you. No one here is going to tell your father what we do,” he watched her jaw tighten and knew he’d been right. “And even if he knew, I honestly don’t give a flying fuck. I want you here with me in every sense of the word.”

“There are people…” she answered, an edge to her terse voice, a tremor running through her body.

Colin opened the first catch on the corset, running one finger from her ear, over her shoulder and down the center between her breasts. A smattering of freckles were sprinkled over her shoulders. He shot a look at Reed and nodded, releasing another hook at the same time he dribbled water over her back and neck.

“What do you think happens to subs who can’t follow instructions?” Collin asked casually. This time his finger trailed over the rounded top of her breast and down to the nipple already puckered for attention. He flattened his palm and placed it on her stomach, just above the elastic of the tiny panties she’d put on. Just a big enough triangle to cover the bare mound.

“They…they get punished,” she answered nervously. Her hands clenched a little tighter as more air whispered over the flesh being exposed.

“What would you consider punishment?” Colin popped another hook free and let the corset fall behind her. He collected it and tossed it to the canvas bag he had next to the large bench. “Give me your hands, Angel,” Colin stood up and slowly pulled her to her feet, his gaze traveled from the flush of pink in her cheeks to the small, round and firm breasts. He opened the latch connecting the cuffs and stretched her arms wide. “Keep them out, pet. No moving.”

“Answer Master Colin’s question, Angel,” Reed dried his hand on the side of his pants and reached for the tiny bows at the sides of her panties. He watched her hands jerk but not move when the sides parted and pooled between her feet on the floor. “Very good, Angel.”

“I don’t know…sir…about punishment…I know what I’ve seen,” she said in a hopeful voice that she’d found the right answer.

“What have you seen, Angel?” Colin asked, guiding her toward the bench he’d set up. He stretched her hands out and latched the cuffs on each end. He found the switch and raised the bar she was attached to, keeping it slow when she gulped in several small breaths. He stopped when her hands reached just slightly above her shoulders.

“I…all kinds of things,” she let the words stumble out as if remembering his question.

The bench was designed in three pieces and had so many uses, a chart hung on the wall in front of it. Colin unfastened the center piece and raised it to the level he wanted, so her stomach rested right against the solid, smooth wooded bar. He locked it down. Once he had her secure, she wouldn’t be able to move in any direction more than an inch.

“Tell me what you’ve seen, Angel,” Colin ordered firmly. He nodded to Reed and they dropped to either side of her feet. “Spread your feet, Angel…” he nudged his foot when she gave only a couple inches.

“I…spanking…whipping…umm…w-wax…a-anal sex…”

“And you think those are punishments?”

“You asked what I’ve seen,” she answered quickly, biting her lip. Despite the blindfold, her head swiveled and she tried looking down at the hands on her ankles.

“Stop squirming, Angel. You’re not going anywhere until I say you are,” Colin stepped back and admired his arrangement. He looked at Reed, watching him move behind Angel. “You have no idea how beautiful you are,” his palm caressed along the side of her face, tucking some stray strands of deep chocolate behind one ear.

“People are entitled to their opinions…sir,” she said quietly, now and then giving an experimental tug with an arm or foot. A sharp yelp left her lips when the palm came across hard on her ass. It moved swiftly to repeat the action against the other cheek and her head snapped up. She was positive his voice came from in front of her.

“Since you belong to me…and as my sub…whose opinion matters, Angel?” Colin speared his fingers into her hair and closed them, forcing her head to the side. He watched Reed lean in, press his body against hers and run his tongue along the expanse of throat exposed to him.

“Yours, sir,” she almost shouted when the palm repeated the swats.

“Good answer, pet,” Colin chuckled. “You’re making her wetter, Reed…imagine that…so is it us…or the swats?”

“She tastes like sugar…and coffee,” Reed commented with a low, husky chuckle. “I think it’s you, lucky prick. The swats…icing on the cake.”

“She’s enthusiastic when she cooks,” Colin said softly, close enough that his words whispered over her lips. Lips parted as she tried to decide how she should be reacting. “No time for thinking, Angel. Just feel what’s happening.”

His mouth covered hers at the same time he slid his palm from her stomach, pressing heavily lower and spreading the already swollen labia. Moisture seared his fingers and he coated himself with her essence. Heat rushed through him and straight to his cock, hardening him and making the jeans he’d worn damn painful suddenly. When was the last time a woman had become a part of him before he’d even fucked her?

Tension flowed in every one of her muscles. One hand was fisted in her hair, holding her in place while his tongue tangled with hers, stroking and pulling her into the kiss until a soft whimper came from her throat. He had been stroking through the swollen labia, teasing the heated dew from the small opening and spreading it over her clit. Between pinching and stroking, the tiny head poked out and swelled with each touch his fingers offered.

Colin palmed her mound, stopping his teasing; removing his touch. He waited, listening to her breathing slow again. He took one step back, looked at Reed and waited while he did the same. Her breath hitched slightly, her nostrils flaring as she tried to locate them through her other senses.

Angel felt her stomach roll. He wouldn’t leave her. He wouldn’t, she told herself firmly, pulling in one long breath and very slowly releasing it. She knew all the techniques; seen enough counselors to know what she should do when the panic attacks happen. She’d never cared enough to force them into play until now.

“I haven’t gone anywhere,” Colin said quietly, his hand up and brushing one finger down the slight slope of her breast.

“I have bar duty,” Reed said, looking at Colin honestly. “If you ever decide to share, call me.”

“Thank Master Reed for his attention, pet.”

“Thank you, sir. I…” Angel stopped uncertain if she was allowed to say more. She set her lips and let her head fall forward.

“You, what, Angel?” Reed asked after receiving a nod and curious frown from Colin.

“I’m sorry I’m not a better sub,” she whispered honestly.

“I think you did very well for your first night, Angel. If this guy doesn’t treat you right, find me, alright?” He touched her cheek lightly with his knuckles.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Angel, you do realize Reed is serious,” Colin stepped closer to her body, the remote in his hand and gently adjusting the bar holding her arms out. He released her carefully, placing each cuffed hand on the bar at her middle. “Hold onto the bar.”

“Serious?” Her head turned automatically toward his voice.

“If you wanted to spend time with him…” he stopped when her head started shaking adamantly back and forth. “But you didn’t mind his touch once you became used to it.”

“It was what you wanted,” she said softly. She curled her fingers around the wide, smooth bar. “Why have you stopped?” She caught herself. “Sir. I’m sorry. I know I have a lot to learn but you hadn’t said whether I could talk or not and I…I don’t understand…”

“We’re going to another room,” Colin answered.

She felt his hands on her waist, urging her to step to the side. She stopped and listened to something moving. When she reached for the blindfold, a firm hand caught her wrist, forcing it back to her side.

“I’m naked,” she whispered, bare toes crossing over one another and her hands clenching when she heard the clip between them snapped together.

“Oh, my sweet pet, I’m very aware of that at the moment,” Colin said with a ragged groan next to her ear. “I’m going to walk you to the side and return to clean the area and get my bag. Stay put and do not move, Angel.”

“Yes, sir.”

Angel followed the steady, guiding hands at her waist. His hands crossed and he turned her, pushing gently until she felt the solid wall behind her. Her head dropped slightly until she felt the back of his hand beneath her chin.

Then his mouth covered hers. There was no hesitation and nothing soft and smooth about his possession. His fingers had speared through her hair and fisted a handful, tilting her head back for the invasion. He held her immobile, just as securely as if she were still cuffed to the bars.

Only this immobility was caused by the pounding in her chest; the pulsing between her thighs and the throbbing nipples pressing against his chest. She’d never wanted a man so badly and she could feel every hard line of him against her thigh.

“Wait here,” Colin ordered gruffly, his mouth cruising for one last taste over her swollen lips.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

She had his scent committed to memory. His touch was hypnotic and addictive. She didn’t know what would occur after the weekend ended, but for now she wanted nothing more than everything he was willing to share with her.

Colin wiped down the bars and reset them into the smooth bench. Tanner Clayton had created some damned interesting play furniture for the club.

He leaned against it, both palms flat. His head turned slightly to the side to look at Angel standing just where he’d placed her. Hands in his cuffs, feet spread and looking delectable.

So what the fuck was wrong with him?

He’d been fine until she voiced her willingness to please him. Why had he stopped? He didn’t intend to. He didn’t have issues with playing in public or even fucking her right here and now. Since when did he question his own behavior or choices?

He’d intended to spread her out on the bench and take her through a wild ride of sensations, from strangers to toys.

“Are you finished in this one?” A low voice asked, black leather and high heels greeting his vision when he looked to the side. He straightened and nodded, taking the cleaning things to the cubicle set in the wall behind the unit.

Colin walked slowly toward Angel. He could see her nostrils still flaring as she took in things around her with the senses he’d left her. She wasn’t cold, the temperature in the club was set to keep the subs comfortable, but her nipples were at a nice wrinkled peak. He could see traces of the syrup between the puffy, swollen labia and felt his cock give a sharp lurch back to full sail.

The caramel coloring that hadn’t seemed that prominent now stretched literally from head to toe, with the barest lighter shade where a one piece swim suit must have been last summer. His modest little sub, who wore a one piece swim suit, was now standing – mostly calm – completely nude. Except for his cuffs and collar. He stood back a moment, watching people pass, looking, admiring and then glancing at him.


He could feel it and still the hesitation that waved through him was annoying.

Time to explore more of her needs, he told himself flatly. Find out if they would mesh with his own before completely losing control. It wasn’t like there wouldn’t be a line to take her on if he chose to walk away. His friends would have him in for a mental check, but…

No. The thought of her with another dom just didn’t make his stomach happy. Or the other parts of him screaming for him to follow his own advice and stop thinking so much. Time to feel.

He lifted the black bag on one shoulder, decisively striding to Angel. He lifted her hands to his shoulder and bent just enough to heft her in place. The startled squeal and momentary wiggled met with a very sharp palm on her ass.

“Breathe, Angel,” Colin ordered with a laugh. “I have a room reserved upstairs for us to play.

“Warning! You could warn a girl…” Angel growled until the palm struck again.

“I didn’t think spanking you would be so much fun,” Colin murmured as he climbed the wide, curving staircase. “Very pretty shade of pink…”

“You were afraid it would scare me,” she said softly, her hands gripping the leather belt around his middle.

Colin didn’t answer because she was right.

“Why can’t I see?”

“Because I want you focused on feeling, not what you see. You’ve spent too long relying on your other senses and these need to be brought to life,” Colin answered easily. He pushed the door open with his toe and crossed to the large bed. Another surprised squeal filled the room when he dumped her back onto the soft surface. “Stay there, Angel.”

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